This RP is rated M for mature. It may feature the following. Violence, gore, death, suicide, sexually suggestive material, nudity, drug use, as well as depressing and dark subjects and ideas.
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away...
Four years after the battle of Yavin IV war threatens to tear the galaxy apart. After the destruction of the Death Star the Rebel Alliance has both grown in power and courage. With their defeat at Hoth they were pushed to their limits but have now planned a counter attack on Endor where in secret the Empire had been building a second Death Star. The chances of victory seem slim yet still the Alliance prepares for an all out assault.
It is their hope that with the destruction of the second Death Star, and the death of Emperor Palpatine that they will be able to shatter the Empire. Should they succeed the war will not merely end, as the Empire will become a cornered beast lashing out. For the Rebel Alliance to win in the end they'll need brave souls willing to do what it takes to bring down the evil Empire.
This roleplay will be starting in 4 ABY just before the start of the battle of Endor, going through it and into the battles and events in the galaxy that happened following. We will be playing through Rebels, Imperials, and more neutral figures fighting for their lives, freedom, and order within the galaxy at large.
The Galactic Empire
Formed out of the waning Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire is ruled by Emperor Palpatine and has been for over twenty years. This fascist government rules over its people with an iron fist and is heavily technocratic and militarized. Sometimes referred to as the New Order, the Galactic Empire is the dominant force within the Galaxy and seeks to either annex whatever they desire or take it through force. Under the rule of the Emperor many dissidents have arisen to defy his rule, while the Empire works to crush them like insects more and more always rise, threatening the Order that the Empire brings.
The Alliance to Restore the Republic
Founded by Bail Organa and Mon Mothma, the Alliance to Restore the Republic is the main force in the galaxy working to unseat Palpatine and liberate the galaxy from the clutches of the Empire. Known as the Rebel Alliance, they fight an uphill battle against the Empire relying on hope and ingenuity as well as guerrilla warfare tactics to weaken the mighty Empire. Those in the Rebellion fight for their homes, their loved ones, and for peace in the galaxy.