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Thread: [M] Penitence

  1. #1
    The Replicant
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    Default [M] Penitence

    Rated M for violence and distressing themes.
    Potential strong language and drug references


    All credit for this banner goes to F.O.E
    Spoiler: Prologue 

    Hi everybody! This is the long-awaited sequel to SandQueen's Sidonis series, picking up shortly after the incomplete Kaleidoscope (whose ending is detailed in the prologue above). Please don't let the fact that this is a sequel put you off, as this RP kicks off a new arc with new characters and so will be accessible to new players as well as old ones.


    As well as the standard RPA rules, I'd like to add a couple of my own. These are mostly just to help the readability of the IC thread:

    • Please write all IC posts in third person past tense. That is, "John stood up", never "John stands up" or "I stood up".
    • Please don't use quote boxes in the IC. If you're reproducing another player's text to help put your own post into context, please indicate the copied text with a different colour. Ideally, please use the colours that I have highlighted for each player in the Team Roster section below.
    • To save confusion with the above, please do not use a different coloured text just to indicate that a character is speaking.
    • It goes without saying that you can resign from the RP at any time, but if so please have the courtesy to leave some sort of message in the OOC so other players aren't left waiting around for you.


    Inquisitor lord Sidonis is dead, along with many of his senior operatives, but the demon Malfallax's plan to clone the Emperor has been thwarted. Nevertheless, such an incident so close to Holy Terra - together with the loss of one of the Northern Arm's most senior inquisitors - has shaken the Inquisition to its core. All the survivors of the incident who could be found were swiftly quarantined for interrogation, and six of Sidonis' former agents remain on trial for heresy. Three months after the incident on Saros Station, the trial is nearing its conclusion. Inquisitor Alia Machairi, Sidonis' only known surviving protégé, has been recalled from her investigations on Marioch to witness the verdict and the division of her dead benefactor's assets. Sensing something bigger than a simple executor's meeting, Machairi has brought her close-knit retinue with her to the Sol system.

    All new characters will be members of inquisitor Machairi's staff (returning characters will, of course, fit in wherever is most appropriate). Inquisitor Machairi manages a small but diverse group of agents from a wide range of sources. She is relatively tolerant of psykers (and, on occasion, other types of abhuman) though she does not work with xenos. To keep the RP manageable, all players are limited to a single character unless ALL of the characters you intend to write are returning characters.

    Spoiler: Suggested character profile 

    If you have ideas for subplots that you would like to be included in the story, please do not hesitate to PM me. Also, as a general rule, I will not kill active characters without first consulting the player (although I may knock them about a fair bit). Inactive characters, however, are fair game.


    The Penitents

    • Kally Sonder (Dakkagor)
    • Gavin Jenkins (PaintSerf)
    • Vincent Nyl
    • Marcus Black
    • Kelly Black
    • Tech-assassin Vizkop (Atrum Daemon)

    Inquisitor Machairi's Retinue


    • Adrantis liaison Trist Maximillium (Imperial1917)
    • Sister Kiana
    • Magos Jazmin Ankari
    • Ocularis Nikolai Oppen (Dakkagor)
    • Ocularis Raechel Kuscelian
    • Captain Elspeth von Scharn
    • Commander Banastre Thurlow


    Recruitment is now closed.
    Last edited by Azazeal849; 07-15-2018 at 08:01 PM.
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  2. #2
    Ketchup Enthusiast
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    Always so beautiful and fully detailed, Az. I commend you on your excellent GM abilities and the write-up of this intro post! Good luck recruiting!

    In the meantime, might I offer some friendly suggestions to help you on your way?

    Take a look at the Roleplay of the Week thread! If you need a banner for a submission for RP of the Week, then check out the Banner Shop!

    You can also look at the Roleplaying Games Directory to advertise your RP. Staff would be happy to help you advertise your Roleplay both here and in the RPA Tribune.

    Any questions, feel free to PM!

  3. #3
    The Replicant
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    Thanks Kiki!


    A quick summary of all the major NPC characters. For links to PC profiles, see "Team Roster" in the first post.

    Spoiler: Inquisitor Alia Machairi 

    Spoiler: Penitent Marcus Black 

    Spoiler: Penitent Kelly Black 

    Spoiler: Penitent Ella Seren 

    Spoiler: Penitent Vincent Nyl 

    Spoiler: Sister Kiana 

    Spoiler: Magos Jasmin Ankari 

    Spoiler: Ocularis Raechel Kuscelian 

    Spoiler: Captain Elspeth Von Scharn 

    Spoiler: Commander Banastre Thurlow 
    Last edited by Azazeal849; 09-28-2017 at 10:39 PM.
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  4. #4
    The Last Remembrancer
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    For the penitents, how much of our gear has been destroyed or confiscated?

  5. #5
    The Replicant
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    I'll leave it up to you to judge what has been destroyed either on Saros or by the inquisition. Machairi should be able to get at least some of their gear released, assuming they are found not guilty...
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azazeal849 View Post
    I'll leave it up to you to judge what has been destroyed either on Saros or by the inquisition. Machairi should be able to get at least some of their gear released, assuming they are found not guilty...
    I for one hope that the Lathe blade made it.
    Last edited by PaintSerf; 06-02-2015 at 12:34 PM.

  7. #7
    The Last Remembrancer
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    "Its not that I don't believe in the Emperor. I just don't think he believes in me."

    Name: Kally Sonder

    Age: 38

    Occupation: +UNDER INQUSITORIAL SCRUTINY+ Previously Psyker Counter measure and CQC specialist with secondary investigative role.

    Personality: Kally swings from 'fully functional' to 'wreck' depending on the pressures on her. Under pressure, she is an ideal combatant, thriving in almost any adverse condition. Adaptable, highly trained, with a diverse portfolio of skills, and nearly invincible morale in the field, she has tempered her lone wolf behavior into being a highly adaptable team player, while still retaining the ability to be a deadly single operative. However, her dark past tends to over shadow her off time, leaving her melancholy when alone and unable to relax effectively without friends or alcohol, with the first being complicated by her Pariah aura. Over the course of Inquisitorial service she developed an addiction to Stimms. Over the course of the Wash of Black and Kaleidoscope she has started to kick this habit. More than anything, Kally is defined by her determination. There is no challenge she will back down from, and no fight she will turn away from. In fact she has proved especially dangerous at her lowest ebb, when she is willing to do anything to succeed at her mission or ensure the survival of herself and those she considers her friends.

    Appearance: Kally is still an athletic 5ft 6 inches with a hivers palour, with dark brown eyes. Her old dyed hair is completely gone, her hair is now a pale sandy colour, and she wears it long in a pony tail. She has a scar running round her left eye too her cheek from a glancing sword blow, and a few more on her body that aren't readily visible.

    Powers: Omega Rated Psychic Null, capable with concentration and focus of achieving Omega Minus through breathing exercises and equipment support for short bursts. As a native underhiver, she also benefits from the underhivers unique 'sixth sense', a form of spatial awareness of artificial environments that makes it difficult to ambush the subject.



    + Scourge Pattern Boltgun: a heavily modified Boltgun with a 3 clip fire selector, scope, and integral retractable bayonet. Its generally loaded with stalker sniper rounds (low velocity penetrators designed for quiet firing) hellfire rounds and Kraken rounds. A heavy, nasty, maintenance intensive brute of a weapon, the only reason Kally carries it is its raw stopping power, excellent accuracy over long distances and formidable profile: few people want to mess with someone carrying one of these.

    + Stormtrooper Carapace armour. Thanks to training with Task Force Carbon, Kally is grav chute certified with this armour, and familiar with its maintenance and function.

    + Lathe Blade. Previously the favored weapon of Interrogator Schafer, this fine sabre is formed of an ultra-dense alloy forged in the unique gravitational surges of the Calixian Lathes. Micro-etched with pentagrammic wards, and augmented with a powerfield, this weapon is deadly and effective. Kally took it as a trophy after the incident on Hercynia.

    +Two paired ‘steel burner’ laspistols, two cadian short combat knives.

    +Three frag grenades and three krak grenades.

    +Underhive survival kit
    Consisting of flugs, photovisor contacts, grapnel and carbon-line, grip gloves, glow sticks, rad patch and a few doses of stimms, detox, Kalma and common antivenoms.


    Noted skill sets (recovered from True Bane personnel files)
    Urban Tracker
    CQC Expert
    Crack shot at short ranges
    Acceptable shot at long ranges (noted that this 'could use some work')
    Acceptable skill with demolitions, technomat, and medicae.
    Poor interpersonal skills except for interrogation and intimidation work.
    Acceptable skill with a sword (noted as 'should be issued a power axe, not a masterwork sword she uses like a power axe')
    Reading level of 13 year old (Due to illiteracy in early life)
    Last edited by dakkagor; 06-08-2015 at 07:09 AM.

  8. #8
    The Last Remembrancer
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    "Drop your weapons and pray for Mercy! You are bound for Judgement by Inquisitor Alia Machairi!

    Name: Tomas Prinzel

    Age: 48

    Position / rank: Armsman and Bodyguard to Inquisitor Alia Machairi.

    Appearance: Tomas has dark brown eyes and a mop of black hair turned to grey, with a strong nose that has been broken more than once and a strong angular jaw. Even clean shaven his face is darkened with stubble, and he maintains a short black beard.
    During the fighting on Casteria, his right eye was ripped out with a chunk of his face by a genestealer cultist. While the face healed, his eye has been replaced with a functional augmetic that is rugged, but not elegant and obviously artificial. More recently, he took a bullet meant for Inquisitor Machairi, and had to have his left lung and heart rebuilt with augmetics.

    Personality: Tomas is a surprisingly affable soldier, with a mordant wit and love of good cigars, good amsec and fine reading material. Tested in the fires of war, he has emerged with a strong faith in the Emperor and the Inquisition, and is loyal to his team to the point of death. Possessed of a keen mind, he spends much of his off time in scholary pursuits, and enjoys discussing Imperial philosphy and doctrine, Ecclesiarchical dogma and Imperial History. In those narrow fields he fancies himself a bit of an expert, but he can come off as boorish.


    Cinder Crag 'Mauler' Bolt pistol

    Power Bastard Sword (Casteria Patern)

    Storm shield

    Three Frag Grenades

    Three Krak Grenades

    High Capacity Data slate, equipped with data jacks and various device readers.

    A surprisingly large collection of texts, including a variety of books by Gideon Ravenor and other Imperial luminaries.

    Food Wand Sensor for the detection of poisons


    Flak armour, styled as a medieval buff coat, with mesh reinforcement and solid carapace pauldrons, bracers and greaves.


    Tomas was born on Casteria III, a feudal world that orbited a pale yellow star on the edge of the Ixianad sector. A well governed world by Imperial standards, Tomas parents where merchants by trade and travelled the world extensively. The third son of the family, when he showed an aptitude for maths and reading at a young age, his parents hoped he would join one of the Adepta and bring honour to their family through service to the Emperor as he stood to inherit little from his family.
    However, when he was 16 his family visited the capital of Casteria III, where the grand muster of the Imperial Guard was taking place. Tanks from a nearby forgeworld painted in Casterias royal colours rolled down the streets of the city of Hyrix, with thousands of loyal Casteria Guardsmen, bound for the starport. From that day forward, he wanted to be in the Imperial guard, and a year later he joined the Casteria Royal Infantry, hoping to make the grade for the Imperial Guard during the next grand muster.
    Tomas was quickly singled out for officer training, as he was of sufficient social class and possessed of some intelligence. He served faithfully in the Royal Infantry for three years before the Imperium required another regiment of Casterian Infantry. He was an obvious candidate for the newly formed regiment, and was assigned as a sergeant to an Armoured Fist unit, a prestigious posting for a merchants son. He bid his mother and father good bye, and as is the tradition in Casteria, swore an oath on his and his families honour to his monarch, Good King Edvund the XXI, that he would uphold the honour and reputation of Casteria in the wider Imperium.

    The regiment, the 256th Casterian Infantry, was then shipped to the Margin Crusade, and five years of hell fighting chaos renegades under the light of the Hadex anomaly. During this time Tomas served with distinction and honour, leading his unit through thick and thin before being promoted to the rank of Lieutenant when his platoon leader was killed by a rampaging Defiler. After the bitter campaign, the regiment was cycled out and combined with the 255th Casterian Infantry, which had similarly been ripped to bits, and was unceremoniously shipped back to the Calixis sector to join the sectors war reserves.

    Here his fortunes would take a change for the bizarre. Interrogator Alia Machairi was assigned to investigate a cult that had taken root amongst the various guilds of his home world of Casteria. While they where assigned to a tour on the planet Tranch, rooting out mutant subversives. Alia approached the regiments commanders and requested a squad of Guardsmen, lead by an officer 'of distinction and letters, not some common lout'. The regiments commanders immediately assigned Tomas, and a squad of his men.

    On arrival on Casteria, it was obvious the situation had changed. A full scale civil revolt was in full swing, and the King was dead, his royal family in hiding. Interrogator Machairi immediately set to work and with the help and expertise of the local soldiers, quickly revealed that a genestealer cult had suborned several guilds and noble families. Summoning aid from the Deathwatch, the team retreated to Castle Hyrix and summoned reinforcements, while rallying the local noble court.

    It was now that the cultists struck. Having tunnelled into the Castle dungeons, genestealer hybrids, and a few deadly purestrains, struck the court in an attempt to kill the Interrogator and her allies. The fighting was nightmarish and bloody, and Tomas was the only survivor from his squad, but through their sacrifice Interrogator Machairi survived to meet the Deathwatch reinforcements. With Machairis hard won intelligence, the Deathwatch where quickly able to purge the Genestealer infestation and free Casteria from the grip of civil war.

    Tomas, for his service to the Inquisition, was offered the chance to stay on his homeworld. Indeed the royal family promised him a significant position as General of the Royal Infantry if he should chose to stay, along with noble titles and gifts of land. Staying only long enough to transfer that gift to his surviving family, he left with Interrogator Machairi, slowly becoming one of her chief agents and her primary bodyguard. Tomas has dutifully followed Machairi to the rarefied heights of power, and still serves as her body guard. He will gladly lay down his life to protect Inquisitor Alia Machairi.
    Last edited by dakkagor; 06-08-2015 at 07:17 AM.

  9. #9
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    Name: Vizeriousyl Kopollanzitra; Always goes by Vizkop
    Age: 80 standard Terran; 47 Xanith years (though he looks younger thanks to augments and juvie treatments)
    Position/Rank: Mechanicus Covert/Special Operations Specialist

    Spoiler: Appearance: 

    Personality: Amiable, clear-headed, cool under pressure. Just a few things to describe Vizkop.

    Custom designed pistol with integrated silencer and a grip molded for his hand.
    Salusian-pattern cyber-hunter - Heavy revolver designed to take down cyborgs and other heavily-armored targets.
    Twin integrated blades - Paired swords fitted into his cyberarms that can be extended and retracted at will. The blades were previously pointed tipped, but have recently been replaced with square-tipped blades. The augment also contains an integrated power field for each blade.
    Xanith-pattern cyborg hunter rifle – A surprisingly elegant weapon despite the brutal purpose it is built to perform, this large caliber hunting rifle can host a suite of attachments including a tripod brace, flash suppressor, telescopic sight, etc. The weapon is designed to take down heavily-armored or cybered-up targets, but can readily be used on other targets.

    Under his robes, he wears an armored body glove for protection.

    In addition to standard Mechanicus implants, both Vizkop's arms are bionic as are his legs, ribs, and spine. His hearing and sight have also been enhanced through cybernetics. He has also been fitted with subdermal armour lacing for added protection.

    Military-Grade Machine Empath – Vizkop is fitted with several implants to enable close communion with a machine spirit. The most recent implant being a Mind Impulse Unit to allow a more direct and faster link and better maneuvering once he has communed within the machine.

    Various utility implants to aid in his missions such as noise dampeners for his legs, shielding for his eyes, and multi-spectrum vision.

    High capacity data slate and auspex. One file on the data slate reads “necks broken” while another reads “colons perforated.”

    Background: It has been a good five years since Vizkop last had direct contact with the Inquisition. His last direct dealing with the Inquisition was working under Interrogator Alia Machairi on Hycernia. But he never broke contact with Alia completely. Before he left Vizkop gave Alia a direct communication line to him, something he would only give to a person he invested a good measure of trust in.

    The next five years he spent chasing ghosts. Ghosts that left cybernetic abominations in their wake. Ghosts with names like Oswin. From the middle of apocalyptic warzones to neck-deep in a galactic treasure hunt, Vizkop followed dead leads and a trail of corpses and false names to track down Oswin. A few conspiracies and a mound of bodies later, Vizkop was no closer to catching Oswin than when he left Hycernia.

    Every so often, he checks his private communication line. As though silently hoping some form of communique will come through from the leader of a team he considered friends.
    Hit me up on discord: Mags#3126
    I'm just easier to get a hold of there. Just lemme know who you are

  10. #10
    The Replicant
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    Mr Dakkagor, first again - all kinds of accepted!

    Mr AD, great to see Vizkop returning - accepted. Though a file that tallies "necks broken" seems so out of character for Vizkop that I wonder what he's really hiding in there...
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

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