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Thread: Round One [Warden-vs-Samurai]-Judge SikstaSlathalin

  1. #1
    Red Ninja
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    Default Round One [Warden-vs-Samurai]-Judge SikstaSlathalin

    ROUND ONE: Hellfire Arena
    Warden -VS- Samurai
    Judge: Siks

    Beneath the cool and comforting earth lies a realm of fire and pain populated by creatures as powerful as they are unholy. Writhing and screaming as the unnatural flames of the underworld rage all around them. The air stinks of brimstone and death, it stings the eyes and clings to the lungs.

    This is Hell, and only one of you can leave.

    Atop a single platform you stand, no more than sixty yards between you and the lake of fire below. The hellish winds whip around you carrying the voices of the Damned to assail your ears. But it's not just their horrid screams you hear, but the soft whispers of promises and boons.

    Life, Liberty, wealth and power beyond your wildest ken. Whatever your heart desires they can grant it if only you would stop and listen to their words, but should you be so foolish as to listen for too long pain will be your only reward. But their incessant whispers are not the only dangers afoot in this realm of hellfire and smoke.

    The most ambitious of hellspawn can claw their ways onto the platform and make themselves even more of a threat than even your opponent. With each round the whispers and dangers grow, but will you be able to keep your wits about while also keeping your head?

    And as the Grim Grinner himself sits upon the archway leading to the massive black stone citadel he waves his hand and signals the battle will now begin.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

    You have 5 posts per person and 72 hours to respond between posts.
    After making two posts, you will need to wait for my post before you can continue
    By the flip of a coin, Warden will go first.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 01-21-2020 at 08:45 PM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  2. #2
    Giga Onion
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    The winds, they struck up a memory that was only a but a dream to him. And yet, those howls. They only seem to remind of him of how fragile he really was. But now, wandering the depths of this hell, he couldn't help but feel invigorated. The constant whispers, and the screams of the damned only gave rise to all that he had witnessed on the battlefield. Generals whispering rumors, and soldiers screaming in agony. All of it, was something he loved to hear.

    As he stood surveying this hellish arena from a flat plane, he could only see how suspended this battlefield really was. Only sixty-yards in either direction leads to inevitable doom. He was no strategist, but he could see that fighting beyond that was going to ensure a timely demise. He needed to take note of his play area, because if he was too zealous in his wanton murder than he could see himself swimming in magma real soon.

    Hazards aside, he looked over at the pitiful daemon that appeared to be orchestrating this whole thing. He gave a toothy-grin, and a small snarl, as he spoke with boisterous attitude. "So! Who's gunna be my first meal!?" He looked around seeing if he could spot his opponent. He wondered what that disdainful daemon had in store for him. He couldn't possibly account for all variables, but it was nice to know that he was going to be eating someone.
    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 01-21-2020 at 07:30 PM.

  3. #3
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    Kano straightened unfolding his legs. He returned his blades to his side, before brushing dirt from his kimono. The masked Masamune's eyes scanned the area, his hand closing over the hilt of his blade as the whispers flowed over him. The samurai dismissed them as one dismisses the wind, his focus was on the battle to come.

    "So! Who's gunna be my first meal!?"

    The cry echoed across the arena and Kano's eyes stilled upon the source. He took in what he assumed to be his opponent, and shifted his feet. Adjusting his stance, Kano placed a hand his saya. The samurai, watched and studied his opponent.

    Conflict is won first in the mind and through one's will. So the samurai focused on the next move, channeling his will towards the first strike. The first move can be the last if focused correctly; And Masamune wanted to be free of this place and its wind.
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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    His ears perked for a moment as one eye fell upon his opponent. A playful grin stretched across his muzzle, as he realized who it was that was going to be dying by his blade. And at that, he fully turned his body towards the man who looked to have come straight out of a oriental painting.

    "A man of the Orient? This is new." He lowered himself to a pouncing stance, two fingers to the concrete beneath him, and a greatsword having settled on his shoulder.


    He leapt forward, covering the distance between the two of them. He had put all of his momentum into the swing, moving the blade in downward diagonal as though it were a tube of rebar.

  5. #5
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    Kano watched his opponent as they noticed the samurai. The wolfman crouched roared another insult and charged. Masamune watched his enemies blade, his legs shifting slightly; Ready to move immediately. The samurai leaned forward toward his charging foe.

    As the wolfman began his swing, Kano scurred a few steps to the side. His arm tensed and drew smoothly. The blade cleared the saya and struck; Kano pushed all his focus all his willpower into the strike. It was savage slash aimed to slice through his opponent.

    (1d6)[2] (miss)

    Kano grimaced behind his mask as the tip of his opponents blade slashed across the skin of his ribs. Though whether the grimace was from the pain or because his own blade didn't bite was debatable. The samurai rotated blood running down his side drawn blade held between himself and the wolfman.
    Last edited by Dnafein; 01-24-2020 at 10:02 PM. Reason: Edited to adjust last paragraph to match the roll result.
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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  6. #6
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    1st Judge post

    The battle raged back and forth like the fiery tides below. Fire and whispers fill the air around you, yet so far you have remained mostly unphased by the temptations around them. But how long can that truly last? One eye must always be kept on the unguarded edge of the ring while the other keeps upon your opponent threats are all around you, your senses are becoming frayed, but soon a new threat you wish you had a third eye for.

    A Giant horned demon has clawed his way onto the platform wicked flame enveloping his every cloven step. He has no stake in this fight he only wishes for blood and as two large fiery swords appear in his hands it made clear he doesn't care whose it is. Fire burned around him creating some kind of forcefield, it would be hard to penetrate but something told the fighters his weapon wouldn't be so inhindered by the fire.

    As the wrathful Demon laid his baleful eyes upon the combatants, the air began to ripple and the heat intensified. As the fiery air surrounded them each were wracked with a painful burning coming from deep inside. First as the Samurai missed his strike and tried to reset the spirit within his blade attacked, it's unquenchable thirst for blood unrequited. The pain would rip up Kano's arm forcing him to wince through the pain and find a way to quell the pain in anyway possible.

    As for the wolfman, the sight of such a mighty new foe caused the lust of battle to grow hot in his breast. This Demon would be far more fun than this blue-skinned fool before him, turning the Warden was the first to charge the demon momentarily turning his back on the Samurai.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
    Each fighter will have 2 more posts before I post again.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 01-27-2020 at 08:53 PM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  7. #7
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    He absolutely salivated all over himself as he laid his eyes upon this demon of superior strength and combat prowess. He couldn't help himself, he was enthralled by the sheer amount of power that was leaking from this being. He wanted it, he wanted its flesh and bones. He wanted to test how strong it was, and how much punishment it can take.

    He turned his back to the Samurai, finding no greater purpose in dealing with him. He was not up to his standards of combat anymore. He was far too weak to even be subdued properly by his hunk of steel. However, this beast of a demon was something he will enjoy. He gives a mounting howl as he began to run at the demon.


  8. #8
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    Masamune resisted the urge to jam his blade into the back of his opponent like some dishonorable ninja. Instead he twisted the blade and dragged it across his shoulder. Blood flowed freely down his chest mixing, with that from the cut across his ribs. His blade glistened with blood, as the samurai moved to view the new threat.

    Kano studied the fiery monster, ignoring the sweat dripping from his body. The flaming swords moved with an ease the samurai recognized as practiced skill. The aura of flame seemed to be aimed as an aura of intimidation as much as a defense mechanism. Masamune frowned at the back of the reckless wolfman, the demon would be an opponent that would take a strategy to defeat.

    Unfortunately, there was no time thanks to the charging fool. Kano turned and charged after the wolfman, pushing himself he caught up as the reckless warrior bellowed. Kano jumped to the wolfman's back, leaping from it the samurai launched himself into the fire shield. Grimacing as his skin burned, the samurai maintained his focus bringing his blade down atop the demon's head.
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    He cackled as his attention was completely centered on the demon. He saw, no feel, the battle tendency growing within him. He wanted to dice up this demon with every ounce of his being. Regardless of whether or not that pathetic example of man wanted to participate. But sure enough, the samurai took the chance to attack the demon while his back was turned so much so that he used him as a launch pad to strike a downward thrust.

    Although he did not quite enjoy being used as an instrument for an attack, the wolfman cared less. This demon was right in front of him, and the fiery aura of this creature, was starting to singe his fur. However the excitement of the battle, and the adrenaline pumping through his veins, was all he cared for. He stepped in close and swung up in a uppercut like motion, trying to see if he land a single momentous blow to this abominable being.

  10. #10
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    Kano landed smoking behind the demon. His blade stained with its blood; The samurai flicked the blade splattering the fiery creatures blood on the ground nearby. He turned and eyed the creature even as the wolfman attacked it. Kani stood just outside the fiery aura, studying the demon.

    Inside the samurai warred with himself; Would it still be dishonorable to strike the monster from behind? Or given the creatures celestial position would such a strike instead be the wisest move? Could he cleanse himself of any dishonor earned with such a strike, or would he be forever stained?

    The demon staggering back from the wolfman's attack, turning as it did so. This erased the conflict Masamune faced, and his blade slashed as the flame shield slid across the samurai's flesh. He followed the slash with a thrust, and twist of his blade. He shifted the blade inside the demon's body and pulled the blade free. Had his opponent been human and unarmored, the demon's intestines would have splattered the ground.

    The samurai moved away from the demon's path. Planting his feet, Kano shifted his stance and readied his blade. His eyes were already moving past the demon to his original opponent, ready to strike the moment the intruder was clear.
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