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Thread: [M] Resident Evil: Reanimated [IC]

  1. #11
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    Alivia's senses had gone on high alert since the unexpected halt on the train, though she maintained a calm demeanor; twenty years in the military had bred both severe alertness and implacable composure in her like one breeds a mutt. She had no reason to suspect danger beyond what errant lab experiments could cause - which, granted, could be significant, but damn it, she was a soldier, not a scientist - but like any soldier being sent into unknown circumstances with virtually no explanation beyond "lab incident" and "quarantine," Alivia was frustrated by the lack of useful information.

    Proceeding the few employees who had decided to traverse the sewers, Alivia kept her watchful silence, handsome face marred by a stern frown. She had only been with Umbrella for two years, so even though no considerable incidents had ever occurred during her time there, that time had been short and for all she knew this was an uncommon but not unheard of event in their history. Still, nothing set the work day to a bad start like traipsing through tunnels of crap and refuse. It didn't help much that it was not the worst smelling place she had ever been in.

    Idly musing that she would probably have to burn the olive colored tank top and gray sweatpants she was wearing - her dire black security uniform was in her work locker - Alivia entered into the Main Hall of the Umbrella Research Center. Her eyes raked over the day staff awaiting them there, quickly assessing the situation as best as she could with what little she knew. There was an air of tension, a sort of curious concern, but no one was panicking or weepy, which was encouraging.

    An elderly woman approached, naming herself as Samantha Knauf - the name tickled with familiarity, but distant and unimportant. Alivia's nerves rattled a bit as the researcher explained what she could; the woman could fight enemies who carried guns and zeal, but chemical outbreaks were outside her comfort zone and made her feel enragingly helpless. How could she protect people from a gas or a poison, or whatever the hell else these scientists could concoct, when the same people who constructed it couldn't even protect themselves?

    Play with fire...

    Stifling a disgusted growl, Alivia's gaze went to the unconscious man with a face pockmarked by bird-inflicted wounds, of all things. That such an unimaginable thing could happen at the same time as a strange quarantine seemed far beyond coincidence, and Alivia wondered if the bird had somehow gotten exposed to something at the facility, giving it rabid aggressiveness. Odd, definitely unlikely, but not impossible. The man looked far south of terrible, his skin clammy and pale, veins bulging grotesquely.

    "If they want that bird," she spoke aloud to the night shift employees who had accompanied her to help, "I'll get them that damn bird. Can't help people who decide to poison themselves, but I can kill a bird. Any of you kiddos want to watch my back, feel free. Maybe we'll find those guards while we're at it."

    That made the hair on her neck stand taut. She was all too familiar with screams, and disappearing patrols. Alivia kept her tone light - well, as light as anyone whose normal tone sounded reminiscent of a drill sergeant could manage - and even flicked the others a tight-lipped smile, but haunting memories of war made her itch for her pistol, secured elsewhere in the facility.

    The veteran did a quick search of the first floor of the Main Hall, rather severely decorated with obnoxious amounts of intricate stonework, statues, and oil paintings that made it feel more like a medieval castle than a research facility. The place had always given her the creeps, though it was usually easily suppressed. Not quite so tonight.

    A perusal through a metal filing cabinet tucked cozily in a corner rewarded her diligent search with a lockpick, oddly enough. As it turned out, the filing cabinet housed little in the way of files and instead looked almost like a "lost and found," if most of the contents of a "lost and found" were snacks. A few other items were buried under the food, but nothing else interested her, and so she closed the drawer and moved on.

    Satisfied that the first floor was about as bare as it looked, Alivia ascended the steps up and to the left, reaching the second floor of the Main Hall overlooking the few staff members loitering below. Again she searched about for anything that might be prove useful, particularly if it could fend off - and kill - an aggressive bird that may or may not actually be dead. While her unrealistic hopes had been that she would stumble across a gun conspicuously perched on a table for no apparent reason, what she found instead was a crowbar on the floor next to a small vent. The crowbar had clearly been used to pry it open, but considering the vent was too small for anything larger than a raccoon to pass through, Alivia was unsure what the purpose of the labor was, and she frankly didn't care.

    She tested the crowbar's sturdiness for a moment, then scanned across the plaques on the doorways that indicated which led where, though she was familiar enough with the research center to at least know that much. Two paces from her was the door leading to the Living Room. Deciding that she would check there for the rabid little winged pest first, she leaned out over the railing and called to her comrades below.

    "Last chance for feathered glory, kids. Who's with me?"
    Set by the masterful Karma

  2. #12
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    Default Co-post with .Karma. and ScottishGal

    “You stink. Didn’t you shower today?”

    Samantha wrinkled her nose in disgust and took a small step back from Madelyn before playfully sticking her tongue out at her. She was pleased that she had left her heels in her purse, the bright red dolly shoes were much better for stumbling through sewers. She had hoped to scramble into her office and clean herself up but she was forced to stay within the main lobby. An incident in the lab normally meant clean up, normally meant being forced under one of those chemical showers...much to Madelyn’s amusement. The woman who was throwing orders was a vaguely familiar face. One that Samantha would throw a smile at every day before scuttling on to her office. It was the smell of blood that caught her attention. Her eyebrows shot up as her gaze landed on an unconscious bloody man, “Oh goodness”. Another woman had already knelt beside him but Samatha still shuffled her way over. She instantly felt her dinner threaten to make a reappearance.

    The medicine room. Oh yes, she knew what was needed. “Who did you send?” Samantha asked the woman tending to the rather pale individual. “We sent Joanna.” Samantha raised an eyebrow, “I’ll go help her.” She knew the young girl, smart as a tack but not the best under pressure. Samantha left her bag by the man and passed Mrs. Knuft as she stood giving out orders. “I’ll grab the medical supplies.” Samantha hitched her dress up over her knees and started scrambling up the stairs. The pink fluff bounced in her hair as she headed upstairs.

    “I thought you liked me dirty.” Madelyn smirked at Sammy, taking one of her stray wavy blonde hairs in front of her face and placing it behind her ears, looking into her eyes to make sure she knew right where Maddie’s mind was. In the gutter, or better yet…. In the sewers.

    When they arrived into the main room, Maddie’s eyes scanned it naturally for possible dangers, her eyes finding a handgun in the corner of the room. It must have fallen from the unconscious man, or left by some junkie...Either way, tuning out the voice of the woman who was rambling on about some quarantine, she moved quickly and grabbed the gun and put into the back of her pants to hold it. Nothing seemed too incredibly serious, it seemed pretty normal, and she didn’t see any immediate threats.

    As Sam moved to the man, though, Madelyn did make sure not to leave her side. She was this way with Sam, be the threat mild or severe, she didn’t want to take any chances with this woman she loved. As Samantha looked over the man, Maddie let her own eyes survey the damage, her hand moving to Sam’s back and rubbing gently. That was definitely some bird to have done that kind of damage.

    Before Madelyn had time to think, Sam was heading up the stairs and she nearly stumbled over her own combat boots to catch up with her. “SAM! Wait for me, Bombón. Eres demasiado rápido!” She switched to telling her that she was too fast in Spanish, in her rush to not let Sam get too far away. Sam needed her protection!

    Samantha heard the heavy footsteps of Madelyn behind her and let out a breathy chuckle as she continued to rush up the stairs. She may be restricted by a dress and flimsy shoes…but she was still fast. She heard her name float past her and then a familiar term. Her forehead creased with the next sentence and she stopped at the top of the stairs. Her hands firmly planted on her hips, “You know I don’t have my dictionary…That is not fair Nene. The word was obviously wrong, it was too harshly said but the smile on her face told all that she was proud of using this word. She gifted Madelyn a smirk before heading through to the lecture room, letting her dress fall back to its true length past her knees.Samantha’s concentration was firmly on her phone.

    She swiped over the screen, revealing the background picture of a rather red-faced Madelyn before she flicked on her torch. “There we go.” Samantha told Madelyn, once again that silly proud look stayed on her face. She let the torch push away some of the darkness as her eyes flicked over their surroundings. Something glinted against the light of her torch and she grinned. Someone just left a shotgun resting against a wall. She looped her fingers around the gun and picked it before glancing back at her lover. “I’ll take this then….to fend off any killer birds that may be hiding in the darkness.” She told her lover sweetly as they continued their way across the red carpet. Her nose wrinkled again as the smell of rotting sewage hit her nostrils. “S…Seriously though…You do need a shower.” She let out a gentle giggle as she squeezed Madelyn’s hand.

    “Well come clean me up then, Doctor. It’s obviously chronic! SAVE ME!” Maddie giggled as she moved behind her and began to pinch at Samantha’s sides and burying her face in her neck and biting gently. “Come on, let’s find these medical supplies. I’m not a fan of the dark.” She cleared her throat and tried to make her voice as nonchalant as she gently pushed her into the private corridor, near the medical room.

    Samantha let out a gentle squeal as Maddie pinched her sides. Using her phone, she tried to bat away Madelyn’s hands. “Hey. Stop that.” She said before her cheeks flooded with colour as Maddie’s hot breath brushed her neck. Samantha stumbled through her words, goosebumps already raised up on her arms. “O…Oh what's the matter. My big bad wolf scared of a little dark.” She chuckled and booped her lover on the nose. Even in the relative darkness, her burning cheeks were clear to see.

    “I’m not scared! I just… don’t like it…” Maddie’s eyes looked over the corridor with the light from Sam’s phone. “Wait go back.” She grabbed Sam’s hand gently and guided the light back to the wall where a knife stuck out from it. Pulling it out, she held it under the light and then looked up at Sam. “I’m not sure whether I’m feeling more safe as time goes on… or less.”

    Samantha felt her light sway with Maddie’s touch. She blinked rapidly as a knife was embedded in the wall, “Um…” She felt her playful smile fade from her lips. “I don’t like this Maddie...I think we need to grab the stuff we need and get back downstairs...pronto.” She let her light drag back to the corridor, floating over gawdy paintings and almost tacky decorating. Papers dotted the floor and Samantha frowned, a small yellow chemical bag caught her eye and she scowled. “What on earth…” She spoke gently as she bent down to pluck the bag up.

    She rolled her eyes before looping the strap around the crook of her arm. She would take the contents back to the lab when this was all over. When the lights returned and when they could finally get on with their work. Samantha waited for Maddie to walk alongside her and gifted her a small sweet smile. “Come on Nene. Let’s go fight the darkness hm.” She winked and let a soft giggle float along the corridor.

  3. #13
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    'What the hell is going on?' David wondered as he exited the train with the others and into the confusion. There were always rumors that Umbrella was up to no good, as if something sinister was hiding behind that simplistic white and red umbrella symbol. The stories he heard ranged from monsters in the basement to an evil world-dominating corporation. He didn't care for the conspiracies and rumors much as his hefty paycheck satisfied him to think nothing but happy thoughts... especially after the check was spent at the local bar.

    The pungent aroma and thick air of the sickening sewers nearly had him gag a couple times while making his way to the ladder. He did what he could to keep his composure and make it out before adding to the sewage with the tuna sandwich he had aboard the train. Sadly, there was a line building up as it took a little for everyone to attempt to rush up the ladder. Seemed the sewer smell was overpowering and slowing some down due to their nauseous state. "I suppose I'll have to head out into the storm for a shower, 'cause damn!" He covered his nose and mouth with his cologne-coated shirt in a futile attempt to fight off the overpowering odor.

    While the person in front of him began to ascend the ladder, he looked to the side of it to notice a partially shredded black garbage bag that had its contents sprawled near the corner of the passageway. The bright red cross from an unopened medical kit stood out against the greyed clutter. "A simple health kit tossed without use? I'll make use of it." As David pulled the kit with ease from the trash, he noticed that a dozen of undamaged components were all shoved into a parcel. "I suppose I'll bring this to the locker for later use." He tucked away the newly found contents and gripped the cold steel handles of the sewer ladder to which he climbed into the main hall where a commotion had arisen.

    Being a technician and not a skilled medical practitioner, he was unsure if his health kit could be of any use. He pulled one of the scientists aside to query about the situation, but the man shook his head. "No basic medical supplies will help this man. However, the equipment we have in the medicine room should appropriately assist him. Thank you for trying to help." The man then turned to speak with another coworker, leaving David to wander elsewhere. Since things were quite stagnant at the moment, the techy made his way upstairs, taking note of the over elaborate and somewhat gaudy design.

    Nearing the second floor of the room, he spotted another health kit stuffed between two spindles. "Huh. Oddly placed." David took it upon himself to find use for it and as he tucked it away, he saw Alivia, a coworker and veteran. While he didn't know her too well, still, she seemed friendly enough to him and with the state of confusion the place was under, he decided to join her to inspect the Living Room and see about this bird business.

  4. #14
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    Green - Past Location | Red - Current Location」

    'Why did I get stuck with the night-shift..?'

    This night was progressively getting cluttered with each passing minute.

    Though upon arriving in the (Main Hall), after mentally shoving away what happened on the (Luxury Express), she already knew her first task as of tonight. 'Find the replacement parts for a radio in the (Maintenance Office) and then head to the (Monitoring Room) to help out Henry... That, guy...' She released a breath of doubt for her coming task as her coworkers for the night-shift already began to splinter off into doubles. Aside from the loud male from before, she was on her own for this one. So, she took this factor into mind and ascended the lavish staircase and made a right onto the east-balcony; seeing two familiar faces [David & Alivia]. However, as she noticed the two of them, she turned left to meet a door. This door led into the (Large Hall) where she would need to find a second one leading to another. But, she was getting ahead of herself.

    Upon entering the (Large Hall), she was met with a eerie quiet and the echoes of commotion coming from the (Main Hall). However, she stepped through the door and closed it behind her, and all she was met with was that eerie quietness. She looked around, unable to really see anything, under these low-light conditions. This was a stark contrast to the amount of lighting there was in the (Main Hall). However, she wasn't going to be bothered by the fact that there wasn't enough lighting here. She stepped forward, foot by foot, keeping herself to the right-hand side of the hall; occasionally bumping or going around the various wall ornaments and decorations that lined the hall.
    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 07-27-2017 at 01:55 PM.

  5. #15
    That one Reaper Guy
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    Cassel had remained quiet throughout the next few events, choosing instead to use his intelligence to his gain. He tried to think of what could have gone wrong, but nothing shy of a bomb threat that would have been quickly contained would have caused a commotion. But even if that were the case, they wouldn't have been allowed in, especially through the bloody, vile Sewer Passage.

    And when some woman named Knauf greeted them when they were at the foyer, Cassel thought to himself that he would have her job within months of working here.

    Once things had calmed down to the point where Cassel could move around freely, he immediately decided to go to the medicine room.

    Seeming as though no one else has decided to get some things for Mr. Veins over there, I suppose I'll do the obvious... He made his way to the room, passing by Samantha and Madelyn, whom he decided to simply ignore, rather than acknowledge their blatant flirting. When he entered the room, he was amazed at the size of it. While the lights were shut off, the room was very dimly lit by the emergency lights lining the room. He searched a few cabinets, finding a few odds and ends he figured could be useful, as well as a couple first aid kits he certainly knew could be used to help Mr. Veins.

    When he shut one of the cabinet doors, he heard a strange, somewhat primal grunt come from the other side of the room. When he turned towards the sound, he could barely see the outline of a person moving towards him.

    "Hello? Are you alright? Were you sleeping in here? Hmph, figures... You're needed, and here you are sleeping your shift away? Hello?! I'm talking to you!"

    Suddenly, he saw more than one. It was as if they were melting from the walls, appearing out of thin air, from behind the cabinets and under the desks. It was ghastly, and for whatever reason, Cassel's entire body wanted him to run, and run fast. But he couldn't.

    Fight or Flight or Freeze... And I freeze? Dear god, he thought to himself, shocked and unsure of what do to.

    Suddenly, his mind allowed him to move. His head swiveled left and right, before realizing that it was better for him to run out of the room than to try and fight them off.

    He turned around, and swung the door open before slamming it shut, running to Samantha and Madelyn.

    "Don't go in there! Th-there are like, drugged up guards or something in there, they were growling and shambling and fucking weird was about them!"

    Cassel suddenly felt very tired, and had to sit down to stop himself from falling over.
    Last edited by Soulio; 07-28-2017 at 01:14 AM.
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    Alivia gave a quick nod of acknowledgment to David King as the technician joined her upstairs. She examined him a moment, seeing that he was unarmed - apparently he had either not been fortunate enough to find any sort of weapon, or simply had not considered that there may be a need for one.

    "Alright kid, stay behind me," the woman advised, moving towards the door leading to the Living Room. She did not know David well, having shared only a handful of conversations with him during her tenure at Umbrella, but she knew enough to feel relatively confident that he could handle himself in a fight if he ever found himself in one. Judging by the surety with which he carried himself, Alivia was willing to bet he had been in more than one already. He had never pestered her with questions about her history, however, so she had always returned the favor.

    Alivia stayed beside the door rather than in front of it as her hand went to the knob and slowly turned it. She cracked the door open first, listening for stirrings within, perhaps an angry flutter of wings or startled squawking if there really was a killer bird inside, but was met with silence. With a curt nod to David, Alivia flung the door open and stepped inside, crowbar poised to strike.

    Nothing sinister but shadows greeted them. A single emergency backup light near the center of the ceiling provided little illumination. A black-faced flat-screen television perched silently on the northern wall, an equally dark leather couch across from it flanked by two hideously upholstered armchairs. A few paintings hung forlornly around the room, seldom given more than a passing glance. One showed the splendor of the Arklay Mountains during a clear day, an evening sun casting gentle rays over vibrant trees. The others held famous faces from various sports teams, all strangers to Alivia, who had no interest in sports. Other memorabilia decorated the walls, signed uniforms and catcher's mitts and the like, as if whoever had decorated the room had tried to give it some semblance of a poorly furnished man cave.

    Alivia let her crowbar fall to her side, though still in a firm grip, frowning at the room. It was in a more dismal state than last she had seen it: the rolling bar in the corner offering coffee and tea was scattered with fallen cups and stirring sticks, the coffee pot laying on its side with its contents spilled and dripping on the gaudy magenta carpet, as if someone had crashed violently into it. The sofa had impressive gashes ripped through the leather, and the chair standing between it and the bar had been shoved hard enough that it faced almost the opposite direction of the TV. And, most telling of all, glass littered the carpet from a broken window - now shuttered by the emergency protocol - behind the torn couch.

    "Looks like this was where the wounded man was attacked," Alivia said quietly. "Bird flies through the window," she gestured with the crowbar as she talked, pointing to each item in question, "attacks the man on the couch. He's probably panicking, flailing. Shoves the chair, crashes into the bar."

    The woman circumvented the couch, glass crunching beneath her charcoal work boots, to stand beside the bar at the western wall.

    "And there is our bird."

    A dead crow lay at her feet, black feathers and claws sticky with blood. Beside it lay an autographed aluminum baseball bat, mildly tarnished with more blood, undoubtedly that of the crow.

    "He put up a fight," the veteran noted, nodding towards the empty rack on the wall that had held the bat. She bent to pick up the bat with her free hand, tested its weight and grip, then passed it to the opposite hand, holding the knob of the bat between two fingers and the curve of the crowbar between the neighboring two.

    Bending to rifle through the cabinets below the bar, carelessly knocking aside bags of Styrofoam cups, coffee filters, lids and plastic utensils, Alivia found two medical kits stashed in the back. Looping her hand through the handles, she straightened and looked at her companion significantly. She lifted her arms to show him her fully loaded hands, giving him a not-quite-apologetic shrug.

    "Feel free to grab that corpse for Dr. Knauf," she told David with an all-too-satisfied smile.
    Set by the masterful Karma

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    "This place is a ghost of its former self."

    After Alivia's little investigation of the past incident, David began his scavenging attempt on the room. As his coworker went for the cabinets, he chose to inspect the likely uninspected and look under the furniture. He dropped to his knees, carefully avoiding the bits of glass in the area, to get a look under the leather couch and adjacent bits of furniture. Sadly, all he found was crumbs and trash that littered the floor under the furniture. “Janitor ain’t doing his job.” He mumbled while brushing off the lower half of his khaki jumpsuit.

    Leaning over the couch, he noticed a small lock box lazily hidden between two of the leather cushions. Taking it in hand, he examined the box and cleverly went to using several slender scraps of metal that he pulled from his tool belt to pop the lock. While he wasn't a master lock-picker, he knew how to get around simple locks without much issue, basic teachings from his younger, rougher years. As the lock popped and the lid sprang open, he noticed a small pistol was stored inside with the short magazine kept separate within the container. David quickly took the handgun out and slid the magazine in and pulled the slide back to cock it. Unsure of what could happen next, he kept the safety off and tucked the firearm into his right front pocket. The lock box, along with the twisted and broken slender scraps, was tossed aside.

    The search furthered as his partner was still on the hunt. The only issue for David was that the place was already well sorted through thanks to the crow attack and whatever happened before that. With the bird on mind, he turned to see the corpse on the floor "Well, I guess if you want to just-." King turned to see Alivia's hands were full with goodies, to which he sighed in response as she then requested he take the crow corpse.

    “Damn, looks like I’ll be sifting through my medkit for some latex gloves.” However, with a quick glance, he found a convenient towel hanging from a chair and used that to wrap the frail corpse into. “And to think I haven’t even clocked in.” King then began to exit the room until spotting the long slender wooden handle of a fire axe that was locked up behind the open door. A strange placement for such a tool and was more fitting in a horror movie or game. However, David shrugged and took to the lock in the same method he did just minutes ago. After the lock was picked open and more scraps used, he pulled the axe from the glass case and awkwardly fitted it to his tool belt. A bit cumbersome, but it will have to do.

    Leaving a happy customer, aside from holding onto the rolled up crow corpse, David made his way out from the Living Room and back into the Main Hall to hand over the crow corpse to one of the scientists. “Here is your pet crow. It might just be a mess of feathers and gore from how tightly I was gripping it.” The scientist just gave David a crooked look before she went to unwrapping the parcel. “The sample looks fine to me. Thanks for your efforts and I’ll go elsewhere to examine this and discover what I can.”
    As the scientist left the main hall with haste
    , David shook his head to the overall confusion of the situation and wandered about aimlessly. He did his job for the night and was content with just waiting to get some answers instead of risking his life to get pecked to hell or worse.

    Among the main hall, nothing much had changed aside from some of his coworkers having gone elsewhere on a gather-quest. Curious of the situation with the train outside, David wanted to leave the hall and head back. However, the storm was still strong as thunder was still rumbling and the rain was still pouring. Walking over to the manhole, he then noticed the hook for it was locked back up in a glass case nearby. A stupid decision to have it locked away since it was difficult to move the heavy metal cover without said tool. “Wonder what genius did this.” He sighed and went to pick yet another lock with the remaining bits of scrap tucked into a pocket in his tool belt...

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    Default Scottie and Karma Copost

    Well that was rude. Samantha frowned as Cassel brushed past them and stomped into the room. She sent a glance to Madelyn and stopped, her bottom lip now sticking out as she pouted. “I wanted to get the first aid kit.” She gave the woman a sad look and would have crossed her arms over her chest had it not been for the shotgun in her hand. “Do we just go back downstairs then? I mean he’s already rushed o…” She spun as she spoke and ruffled her hair a little. It was easy to see that she was annoyed. “Come on then.”

    Samantha rested the shotgun against her shoulder as she wandered back down the dark corridor. Her torch gifting them much needed light in the darkness as she softly grumbled to herself. They were barely out of the corridor when a noise rang through the silence like a shot in the dark. She flinched violently and glanced over her shoulder, Cassel was nearly tripping over his feet as he ran back to them. Oh the door. It had been the door. She raised an eyebrow and glanced at Madelyn, “Drugged up guards?” She didn’t trust the man's judgement but he had flopped himself down to sit on the grubby floor. Something was obviously wrong….and that made her curious.

    Maddie grabbed onto Sam’s hand, squeezing it tight as she moved in front of her love to defend her against the dark and to get this med kit, only to be interrupted by Cassel brushing past them. As he did so, she gave him a dirty look, immediately looking to Sam knowing she would be upset. “It’s okay, dear, we’ll get the next one.”

    As Sam rested the shotgun on her shoulder, Maddie placed one finger on the barrel and pushed it away from where it was aiming at her face. As she made sure she was not within the weapons direct path, Madelyn heard a groan coming from the room that Cassel had just left. “That does not sound like a guard…” Her expression immediately went serious and there was no more playful, flirty Madelyn as she heard more shuffling and a groan that was something she had only heard in movies.

    Raising her pistol, she slowly aimed it in the direction of the med room, glancing only momentarily at Sam. “Stay here. I mean it.” There was a warning in her voice as she continued down the corridor. Samantha seemed to understand, pointing the light down the corridor that Maddie was slowly making her way along.

    Oooohhh playful Maddie was gone now. Samantha had originally scowled when she pushed the weapon out the way, not truly realising how close she had been to accidentally shooting her lovers face off. Maddie was right, it didn’t sound like a guard. A small tremor of fear floated through her stomach and she nodded violently to Madelyn’s order. This wasn’t a time for games. Samantha swept her torch down the corridor, keeping her eyes trained on Madelyn as she wandered along the corridor.

    When Madelyn reached the door, her heart nearly leapt into her throat as she heard a thud against the other side and what sounded like nails running down the wooden door. She couldn’t show too much fear, or Sammie would surely panic. So, she took a deep breath and pulled the door open with her left hand, keeping her gun at the ready with her right.

    “FUCK!” Could be heard echoing down the corridor as she pulled the trigger of her hand gun twice. The creature fell to the ground before Madelyn immediately pushed the door back closed, practically running back to Samantha, gripping ahold of her arm and nearly lifting the blonde in her urgency.

    “¡Tenemos que irnos ahora!” [We have to go, now!]

    Madelyn defaulted to Spanish as she pulled Sam along, back to where they came from, not even affording Cassel a second glance.

    Curiosity would surely be the death of her, for she inched a step forward. She froze when Madelyn yanked the door open and swore loudly. The word crashed through her skull and she felt her hand grow tense around the shotgun. A sickening thud hit the floor and Samantha knew it wasn’t a guard. There was no way that Madelyn would shoot a guard. It must be something else but she barely had time to ask when her arm was harshly gripped by her lover. Her feet nearly left the floor as she was dragged forward. “H.h.hey..” She tried to stammer out before a scowl crossed her features.

    “Hey. You know I hate it when I can’t understand you.” With the shotgun against her other arm, she craned her neck back to Cassel. “I think she meant to you heard the lady..”

    Madelyn ignored any talking that passed between the two, even disregarding her sweet loves whining as she continued to curse and rant under her breath in Spanish, not slowing or stopping as she led Sam back to the main hall.

    Spoiler: Looking for RP in all the wrong places? Click here! 

    Spoiler: Friend Quotes 

  9. #19
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    Alivia walked back out into the main hall with David, but remained upstairs by the railing looking down at the hustle below while he took the bird corpse to the good doctor. With that taken care of, the former soldier set herself to the next task: getting those replacement parts for the radio. Dr. Knauf had said parts could be found in the Maintenance Room, accessible from upstairs, so Alivia started towards the opposite side of the room, mapping the route in her head. The facility had always seemed such a maze, but she had always had a good sense of navigation. The veteran would have to go down a hallway leading to the Art Room - an interesting addition to a place dedicated to science and research - and then venture through two more corridors to get to her destination.

    Unwilling to precariously lug around all of her equipment - and needing free hands in case she ran into trouble - Alivia cast her eyes around for any kind of sack or backpack to situate her haul in. She noticed a few men loitering a short ways past the door to the first hallway, one with the appearance of a scientist and the other looking like he may have been with security. At her approach, the second looked up from where he sat to consider her.

    "Got a smoke?" The guard sounded none too hopeful, and merely nodded morosely when Alivia shook her head in response.

    "Mind if I have that bag?" Alivia asked in kind, gesturing with a small nod at the backpack laying on the table. Even from where she stood, she could smell the faint odor of sweat radiating from it. "I could use a place to store all this crap, and I don't think you'll be hitting the gym anytime soon."

    After a moment, the man shrugged. "Yeah, guess you're right. Take it. I don't wanna hear any complaints about the smell, though."

    Alivia grunted. "I got here through the sewer. I already smell like shit."

    "I won't argue with that." Dumping the scant contents of the backpack, previously used as a gym bag, on the table, the man handed it to Alivia. She said her thanks and slid all but her baseball bat into the pack before slipping her arms through the loops. Both men were watching her curiously.

    "Planning on beating someone to death with that?"

    "You never know," the woman responded to the guard, then turned and walked to the door leading to the large hall. As before, she entered cautiously, ready to swing at the first sign of danger.

    Nothing greeted her except dim lights and the silhouette of someone farther down the hallway on the right side, gingerly picking their way through the darkness towards the door near the center that lead to the Art Room. Alivia thought the figure looked feminine. She followed quietly at first, wanting to make certain the woman was not a threat - call it paranoia, but caution was why the veteran was still alive. When she was close enough to make out greater detail, she realized she recognized her as one of the technicians. Mia, Mindy, Miley, something like that. Electing not to startle the kid, Alivia cleared her throat as she slowly approached, a gentle but clear sound.

    "Heading to maintenance, too?" Alivia inquired as she closed the distance. She held up the bat briefly. "Probably not wise to venture off around here with nothing to defend yourself. Wouldn't want that pretty complexion ruined by one of those rabid birds."

    Without further ado, she moved in front of the technician - Mira? Melanie? Damn if she remembered - and planted herself in front of the door into the Art Room. Holding the knob in preparation with her free hand, she tapped on the door with the bat to knock, then listened for a response. Hearing nothing within, she turned the knob and slowly eased the door inward.

    Something crashed into the door with enough force to knock Alivia back, a curse ripping from her throat. The door struck her foot as she nearly stumbled into her companion, bouncing the door wide open, and some monstrosity of nature leapt on top of her as she tumbled to the floor. It's jaws snapped and snarled at her face, hot spittle speckling her skin, the baseball bat pressed between them all that kept the beast from tearing into her. With a monstrous below of her own, Alivia pushed with all her strength, shoving the - dog?! - off. It stumbled as it hit the door frame, giving the woman enough time to climb to one knee. Before she could get further, the horribly grotesque creature that could only have been a dog if the devil himself had orchestrated its creation made to lunge again.

    Alivia struck out with the bat in desperation. It was not as strong a blow as she would have liked, but all she could manage on her knee. It cracked the dog across the jaw, eliciting a yelp and driving the canine into a temporary retreat. Alivia, back on her feet, hefted the bat more securely and watched coldly as the dog reassessed the threat, then drove forward again. This time, as it leapt, she swung the bat in a mighty arc. It connected with the dog's head in a sickening spray of blood, bone, and brain matter, reducing the skull to splinters on the right side and dislodging an eyeball, which hung grotesquely from the socket, unseeing.

    The corpse landed with a heavy thud, twitched, and ceased movement.

    "What. The. Hell. Was that?" Alivia demanded, scanning the Art Room for any other surprises before letting her gaze settle in disbelief on the dog. It was putrid, fur and skin missing in large patches, bones showing through, even part of its ribcage open to the public eye. Even before her bat had smashed its skull, it had looked like a walking corpse. The cropped ears, snub of a tail and slender frame gave it to be a Doberman, but only one from a nightmare.

    First the crow, now this, she thought furiously, both angry and deeply disturbed. What the hell is Umbrella into here?
    Set by the masterful Karma

  10. #20
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    As the remaining group carried themselves through the horrors of the mansion, they encountered their coworker in the radio room. Little did the group realize, he was bit while trying to fix the radio, and now was slumped over it as he was unconscious. David stepped forth with a shotgun in hand, to examine. Since calling the man's name failed, David went to nudge him with the barrel of the shotgun. By the first two attempts, the body struggled to rise and fell onto the ground, crawling towards the group with soulless eyes and pale skin. With haste, David unloaded a shell into the zombie's head to end any suffering.

    After their ears had stopped ringing, they could hear the radio receive a transmission. "This is Umbrella Operations, please respond." One of the workers answered and requested for help. Whoever was on the other line wanted answers and said they were sending a recon squad from a nearby post. The workers then split up as two went to inform the remaining group down in the main hall. However, once the duo arrived, it seemed hell was soon to break loose as the long awaited security door to the basement had finally opened. From it poured a horde of the undead as they tackled all those on the ground floor. David and Alivia watched in shock and disgust from upstairs.

    What seemed like a state of hopelessness actually quickly changed as the front door was blown open via C4 charges. From the smoke, machine gun fire cut through the horde and several Umbrella soldiers ,clad in black, arrived to save the day. "Infestation clear." Reported one of the soldiers to his radio before calmly approaching David and Alivia with his weapon pointed away as not wanting to worry them further.

    "Gather your friends. We're here to rescue you."


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