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Thread: [M] The Journey of a Thousand Steps OOC

  1. #1
    Red Ninja
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    Default [M] The Journey of a Thousand Steps OOC

    Rated M for possible mature content including sex, violence, language, graphic situations, and drug use.

    The Journey of a Thousand Steps

    Will the ends justify the means?

    Story: Thousands of years ago when the Gods and Goddesses still mingled in the affairs of mortals and oftentimes did more than just mingle, be they bastard children or devoted followers all were the pawns of the divines. Might and magic ruled all aspect of their lives, were they not born great they would have to fight tooth and nail for greatness...and only if the Deities they followed deemed them worthy.

    But even among the Demigods life was no easier. More often than not born from infidelity they lived their lives in constant fear of the wrath their divine parent or their spurned significant others could visit upon them at a moment's notice. Be it death by lighting bolt or snakes being slipped into your bed as a baby, Demigods learned quick or died young, sometimes without even their "good" parent being able to save them.

    Luckily, a common loophole among even the most unforgiving of Deities...great deeds bring great rewards. If you could prove yourself worthy of your Patron or your Divine Lineage, crimes could be forgotten and places among the stars earned. But a God's boon is as fickle as their whims, as they giveth so they taketh away. Many a hero and heroine that had earned their place among the Gods had it taken away as punishment for the slightest of infractions, crushed beneath the heel and left in the gutter to be forgotten.

    But a force beyond the dawn of time has made its presence known upon the Night of Alignment where all the heavenly bodies were aligned with each other. A doorway opened into the primordial void and countless creatures flooded out snatching up any and every item of power they could lay claws upon. The horrors are without name and their master naught but a figment in the minds of the Eldest Gods. The records only give a short description for when the door will slam shut until the next Night of Alignment reopens it. When the Sun becomes black as obsidian the door will seal shut once more, but that was a window no one knew the time frame of. Could be three years could be almost three decades it would all depend on who the Divines of Fortune favor.

    Nuances: Alright folks, our players will be playing Fallen Heroes or Followers in the service of some ancient gods or even being the actual Demigods themselves. We will all start in our own little part of the world unless two players pick heroes from the same culture in which case they could start in the same place or even play friends of one another. I know the interest check says Iron Age, but heroes and Demigods could be pulled from pre-iron age like from the Fives Ages of Men(Golden, Silver, Bronze, and Heroic) if you can whip up a good char from them and backstory as to how they survived into the Iron Age.

    Next, despite the Ages of Men listed being pulled from the Greek/Roman Culture, Deities, Demigods, Fallen Heroes, and Followers can from all ancient cultures like Celtic, Egyptian, Norse, Chinese, etc as long as the character makes sense and their backstory isn't too convoluted or useless, most are fair game. Now for the why all of us will be question to recover some artifact important to either our Patron God/Goddess or our divine parents to try and earn their favor. But we won't be the only ones looking and we won't always win...still nothing ventured nothing gained. And maybe...just...maybe a journey of a thousands steps will be enough to earn you eternity as something more than a pawn is a cosmic game of chess.

    Accepted/Reserved slots

    Bairdhwyn Ó Áine by SaltyIrishman

    Am-Rai by Siks

    Andraste McYaren by Highland Sniper

    Astraea Kynthia by Siks

    Sobekhotep by SaltyIrishman

    Cú Chulainn by Cfavano

    Seia Nasica by TheExiledChampion

    Serika by Lady Celeste

    Spoiler: Character Skeleton 


    1. All RPA and Mature Section rules apply.
    2. I made this a mature RP for the reason of creative freedom, anything goes for the most part as long as none of the rules are broken
    3. I am the GM, and as such I have the last say in issues.
    4. Any issues between players deal with in PMs.
    5. If the problem persists, send me both sides and I'll see if I can help.
    6. If I help and it continues ask a mod or get out.
    7. Be active and post at least a paragraph a post once a week.
    8. Moderate to advanced writings skills preferred please.
    9. Ignorance of the rules won't save you if you break them.
    10. Be smart, have fun, and no modding or powerplaying especially important since we're playing somewhat divine characters.
    11. All Skills and abilities must be reasonable and not OP even if the character has those skills and abilities in their respective myths.
    12. Any new RP ideas are welcome just run them by me and I'll see about working them out.
    13. Inactivity will be punished by the divine smiting of your char.
    14. The GM is the only judges of inactivity, when the RP is going well it's a week unless you send me word of your inactivity then I'll pull you along. After two weeks your character will be on the chopping block unless you have a good reason for not being around. And after three weeks they die no matter what.
    15. Everyone is allowed only 2 main chars.
    16. You can reserve a spot, but it will only be held for a week.
    17. Fallen Heroes and Followers can either be pulled from actual myth or OCs.
    18. OC Deities, Demigods, and mythoses can be in this, but will need to be cleared by me first.
    19. The actual Gods and Goddesses won't play very active roles in this RP and will only be in limited NPC roles, but they will be a driving force behind what our chars do. Sometimes controlled by me sometimes controlled by the players who claimed them.
    20. Divine weapons and armor will be limited at the start.
    21. This is not a PC world, bad things will happen and groups face prejudice from times to time. And all Deities, Historical or Fictional will not be all nice and good.
    22. If you've read down this far, put a good, two-paragraph in-character scene in the Other Section of the sheet displaying your character's skills.

    I reserve the right to add, change, or remove anything in this RP at any time, nuances, rules, and characters included.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 11-21-2020 at 01:20 AM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  2. #2
    Star of the Dawn
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    I thought I might try my hand at a grandchild of Hades (offspring of one of his and Persephone’s children), but in Greek mythology Hades tends to be very strictly neutral and his favor can’t really be bought per se, regardless of how many great deeds someone has done. The closest he ever comes in that regard is a few separate quid-pro-quo scenarios in which a hero asks him for a single specific favor and has to earn it through a single specific test: Orpheus & Eurydice, the last of the 12 Labors of Heracles/Hercules, and so on.

    Having said that, methinks I may need to work out a few things with you via PM’s or Discord before I post a profile.
    Last edited by Lady Celeste; 10-06-2020 at 09:04 AM.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  3. #3
    Red Ninja
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    Very true, but artistic license can work a little. In the last Dresden Files Book I read Hades was something of a Treasury of the Olympian Gods, a lot of valuable artifacts were hidden in the underworld. Maybe he tasks a grandchild to get some treasure so he can maintain the Quid-pro-quo and his neutrality. The monsters stole treasure from all over afterall.

    The char can simply be a Follower doing as they've been bid afterall.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  4. #4
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    Spoiler: Bairdhwyn Ó Áine 
    Last edited by Yggdrasil_Hugger; 10-09-2020 at 04:02 PM.
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  5. #5
    Star of the Dawn
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    Spoiler: Serika, daughter of Melinoë 
    Last edited by Lady Celeste; 11-21-2020 at 01:26 AM.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  6. #6
    RPA Honor Guard
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    SO I could be like, Herakles or Achilles?

    Spoiler: Things I like 

  7. #7
    Star of the Dawn
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cfavano View Post
    SO I could be like, Herakles or Achilles?
    That’s up to Siks, but I will say that it would certainly be very interesting to have Seri interact with character choices like those (or any similar Greek hero), especially since I’m planning for the item stolen in Seri’s case to have been something especially crucial to the natural order. Depending on how their interactions go, they might even be inclined to team up.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  8. #8
    Domina Noctis
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    One thing I am wondering is how will we have character interaction if we are all in different regions? So far we have a Celt and a Greek. I'm toying with the idea of someone Nordic. Back then mortal travel is a long time.

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  9. #9
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    Thank you all for the interest. I will answer questions now.

    Salty: Good idea, but you actually made a good example of a creature from lore's legit powers being a bit too OP.

    Fae in the actual lore are really God like beings so all that Glimmer, Fae charm and beast tongue stuff are real powers, but for this RP they are all quite OP. You will need to depower almost all of his powers, being only half-Fae means he's not full Fae so he wouldn't have the full Fae powers. Weak willed or stupid humans sure he can mess with them to an extant same with animals and plants because some pf them have divine connections as well so they might be favored by a god and thus have their protection. Same goes for Demigods and Followers, Fallen Heroes will be discussion between players for how much it would effect them. He can talk to them and ask for help, but no being able to just compel the help the Fae are very big on making deals and it could be a fun mechanic in the story that he needs to give a favor for a favor or something and could help him stay in check cause Fae cannot lie and their word is really their bond.

    His summer power can keep the radiating light power, but the super burning through almost anything power is a little much. His insect grace thing is fine though, also while we're being kinda loose with the timeline things will be firmly in a Conan-like Iron Age BC world, France as we know and pocket watches are not things yet.

    Celeste: I like what you have so far.

    CF: Technically yes, but considering how well known those two Heroes in particular are, how you play them will be more restricting. No new powers, backstories etc. And you would need to pick an artifact they are known for like Hercules's Club or Achilles's Spear. And you would need to figure out how, where, and why they are in this story a little bit more.

    Angel: Our heroes will start in their own lands and will receive summonses of sorts to some central location where either Deities of Fortune or some iterations of the Fates will set them on their paths. The group will likely team up and travel together as each chosen artifact will be guarded by all kinds of Nasties not just one Hero could conquer. And if the groups wants there could be a number of other artifacts they will pick up between each character goal. We'll travel by portal or time skip depending.

    And here is one of my chars, still needs some altering but basically him.

    Spoiler: Am-Rai 
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 10-22-2020 at 01:04 AM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  10. #10
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    How's that?
    Last edited by Yggdrasil_Hugger; 10-08-2020 at 04:25 PM.
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