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Thread: [M] Royally Mistaken [Ashen & Midoripickle]

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    Default [M] Royally Mistaken [Ashen & Midoripickle]

    [This roleplay is rated mature for reasons that may include but are not limited to strong language, suggestive themes, violence, and mild romance. Viewer discretion is advised.]

    "This is the final instance you will ever step in Ibeacia, you wretched fiend! Think again before you ever try to pilfer from such an esteemed kingdom as this. It is off to the dungeons with you!"
    After having just defended his kingdom from a thief, a prince stood with a fist on either hip, obviously posing like a hero ought. A trusted broadsword rested in its holster, a companion friend to the prince. The prince held his head high triumphantly, his black hair flowing behind him. His muscular build was from years of fighting foes just like the thief, and he was proud of every bit of it. Across the room, he heard someone clear their throat. His pale green eyes immediately went to the person. It was a woman, young and short. She crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him with his same green eyes. She was tapping her foot impatiently.
    The prince drew his sword and pointed it at her. "What gods are against me today, for it is the greatest beast of all that hath stand before me today!"
    The girl rolled her eyes. "I am not a beast, Giuseppe," she insisted. "What are you doing?"
    "What does it look like I am doing?" came his reply. He lowered his sword.
    "Playing with yourself again," she answered dully.
    "Nonsense!" the prince bit back. "I am a man. Men do not play. I am practicing slaying thieves for when one attacks this family. Would you have us all dead because you interrupted my training session?"
    "I am glad your 'training session' has to do with you fighting things that are not even alive." She motioned towards the prince's thief, a metal dummy that was worn from years of justice. "Anyway, Mother wants you. She says it is important, so make haste. Stop your role-playing, and maybe try to grow up a little."
    Giuseppe's brow furrowed. "I am grown!" he called after her, but the way he stuck his tongue out at her as she walked away said otherwise.

    Giuseppe made his way to his parents' bedroom and knocked lightly on the door. "Mother?" he called. "Violet told me you called for me." But there was no response. Noticing a servant walking down the hall, Giuseppe trotted after her. "Mary," he said, though that was not her name. "Have you seen Mother?"
    "The queen is in the throne room," she replied quietly.
    "Thank you!" Giuseppe hollered to her, already jogging down the hall towards the throne room.
    "Please, Your Majesty, Giuseppe, stop running in the halls..."

    The queen was in the throne room sitting in the smaller of the two grand thrones. She looked up when she heard her son approach. "Giuseppe," she greeted with a smile, but that soon faded. "Giuseppe Anderson Liam Ein, what have I told you about carrying your swords around the castle?"
    Giuseppe looked down at his holster. "But Kryia is not just any sword, Mother," he insisted. "She is a fine blade, and a--"
    "Never mind," the queen sighed. "I need you to pick up something for me, dear. I would go myself of course, but with your father doing business away from home, it would just be too risky to leave the castle unattended. Might you go pick up a delivery from the smith? He was to make your father a new spear, and he has a parcel for us."
    "But Mother," Giuseppe whined. "Can you not send a servant to pick it up? And Mother, I am a man now, I can look after the castle myself."
    "I know you can," she said sweetly, and planted a kiss on her taller son's forehead. "But you need to get out of the castle, dear. Your sister tells me you are fighting invisible enemies again."

    Bitter, Giuseppe started off from his home on horseback. He rode a majestic white steed. The wind made his cape into a flag in the wind, and with its deep blue color it resembled the flag of Ibeacia. The silver emblem in the center was one emblazoned on all flags of Ibeacia and most important documents. It was even branded on each royal at birth. It was a symbol of the kingdom, an emblem everyone who bore it was proud of. As Giuseppe rode through town, he greeted those who greeted him, but was mostly absent in any interactions. He had come out for one thing, and he would return to his home as soon as possible, and it was not ​to play.
    Thanks to Craze for the beautiful Bravely set!

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    "I will not marry him, I refuse!" Jessamine shouted, slamming her hands down on the breakfast table. Her father stared at her in utter shock, which mirrored her mother's face before it twisted in anger. "Listen to me young lady! You are fortunate that we are even giving you a choice in the matter. Now, you will pick a suitor by your birthday, or I will pick one for you!" Jessamine's face flushed in anger, huffing before she darted out of the room and up the stairs. The duchess sat back down in her seat with a heavy sigh, shaking her head as she looked to her husband. "That child is impossible..."

    Jessamine slammed her door and threw herself onto her spacious bed. She buried her face in her arms, her long golden hair falling around her shoulders in waves. She fought back her tears, not wanting to let them get to her. Honestly, how could they expect her to spend the rest of her life with a man she didn't even know? Of course she knew that was just the way things were done when one was born into nobility, but Jessamine just couldn't accept that. After a short while there was a knock at her door. "What do you want?" She called out harshly. A petite young woman opened the door, slipping into the room meekly. "Ah, excuse me Miss..." Jessamine recognized the voice and sat up slowly, looking back over her shoulder towards the girl. "Oh, Mary..." The small servant girl smiled and stepped over.

    Mary drew her over to the small table by the window and sat her down, slowly brushing out her golden, wavy locks. Jessamine looked into her own grey-blue eyes, frowning at how puffy they seemed even though she hadn't allowed herself cry. "It's not fair Mary. If I'm going to marry, I want it to be for love... You should have seen that 'boy'. So pigheaded and full of himself." She scoffed, crossing her arms. "I don't want to spend the rest of my life with someone like that..." She sat there for a long time in silence before she turned to the servant girl suddenly. "Mary... I need to borrow your clothes again."

    The girl's eyes widened. "Lady Jessamine, you can't!" She whined. "You're going to get yourself in a lot of trouble this time." She turned and took Mary's hands in hers. "Please, I need this." Mary was much more than some servant to Jessamine. In truth, she was a dear friend. Perhaps the only true friend she's ever had. They'd been put together since they were young girls and would always get each other out of trouble. Of course they were always getting into trouble in the first place. Mary looked into her eyes and sighed. She just couldn't say no. "Alright... Very well. I will be back in a short while." She said, hurrying out of the room. While she waited, Jessamine braided her hair quickly, wrapping it around her head like a crown. Mary then returned, giving her one of her nicest dresses, though Jessamine still wouldn't appear to be anything more than a commoner. Thankfully Mary was nearly the same body type, though Jessamine was a bit taller than her.

    "Thank you my dear. I will be back in no time. They won't even notice I'm gone." She said, trying to reassure her servant as she kissed her on the head. Mary frowned and let out a heavy sigh. "That's what you always say..." She muttered, but Jessamine either didn't hear her, or simply ignored the comment as she moved to climb out the window and down the trellis. Once she reached the ground she took off towards town, wanting to escape from her life, if only for a short while.

    "If you could only see the beast you've made of me
    I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free
    Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart
    Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart

    My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in
    You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl"

  3. #3
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    The smith of the town had a run-down little shop. It was small, and some of the wood was wearing away. The royal family had offered the money for him to fix it, but the proud man had refused and ensured them he would get to it. Noticing that he still hadn't gotten to it, Giuseppe shook his head and peeked inside. "Smith, sir," he called. There was no response. "Mother has sent me to retrieve a spear, and I am told you've a parcel for us. You must be home." The prince allowed himself in and looked around. The shop was filled with wood and metal workings of all kinds. Weapons were lined against a wall, most dulled and unprepared as to prevent anyone from stealing one and using it. Occasionally, there were little wooden animals scattered about. The man who owned the shop was a blacksmith firstly, but he was a fine whittler.

    Giuseppe was drawn to the weapons on the wall. He looked over the dull blades and, after to checking to see that no one was looking, he picked up a curved sword. It was a katana, with a beautifully crafted handle. The blade was a sparkling silver, and the curve would have made nicely for ripping open whoever opposed the prince. He started jousting it, using it to fight the invisible enemies in the room, until he nearly shoved the katana right into an old man.

    Giuseppe immediately pointed the blade downwards, away from the man. "My apologies," he murmured. "Ah, Mister Smith, how good to see you!" His words were forced. He was trying to be polite after taking a weapon he did not have the right to and nearly injuring the maker with it.
    The smith just shook his head condescendingly. "Still playing with my weapons, I see," he said in a whistling voice.
    "It is not play!" Giuseppe insisted. "This fine blade could be used for the greatest battles. I was simply testing it out!"
    "Quite the imagination," the smith commented. "Just like your mother! How nice to see the lively spirit in my shop again! I knew your mother when she was just your age, you know."
    "Yes, I know," Giuseppe insisted, not wanting to hear the stories again. "She has sent me to pick up a spear for father, and a parcel of sorts."
    "Ah, yes." The old man went to the back of his store, and returned with a long, silver spear. The head was carved by the old man, and was skillfully crafted to look like the emblem of Ibeacia. A similar emblem was carved into the long, metal pole. "It is beautiful," Giuseppe breathed, and he meant it.
    "I thought so, too," Smith replied. "Only fitting for a king, would you not say?"
    "Thank you, sir. I take it Mother has already sent payment?"
    "Yes, Your Majesty. She also told me to give you this." Smith went behind his counter and pulled out an awkwardly shaped instrument. It had air holes along its front, and was painted in a light periwinkle. It was crafted entirely out of wood, and of course, on the back was the famous emblem. Giuseppe's eyes lit up when he saw it. "This is for me?" he asked, dropping the sword to grab for the instrument instead. "It is a work of art, truly."
    Smith smiled. "Your mother told me she wishes you would be more open about your music. But yes, she had me make you a new ocarina. I am told your old one is a bit worn. Perhaps you can send it to me for repairs?"
    Giuseppe nodded, still fixated on the ocarina in his hands. "Thank you, sir," he said. "Thank you. You have the castle's gratitude."
    "Send your mother my best," he said, bending to pick up the fallen katana. "And Violet, would you tell her I wish her well?"
    Giuseppe put away his father's spear and stored his new ocarina in his satchel. "Good day to you," he called, and he started out.

    Atop his horse, Giuseppe pulled out his ocarina once more. It was his one guilty pleasure, his ocarina. Giuseppe hated that he loved music. To him, it was a thing for bards, for dancers, for women; not for men, and certainly not for princes. But Giuseppe was a natural with an ocarina, and he loved the sounds he could make. Because of his embarrassment, he often played his instrument in private. Today, he thought he'd do just that, and he rode to a pond on the outskirts of town. There, he allowed his horse to graze and sat by the water. He studied his ocarina. It really was expertly made; the smith of the town was the best Ibeacia had ever seen. So slowly, quietly, Giuseppe made sure its sound sang as sweetly as its woodwork.
    Thanks to Craze for the beautiful Bravely set!

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    Jessamine ran down the street quickly before anyone could spot her. Her family's manor was atop a big hill that over looked the town. It was only a temporary home for the time her father spent at court, but their estate resided just outside the royal city, where the duke ruled over his own land. Jessamine was very curious about the city and had become rather troublesome since her parents had brought her here. She was always looking for an escape from her sheltered life. Out in the country, it wouldn't be long before she was caught, but here she could much more easily blend into the crowd.

    She slowed as she neared the city streets, not wanting to draw too much attention from her panting. Jessamine made her way towards the market in the center of the city, where most of the businesses were. It was all so busy and exciting, she could barely contain herself. Slowly she walked along the row of shops and outdoor stands, stopping to look at anything that caught her fancy. Of course Jessamine wasn't hesitant to spend her parent's money, though not to show off her wealth, but just to spite them.

    "Good morning young lady!" One vendor greeted her. "Why don't you take a look! You'll find none like these fine gems anywhere else in the city. They would suit a lady as lovely as you!" He gestured to his booth that was filled with fine jewelry, brooches, hair pins, and many other accessories. Of course the man was a flatterer, but Jessamine didn't mind. His goods were beautiful and she did enjoy jewelry. Her stormy eyes wandered over the lovely pieces until they spotted a necklace of diamonds and opal drops. "A good choice ma'am, but pricey... I don't know if a young lady like yourself could afford-" The vendor started to say, trying to be polite, but he stopped himself as he saw her pull out a purse of money, laying it out on the table. The man took it without another word and carefully placed it in a small cloth bag.

    Jessamine stepped away from the table, happy with her purchase. Though just as she placed it in her pocket, someone ran into her, knocking her down. She fell with a soft grunt, glaring at the man as he barely seemed to care, hurrying off on his way. Slowly she stood, dusting off her dress before she felt her pocket. It was empty. "Hey!" She turned and bolted after him, picking her dress up from around her legs. The man glanced back at her, his eyes widening before he broke out into a run. "How dare you! Give me back my necklace!" She called out, the crowd clearing the way as she ran after him like a woman possessed.
    Last edited by Midori-Hime; 06-28-2015 at 02:45 AM.

    "If you could only see the beast you've made of me
    I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free
    Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart
    Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart

    My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in
    You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl"

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    The Ashen One
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    The sounds from the little ocarina sounded like the choirs of heaven. Giuseppe played his music happily, taking in the sweet breeze and the gentle hum of his slow song. After a few minutes, he noticed his horse look up suddenly, scared. Giuseppe followed his steed's gaze to the town several hundred feet away. "What is it?" he asked, setting his ocarina down in his lap. "Is there trouble in my kingdom? Well no, we just cannot have that. Come on, we must go help."

    Giuseppe was only slightly bothered that his music had been interrupted. He was more excited at the concept of possibly stopping trouble in his very own kingdom. The young prince had spent his life preparing for the moment he would have to drive off troublemakers, and now, he was finally getting a chance to show himself. His mother and sister would no longer make fun of him after this. No, they would be thanking him, thanking him for saving the town, the kingdom, the world. Dreams of his heroic action flooded his mind as he rode back to the town.

    When he got there, he noticed commoners' eyes on a woman. She looked as common as they did, if not more so. Her clothes were that of a plebeian, but her hair was washed, her skin smooth. She didn't seem to be the poorest commoner around. And she was shouting at someone. Target acquired, Giuseppe thoughts. Damsel in distress located. He rode up to her, stopping only several inches beside her. "Fair maiden!" He spoke with the booming voice of his father, a voice he reserved for heroic moments such as this. "What ails you? Speak, so that your prince may assist you!" He commanded his horse to continue at her pace, as she kept running. He was obviously enjoying this, from the childish grin on his face. His eyes were shining. He followed her gaze, to a man running away. "What is going on here?"
    Thanks to Craze for the beautiful Bravely set!

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    She paid little attention to the man that rode up next to her. "No time!" She called out between breaths, still sprinting after the man. "That man stole my necklace!" She explained simply. Jessamine then caught something the young man had said to her and she glanced up. She then faultered suddenly, nearly tripping and falling as she realized it was in fact the prince riding along side her. "Y-your M-majesty?!" She stumbled and caught herself on a stone wall, panting heavily as she watched the man turn around the corner. "Ugh! He's getting away!" She gasped in irritation.

    Jessamine then turned down an alley way suddenly, hoping to get ahead of the man some how. But she doubt she could keep out this chase for much longer.

    "If you could only see the beast you've made of me
    I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free
    Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart
    Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart

    My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in
    You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl"

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    Giuseppe quickly assessed the situation. Stolen necklace. Thief getting away. Damsel in distress going after him. He knew he could fix all three of those things, and as he watched the girl turn down an alleyway he kept straight, commanding his steed to press faster. There would be no pilferage in Ibeacia, not as long as Giuseppe was alive.

    With the advantage of horseback, Giuseppe caught up to the thief instantly. As he spotted him, he began to call to him. "You, wretched foe!" He was one for ceremony, and this capture would be no different. It didn't matter to him that he was helping a commoner girl, that the necklace in question was probably only worth mere copper. This was his moment to shine. He rode up to the thief and followed beside him. "You possess something that does not belong to you! Now be a man of the court, and kindly return it to your prince!" But the thief didn't seem to be having it. True Giuseppe had often become a laughing stalk for his antics, but it would be different this time. He would not screw this up.

    The prince extracted the long, steel spear that he had picked up for his father. He looked at the point once before shoving it towards the thief, stopping him in his tracks. "You will turn that necklace over now," he said, his heroic voice giving way to one of authority. "I am the best sword fighter in this entire kingdom. Surely you would not want to be on the other side of my sword." A smirk crawled onto his lips. "You will hand that over now​."
    Thanks to Craze for the beautiful Bravely set!

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    Jessamine paid the prince no mind, not wanting to rely on anothers assistance, even if that man was a prince. She kept racing after the thief, knowing where she could cut him off if she was fast enough. As she neared the exit of the winding alley way, she spotted the thief just ahead of her. She hadn't noticed the stand off with the prince, her mind too focused on the thief.

    Without another thought, Jessamine raced out of the small side street and lunged at the stationary thief. The man didn't even know what hit him as he collided to the ground. Her petite frame landed on top of him, which caused the necklace to fly out of the man's hands and slide across the ground. The necklace itself had slipped out of the cloth, the colorful opal glinting in the sunlight. Jessamine then quickly scrambled to grab it before anyone else could think to steal it. Once in her hands again, she held it to her chest and turned to look at the man on the ground. He groaned, slowly getting up to his knees, obviously a little disoriented. "Serves you right!" She spat, glaring daggers at him. She didn't notice the scrape on her forearm that was starting to bleed.

    "If you could only see the beast you've made of me
    I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free
    Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart
    Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart

    My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in
    You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl"

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    Giuseppe was startled as the girl came out of nowhere and attacked the thief. He dismounted then and went to assure the thief did not touch her, but she seemed to be doing a fine job herself. He would have stepped in, would have helped the lady, but she seemed to be more than capable of handling herself. This impressed the somewhat sexist prince, and he let her have his glory.

    He instead went to go pick up her fallen necklace, but she was quick about it and got to it first. He had seen it though, had seen the way in twinkled in the sunlight. That was not the necklace a commoner should have. He raised an eyebrow at her but quickly turned to the thief on the ground. "You!" he called to him. "How dare you! It is off to the dungeons with you." Giuseppe grabbed hold of the man's wrists behind his back. Though only nineteen years old, the kid was quite strong, and he had no trouble keeping the hands of the thief behind his back. "Just wait until my father hears of you. Guard!" A guard came over shortly, and after nodding to Prince Giuseppe, he bound the criminal's hands and carried him away by horse. This left Giuseppe alone with the girl, with the crowd they'd gathered already starting away.

    He looked at the girl with a smile. "My word," he murmured. "Normally, it is not chivalrous to allow a lady to fight for herself. I am a knight, of course, and follow the laws of chivalry, but... My, my, you seemed so capable. I am impressed, my lady." He gave her a bow before noticing the scarlet on her arm. Immediately his eyes widened and he went to inspect the damage. "You are hurt!" he noted. "You... Oh gods, did Father's spear...?" He looked to the silver spear to check for blood, to make sure it was not the spear that had cut her. "I can have the castle apothecary look at that for you. Please, allow us to help. I... I do not believe I have seen you around before. What is your calling?"
    Thanks to Craze for the beautiful Bravely set!

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    Jessamine watched the thief be captured and taken away. She felt justified that the man got what he deserved. Quickly she wrapped up the necklace and again placed it in her pocket, her hand resting over it protectively. Though now she was alone with the prince and she looked up at him in surprise as he spoke, almost having forgotten he was there. It was the first time she had a moment to really look at him, and she could see the rumors were true. He was quite the handsome man indeed, but that alone wasn't enough to impress her.

    She'd hear talk of the young prince's antics and thought that he would be pompous and full of himself. However, his compliments seemed genuine and surprised her a bit. If her mother had witness all that had just transpired, she probably would have fainted in utter horror. And yet the prince found it commendable. Her eyes widened as he bowed to her, smiling inwardly and dropping into a curtsey. Jessamine then looked up suddenly at his alarm and followed his worried gaze to her arm. "Oh!" She gasped, having not noticed it and then watched as Prince Giuseppe checked his weapon. "O-oh no, don't worry yourself your Majesty. I must have been when I... fell" She corrected herself at the last moment, not wanting to say that she 'tackled' the thief.

    Her heart skipped a beat as he offered to take her to the castle. "Oh, no I insist. I'm quite all right. I shouldn't wander too far..." She told him, biting her lip as she tried to think up a lie, and quick. "I'm nothing more than a simple servant girl." She told him, inwardly cringing at her own lie. A part of her wondered just how much trouble she could get into for lying to a member of the royal family like this. Jessamine was sure it was a lot...

    "If you could only see the beast you've made of me
    I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free
    Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart
    Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart

    My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in
    You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl"

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