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Thread: Round One [Mage-vs-Raider]-Judge SikstaSlathalin

  1. #1
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    Default Round One [Mage-vs-Raider]-Judge SikstaSlathalin

    ROUND ONE: Bloody Battlefield

    Mage -VS- Raider

    Judge: Siks

    All around you there is carnage, as far as the eye can see in every direction. Countless bodies, endless piles discarded or destroyed arms and armor, a sight unrivaled by any in history. You are unsure if this is all from one battle or a build up of many, all you do know is the spirits killed in bloody conflict rarely rest easy.

    The anguished moans have the many dead have replaced the natural whisper of the wind. And the stench of rotting bodies and blood permeate every step you take on the blood poisoned ground. And you see ramshackle shadows moving aimlessly through the murky fog that hangs over the battlefield. But the vengeful dead are just one of the threats you must deal with, the diseases and vermin that are always attracted to the realms of death such as this will also hamper you and can potentially bring about your demise just as easily as a blade from the mists.

    One figure moves heedlessly through the mists cloaked and grinning. The Grim Judge himself looks right at home upon this field of decay. His scythe clacks gently along stone and bone the fog parting before him like a wave. The restless undead follow in his wake like thralls, he stops a few feet from the center, a bubble of clear air rising up just so you can observe your foe for a few scant seconds before he snaps his fingers plunging everything back into thick mists obscuring everything more than two feet in front of your face. With your vision hampered you must rely on your other senses and luck to bring about your victory.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

    You have 5 posts per person and 72 hours to respond between posts.
    After making two posts, you will need to wait for my post before you can continue.
    By the flip of a coin, Raider will go first.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 01-21-2020 at 08:46 PM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

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  2. #2
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    The Raider, known as Ingo only by his friends. Stepped through the wake of the mist laughing aloud as he smirked inhaling deeply grinning at the smell of death. "Ol' stomping grounds for me! Grounds of war and death a place for me to be."

    As Ingo made his way into the field his eyes scrambled about as he pulled both axes out, flipping one upsidedown as he placed the handle against his forearm. The other one he held in his hand ready to throw it if he were surprised. The Raider stood in the mist ready for anything.
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    Seven orbs of glowing light swam through the mist, lighting the way. They broke into the field, Aafje behind them. One by one, the orbs disappeared, and a golden light faded from her eyes. She stalked forward, staff in hand. She looked on the gnome with a quiet disdain.
    "You are to be who I am fighting, then?" She cocked her head to the left, getting a better look at the Raider. "Very well." She knocked her staff against the ground, and across the field, beetle-sized dots of golden light filled the air, each about 1 foot from each other.
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    Ingo smiled a wide smirk the floating orbs were new as he didnt deal with magic very often. "A fuckin mage my lass? Are you nuts challenging me?" With no further hesitation he took one of his axes and flung it at the woman and rushed forwards following it up. He wasnt going to give the lady time to play with her spells he was going to finish this fast.
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    In an instant, the lights dashed towards Ingo. They surrounded his arms, his weapons, his head. Ingo suddenly felt much weaker, like the damage he could do was reduced. Just as Ingo's axe reached its mark, Aafje swung her staff. It was like playing a game of hockey, if the puck was a small angry man with axes. Her staff swung, connecting with his chest. She dashed to the side, circling him.
    "This will be easier than making toad-in-the-hole." She said, a small smile twisting the edges of her lips.
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  6. #6
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    Judge Post #1

    More blood has been spilled, but it's nothing more than a drop in an ocean. But still the dead react like it's the first time. Each time a blow lands they let out a singular roar using the sounds to draw closer to the fighters. Still the Grinner's shrouded form moves among the derelict ruins of battle.

    His features are obscured, but as he snaps his fingers the undead thralls come alive and charge both fighters. Two for two, he is quite willing to see who wins.

    As the Thralls ran closer the Grim Grinner's wide smile grew and another snap followed this one far louder than the last. The Mage's magical orbs vanished and as they did a sudden wave of weariness washed over her causing her to drop her staff. Magic comes at a cost and the Mage has just taken a little more than she should've the ground meets her backside the dead close in.

    Now that the Raider has been freed he quickly retrieves his axe and as the monsters begin to close in the rowdy warrior readies for a far more familiar kind of fight. But just as suddenly as the Mage's energy seems to flee from her body a feeling of choking and dread kicked it's way into his mind, as if he was drowning right here on dry land.

    Each fighter will have 2 more posts until I post again.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 02-09-2020 at 12:02 AM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  7. #7
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    Ingo chuckled with his attack being parried. "Oi you magic fuck. Show me those hands." He said just before the staff connected to his chest knocking wind from his lungs for a moment. Gathering himself, he twirled the two axes. This time he activated his charge ability feeding to the hungry beast within. The beast that craved killing and death. He charged the mage holding out both axes and with a loud battle cry he threw his first axe to hit. (1D20)[8] and followed up quick behind it and aimed the axe driving it towards the womans torso. (1D20)[15] to strike at her a second time
    Last edited by Kiro Akira; 02-01-2020 at 04:54 PM.
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  8. #8
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    With a simple twirl of her staff, she knocked away the flung ax. Unfortunately for her, as her staff was still up, Ingo sunk his ax into her stomach. She looked at him in disdain, then swung her staff straight down towards his head.
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  9. #9
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    Ingo attempted to duck the swing but found the sound of a large 'crack!' As it made its mark regardless causing his ears to ring slightly. But he shook the sound quickly, grabbed his axe from the ground as he rolled back before rushing in and hacking at the woman again trying to aim for her mid section again. "Die you lousy piece of shit! Give into the Raiders blood lust." He spoke with a cackling laughter. While this fight decided if he would go back to desolate planes or not he was still having to much fun with the battle.

    As the axe swung towards the mage, he felt the weapon make contact. But this felt much squishier then the flesh of the woman. Insteadnhe looked to the Draugr who took the blow instead and had a carved gash from his blade. Grumbling in fury and annoyance he kicked the dead down and waved his axe in the air. "Stupid fucking zombie keep your ass down and out of my fight. I have a fucking lassy to carve through!"
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  10. #10
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    End of fight judge post.

    A sudden and harsh wind began to blow over the ghastly battlefield. The Thralls shuddered violently and the Grim Grinner suddenly appeared amidst the two fighters. While still grinning a dark shade has come across his bony face. A great ethereal bell began to toll shaking the ground beneath everyone's feet. The air rippled, the thralls fell to dust, and the mist cleared.

    Stunned the Mage and Raider look upon the tall frightful figure their fighting forgotten. Lifting his hand the Grim Grinner begins counting down from five. Each finger dropping in perfect time with the tremendous tolling of the unseen bell. While only a very short span of time, the world seems to slow down. Each drop of a finger or toll of a bell seems take hours to go from one to the next. But as the last bell tolls time returns and with a sudden slash of his hand a loud crack is heard just as the last bell tolls and the Mage falls over dead her body quickly fading into the ether leaving just the Raider and Grim Grinner.

    The Raider has won by means he isn't sure about. But as the Gnome stands the Grinner snaps his fingers and the victor is whisked away to some other place. With the stage cleared the specter of death turns and walks from the field the inescapable mists surrounding him as he goes.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~


    SaltyIrishman as the Mage, Aafje le'Fay, forfeits.

    VICTOR: Kiro Akira as the Raider, Ingo Ryker
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 02-09-2020 at 12:03 AM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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