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Thread: [M] Rise of the Uchawi

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    Default [M] Rise of the Uchawi

    [This roleplay is rated mature for reasons that may include but are not limited to: strong language, suggestive themes, violence, and mild romance. Reader discretion is advised.]

    The night was just starting to set in over the land. Children and adults alike knew better than to be out during the night, not with all the rumors that had come up as of late. There were plenty of rumors about some dark lord, some black beast summoning undead armies in an effort to destroy the world. No one knew the mage's motives, or if he was even real, but no one wanted to take their chances, either. Nighttime was a time to stay inside, to not dare head out, unless one wanted to be enrolled in an army of complete annihilation.

    One being, however, lifted herself from the quilt she had set for herself and rubbed at her eyes. The night was her morning, and as she stretched herself awake she took inventory of her belongings. Her old, worn backpack was still there, which housed her quilt, pillow, and a few other trinkets she liked to carry around. The clothes on her back were still intact. She was a plain girl, wearing practical clothes in dark shades, with a dark hood to cover much of her face. Lastly, her second bag, her most valuable possession, was still by her side. This satchel seemed older than the girl herself, and it was falling apart in several places. Inside was an ancient book that was even worse for wear. This book, perhaps, was worth more than the girl's life.

    After packing her quilt and pillow back into the backpack she headed out. This was a normal day for her: sleeping outside during the afternoons, and wandering for answers during the night. She was unafraid of the dark being; in fact, she wanted to find him. Maybe, after a lifetime of searching, she would find in him the answers she so desperately needed.

    It was not long before the voices started. They were quiet today, the girl's fan club. Several voices spoke in a language no one else seemed to know. A few of them gave off muffled screams. But the girl seemed to have no problem with ignoring them, and she continued onward. Maybe today she would finally get a lead. Maybe she would learn what her book, or her abilities, or the mark on her face meant.
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    The darkening of the sky to dusk heralded the time where many chose to be inside. Only the extremely confident, careless, or desperate seemed to go outside at night these days. For the three travelers on the road, it was a mixture. One walked, surrounded by an air of slight irritation that was obviously being masked. His expression was guarded, and his hand rested stiffly on the hilt of the sword at his waist. His eyes scanned the area as they walked, his straight backed form betraying his slight apprehension. His companion on the other hand, looked completely at ease. He was far younger, as well as obviously being shorter. He walked casually, a confident grin on his face. Blades at his side glinted, the collection of sharp looking knives held along a belt. The final member of the trio lumbered behind them, large footprints being left behind. It was kind of hard not to leave such large impressions when you were a full grown elephant. The beast seemed calm, contrasting the guarded and careless attitudes her companions were showing. The man muttered a curse under his breath. "You can't run off like that Resham. Not we have no idea where we are, nor how long it will take to get to a town or village." He scolded softly, a gently accent clear in his voice. The kid shrugged, and turned to the elephant, rummaging though a saddle bag at her side. Pulling out a lantern, he handed it to the elder male with a shrug, and a lit match.

    When ignited, the two males appearance became clear. The younger had tanned skin and dark hair, a dark black that almost seemed to have a blue tint to it. His eyes were a dark purplish reddish colour, and he walked around wearing baggy, cream shorts and a sleeveless top. His companion had pale skin, dark eyes, and dark hair. His seemed simply to be straight black, which fell straight down to just below his ear. He wore a blue, long sleeved top, and white trousers, his feet bare as his companions as they walked down the path. The elephant was but a hulking shadow behind them, tusks gleaming in the light. A silence covered them, and it remained like that for quite some time.

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    The Ashen One
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    It was always so silent at night. Silence, of course, was relative, as the relentless whispers were omnipresent. The girl could hear her own heartbeat. She had long since gotten used to the subtle sounds of the night, but tonight, something seemed... off. She was wary as ever as she trod along, light on her small feet. But after a while, she grew more confident in her suspicions. She was not alone.

    She stood perfectly still in the darkness, scanning the area with her eyes and listening to any sound. The whispers were getting louder, making it even harder to go by hearing. She slowly dropped to her knees and placed her hands on the ground. There, she felt it, felt the footsteps of several beings. There was an army drawing near, and their footsteps were synchronized. But as she continued to feel the vibrations, she realized she was facing no army. What was making those footsteps was a single, gigantic being.

    She rose to her feet and entered into a battle stance. The newcomer was coming from the east, and she was ready. She ripped her old book from her satchel and opened up to a specific page. It was dark, too dark to see, but she knew what was on the page anyway. She mumbled something in a language no one else would know and soon a small flame appeared in her right hand. She tucked the book away and tried to look out into the night. The light gave light to some parts of her. Her hand was gloved, and her clothes were stained. Her iron-straight hair was the ebony of the night around her. On the ride side of her face, just peeking across her cheek, was an ashen mark. The left side of her face was covered by her hood. The twinkling fire in her hand was too weak, and soon, it died out, leaving the girl in darkness once more.

    It was drawing closer. She could feel the beast closing in, several meters away now. She stood her ground, unwavering. Would it be able to see her, smell her? "Halt," she called into the darkness. "Halt and state your purpose. Few have the tenacity to venture out at a time like this. If you are working with him, I ask a word of you."
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    The boy slowed, his eyes narrowing as he saw a small spark, a tiny dancing flame appear before them. It vanished too soon for him to see much, but he slowed slightly as that happened. The older slowed as well, the large elephant doing the same. A voice broke through the relative silence, and all three immediately stopped. Two knives were suddenly held in the boys hands, and the older held his sword. Their lantern was did guarded, sitting on the ground beside them. Eyes narrow, the squinted into the darkness, trying to make out the dark figure.

    "We are trying to reach a settlement of some sort. My companion decided to run off earlier, and wherever he goes, I have to follow." He called clearly. "I am Kaito. My younger companion is Resham, and his, pet of sorts, is Mah La. We had hoped to reach a place before night fell, but obviously we did not succeed in this regard. And we do not work with him." He said in the same, even voice. "In return, I ask who you are, and what your business is at night as well. As you said, few venture out at night. So why are you traveling at this time?

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    She was silent as the spoke, and she took in all sorts of things. They were foreigners; she could tell by the man's accent before he said as much. Their names were not native either. However, they did not seem terribly dangerous, not yet. She could sense the danger coming from the smaller man, but she knew she would be able to handle herself if he attacked. However, she desperately hoped it would not come to that.

    She was silent for a while after the man had answered. Finally, she drew in a short breath, and she responded. "I am called Mae," she told them. "I prefer nighttime travel. There is less of a crowd to work through. I fear none who may threaten the peace of the night." Her voice was rough, confident. Even her stance was firm as she studied the newcomers. It was too dark to make out much. She was most curious about their pet. What kind of pet would tread so heavily?

    "There is a town to the south of here," she continued. "If you seek refuge for the night, it is perhaps the closest town to here. If you are not slow, you will get there in just a few hours. I would recommend keeping a close eye on your belongings while there. The townsfolk heartily welcome tourists--and the coin they manage to pilfer from them." Her hand fell over her satchel protectively. "And if I may. If you are looking to make enemies in this new land you stumble upon, I would say you're doing a fine job. It is hardly gentlemanly to threaten a lady with weapons before even getting to know her name, is it not?" A small smirk played over her lips. If they thought she was so naive, they were dead wrong.
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    "Says the woman who's faking being a watchman." The younger called, rolling his eyes. He too had an accent, though quite different than the man he was traveling, as well as higher pitched. He wasn't even a teenager yet, which was obvious to whoever could observe his height. He began spinning one of his blades between his fingers, an apparent habit that was done absentmindedly, without him really looking to do so. Yet, he didnt mess up and hurt himself. Kaito still held his sword. "Though Resham said it in a rather disrespectful manner, he is correct. You may claim this is hardly something a gentleman would do, which is also correct. However, when confronted by someone you cannot see, who is seeking a word with the one stirring this land into chaos, I think it to be an appropriate response. One cannot forget the dangers of the road by hearing a woman before him. You travel by night, though it is hardly a time to be doing so these days. At least, to be doing so alone. This said, we cannot treat you as we would a naive child. Nothing in this exchange of words has given cause for trust, and regrettably the manners I would typically keep in mind. If we make enemies, so be it. To offend someone is better than to be killed from carelessness." He spoke calmly, a cold edge to his voice as it cut through the silence. Her words now gave them pause, and a reason to continue traveling rather than head to some village. With a sigh, Kaito resigned himself to a night of traveling. At least the elephant would deter people.

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    She stood silent a little while longer. The one with the blades was a mere child? Mae knew better than most not judge by appearance, but... a child was threatening her. She would laugh about it later. She soon straightened and gentle shrugged her shoulders. "I am not alone," she answered. Her voice was quiet then, as if she didn't care if they heard her. "Nothing will let you trust me, sure. But I've given you no cause to not trust me, isn't that right?" She was smiling again. This was something she was used to. As a nighttime wanderer, Mae was used to those that sought her coin. She was used to defending herself. Though the two before her didn't seem particularly dangerous, she was ready to cut them down.

    She turned so that she was not facing them anymore, but her back was not turned to them. "I see little need in making enemies in those that I have just met," she continued slowly. "Especially two that are just being careful, such as you. I can hardly blame you. You are all alone in an unfamiliar land, searching for somewhere to spend the night. Surely you have heard the rumors that have been stirring up? The Lord of Chaos? Master of Darkness? He has had many names. Surely you fear him?" She cast her dark eyes their way, trying to watch for movements. "It must be unnerving, being in your shoes. So how about I help you?"

    She turned to face them again. From her outline she looked a lot larger than she was. Her bags made her seem much bulkier, and the hood hid the shape of her face. They would just be able to make out the whites of her eyes. "I can lead you to the nearest town," she went on. "It would make no difference to me. I am a wanderer, after all. i seldom have a destination in mind. However, my services aren't quite free..." Her voice trailed and she changed stances. She raised an eyebrow at them as she watched them over her shoulder. "I do not ask much. Perhaps just when we get to town you buy me a drink or two. And, I don't know, why don't you tell me about the one stirring this land into chaos? You seemed to know exactly who I was talking about before I mentioned a name. That seems awfully suspicious, doesn't it?" She was hoping she could get some information out of them. Maybe they knew something. Maybe she'd be able to get somewhere. "So is it a deal, boys?"
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    Kaito listened, then looked at his companion. The boy shrugged. "Sure. Follow the weird lady. Why not." He sat, sheathing his knives. The man nodded. While the kid was small, he was quick, and deadly accurate with his throwing knives. Still, he did not sheath his blade. Her words had hit a little close to home for them, which made Kaito even more cautious of the woman. She seemed off to him, though he couldn't quite say why. Still, her offer was indeed a good one. They could reach a safe spot for the night, for a relatively low price. Still, countless things told him not to accept.

    For starters, he couldn't quite believe she was alone. He knew of too many cases where a group was led by a single person, claiming to be helpful, lost, or hurt, straight into an ambush. She wanted information on the one causing trouble, one that didnt seem to be the typical bravado of wanting to find and kill him, nor of fear to evade. Still, he of all knew, he couldn't decide the best course of action. With a sigh, he lowered his blade.

    "Very well. Your terms seem reasonable enough. But I have one request, which is a simple thing hat would only take a moment." Resham looked at him, confused. "I ask that you show us your face." He said plainly, looking straight at the outline that was her figure. Resham lifted the lantern, shedding their faces and garb once again in the faint light. Both looked towards her, the leathery skin of Mah La barely visible behind them.

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    Mae flinched at the light, enough for the both of them to see. It was a natural reaction. She soon looked back at them, her expression changed. She looked a little angered, maybe even crestfallen. "I suppose it is only fair," she said tightly. "I would hardly want to travel with those whose faces I have not seen." She let out a sigh before bringing her gloved fingers to her hood. Gently, she pulled it away, exposing her face.

    The girl was young. She was in the very early stages of adulthood. Her dark skin suggested desert-dwelling origins. Black hair was cut just over her eyes, angled so that it shielded much of the left side of her face. Her eyes were a shining black in the night. Long straight hair peeked from her cloak. Cautiously, she moved the hair from her face, revealing her most memorable feature. A scar covered most of the left side of the girl's face and just lingered at the right. It looked like a port wine stain, though it was entirely grey, like a pale form of argyria. It ran from her chin to her forehead and was widest below her eyes, where it stretched to both sides of her face. Her hair soon fell over her face once more and she looked away, clearly self-conscious.

    Mae hated her face, and they'd both be able to see that. Though she tried to hide it, she failed miserably. She felt exposed, and her guard was immediately down. She tried shaking it off. "Very well then," she said, her voice showing her discomfort. "We shall be off then, shall we?"
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    The two watched, their eyes widening slightly at the scar. Immediately, Kaito felt guilty for asking her to do so. "I apologize for making you uncomfortable." He said softly, his voice still managing to carry in the silence. "I appreciate that you showed us, even though it is something that causes you discomfort." He was quiet, the three travelers closing the distance with her, and the elephant becoming far more visible. Resham shrugged it off. "Yeah, lets go." He agreed, seemingly unaffected by the scarred face. He didnt see it as much of an issue to be honest, though his hand brushed against his forehead slightly as he thought of it. Shrugging, he began walking, causing the other two to do the same.

    Their walk was uneventful for about a minute, then a dark shape darted before them in the road. Kairos sword flashed upwards, just in time to catch a weapon that would have carved a large hole in him. "Tch." He are a sound of annoyance, her face setting coldly as he knocked them back. His eyes scanned the area, noting several more almost imperceptible movements surrounding them. "Looks like we're in for a fight." He said under his breath, making Resham grin, knives glinting in his hands. "Lets go then." The kid said, then darted forwards to start the fight.

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