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Thread: (M) Blood Line CH2: The Bloody Ties (Kris X Siks)

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    Default (M) Blood Line CH2: The Bloody Ties (Kris X Siks)

    Chapter 1

    Capital city of Excelsior- A week later

    It has been a week since the group parted from the valley hamlet of Sŕmhach- The group, which was consisted of two elves, Goblin hybrid and an Orc had been together through thick and thin, capable of avoiding much trouble on the main road, including ruffians and other thieves.

    When they reached the city, they were mesmerized by the beauty of the place. The streets were clean and tidy, people seemed rather friendly, and the citizens wore smiles on their faces. Everything about this place seemed so pure.

    There was weak sounds of bells in the distance which was followed by a mass prayer, which seemed to be hailing from an holy house.

    Guk-Guk seemed excited to find such a welcoming location, but both Galmied and Dire seemed to be alarted.

    From the corner of her eyes Sabin spotted a note on the gate, which she took and read aloud, "Warning! Good folks of Excelsior. We plead you to stay indoor comes night, and even request of you to not wander about alone".

    "I wonder what this is about", said Dire, "The city looks rather peaceful"

    "Looks may decieve, outsiders", called a man from a very impressive looking blacksmith. Sabin studied him- He appeared rather sturdy, but was by a head shorter than her.

    A dwarf.


    "Don't stare so hard lady", The man narrowed his eyebrows, "It's not like your sight is not a strange one".

    "Forgive me!", Sabin clapped her hands together and made a gesture to apologize, "I really didn't expected to see non-humans here"

    "Bah!", the man seemed to still be hurting. Maybe he was feeling too well what it was like to be different in a town full of humans, "Get inside, it's gonna get dark soon"

    Galmied and Dire stared at each other, somewhat puzzled, "You are going to let us in, under your roof- Seeing the danger here, you are not really afraid of us?"

    "Look at you merry bunches", the dwarf laughed, "Unless you drink blood, I think you are okay in my book. Besides, there is no way such a strange group of sapient variety will travel together. It's been a while since I saw anything but humans, and I'm curious to find out more", he nodded, "Besides I'm still hurt about the behaviour of your lady friend", he said as he put down his tools and opened his door for them to enter, "I'm sure it will be fine if I get to stare at her back while we dine".

    Galmied's color flashed a little red with jeoulsy but Sabin simply held his hand and whispered to him, "It's okay, he only teased, besides he can look all he wants, you are the only one who touches after all", she winked at him.


    Their dwarven host proved to be a very friendly man. So much sweet and gentle, that even Galmied completly forgot his rage. His name was Daryl and he gave them much of his food as he also offered some sweets to Guk-Guk and his three small children. He presented them to his family, showing them his wife, which was a human woman with golden hair- her name was Tarina and she seemed to be so excited to hear their tales and story.

    "So, about the troubles", Daryl said while helping himself to a juicy boar's leg, "Blood-suckers".

    Sabin swallowed and changed expression.

    Galmied noticed but said nothing.

    "Brother Orfiel and his mens are trying their best, but they just growing ever smarter. There are rumors about some of them heading to other cities as to not draw too much attention to a single location, but it's obvious their main hold is here"

    "This is simply terrible", said Tarina, "Please, stay here tonight".

    Sabin watched Guk-Guk who played with the other three children. She never expected to find such good people willing to care about other races, "Thank you, we will pay and-!"

    "None of that", said Daryl, "If the gods will it, we shall be getting our due"

    "You are very kind sir, and thank you ma'am, we will", said Dire as they all helped to pick up the food from the table.

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    The night passed pleasantly enough, but something continued to not sit well with Galmied and he shared his thoughts with Dire while Sabin and Guk-Guk shared a bath. In the past week, the two warriors have become respected allies. Dire teaching Galmied the ways of the Berserker and Galmied helping Dire learn the skill of archery.

    While Sabin was the closest to little Guk-Guk very much becoming like a mother to her. Galmied and Dire became Grandpa Dire and Uncle Gal. They all took turns teaching the little girl lessons in speech and literature and the girl's natural intelligence soaked it all up like a sponge. Always asking questions and finding little bit and bobs to tinker with. She was quite a delight to have along, but the flyer they saw upon entering the town and the warning given them by Daryl and his wife worried them a great deal. They were all foreigners in the Dominion, but Guk-Guk was a child who hadn't been in a big city before.

    And Vampires were tough adversaries, even for an experienced warrior. Usually it takes a specially trained Monster Hunter or Vampire Slayer to take one down, but if you know the basics you can beat back the lower ranks. If you ever find yourself against an Elder though you are dead unless you have a Slayer or two on your side. They wouldn't be able to sleep tonight unless they did a little walk around the streets. Strapping on their armor and weapons the two cut a very dashing visage among the many Merc in Excelsior, though not many of them were non-humans there was enough to keep the citizens from getting too worried around them.

    They asked Daryl to tell Sabin and Guk-Guk they just went for a walk when the girls get out of the bath. The jolly Dwarf nodded to the big males then followed and locked the door behind them, but not before giving them one more stern warning about walking the streets with Blood Suckers preying on everyone. The took his warning to heart but assured him that was why they were going out in full armor and armed. Dwarves are known for their stubbornness usually, but they are also skilled at telling when something is a lost cause. So he let them go and tried to think of how to word their message to the Dark Elf and the little Goblin girl.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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    The night felt like it was growing darker instantly. Fog spread around them- and crawled at their feets, as though it was alive. It was unnoticeable at first, gentle, and sweet… like a shadow following behind… but it soon surround them, like a blanket, hazing their eyes.

    “I can smell your blood…”, a faint woman’s voice rang in Galmied’s ears. He recognized the voice almost instantly.

    His eyes shone in unnatural way, sparkling as the magic took effect. Before him he saw Denika, moving closer and closer to him, in such a proud manner.

    “You are looking so tasty”, hissed another voice.

    It was Sabin.

    The two elves approached him in such tempting manner, licking their lips gently as they turn to take hold of his body, licking his neck, and grazing their nails into his body as they took turn rubbing themselves against him.


    “Gal?”, Dire called out. The hazy milky color was the only thing he saw, among few lights of auras and shadows.

    The Orc seemed much more tolerant to the magic but to some extent- He did not see any illusion, but he could still feel that something was waiting in the shadows to attack.

    And soon they stormed at him. They were four, all hissing and circling him like a captured beast.


    “What?!”, Sabin said with anger, “They went where?!”

    She soon wore her gear and held her weapons in both her hands. Those crazy two. They didn’t know what they were dealing it--- Only she truly knew how horrible fighting a bloody fiend of the night was.

    “Curses… Why men are such idiots”.

    “I won’t open the doors”, said the dwarf before the dark elf was about to protest and say anything regarding leaving.

    Sabin sighed as she walked back and forth within the room, waiting for a chance to sneak outside once Guk-Guk was in bed.

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    Guk-Guk was dressed in the short red dress she brought from Sŕmhach. It was usually meant as just a nice alternative to her furs and armor, but since they forgot to grab her jammies from the Puppet's Cradle she'd been using the dress as nighty. It was light and flowly, but it only went down to about her mid-thigh. It fit better when she was younger, but she's grown a lot in four years.

    She was seated on the bed the short man and pretty lady had given her and Sabin to share for the night and she watched Sabin pace and mumble angrily to herself. The girl frowned picking up Lil Bone and walking to Sabin pulling on Sabin's knife belt gently.
    "Why is Momma so mad at Grandpa and Unca Gemmy?" She spoke slower than before trying to remember the speech lessons Sabin and the other have been giving her. She frowned lightly fiddling with her little doll, she'd seen Sabin mad and fight with Galmied a few times, it always worried the little girl.


    Dire growled his keen nose immediately picking up the rancid smell of Vampire. They seemed to be bewitching the Snow Elf. He was just standing there staring into the shadows mumbling some incoherent words his body frozen. Orcs are more bestial in their mindsets than other races, Glamors and Illusion spells aren't as effective against them.

    And while he couldn't exactly see what was after them his nose never lied. He'd need the Elf's help.
    "Sorry." He growled before smacking the back of saber against Galmied's head dazzling the big Mer, but also freeing him from the illusion. He reacted quicker than expected and blocked the first claw of the Vampire with his gauntlets. He was stronger than the pale woman and threw her back long enough to pull his claymore off his back and join Dire in the center of the street their backs together quickly fighting back the four attacking Vampires.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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    "Because they are idiotic machos who think we are delicate snowflakes. Also your Uncle will be spending few nights on the couch! And why aren't you in bed yet, young lady?".

    Sabin took Guk-Guk by the hand while the last was still drying her hair with a towel, leading her to the bed room, the dwarf had provided them with. She wanted the girl to get done and go to sleep (reminding herself she need to find more cloths for the girl), so she could go outside as well. She was worried about the orc and the elf and couldn't wait to smack some sense into them.

    Specially Galmied.


    The four of them hissed as their appearance was visible by the stars light. They looked like young adults, but their eyes showed no purity in them. Their pupils shone in red and ugly yellow and their nails increased in size. When they opened their mouths, they presented a powerful fangs which they licked with excitement at the thought of their coming meal.

    All four of them jumped at the Orc and Elf, slashing and biting. Even though the two hulks could have easily pushed them aside, they still stung and hurt like persistent bees.

    After a long fight a new, somewhat "cleaner" fog surrounded everyone.

    "How pitiful"

    A deep voice echoed in everyone mind. The teen vampires halted in their places, fear clearly reflected in their eyes.

    "It's him...", said one of them

    "The accursed", said another.

    The fog joined together to create a shape, which then took flesh and appearance; A noble looking man, with pointy ears and magnificent white hair.

    He hissed at the vampires who prepared to attack and they hissed back. Surprised at their lack of fear he sighed, "No respect for the elders...", he shook his head.

    In a blink of an eye one of the female vampires was impaled by sharp long talons and the next moment she was dead on the ground while the white haired man turned to stand where he was at the beginning.

    The dead vampire crumbled to dust and disappeared.

    The other three seemed unsure.

    "I'll give you one chance to stand down, children of Malachi..."

    They didn't need another pleading as the three turned to fog and vanished.

    The man turned around. He was dressed in a very impressive looking cloths, and even though he had just killed one of the four vampires, no traces of blood were apparent on his clothing (even though his hand still dripped blood on the ground).

    The man sighed, "Children these days. So rebellious. I wish Malachi taught them better".

    Seeing the puzzled expression on the Orc and Elf the man turned around slowly, "I'm sorry you had to bear such sight, but I am afraid I was without options. They become rather naughty lately. If I gave them ultimatum first, they might have hurt one of you before I could have shown them how powerful I am... I'm usually not that kind of guy... Why are you alone at night if I may ask and-!"

    The man's gaze widen in surprise and at the blink of an eye he was standing behind Galmied sniffing his neck, "That sweet smell that reeks from you...", he said while picking a long white lock and playing with it in his hands, "She is here, with you?", a grin spread across his face as he felt the elf's neck and cheek.

    Voices were heard from behind and the vampire was fog again, taking some distance, "Looks like the slayers are here. I think they are better drawn to blood than the vampires. The name is Gideon. I really hope that you will leave this city soon, for your sake... and mine".

    And just like that he was gone as well.
    Last edited by Kris; 01-16-2018 at 06:18 PM. Reason: edit

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    Guk-Guk frowned again still watching Sabin. She wasn't sure why the Dark Elf was so mad at the men. Papa Bone did stuff like that a lot and the little girl never worried about him. She knew he did it to protect her, Uncle Gemmy loved Momma a lot, and Momma loved Uncle Gemmy. Does that mean when she loves a boy she's gotta be mad at him a lot?

    The Goblin child shook her head. Love was confusing.
    "Momma need not worry so much. Guk-Guk not worry, Grandpa and Uncle Gemmy know someone need be here with Guk-Guk. And Momma is best fighter to protect me." The girl didn't like seeing Sabin mad or fighting with the others. Papa Bone never fight around Guk-Guk unless protecting her, but then again Papa Bone didn't have anyone but Guk-Guk to love and protect. Deep down she hoped he would find someone to love him like Sabin and Galmied.

    The girl knew Sabin was right, it was late and Guk-Guk should be asleep. But this was a new place she wasn't used to and she had a feeling as soon as she went to sleep Sabin would leave and go yell at Grand and Uncle Gemmy. The idea scared the girl, the Dwarf and his family were nice, but they were still strangers. Suddenly an idea came to her, jumping off the bed she fished through Grandpa Dire's bag and pulled out a large book he bought from a trader. She walked back to Sabin and held the book out with a pleading look on her face.
    "Can Momma Saba read me a bedtime story before she goes away to yell at Grandpa and Uncle Gemmy?"


    No worse for the wear the two men kept their weapons out trying to figure out what just happened. Soon a large man carrying an axe and a small woman carrying a bow with an arrow notched appeared in the intersecting streets.

    Ignoring the large warriors at first the man said something quietly in a language neither man had heard before and he and the woman darted out in opposite directions. As they ran through the moonlight Galmied noticed the garb of some kind of religious order. A mountain peak with a cross inside of it, Dire's nose could smell the distinct aroma of garlic and wolfs bane. The men sheathed their weapons checking themselves for serious injury while the "Slayers" as the man Gideon called them.

    Luckily their armor did their jobs and saved them from anything more than a few scratches that didn't even draw blood. Both men were of a breed naturally tough and durable and while Snow Elves didn't have the natural disease resistance Orcs have Galmied wasn't worried about being infected by the Vampire disease. A few seconds later the pair reappear, they exchange a few more words in that strange language then the woman approaches the warriors. They both tower over the woman, but they can see the skill with which she wields her bow.
    "Are you two ok?" She asks giving them a quick once over.

    Galmied nods looking between her and the man.
    "Aye, luckily our armor is made well, who are you two?"

    The woman slung her bow across her back and pulled the cloth over her face down she was very pretty and quite pale, but her eyes were welcoming. As the Elf looked at her he noted how similar to Sabin she looked, same basic body shape, and her face reminded him of his Valkyrie as well, how odd.
    "I am Jophiel the Pure and that big lug is my fiancee Orfiel the Repenter. We're Slayers of the Mountain Father's Order and were chasing a small pack of Vampires in the area. I assume they found you two first."

    Dire nodded crossing his arms over his chest trying to block out the weird scents the Slayers had seemed to have covered themselves with.

    Orfiel holstered his axe and joined Jophiel.
    "Who are you two gentleman and why are you out here? Didn't you see the notices we plastered around town?"

    Dire grunted affirmatively but Galmied answered.
    "Aye we did. I'm Galmied and this morose man is Dire. We're traveling with our family an' couldnae sleep safely without knowin' the area."

    Jophiel made a chirping sound trying to figure out how a Snow Elf and Orc could have a family, but shifted back to Orfiel's side sliding the ring on her finger back into place. The large man wrapped his arm around her shoulders nodding. He knew that feeling.
    "Fair enough gentlemen, but in the future remember the best way to protect your family is to keep them close. Vampires and all their ilk are extremely dangerous even the low level blood suckers you encountered tonight are a challenge to those not verse in fighting them. Are you staying in an Inn nearby?"

    Galmied shook his head pointing his thumb back towards the gate.
    "Nae, we're staying wit' the Dwarven Smith Daryl for the night."

    Little J perked up smiling.
    "Oh he's such a nice man, and his family is adorable. We'll escort you back, the Vampires only attack once a night usually." She slipped away from Big O and began walking crisply towards the Dwarf's home with Galmied and Dire falling in behind her and Orfiel bringing up the rear so he can keep his eyes out for trouble.

    The four soon arrived at Daryl's door and Jophiel knocked.
    "Master Brickheart, it's Jophiel of the Mountain Order. We've come to return a couple of your house guests. They almost got made into blood bags." She giggled lightly as the two males shook their heads looking back at Orfiel who simply smiled and shrugged.

    There was some grumbling from inside the house then the bolts on the door slid out of place and the door was pulled open the warm light of the home spilling into the streets. If it wasn't a Slayer knocking Daryl would've left the warriors out in the cold. And in retrospect he probably would've done them a favor. The Dark Elf woman was furious with them both.
    "Well at least they'll be witnesses for the murder of these two. Come on in all of you, letting the heat out. Brother Orfiel can you lock the door please when you come in?"

    The group filed in and Big O turned and firmly shut and barred the door.
    "Thank you for you hospitality Master Dwarf."

    The stout smith nodded then poked his head into the back room.
    "Ms. Togar, you're friends are back accompanied by more friends. Please try to keep the yelling and beating quiet. My wife is trying to put our kids down to bed."

    Both Orfiel and Jophiel quirked their eyebrows at the name Ms. Togar. Though while O's face filled with a small glimmer of hope J's clouded over with annoyance. And as Sabin came storming around the corner with Guk-Guk behind her clutching the book to her chest. The Dark Elf stopped dead in her tracks and stared at Orfiel who stared right back. There was an awkward silence for many long seconds Galmied staring between Sabin and the Priest, Orfiel staring at Sabin, Sabin staring between Galmied and Orfiel and Jophiel completely glaring at Sabin. Dire wisely slipped out of the middle of all the stares and picked his Granddaughter up and taking her into the bedroom. He knew what this stand-off meant and he thought it best not to let Guk-Guk see it. Daryl simply sat grinning from his arm chair by the fire sipping warm mead and waiting for the drama to unfold before him.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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    You know how it's like when you meet that one special person, but often it is just not the right time nor the right place?

    Like if you met under different circumstances, when the both of you where in a different places in your life, more mature, more free, more available… more understanding… and more willing to push… you know you'd have just stuck and stayed by that person.

    But life is often tricky. And you curse yourself for your luck to push you away from someone who was so close to you and that no one else could have filled that hole quite the same…

    Sabin stared at Galmied and then at Orfiel, giving him somewhat apologetic look. She stared at his sorrowful blue eyes, the mesmerizing gaze she hopened to never see again. Not because she didn't want to… but for the sake of keeping up with the hardest choice in her life… Which was letting the man go...

    He looked so handsome… How long has it been? He seemed to have grown old a bit, but the spirit of youth was still with him. Was he still treating himself well? Was there somebody new in his life?

    She noticed the ring… and the first thing she did was check the hand of Jophiel, which, to the ache of her heart, had a matching ring…

    Sabin took a deep breath, trying to undergo the pain which roared a storm in her heart. Her lips curled up into a smile, "You both look well", she nodded and moved closer bowing her head, "I thank you for bringing them back to me safely".

    She then noticed Galmied and felt a little silly for being so hurt about seeing her ex. She wouldn't have traded the snow elf for anything, but still seeing the sight of a lost love was something which was very hard to let go.

    "I see the vampire problem had increased since the last time", she added.

    Her face showed business, but whoever knew her could tell that her spirit was uneasy. Still she seemed rather well. More or less.

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    Orfiel stood stunned silence as the Elven woman burst around the corner. Like a ghost from the past there was the woman he gave his heart to and once might've even left his faith for. But she chose a path that led away from him and it tore him up for years.

    The worst part was he never knew why she left. They had just captured a dangerous Elder Vampire and he was killed by the fire that destroyed the old prison building. It was one of the highlights of his career as a Hunter. But after they celebrated and enjoyed a fervent night together she was gone by the time he awoke the next day. Her portion of the bounty was left on the nightstand, he couldn't find a trace of her anywhere not even a stray hair. He knew Dark Elf assassins like Sabin were meticulous about not leaving any trace of themselves behind, but this seemed more like a complete erasing.

    After that Orfiel dedicated himself fully to eradicating monsters from Excelsior and as many of the lands around the Dominion's Capital as possible, but the city itself has become one of the safest places in Eisignol between the efforts of the King's Round Table Knights that protect the streets from crooks and Orfiel's obsessive purging of all creatures of the night who wish harm. And while that is good for the Humans it has caused some non-human races to be wary about the Shining City. As false as the accusations are word of the bloodthirsty Priest of the Mountain have spread throughout the four nations.

    Finally the big Priest find his tongue and responds.
    "Thank you, you look well too Sabin. And we had the blood suckers beat for a few years, but I think they found a new Elder to replace Gideon after he was killed in the prison fire." Jophiel nodded curtly then quickly took hold of her man's hand and began moving towards the door. "Yes, and we simply must get back to rooting out the nest." She glared at Sabin. "We hope you all have a pleasant night." With nothing more she and Orfiel left the house and the now deeply amused and quite drunk Dwarf ambled over and locked the door.
    "Well, love is mysterious thing. Good night Ms. Togar." Was all he said before he slowly trumped his way upstairs to his own bed.

    Nothing that passed between Orifiel and Sabin was lost on the former slave. The brand on his chest burned painfully, so this Priest was one of Sabin's lovers. He noticed how similar he was to the human, tall, handsome, large-limbed, and with the aura of a wounded animal about him. So the Dark Elf woman had a type and Galmied was the latest in what he would assume is long line of lovers. Was he just one more notch in Sabin's belt? Despite all they've been through, despite he and her having these marks?

    The big Elf simply sighed and slipped into the back room to begin removing his armor...or pack his bags and leave he wasn't sure yet.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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    Default Siks and Kris CO :D

    Sabin walked after the former slave, almost rushing in after him, “Galmied!”, she said, as she entered the room, “Please!”, she wanted to grab him by the end, but then she noticed both Guk-Guk and Dire, who only throw back their own gazes. While the child looked confused, the elder Orc seemed somewhat upset.

    “Let me read you that tale”, Dire grabbed the book from the little girl, as Sabin used the chance to turn for Galmied, “Please, can we… can we go outside?”

    The big Elf looked at the pair and a slight nod from Dire told him it was the right move.
    “Ay.” Was all he said before he walked out the back door of the house and into the family’s small stable area. He left the door open for the woman, and walked to a water trough scooping a few handfuls of the cool liquid. Once he was finished he stood up and leaned against the barrel crossing his arms over his chest looking at the woman expectantly.
    “So ye like big guys huh?” Was all he said hiding the strange emotions flowing around his head.

    “I’m sorry. I should have told you about him before we entered the city. I just… part of me hoped that we will not meet with him…”, Sabin shook her head, “He was a former lover… But our ways were not meant to be guided together. Despite how hard it was, letting him go was the right move and I don’t regret it”, Sabin shook her head, “You may ask me all the questions you want on the matter, I won’t hide anything else from you”. Sabin looked at him straight on, crossing her gaze with him. She was uncomfortable, true, but not ashamed. There was no reason to feel ashamed for emotions and feelings. Even though… now that Galmied has thrown his sharp remark, she did notice the two were similar… But they were still worlds apart… in many many ways.

    The big Elf shrugged looking down.
    “It’s nae business of mine lass.” He said his voice sinking down in tone, he didn’t know why he heart was in such turmoil. Of course Sabin had former lovers...probably many over her long life, she was a beautiful woman and an assassin who was trained in the art of seduction and sometimes you need to go to the end to get what you’re after.

    He had to do the same thing many times in his time as a slave. Even when he was serving under men, he was a party favor for the man’s guests and sometimes his wife. What might be bothering him though was the way the two looked at each other said more than just lovers to the Snow Elf, there was something deeper between them. Did they still have feelings for each other? Galmied would say so, and considering how much the Priestess Jophiel looked like Sabin and how much he looked like Orfiel that worry was becoming painfully obvious.
    “I would say more than just lovers lassie. Did ye notice how much the wee lass Jophiel looked like you? One might even say a surrogate.”

    “It might be so…”, Sabin scuffled around in her gears, “But truth be told she was always around us… especially during the last mission. She seems to have grown a different taste in the way she carried herself and dressed-”, Sabin sighed, “I won’t deny that there is some flame in me when I look at him, I won’t lie to you- There is still yearning… But I could have returned to him many years ago had I desired it… And yet I chose not to- I’m not sure if my words carry enough power in them, or confidence, but that is the truth”, Sabin finally removed her gifted dirk, “I carry it with me always, the blade D’ror. When both you and Dire left I was furious with you. I wanted to beat the tar out of the both of you… for going away and doing what you wanted to do, after telling me to take care of myself”, She pet the small blade away, “I… I want this to work out between us, Galmied… I don’t think I felt as serious as I am now with you. And even though I cannot tell the future, I want this to work out… I want us to talk this through, and for you to learn to trust me… I am aware however that I will need to earn that trust, that is why I implore you… ask me, question me… Let me share with you what I can… I don’t wish to lose you over this”, She said, her expression still fixed at him, but her hands were shaking and her voice seemed somewhat higher than usual, as if holding back strong emotions from bursting.

    Galmied’s heart burned painfully seeing the woman in such a state. She’d always been so in control even when logic would dictate she shouldn’t. And he knew deep down she wasn’t at fault, it was he who was acting like a child. They were both adults who shouldn’t be getting upset over something like this, but that small doubting voice that has been with Galmied for years was screaming at him. “It’s not real...she’s another mistress...she’ll play with you for a bit...she’ll say whatever she needs to bed you...then she’ll sell you so many before her.” The thoughts crashed around his head like an angry Troll crushing all happy thoughts and hopeful wishes for the future. Maybe Denika really was the woman from his vision and this incident is what pushes him back into her claws. In the end the questions came slowly and painfully to his mind, but the first one and possibly most important one came out of his mouth. His arms clutching tighter to his arms.
    “What am I tae you lass? Another big boy toy for ye tae play with then leave as soon as our ways differ?”

    “Of course not!”, Sabin almost burst at him with anger. Truth be told part of her wanted to just hit him or storm back inside, but she mustered all her inner powers to calm herself. Even if he was acting extremely immature and unfair with her, she knew how his life had been going on so far and how hard it was for him to trust. She cursed herself for deciding to hide the story with Orfiel- She wished she was wiser regarding this, “I care about you so much. I want…”, She bit her lips, considering her words. She was a very free spirited kind of woman. She almost never stayed too close to anyone, but in truth only Orfiel got the silent treatment from her. She was inexperience with love, true honest love, and for her doing the math of all the things that could go wrong was what made her calculate the decision of walking away from the priest. But the emotions still held strong in her so instead of being reasonable she just opted and left.

    But this time--- this time… it was the first time she actually wanted to stay, to explain, and to mend his spirit. Not because of how he reminded her of Orfiel, because honest, back then, she didn’t even recalled of him, but because she honestly wanted---

    “I want you to be my life mate”, she put her hands on her lips, understanding what she just said and wanted. She never said this to anyone, even to Orfiel there was never really exchanges of promises… and in her role in her tribe, life had had a very straight forward line, which often excluded love and decision for the long term.

    Once again she felt uneasy. She could feel her body growing hot as cold sweat was dripping down her nape, “I... “, she understood what she wanted, “I want us to try this… to be… life mates”.

    The declaration shocked Galmied into looking up and locking eyes with the woman. Life mate? The terms wasn’t unknown to him, but from what he learned about Dark Elves is marriage and monogamy are extremely rare concepts. They are like the Orcs legend says they sprang off the ancestral Elvin line with. For the good of the group, seek pleasure and breed frequently, and while certain members of the race might prefer one partner more than others and even give gifts to each other show this prefered status they never saved themselves for that one person.

    His people weren’t that different, they had true husbands and wives, but lovers and trophy lovers were a very common practice. His grandfather was like that, he had a wife that birthed Galmied’s father and his two Uncles. But the old man also had a pair of Dark Elf concubines which he actually spent most of his nights with. They were prisoners he personally captured from one of the Dark One’s raids back in the days before Avelar overthrew the last Snow Elf High King. These women were as much Grandmothers as his actually Grandmother, and it was through them he actually learned most of what he knew about the Dark Elves.

    Galmied could never grasp the idea of having many lovers and after he was sold into slavery the concept became downright vile to him. In his youth through the early days of his slavery he held onto the dream of one day having a woman to call his own and only his own. But like many dreams he had as youth they dried up and were filed away under years of abuse and hedonism until he was the husk Sabin found him as. But after his connection with the woman the dreams returned and were nearly solidified after his vision and subsequent freeing from bondage she performed for him. The interaction with Orfiel shook the foundations of the dream though, and once again as childish as this is all being Galmied wasn’t willing to give up his dreams now that he’s free to have them again. He shook his head at her words.
    “I dinnae want a Life Mate, I know the true meaning of the word lassie. Possibly more so than you, what I want is a wife. Bound tae me and me bound tae her by more than pretty words and a brand.”

    Sabin smiled, “I heard this word. Humans use it a lot… The concept is not unfamiliar to me…”, she moved closer, finally daring to approach, “It’s a single mate for life, is it not?… If it so then…”, It was very hard for her to speak. Not because she wanted few partners, oh no. It was mostly the idea of binding, the taking of freedom seemed to be extremely terrifying even if it was unreasonable fear, “I don’t know if I want this with just anyone--- but if you are offering this to me and not talking about general idea, then I would agree to it--- I would like this to be with you, this way you will know that I am honest in what I request”.

    She was still unfamiliar with the concept, “How is it done exactly?”, with the concept of mating it was very simple. Exchanges mostly. She saw others consider each other mates and still having other affairs, but she never thought to have something like that after declaring someone a mate, which was exactly the reason why it was so hard for her to do so until now.

    Galmied was nearly floored at her response, not that he wasn’t pleased by it. More that she seemed so willing to agree. He could tell from the first time they met she was a free spirited woman, and he wouldn’t expect her to be so eager to chain herself to him. Though these brands connected them deeper than any ring could, they could still go off and daly with others if they wanted to. Marriage was an alien concept for him as well, he’d never seen a properly monogamous couple. But his demeanor did soften at the woman’s words. He was about to say he didn’t know either when the door to the house creaked open and Dire came out looking between the two of them.

    The big Orc shook his head closing the door quietly behind him and motioning to a bench.
    “Sit, both of you.” Galmied nodded looking at Sabin letting a small smile cross his face before he sat down watching the Orc.

    Sabin was surprised. The tension was still increasing in her and she hardly even noticed the Orc coming closer, even though such sense should have been a second nature to her. She felt somewhat relieved having a third party entering. She took a deep breath and set down, crossing her legs.

    The Orc crossed the yard and stood before them. He wasn’t one to talking much, this they both knew from traveling with him. It mostly grunts or snorts through which the old Merc communicated. But the look on his face told them he likely had a lot to say about tonight.
    “You are both young fools. And I had to explain the whole thing to my Granddaughter.”

    Galmied winced lightly.
    “I am sorry for that Dire.”

    The Orc snorted shaking his head.
    “It was needed, neither of you should be as upset as you obviously are. You are both over two centuries old at this point. But I also understand it.” He began pacing slowly in front of them like an old School Master giving a lecture to a couple of students. “Dark Elves and Snow Elves come from different cultures regarding love and marriage. To one it’s virtually unknown and to the other it’s meaningless.”

    “Elder Dire”, Sabin said suddenly, “This concept is so strange to me. Even the Matriarch, my mother had a couple of suiters and they in turn gave her heirs… And yet I do recall it that when she finally met my father she dealt with no one, and after he died she chose no one new… But it was so strange…. Outrageous… I believe that was one of the few turning points from which others began to walk away from her… Mother had many enemies you see… even before the rising of the New Moon Tribe… Many did not agree with her way of life, and by the time I knew of it, I was only aware of my own father… I believe I wished for something similar for myself as well… But I never wanted to… But if---”, She met Galmied eyes for a moment and then looked away, feeling that unreasonable fear and strange heat taking over her body, “I don’t wish to mate others while with him… The whole idea of marriage is still very… strange… but if it will be so… to prove of my intentions… What is that need be done?”

    Dire gave a snorting chuckle at being called Elder. Back in his merc days he’d have backhanded the grunt that called him anything other than Dire. Orcs aren’t big on the whole rank and honor system, you get where you get by sheer will and experience, but you never stop going. But unlike most Orcs he knew of marriage and while the idea was strange at first when he and Scorn decided to get married, it turned out to be one of the best decisions of his life.

    Having someone by your side through every wave and tribulation of life was a far stronger feeling or connection than a “For the Horde” mentality that both Orcs and Dark Elves share. He looked at Galmied who reached out and pulled Sabin close to him holding her hand with his own then simply pointed to them.
    “This.” He said simply.

    The Snow Elf quirked his eyebrow then looked at Sabin kissing her head.
    “Seems like a good start.”

    Dire nodded scratching his chin.
    “Yes it is, but that isn’t all of it. Once you declare each other husband and wife you must forego childishness like what I saw tonight. You will fight and often you will say and do things you regret, but remaining united in marriage means you forgive and forget. You are the only ones with which your partner can fully rely on. In the human world you’d need a Priest to wed you together and make it official in the eyes of whatever government you go through. But being as your Elves, you’ll likely need to go into Avelar to be official.”

    Galmied frowned a little.
    “I’ve a bounty on my head back in Avelar.”

    “And my people hardly recognize rules set by others… No… I don’t think this will be necessary… however… your words about what you said… regarding the fighting and still forgiving… it feels like it is something natural, like…”, Sabin smiled as she looked at Galmied, “It feels like we already are married, aren’t we?”, Sabin kissed his hands, “How about an oath, with a witness or two, with the names of the gods, I can swear in the name of the twins”.

    Galmied nodded smiling with her.
    “Ay I guess we kind of are, aren’t we. And an oath would be good, we’d also need to exchange rings. Where would we go, just oaths between us won’t seem special enough?”

    Dire crouched down studying the Elves faces.
    “I know of a place, but there is one issue. Galmied is still a slave by the Laws of Avelar. From what you two told me before, the High Elf didn’t actually release him from his bondage. And until then, Galmied can still be captured and forced back into slavery. You’ll need something official to completely free him from slavery.”

    “What do you mean?”, Sabin was still unused to the idea of taking someone’s freedom by decrit of law, “Isn’t he free just because he is?”

    Dire shook his head and Galmied sighed deeply remembering the laws he so wished to forget.
    “No, by law he is still Denika’s property. And you technically stole him, but there is a place to the north of Avelar. Where you can make it official.”

    Galmied smiled nodding at Sabin.
    “Novigard, it’s nearly a three month journey from here. But the Ice Queen doesn’t abide by the Laws of Avelar. And I’ve heard of them marrying slaves to others.”

    “I abide by no law either”, Sabin said nodding at both of them, “But if it is a test to prove my resolve, let it be so”, She smiled.

  10. #10
    Red Ninja
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    The old Orc nodded standing back up and looking at the moon for a time frame. It was late and he could hear little Guk-Guk mumbling something fearfully in her sleep.
    "The poor child." He sighed before looking at the Elves. "Come it's time we sleep." With that he nodded to them both and went back into the Brickheart's guestroom. He would share the one bed with Guk-Guk and let the newly bethrothed Elves have the other. Galmied let out a deep sigh and rolled his shoulders loosely as if a huge weight has finally been lifted from them. Taking Sabin's hand he led her to bed stopping just before the door to kiss her deeply for a few seconds before entering to the sound of both Guk-Guk and Dire snoring quietly.

    The midnight sky glowed with stars and a dull moon veiled with clouds. Three mists of darkness slithered through the now completly vacant streets of Excelsior. Moving with unnatural speed and inteligence they wormed their way along forgotten avenues and across opulant bulevards towards the oldest parts of the city. Among rising hills and grand terraces the snakelike appiritions converge on a partially burnt villa with the worn emblem of a snake consumming fire upon the freestanding gate the supports and wall long since destroyed by the same tremendous fire that destroyed much of the rest of the estate. Only the main house at the center of the overgrown courtyard was still standing though it still showed major signs of scorching and structual damage.

    The mists only pause a moment before the gate as if to show respect at the ghostly visasge of the fiery snake before they swirled past the gate and into the husk of the main house. Once they were in the safety of the shadowy interior the mists reformed into the Vampires that had assaulted Galmied and Dire. Fear contorted their usually porecilin like faces. It was time to report the results of tonight's raids, while they had some success recruiting more blood bags and they managed to wipe out another small coven of Vampires, the apperance of Gideon and the subsiquint destruction of Histia would likely take away any praise they might get from their Master. Histia was always Malichai's favorite bedmate.

    With a deep sigh the woman with blonde hair opened the hidden door behind the black charred statue of the Night Angel and mounted the steps leading deep beneath the ruins of the villa. This was the only entrance to the Night Angel Coven of Vampires ruled over by Malichi Pyrsevious. And the three women were sure it would be the final resting place for one of them tonight.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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