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Thread: RWBY: Welcome to Beacon! [M]

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    Drakkon's Avatar
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    Default RWBY: Welcome to Beacon! [M]

    This RP is rated M due to an excessive amount of Gore, allowance of cursing, and 'touchy' themes. (Racism between either of the two primary species for example)


    The airship with the last of it's passengers took off. The new initiates of Beacon Academy on board, quite a few from Signal Academy, where they had previously trained. Others were scattered from the surrounding country, or even from other kingdoms. Some students were considered by Ozpin himself to be accepted.. others. Well, maybe not so much.
    The screens were stuck to the news. The newswomen was talking about a string of robberies, and a Faunus protest group along with the White Fang.
    It was not long until the airship reached its designated height and was gliding across the sky towards Beacon.

    Drakkon's player post

    Graxis leaned against the wall. Frostbane leaned against him. From behind his mask he glared at the crowds. He never liked people, nor did most people like him. He was intimidating and his posture according to Mr. Brill was "unapproachable." The same with his attitude during a conversation. He was huge, at least a foot and a half taller then most of the others, and much broader. Next to him on the ground was his bag, and inside was his note for the teachers that Mr. Brill and the headmaster of Signal had written for him. Explaining a certain.. detail.
    Rolling his shoulders Graxis glanced outside to watch a flock of birds fly next to them for awhile.

    I am Drakkon on Wattpad. (Kinda makes sense.)

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    Bionicllama's Avatar
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    Jace was sitting on one of the seats flanked by two other strangers. He kept glancing to the huge figure that seemed like he had a problem with everyone. The T.V. program caught his attention. Robberies? And a group that was working along with the White Fang? He hated hearing news about the White Fang. Unlike most people, he didn't mind the Faunus, and the White Fang movement gave them a bad name.

    Jace leaned back and sighed. He put his hands behind his head and started to doze off. "No point in staying awake for the entire ride."

  3. #3
    The Shadow's Embrace
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    Gwen had Roulette strapped to her back, her staff covered with glyphs. Her hood was up, covering her bunny ears, as she watched the TV. "There is something wrong when the Fang breaks up a Faunus protest..." The girl sighed turning away from the TV and walking over to a window of the airship that was facing Beacon. Almost everyone's new home, almost everyone. 'I'm coming back everyone. I will continue in your honors...' The girl bowed her head a bit, letting out a soft sigh. 'I wonder what sort of team I'll be placed with.'
    I am the blade of shadows embrace. Just because I am a user of an unholy power doesn't make me evil. For without light, a shadow cannot exist.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Heson Shadowbane is on discord! For those friends of mine that want to keep in touch with me just send me a message and I'll give ya my deets.

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    Thelonewanderer's Avatar
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    (Wei Raynkin)

    Looking around the ship, Wei was giving everybody a look behind her aviators and trying to make a rating of how well they might be in combat based off of looks. One guy screamed Brute Force and nothing else. Others fell into the category of decent, but not much else, as one can only judge so much off of looks.

    Looking out the window and seeing it was still a long trip to Beacon, Wei tipped her hat down, and started to doze off. Sleep would be nice, as she had one of her damned nightmares the night before, and she was still grouchy. Not good for first impressions to come off as a bitch to everyone.
    War...war never changes.
    A Wanderer always walks the lonesome road at some point. always
    You want to see my army? Come take a look....
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    Spoiler: The Undead Pledge 

    Spoiler: The way of the Warrior 

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    Agent Rina's Avatar
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    Sorell bounced everywhere. This was simply the most exciting thing so far. She looked out the windows, and bounced from person to person.

    “HEYY!! I’m SORELL PARATEXTO!!!” then went bouncing off to someone else to go bother them with an obnoxious intro.

    She was excited, and everyone was so cool! She bounced around until she had obnoxiously introduced herself to everyone, including an intimidating tall dude with a mask, a boy dozing off, a girl with a hood, and a girl with a tipped hat trying to sleep; those were the people who she remembered the most.

    She then settled herself looking out the window into the sky. Pretty.

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    Bionicllama's Avatar
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    Jace was woken up by a really bouncy girl. She seemed to be introducing herself to everyone on the ship.
    "So much for getting some sleep." He got up from his seat and walked over to the girl. "Hi, I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name before. Mine's Jace." He sat down next to her yawning. Maybe she was nice, but just a little bit to, hyper.
    "How long do you think we are from Beacon?"

  7. #7
    IejirKothar's Avatar
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    Iejir was pumped, his clan had taught him all they could and he knew that when it came to combat he had an edge, sure they only had some small packs of beowolves around their compound but they were still a good challenge in a pack. His sword rested lightly against his back as he wandered about the ship impatient to get things started. He barely heard the news cast due to him impatience and instead moved straight for the front of the ship standing infront of the window. "Man this is Awesome, I wonder how big the game is in those woods!?" he beamed excitedly.
    Within the teachers lounge at Beacon a large man with pale white hair sipped from a tall can of beer savoring the beverage. "Damn, Ozpin sure stocks some good brew." Rafe said memorizing the brand before he walked a few paces to a window looking out over the city of Vale. Sure takes me back to my own days here, so much has changed since then, my humble little town is a full blown city." He said smirking.
    Last edited by IejirKothar; 02-25-2014 at 03:11 AM.

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    Agent Rina's Avatar
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    Sorell grinned eagerly at the first person who actually didn’t ignore her. She introduced herself again. “MY NAME IS SORELL PATATEXTO!!!!! NICE to meet you JACE!!!!
    She had a huge grin on her face and grabbed his hand, not waiting for him to hold it out for a shake. She shook it hard and vigorously still shaking it for like a minute.

    “Waitt….. so you’re telling me that we boarded this thing to go to BEACON!!!!! BEACON!!!! YAY!!!!!! Wait….”

    She looked up as to be thinking of what she was told when she first came. That’s right, she wasn’t listening, something about a new school and she had been accepted to something that started with a B and her brother Regis went there. She remembered, she was too busy being happy and sad that she wouldn’t see her favorite brother for awhile.
    Beacon. That must have been that school.

    “Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay BEACON!!! YAY!!!”

  9. #9
    Thelonewanderer's Avatar
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    (Wei Raynkin)

    Well, that won't last past initiation. If that. Wei though to herself as she kept her hat down, pretending to sleep. Best way to collect information, and plus she didn't want to interact with some one so bubbly at this point.
    War...war never changes.
    A Wanderer always walks the lonesome road at some point. always
    You want to see my army? Come take a look....
    Hey look, I got a card!!
    Can you face the Gathering Storm?
    Spoiler: The Undead Pledge 

    Spoiler: The way of the Warrior 

  10. #10
    IejirKothar's Avatar
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    Iejir turned when he heard the hyperactive girl going off about Beacon and chuckled quietly to himself. "That is why you have to evaluate the girl you want to hit on man." He thought quietly feeling a little bad for the guy who had flagged himself on her radar.
    He let his gaze drift back across the small cabin they were all occupying when he stopped on Wei. He wasn't sure but something about her was familiar but it was either his imagination or he simply passed her on the street because a name wasn't forthcoming. In any case she was clearly trying to get a grasp on the people around earlier.

    Putting on a wide grin he moved across to her taking a seat across from her. "So whats the verdict babe?"

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