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Thread: [M] Resident Evil: Reanimated [OOC]

  1. #11
    ☆Catwoman☆'s Avatar
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    Name: Alivia Bishop

    Age: 41

    Occupation: Security

    Appearance: Standing tall at an even 6 feet, with a few fine lines beside her sharp green eyes and early shocks of silver at her temples in otherwise black hair, Alivia is generally considered more handsome than beautiful. Lightly tanned and sprinkled with freckles across her nose and shoulders, her fit musculature is that of a woman who spends considerable time in the great outdoors, whether it be for a jog, rock climbing, rafting - anything that gets the blood pumping and the adrenaline racing.

    Bio: Alivia is a retired Marine, having put in 20 years of service to her country. She is tight-lipped about that service, however, stonewalling any attempts by friends or coworkers to delve into her military history. This has created a number of fantastical rumors about what her service entailed, none of which she has either confirmed or denied; most of them have no need for her input anyway, considering their highly infeasible claims. Alas, boredom over a lack of details can create quite the beast of a tall tale.

    Alivia has been a security officer with Umbrella for two years, working the night shift. Her work in the military has made her a hard woman, and she does not sleep well, but she has done her best to adjust to life outside of the Marines and soften her often grating personality. With few friends beyond those she served with and even fewer family, her time outside of work is mostly spent with her merle Collie/Shepherd mix, Bain, out in the wilderness.
    Last edited by ☆Catwoman☆; 07-13-2017 at 02:17 AM.
    Set by the masterful Karma

  2. #12
    The Scottish Fluff
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    Name - Samantha Dixon (Sam)

    Age - 28

    Occupation - Scientist


    Some may at first glance call Samantha plain. She is of average height, average build. Average in every way. Standing at 5'7, with a slight build and excruciating pale. Wavy blonde locks bounce on her shoulders and hazel eyes are hidden by square glasses. Freckles dance over her nose and a small scar cuts through her left eyebrow.

    When a second glance is given to Samantha, you notice the little things out of place. The thick bright jewellery that hangs around her neck, the bright blue eyeliner and the fluffy neon pens that are stuffed in her messy bun. She normally has a scrawl of numbers on her arms and hands, regardless of how much paper there is to hand. Underneath her pristine company issued white lab coat, she is a fan of vintage dresses. The brighter the better. Which is why her neon green lanyard stands out so beautifully to anyone who passes her. Often it will be hanging from a pocket rather than around her neck, for one too many times it had hit her square in the nose as she ran.

    Short Bio

    Born to a doctor and surgeon, it was obvious from day one that she was to join the medical industry. Youngest of three, she was always a "kooky" child. She had few friends and would spend her time….completing surgery on her Barbie's. Sailing through her education, she found her niche in University. Not to join the same profession as her parents, but to remain in the medical industry. She found her home in pharmaceutical science. She would go one step further than her parents, she would not help just one…she would help thousands of people with her work.

    Samantha has worked with Umbrella for the last 4 years, she joined straight after her Master degree. She had heard good things about the company and knew that her work there would change the world. It took some getting used to the work place but it is a home away from home now. She often finds herself spending long hours in the building. That was where she met her current partner, for they had been working nights and noticed the woman with blue tights and a pink pen in her hair as she left past midnight most nights.

  3. #13
    RPA's Hedonist
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    Both accepted!

  4. #14
    Moon Child
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    Name - Madelyn "Maddie" Kennedy

    Age - 27

    Occupation - Security


    Short Bio
    Madelyn is a military brat to a young single father. She lived on bases and moved around a lot. A bit spoiled as her fathers 'princess' but was well taught in how to fight and use many different guns. When her father retired, she chose to not go to college, instead taking classes on different styles of fighting. She got jobs as body guards, bouncers, or security and as she got older taught self defense classes to women before getting a job with Umbrella.

    She likes to live on the wild side a bit, enjoying drinking and having a good party. She is rather sarcastic and pushes peoples buttons but has a great sense of humor. She has great work ethic and knows when to be serious too. Fiercly protective over the things and people she holds dear.

    It was at Umbrella that she met Sam, the quirky adorable smart girl that she couldn't help but fall for. Always making her laugh and keeping her on her toes, and Maddie liked making her cheeks go red and the spark come into her eyes. She has only worked for the company a couple of years, but so far she enjoys it, and being close to Sam.

    Spoiler: Looking for RP in all the wrong places? Click here! 

    Spoiler: Friend Quotes 

  5. #15
    RPA's Hedonist
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  6. #16
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    I'd like to be a Scientist if that's okay, I'll put up a CS asap


    Here it is!

    Name: Violet Ann Parker

    Age: 24

    Spoiler: Looks 

    Short Bio:She lived in Raccoon City all her life, and she wanted to make her hometown an even more special for those who are interested in the science field. Violet has been dedicated to science since she was a child and since her mother being a nurse is what peaked her interest in medicine, especially since her mother came up with a lot of health home remedies to help people get better. As a teen she began learning about medicine from her mother along with the many books she read. Soon she was in college to major in the medical field where she excesses quickly while doing defensive training by her father's recommendation.

    When she finished college Umbrella Corporation quickly offered her a job as a scientist for their team in Raccoon City which not too long after she became one of the most respected members for her work. But as a result to her obsession with science and distaste with humans, she is detached from normal human emotions, seeing most people merely interference with science's progress since people spread disease and destruction which eventually got her mother sick. However if it wasn't for Umbrella Corporations' experimental drugs that save her mother's life Violet's mother would of died making Violet even more dedicated to her work.
    Last edited by CrimsonLady180; 06-24-2017 at 09:57 AM.

  7. #17
    RPA's Hedonist
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    I will have the IC up tomorrow.

  8. #18
    That one Reaper Guy
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    I will have a character up in less than 2 hours
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  9. #19
    That one Reaper Guy
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    Name: Cassel Beldfast

    Age: 34
    Spoiler: Cassel 

    Short Bio: Cassel is a man who takes absolute pride in his intellect, to a degree that it's almost egotistical. He is a proper and recognized genius, and with his accomplishments, it's inarguable. Graduating from High School at 14, and receiving a dual masters in Biology and Medicine at a mere 24 years old, he's an asset to any giant empire such as Umbrella. For years he worked "terrible" "low paying" and restrictive jobs where he couldn't challenge the ways of science and break from the norm, until he was finally approached by Umbrella Corporations, where he was offered a great job with terrific pay, and most importantly, a secretly unrestricted medical practice where he would be able to do less than ethical things in the name of science.
    Last edited by Soulio; 06-28-2017 at 11:29 PM.
    Thanks to Karma for the Avatar and Signature

  10. #20
    RPA's Hedonist
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    I can't say no to a Soul like that! Also, good job on grasping the common origin story for majority of the scientists in the RE-verse.
    Damn those characters and their overwhelming smarts and early rise in their career. >_> *the starving artist stews*

    Only Technicians are available now... as I'll likely be some trashy one.
    Last edited by Imp; 06-23-2017 at 06:35 PM.

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