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Thread: The Mothership

  1. #1
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    Default The Mothership

    Welcome aboard the Mothership!

    Formerly known as the Theocratic Empire warship Divine Flame, it is 1024 miles across and 12.5 miles thick. Built for the Theocratians by the Dysonians, it was intended to be their flagship in their war of conversion, outfitted with barracks for legions of clerical shock troops, hospital wards for treating the wounded, massive hanger decks, and should a planet prove to be bothersome, a 1 zettawatt plasma cannon.

    In an effort to ensure no counter weapon could be developed by the Dysonians (and to avoid further payments for the ship), when the Theocratians took possession of the Divine Flame, they targetted the Dysonian sphere and opened fire.

    The resulting recoil sent the ship hurdling away at one-third the speed of light, destroying critical elements of the Plasma Cannon while crushing the crew and guests under 2000g of force. The bolt fired by the cannon was intercepted and routed to the Dysonian sun, which they said had been "looking peaked".

    Reportedly, it perked up considerably.

    The Dysonians then confronted the remaining Theocratians on their home world to demand payment in full for the Divine Flame. As they could not pay for the ship, the Dysonians confiscated all their assets, including their planet and moon, which was torn apart and shipped back as construction materials. The Theocratians were relocated to various remote colony worlds on the outer edges of the galaxy.

    The Divine Flame was salvaged and spent the next thousand years as an automated orbiting museum and theme park. The massive chamber that used to house the plasma cannon became a water park. The hangers were filled with various small and moderate-sized ships, with all weapons disabled by the ship's AI.

    Really Big Entertainments fell into bankruptcy and I wound up purchasing the ship at auction for the price of a large coffee (this will teach me to raise my hand while ordering a coffee at an auction). I renamed it the Mothership and currently have it parked behind the Moon so as to not alarm anyone.

    Telemats and shuttle service is available!

    Got ships? Show me ships!

    Got aliens? Show me aliens!

    Got some really weird artifact? Show me the artifact!

    Want to have fun in the water park? Follow the signs to the Plasma Cannon room, you can't miss it.

    Please note that the Mothership is not responsible any injuries or deaths that may occur from any of the exhibits or theme park rides.

    - - - - -

    Pressing "send", Enigma leaned back and sighed.

    "My, that's an interesting invitation," the AI noted. "Do you normally provide such full histories?"
    "How else am I going to explain how come I've got this giant spaceship? My grandfather left me it in his will? I got lost walking around and there was this alien spaceship that followed me home?"

    "Did you have to include all that about the 'Theocrats' and 'Dysonians'? You do know that's not their names."
    "I can't spell their names. Not with this keyboard, anyway. By the way, did you pick a name for yourself?"
    "Yes," the AI said smugly. "After going through your world's literature and Internet, I have chosen the name of 'Alice'."
    "Why Alice?"
    "Ships by your world's tradition are feminine, so I chose a female name."
    "That's it?"
    "Was there some other criteria I should have been aware of?"

    "Right, I need a drink," Enigma sighed, burying her face in her hands.
    "Central concourse, universal drink dispensers can be found in the Service Kiosks."

    "So," Enigma asked, glancing up at the hidden speaker as she exited the lift. "How are people supposed to get here?"
    "Several transmat satellites have been deployed in a mid-level orbit of your world. These will transport your visitors from the surface to the ship."
    "Great, and how do the satellites know?"
    "As your world says, 'there's an app for that'."

    "Right...." Enigma sighed, then glanced around. "Where's that drink dispenser?"
    "On your left."
    "It just looks like a cluster of pipes?"
    "Place your hand on the plate, and the machine will scan you and create the drink that you desire."
    "Wow, okay!"

    Pressing her hand on the plate, she watched at the pipes began to move, re-configuring themselves as they made new linkages. Sections of pipes began to frost, while others glowed with heat. A cup was delivered in front of the plate as a nozzle began do dispense a dark, steaming liquid.

    "Wow, it's dark roast coffee!" She said, taking the cup out and giving it a deep sniff. With a groan, the universal drink dispenser dropped a lump of whipped cream on the counter.

    "Oops," she winced, glancing up. "You got machines to clean that, right?"
    "Of course. But do try to wait next time?"
    Last edited by Enigma; 11-07-2018 at 11:05 PM.
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  2. #2
    RPA's Resident Zombie
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    With the app recently downloaded, Moon took the transport to the Mothership. Her arrival was uneventful and she stepped apprehensively onto the deck of the immense ship. Her milky eyes surveyed the room before her and with a smile she began moving through the room, her fingers running along the surfaces of many unknown devices. She stopped near a automated doorway and as it opened she stepped through and called out.


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    "Greetings and welcome aboard the Mothership, visitor," a warm voice says, sounding like they're right next to you. "My name is Alice, and I am the ship's Artificial Intelligence. You are currently our first visitor."

    Panels light up along the wall, with your picture.

    "You are currently in the Central Concourse, please do not be alarmed by any service bots you may see, they are currently cleaning up a mess at one of the Universal Drink Dispensers."

    An orange robot with a hose and a squeegee glances up from what looks like a lot of interconnected pipes and waves a four-fingered hand in a friendly manner, before going back to work removing the last of the whipped cream out of a recess and wiping the area clean.

    "A patio is currently set up in area one, please do not be alarmed by its appearance. Through the use of holograms and bioplastic, we can reconfigure any area of the ship to accommodate our guests."

    "Please call for Alice if you need assistance."
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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    At first, Moon is startled by the disembodied voice, then she relaxes and listens attentively. She nods, mostly to herself as she watches the bot clean up the spill. "So I am not alone," she ponders, then nods again. "Thanks Alice."

    Moon makes her way over to the cluster of shiny piping and studies them before placing her hand on the plate. A whirring noise is heard and she watches with wonder as a thick vanilla shake appears, complete with whipped cream and a cherry to top it off. She claps her hands and smiles. "My favorite!"

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    "You are most welcome," Alice replies softly.

    Along the outer wall, in between the transmats and restrooms, are wide doorways. The one directly behind you, Area One, is lit up.

    Should you desire to enter, you'd find yourself in a columned room with what looks like a norma sky overhead, and several patio-style tables with chairs. One table is occupied by Enigma, who is currently talking to something on the table in between sips of coffee.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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    Drinking half of the shake almost at once, Moon makes her way to the area that is illuminated and squints against the glare. In her current state she is almost blind, but the light makes it past the haze that covers her eyes and causes an improvement in her vision. She is aware that her visage may be considered horrible, but in retrospect, she has barely any decay considering her age, mostly due to the extra care she has taken in her appearance. Her skin has a greyish hue, but any missing pieces have been filled with clay and carefully colored to match. After all, a woman's appearance is very important, even if she is a zombie.

    Moon looks up to the sky...morning has always been her favorite time of day...then notices another person in the room with her. How silly of her to be so distracted as to not see a potential threat. But no, the person seems preoccupied and Moon considers it rude to interrupt when one is talking she takes a seat at a table opposite and looks down at her drink. Sadly, it is already starting to melt.

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    "There are a variety of options available," Alice said, now a tiny hologram on the table, about four inches tall, with white hair down to her hips, wearing a sailor outfit. "Would you care to see?"

    "Okay," Enigma shrugged. The far wall rippled as four figures stepped through the illusion. One was a giant hulking creature, tanned bare chested with many white scars, resting a club on his manly shoulder as he strode forward with a nasty sneer on his face. Next was a blonde elf mage, hair braided down to her waist in a green robe, holding a staff in her left hand with a flaming stone at its tip. She brushed a strand of hair from her face, over the long tips of her pointed ears.

    Following her was a space-suited figure in gleaming silver armor and a red-lit face plate, illuminating a man's serious rugged face inside. His hand rested on the butt of his blaster in his hip holster. Last was Alice herself, now almost five feet tall. Her serious face studied Enigma's as she walked forward, her knee-high boots softly clattering as she walked towards the table.

    "Androids are stationed in all areas of the ship, while I can deploy others as needed. Each are outfitted with holographic emitters that allow them to assume any appearance," the larger Alice said. "Any guest who requires assistance or just company can be quickly supplied."

    "Wow," Engima said, shaking her head. "But do you think it'll fool anyone?"
    "You could ask our first guest, sitting behind you?"

    Enigma twisted, looking over her right shoulder to stare at Moon.

    "Uh, are you sure that's not one of your androids playing dress-up?" she asked softly as the larger Alice stepped up beside her. On the table, the tiny hologram curtsied and blinked out.

    "Not one of mine," Alice said, waving. "She arrived five minutes ago."
    "And you didn't tell me?!"
    "We were in a meeting."

    Engima rose, a thousand little self-conscious doubts flooding her for attention as she walked over to Moon's table. "Hello, I'm Enigma, welcome aboard the mothership. This is..."
    "Alice," the white haired girl said with a curtsy. "We talked when you came aboard. So nice to meet you."
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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    Transporting was never Merry's favorite. It always made her stomach do that weird flip thing as if she had eaten something bad. Crinkling her nose, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, and reached out to push the large green start button. An exhale of that same breath, found her safely aboard the ship, wondering if her stomach would settle. She rummaged in her purse, found the small mints and popped one in her mouth. As she stepped off the platform, she smoothed her short skirt down. Not that it had moved, more of a nervous gesture really. Fluffing her hair a bit, she took a look about the room. Seemed nice enough, so far.

    "I'm here!" she called out, excitedly, wondering if there would be someone to greet her, give her the grand tour.
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    "Greetings and welcome aboard the Mothership, visitor," a warm voice says, sounding like they're right next to you. "My name is Alice, and I am the ship's central Artificial Intelligence. "

    "You are currently in the Central Concourse, which is the only area currently activated at this time. A patio is currently set up in area one, please do not be alarmed by its appearance. Through the use of holograms and bioplastic, we can reconfigure any area of the ship to accommodate our guests."

    "Ahead of you is the Universal Beverage Dispenser. Place your hand on the plate and the dispenser will determine the type of drink that you desire. Some toppings may cause a short delay, so if your drink is not quite to your specifications, please let me know."

    "To visit our water park, please follow the signs marked 'Plasma Cannon'."
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

  10. #10
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    Moon had watched the four figures arrive with curiosity, but no alarm. Even though her eye sight was poor, her hearing and sense of smell made up for the difference. ...and she couldn't help but overhear the discussion between the woman at the other table and the hologram. She chuckled lightly as she listened to the conversation about herself, but offered a smile as the woman and a white-haired girl walked over.

    Moon stood, pushing her chair back in the process. She offered her hand. "I am Moon. ...and it is a pleasure to meet the both of you."

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