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Thread: [IC] Afterlife [M]

  1. #1
    Star of the Dawn
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    Default [IC] Afterlife [M]

    This RP is rated M, and may therefore contain (unless specifically prohibited by this site’s Mature Content rules)...
    • Action/Fantasy Violence
    • Depictions of Occult Practices
    • Strong Language/Innuendo
    • Mature Sexual Content
    • Drug/Alcohol Usage
    • Partial or Complete Nudity

    Spoiler: Main Plot 

    Spoiler: RP Rules 

    Spoiler: Types of Spirits 

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    Last edited by Lady Celeste; 03-01-2021 at 06:11 AM.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  2. #2
    Star of the Dawn
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    It was an unremarkable building: mid-sized, flat roof, standard brick with glass doors, and a sign overhead that read “Texas Midlands Bank”. Customers came and went, tellers went about their business as usual... it was all very quiet. Peaceful, at least for now.

    No one even noticed Kari lurking around the building, invisible to mortal eyes, her energy signature reduced to a very bare minimum. She had been just a tiny spectral wisp when she died, and although 20 years of care had strengthened her since then, it was all too easy for her to return to that minimal amount of energy. Doing that without regressing her age altogether had been the true challenge, but she’d spent years training to do exactly that and more, and it had certainly paid off.

    Her assignment had been simple enough. Some suspicious figures had been spotted around the bank, and the stable ghoul whose home used to be here had been identified as a possible target. Kari was to deliver a warning to the ghoul, assess the situation, and report back so that the Guild could determine whether or not further action was needed. It was all pretty basic, but Kari stayed hidden throughout, fully aware of how badly these things could turn out if she wasn’t careful.

    Now it was just a matter of finding the ghoul and delivering the message, but without intruding on the ghoul’s territory. This was still his property, in a way, and it wouldn’t do any good to start a fight now, especially if the ghoul might be in trouble anyway.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  3. #3
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Sir Thaddeus Grimshaw was unequivocally bored. He had spent centuries guarding this area, this land, watching it change hands and buildings countless times. Once a proud and noble ranch house, it was now quite possibly the most boring bank of this century. Some days he would watch the customers, invisible to the mortal eye. Other days he would leave the bank, but a nagging sense of worry and paranoia about the beige and boring brown bank would draw him back. Perhaps that is why he stayed behind, even after all this time. If he didn’t watch over what remained of him property, who would? Nobody. Certainly nobody worth their salt.

    So today, once again, he was sitting in the high-backed leather chair in the manager’s office, invisible and nigh undetectable, save for a draft or a slight depression in the mauve leather. He was watching the manager, a short, round, balding rattish-faced man try to convince an aging woman to take a loan she could never repay. It made him sick, but it was his only entertainment. He drummed his fingers on the arm of the chair, his foot tapping and his cane leaning precariously. Suddenly, he felt a presence. A small blip on his internal radar, barely more than the slight feeling of indigestion he would rarely experience.

    Grinning, he stood quickly, grabbing his gentleman’s cane and straightening his coat. He turned to the manager, who would never see nor hear the ghoul, and spoke.

    “It seems I’ve got an appointment. If you’ll excuse me, I will tend to such an interruption.” The manager gave no response, as expected. Drifting through the walls was always interesting, as the electricity that ran through the wires tingled delightfully, as if he still had nerves. Drifting to the main room of the bank, he looked around. A troubled look came across his face. He could not find the presence that had stuck out in his mind a moment ago. Perhaps his spirit was fading.
    Last edited by Yggdrasil_Hugger; 02-27-2021 at 04:53 AM.
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  4. #4
    The Shadow's Embrace
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    Stitches was on the other side of the street, watching the child spirit as she sipped from a coffee cup she had with her. It was mostly coffee, having some blood mixed into it. She wanted her mind clear while she was keeping an eye on Kari as she went about the mission. Her job today was a sort of baby sitter for Kari, to be there for her if she needed the help. Not to mention with this job being about a ghoul, she would be the best back up in case things went down the trenches.

    She enjoyed these jobs, a break from acting as a paramedic or nurse or even a doctor at times as when she joined the world of the living. Keeping an eye on the fresh spirits going out in the field to their first missions was a good thing to her. This was a second lease on life they were 'living' and she wanted to make sure they they would back able to live it to their fullest. She drank down the last of the mixed coffee she had and tucked the cup away into a pocket. "You got this lass."
    I am the blade of shadows embrace. Just because I am a user of an unholy power doesn't make me evil. For without light, a shadow cannot exist.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Heson Shadowbane is on discord! For those friends of mine that want to keep in touch with me just send me a message and I'll give ya my deets.

  5. #5
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    Banks, an institute nearly as old as civilization itself. Where once they were temples to some god, they became stalls of wood upon a traveler's back, then they took root and became buildings from large stony mansions to wooden rooms in a fort lit by candlelight. Now most little rooms lit by candlelight have died out, but large stone mansions are still around. Filled with steel, glass, plastic, and paper and the Texas Midlands Bank was one such place. Formally a ranch house owned by a prominent adventurer from Georgia who was killed by some business rivals for his land.

    A sad turn of events for sure, but the past is for the ghosts they belong to. The future and the preset belong to the living and unborn. But today...rather this entire past week has been about the past those living it and those aiming to rob it. Ectohunters have been casing the bank, but gold, money, and bonds mean very little to their employer. He often said his true aim will make him more money than this bank or twenty of it's sister banks could hope to hold. And while he never told them his name or have ever seen his face, the money in their accounts is all the truth they've needed.

    And with these special glasses they can already see the value in his knowledge. Today they were hunting a ghoul by the name of Sir Thaddeus Grimshaw. Watching him leering over the shoulders of greedy bankers looking to scam senior citizens out of their pensions. His rage warmed the air, but unless you knew what to feel for it would go under the notice of most people. And now that he's on the move they had him in their sights. Small specter cubes sitting in their hands, one toss and they would have a ten grand payday waiting for them at the end of all this.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 03-01-2021 at 10:47 PM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  6. #6
    Star of the Dawn
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    And just like that, there they were. The glasses they wore matched the descriptions she’d been given, and Kari could already recognize who they were dealing with just by looking at them. Living humans acting like ordinary robbers, but they practically ignored all of the usual robbery targets like the vault or the tellers’ station. They were after something else entirely, and as their glasses turned in Thaddeus’ direction, their true goal became clear.

    First things first. Kari would have to alert both Stitches and Thaddeus stat, but with how far apart they were, there was no way to go tell one without leaving the other unaware...

    Unless something was done to catch the attention of them both, and Kari had just the idea to do it.

    Finding the nearest fire alarm, Kari reached for the lever and pulled it down. The alarms blared all throughout the bank, instantly putting the living civilians on high alert, and could be clearly heard within the bank and a sizable distance away.

    Neither Thaddeus nor Stitches could have missed the sound, but there was one small catch on Kari’s end. Interacting with solid objects required a higher energy state than what her “stealth mode” could manage. This was good for a warning; the sudden change in her energy state would give off a pulse that few ghosts could miss. But now the same people who were stalking Thaddeus could pick up on her aura too.

    She had only a split-second to hide, and phased through the nearest wall and climbed up toward the ceiling. She would still have to stay reasonably close to the ghost hunters until both Thaddeus and Stitches had spotted them, or until she had enough backup to take them on. But one advantage of not having a body was that the laws of physics didn’t really apply to ghosts anymore, allowing them to get very creative with hiding places when they needed to be.
    Last edited by Lady Celeste; 03-02-2021 at 06:37 PM.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  7. #7
    The Shadow's Embrace
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    The former medic faded away quickly as the fire alarm began to ring out. The coffee cup she had been holding just dropped down to the ground as she let herself go fully into the spirit state of being and she began running across the street to the bank. There was no reason why the fire alarm should be going off which could only mean a sign from the kid. It was either trouble with the ghoul or trouble with the people they had been hearing about.

    Either way, with the fire alarm Kari was calling out for help and so it was her job to do so. When she finally got to the bank she watched what people were running out and what people were staying inside, even sticking her head through the wall to make sure she was getting the big picture of what was happening.
    I am the blade of shadows embrace. Just because I am a user of an unholy power doesn't make me evil. For without light, a shadow cannot exist.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Heson Shadowbane is on discord! For those friends of mine that want to keep in touch with me just send me a message and I'll give ya my deets.

  8. #8
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    All at once, the bank descended into chaos. The fire alarm was pulled, a flare of ghostly energy pulsed and drifted upwards through the ceiling, and another specter appeared on Thaddeus’s radar, moving swiftly toward the bank. Suddenly, a cold feeling drifted through his limbs. He narrowed his eyes and spun to see two men staring at him. Him! They held strange devices in their hands like Rubix cubes and looked... predatory. He huffed. It had only taken a century and a half for anything interesting to happen.

    He tossed aside his cane, which dissipated into ghostly fog, a grunted. His shoulders rolled forward and the sound of bones cracking and shifting was heard. He hunched over, his feet elongating to become digitigrade, his fingers growing into claws, his clothes tearing as his new head scraped the ceiling. His jaw popped downwards as row after row of sharp, shark-like teeth moved forward. The ground creaked as his incorporeal form became solid. He let loose a glass-shattering, blood curdling howl and lunged toward the men with frightening speed.
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  9. #9
    Red Ninja
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    Hesitation froze the men's muscles for a few seconds as the Ghoul showed his true form. It was horrifying, but it was something their employer had planned for. Jumping out of the direct line of the Ghoul's charge the man on the right threw a cube at the Ghoul trapping his left foot in a light prism and stopping his forward momentum.

    Once his cube was thrown the man on the right jumped even further out range. He glanced around looking for more ghosts, they were warned about a group called the Afterlife Agency who liked to interfere in their Employer's ventures. He found no one, then signaled for the man on the left to throw his own cube. They never spoke it was series of hand gestures that explained their intentions quickly.

    The man on the left threw his cube aiming for Thaddeus's torso. That would be all the lock in they needed.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  10. #10
    Star of the Dawn
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    These men were good. Really good.

    All of the Guild’s suspicions were confirmed once the first of those strange cubes locked onto Sir Grimshaw’s foot, and they proceeded with their next attack without a word. Clearly they had done something like this before, and Sir Grimshaw’s feral state at the moment was not going to be any help. They would have to step in.

    Kari watched the men and moved herself carefully into position. The hunters were already scanning the area, searching for anyone who might get in the way, so Kari stayed hidden behind the wall until just the right moment. There was only one way she could think of to stop that thing without getting caught herself, but her timing had to be just right.

    Then, just as the second cube was about to be tossed, Kari flew at the man with the second cube and pushed his arm to the side, sending the cube off-course and away from Thaddeus. She then immediately followed up by attempting to kick the second man right into the first, hoping to give herself some more space to work with until Stitches got here.

    Just then, however, an unseen force slammed into each of the men and threw each of them against the wall, starting with the one closest to Kari.

    It hadn’t taken Aidoneus long to assess the situation upon arrival. The fire alarm was blaring, much of the bank had been evacuated, and now there was a fight going on inside. Sir Grimshaw was currently in his feral form, his foot caught in some sort of trap, and Kari had just stepped in to protect him. Stitches, for her part, had been just about to intervene as well, though Aidoneus had just barely beaten her to it.

    “Free Thaddeus.” Aidoneus ordered to both Kari and Stitches. “Leave these men to me.”

    Kari promptly went to do so, approaching the now-aggressive ghoul cautiously.

    “Alright big guy... easy... easy...” Kari said gently as she slowly reached toward the trap stuck on his foot, fully prepared to step back if he panicked and tried to attack her.

    Meanwhile, Aidoneus remained keenly focused on the two assailants, bracing for the next attack. A raw energy already began to radiate from him, causing the lights and other electronics in the immediate area to flicker rapidly.

    Spoiler: Earlier, in New Orleans 
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

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