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Thread: RPA's 8th Year Masquerade Ball (IC)

  1. #21
    spooky's Avatar
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    A notification appears on the upper right corner of my laptop, my heart jumping at the dark grey bar. "What's this?" I muse. Using my mouse to click on it, an invitation pops up, and it isn't a minute before my keyboard vanishes, leaving a trail of small sparkles.
    "What the-"
    Suddenly, I no longer see my computer in front of me and I'm out of my lazy clothes. Instead, I see a shimmering ballroom scattered with people in dresses and tuxes, but most importantly, masks. I reach up to touch my face and I feel a mask sitting snugly on the bridge of my nose. I have a habit of touching my neck when I am nervous; however, I did not feel my skin. My senses give me the assumption that I am adorned with a lacy neck choker, which I have actually been eyefing on Amazon. I happen to look down and my eyes widen at the sight.

    "Oh my god, what the spook?" I gasp out the little saying of mine.

    A strapless long black dress cascades elegantly down my body, ending at the floor and covering my feet.

    "Ah, am I wearing heels?" I whine quietly. Hesitantly, I attempt to walk.

    I trip. I fall.

    Laughing nervously, I quickly get up and anxiously look around to see if anyone saw that.

  2. #22
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Sadly, in order to find her corner she needed to actually enter the ball. But ah... That meant having to pass by sprites. She didn’t want to pass by them. She wanted to be one of them! She wanted to hop on board the magic train, saddle up on a leprechaun, and pretend she was Einstein for the night.

    But that was not the case.

    So she collected herself and continued on her way.

    When the sprite announced her presence, she had to keep herself from pumping her fist into the hair. Hell yea! Kicksy the Pixie!

    She remained calm and collected in her neat blue gown. Calm and... How was she supposed to find a corner in this place?!

    Her eyes swept the scene, looking desperately for her corner. But finding such an ideal thing was an impossibility at the present time. Did that mean she would have to awkwardly stand against a wall or... Around people?

    How was she supposed to stand? Back straight, she presumed. Pft. She just had to tell herself that this was like the times she was modeling clothes for a business. Back straight, smile, eye contact.

    No not eye contact. She didn’t want to make eye contact. Because then she would end up making a face at someone.

    Too late. She was making faces as she walked. She tried to scorn herself mentally to make her stop. But oh gosh! It was so hard to stop! She knew the correct thing to do was smile. But then sometimes people took that as an invitation. And then she got really creepy people talking to her. And when that happened she just wanted to curl up into a hole and pretend she was a carrot in hibernation.

    She just had to focus, try to guess the faces. Ha! Who was she kidding! She didn't know any of these faces!

    Kicks laughed aloud at her own thought.

    The only faces she had seen were on the picture thread. But oh no, that wasn't here to help her now. And oh what a shame it was she had such a terrible memory otherwise she would be calling out names like: "LUCI, WHATTUP. DIGGIN THE HAIR, BRO" or "SOUL, LOOKING ADORABLE AS ALWAYS". But nope. She did not have a thread to reference faces to names.

    Gosh dang it. Now she was going to have to start calling people by "buckaroo" and "partner".

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  3. #23
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    Kourtney smoothed down the wrinkles in her pretty red dress as she crossed her legs while her elbow sat on the table with her head resting inside her palm,, staring off into pretty much no where as she started to daydream on how this day would go. Her main goal was to meet some new fellow RPA members, but her mind soon wandered into the thought of finding a prince charming. She let out a small quiet laugh at the thought. Just no. She thought to herself as her gentle smile turned into a smirk. I need to stop watching all those romance movies! They're driving me nuts I swear. I'm such a hopeless romantic. Gawh! She thought to herself once again.

    Kourtney shortly after let her eyes travel some more around the bright ballroom away from her silly thoughts. She smiled once again adoring the fanciness and well set up party this was. It was pretty much perfect.
    Credits to the amazing Kicks! // "Believe in yourself and all that you are -- know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle."

  4. #24
    DCaesar of Wakanda's Avatar
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    DC remains against the wall by the door, watching more people came in. He looked calm on the outside, but on the inside, he was still afraid to move. He wondered if this all had something to do with RPA. He just so happened to have recieved an invitation to something through a private message and then the next thing he knew, Bam! As soon as he blinked he was here.

    When he first got here, he wasn't really paying attention to what the small creature that he knew to be a sprite was saying. It said his name, his real name Damion-Caesar. He was so thrown off by that, that DC didn't even hear the rest of the sentence. Now he was sitting over in the corner with his head down because he was being a little punk as his older sister would say.

    Well, in his defense he didn't know what to do. Matter of fact, DC didn't even feel like he belonged there. He felt like he was placed far below gatherings like this. He watched as the girls did what they did he supposed. Sliding down railings and falling. Looked more like his sister's sweet sixteen than anything but it was what it was. At the same time though, it was still kinda cool to be here.

    It definitely beat sitting at home where he would do nothing but sit on jis cumputer and record his raps... Wait, didn't people usually bring dates to events like this? Was he supposed to have one? DC was uncertain and definitely wasn't the guy to just randomly approach people, living in the city does that to a person. Still, there was food on one of the tables on the sides of he huge room. He figured that he might as well get some as he didn't get the chance to eat dinner before magically getting transported here.

    He would then try what he saw the other girl do and slide down the railing of the stairs, just because he was feeling kinda lazy. Despite his wearing jeans, he slid down rather quickly. He probably would have fell at he end like the pther girl did but the traction on his shoes kept him in place.

    He would then walk over to the table, grab a napkin and eat a small sandwich. Odd, it tasted pretty good but didn't balls like this hage some sort of overly fancy food like french restaurants or something? Come on! Here he goes again over thinking everything, Just eat the sandwich man!
    Last edited by DCaesar of Wakanda; 08-03-2015 at 06:36 AM.

    Spoiler: Theme Song 

  5. #25
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    How can chips taste so GOOD? They're chips! Miyo thought as she filled her plate with a pile of chips, dip, five different types of pastries, tiny little quiches, and cute mini hamburgers. Even with all the food on her plate Miyo knew there was probably so much more to eat. Could her stomach hold? Would dancing burn off some of the calories? How many calories were there in the food anyway? Miyo didn't know and was too busy ogling the food on her plate to care. She was just popping a mini hamburger in her mouth and walking backwards -something she does when she's happy- when she bumped into someone and turned around abruptly. Her cheeks were full of food when she started to mumble out an apology.

    "Mm! Sorry about tha- hey that sandwich looks REALLY good, where'd you get that?" Miyo couldn't help when she saw a good piece of art. A carefully crafted sandwich could brighten up any mood with fresh lettuce, tomatoes, and cold cuts. Miyo snapped out of her 'food self' and let out a nervous chuckle. "Sorry, that was weird."

    Miyo awkwardly reached for a sandwich and started to eat. Again. She just couldn't help it.

  6. #26
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    Heels clicked on the marble floors as Nara stepped into the palace. Her eyelashes brushed the inside of her mask as she blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the stunning lights. The ballroom was incredible... Golden pillars held up the walls, murals captured scenes of angels on the ceiling, and lavish banisters draped across every doorway. Two long sets of stairs wound down from entrance to the ballroom below where many people had gathered. Nara's smile reached all the way to her eyes.

    Soft footsteps approached her from behind, and she could feel the curious eyes of another lingering on her. She turned around, smiling at a young gentleman who had approached her. "Hello." She said softly, curtsying politely. While she didn't know who he was, introductions seemed painfully formal... There was a strange familiarity about him. "Pardon me, but... Have we met?" Curiosity lingered on her lips.

    Just then another gentleman passed by, glancing at her with a smile and a soft word as he passed. "Oh, good evening." Nara murmured gently. I am quite certain I know him as well. Perhaps I know all of these people...

    Before she wandered too deeply in thought, she turned back to the person she spoke to before, hoping that she wasn't keeping him waiting or uncomfortable. "Excuse my... Awkwardness." A rosy blush formed beneath her mask. "I've never been to a ball before." She admitted with a shy smile. "My name is-"

    "Madame Naraness!" A sprite buzzed by her, calling clearly so that it's voice could be heard across the entire ballroom.

    Sighing, Nara watched the iridescent pixie go, and chuckled softly. "Nara. Just Nara."
    Spoiler: Clicky clicky -------> 

  7. #27
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    Sherby stood at the top of the stairs, squealing in delight as she watched all the fancy people in fancy outfits saunter by. Just a few minutes ago she'd been at home, she'd checked her inbox, seen the PM, clicked on it and in seconds of reading it she was here in one of the most beautiful dresses she'd ever seen. The excitement was building up, just don't embarrass yourself today! she thought to herself. Luckily, she was wearing stable flats, at least that reduced the risk of her falling over on teetering heels...
    She was announced by the pixie and decided that a masquerade ball with the usernames was a bit strange, but she didn't mind, she just wanted to have a bit of fun. Remember don't eat all the snacks! And be nice to everyone, don't just shy away! She thought as she made her way down the stairs, looking around to see if she could possibly recognise anyone here.

  8. #28
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    Griffin peeked her head into the ball room, ashamed she ha arrived late. Her alarm clock broke, and she overslept. She'd previously received an invitation to this elegant affair, and she was glad she did. It was beautiful! She'd never seen so many people in one place. She instantly knew the first thing she had to do.

    Find the prettiest girl here.

    While she was looking around the ballroom, her eyes saw a pretty Asian girl, in an absolutely stunning black dress. She seemed to be having trouble with her heels. Losing all sense of shyness, Griffin walked up to her, smiled, and said, "Hi, my name's Griffin. I understand if girls aren't your type, but would you like to be my date at this elegant affair? It can be completely platonic if that suits your fancy."
    Last edited by Griff; 08-03-2015 at 10:37 AM.

    Griffin / Gumbo / Gambit / Griff

  9. #29
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    An impressed whistle escaped Craze's lips as he laid eyes on the castle before him. Wandering closer to the castle in the skies he couldn't help but wonder - who funded all this? Never the less, he loved a party, especially if it was one where your identity was hidden. Like a guessing game, he figured. This was going to be great.

    Walking past a window, Craze took the time to take a look at himself. Haven't seen my date yet, anyway. He wore something fancy alright, though still fairly casual. A white shirt, a black waistcoat and ditto-coloured pants to match. He rolled up the sleeves of the shirt until they met his elbows; he always did this, it made him feel more comfortable. Not to mention it'd make his arms look sexy as hell.

    He laid eyes on his reflection's mask and couldn't help but chuckle. It was perfect. And yet, compared to all the other masks, he seemed to be the oddbird here. He shrugged. It suited him perfectly and he didn't care if it was going to give away his identity. "Something's missing, though..." he mumbled to himself as he looked at his outfit in the window.

    It was then that his eyes moved towards the belt of one of the guests, which had a kind of purple-like sash bound to it. Craze grinned - though no one would see that, of course. If anything, they'd only see the sparkle in his eyes. With one swift move he nabbed the sash straight from the guest's belt and used it to tie himself a tie. "There," he muttered as he proudly tightened the tie, "Fancy as duck."

    With still no sight of his date, Craze decided to remain outside - mingle with the guests a bit before heading into the party itself, maybe. I hope she's not tall. he thought to himself. He was roughly 5'9'', and was overall considered to be a short fella. The last time he had danced with a girl she was half a head taller than he was, which had been kind of awkward.

  10. #30
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    is he here? he has to be... Everyone was invited. How will I know it's ... him? she thought to herself, biting her lip in a slight display of uncharacteristic nervousness.

    So many people wandering about. So many beautiful people and masks It was really going to be so much fun. How could it not be? After all this was a really BIG deal. RPA's 8 year, 8 fabulous amazing years of celebration. It wouldn't do to just blow it, now would it? she mused wandering a little bit through the grass. She really did hope the turnout would be as anticipated. Eli had worked so hard on this whole event.

    Her hands slid down, smoothing her dress down, for what felt like the millionth time. Not that it needed it, it was very sparkly and shimmered in any light. The black melting into the diamonds and the fabric soft to the touch. Taking a deep breath she gazed around and then she spotted him. A small smile crept to her lips, and her eyes couldn't help but twinkle in amusement. He always did have a flair for the dramatic, and it appeared that this event would be no different. It was comforting in a sense, and she let out a small breath that she hadn't really realized she had been holding onto.

    Moving to step beside him, she slid her arm through his, interested to see that they were exactly the same height.

    She leaned close whispering. "nice touch, with the purple tie good sir" unable to stop the smirk from reaching her lips.
    Spoiler: Looking for a Roleplay? Just click it! 

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