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Thread: (M) Voyage of the Storm Breaker (P)

  1. #21
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    Arorn returned the recently signed contract and proceeded to the ship to unload his gear. There was precious little of that, a few changes of clothing, gold & jewels, and etc. As e was clambering aboard, he gave a quick glance behind him, feeling something was different. He furrowed his brows in confusion for a second before he realized Dagger was gone, He scanned the area for a bit and spotted Dagger bothering a female Argonian. Arorn gave a short sigh, and walked back down the ship to retrieve him, and to probably apologize to her.

    Dagger barked a response to her question, but it could mean anything from “You look funny” to “I want to savagely murder you and eat your corpse”, although the first choice seems a bit more accurate. Dagger sat up and started moving closer to her and proceeded to sniff her leg. Arorn came toward a quick jog toward her and called Dagger away from her. Dagger backed off and walked back to his master, with his tail wagging. “Sorry for that, Dagger can get a bit curious sometimes.” As Arorn spoke, Dagger returned to her and continued to sniff her clawed feet, tail wagging happily. Suddenly he jumped upon her, at his full height standing up he’d reached just about her neck. As he was on her, he started licking her face.

    “Dagger, come back here, stop doing that….he’s just really happy and he’s greeting you…don’t worry he won’t hurt you...Dagger….”
    "Your telling me to get a life? I'm a gamer, I have plenty of lives to spare."

    “We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police.”

    ”A graduation ceremony is an event where the commencement speaker tells thousands of students dressed in identical caps and gowns that ‘individuality’ is the key to success.” - Robert Purvis

    “The only mystery in life is why the kamikaze pilots wore helmets” - Al McGuire


    "We're not retreating, we're advancing in a different direction!"

  2. #22
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    Sovia move to the corner to make her self unnoticed. She look at the many people and her mind flash back to before she begin her journey.

    "sovia.. The altmer elder already made a decicions for you" her father said and sovia look down, she know the decicion will be a bad thing. "you have to on a journey to retrive your pride as an atllmer.." and sovia stunned "journey father..??" she ask with disbelief. Her father nods "this is the best.. You must see for your self that you are better than any other lowly races out there.." her father said with pride. Sovia look down and nods but in her heart she really doesnt like it.

    Sovia blink her eyes a couple of times and sighs, why altmer has to have a great pride..?? Why not just be normal..?? She thought. She look at the sky and thinking that all races have their own unique traits and no one is above others, this is why she is so sad why the altmer cant see her point of view.

  3. #23
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    Damius watched for any more newcomers as the rest of them settled down below decks. The Captain seemed sure that this was about as much as they would get, and Daimus would be fine with that. However, life tended to throw curved fireballs at him every so often to try and catch him off guard, and it did so at times when his guard was indeed down.

    This might be one such time, when his guard was directed in the wrong direction entirely. from behind him, a distinctly Khajiit voice spoke to him and nearly gave him a heart-attack, the Dunmer swearing quietly as he turned to face the woman. Blasted padded feet and their silent fucking... he trailed off mentally.

    "Yeah, yeah, that's what I'm 'ere for... Make ya new ones if ya lose yours, or if you're just itchin' for a new style, who knows. Within reason, it's no charge, according to the boss." That last bit irritated him to no end. How was he supposed to make a living if he could swindle these hicks out of house and home? Hrm. Maybe that wasn't the right choice of metaphor.

    He almost turned back to return to his watch, but something about the 'camaraderie' the captain had been preaching made him continue the conversation. Damn Miri and her debt...

    "Wha's your job 'ere, then?" he asked. "Or rather, what're you offerin'?" Surely the crew should have people specializing in different things. If they were all a bunch of sneak-thieves, they were going to get murdered if they were caught in the open in broad daylight. Luckily I already know we got three Nords to cover us there...

    Thank you Hayabusa for the Sig and Avi.

    Alright everyone. Thank you for your time. This is a link to the thread explaining my departure from RPA. Stop by for the read if you have a chance. And catch you all on the flip side

  4. #24
    Red Ninja
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    As the newbloods signed the contracts Lord Winterblade nodded to the actual sailors that were lounging around the docks on his orders ti study the mercs as much as they were studying each other. Signalling for them to get aboard and make final preps for the journey. He had expected more in the way of mercs and explorers. From just looking at his group he had more rouges than warriors. One maybe two mages even though he felt young Sovia would be a cabin girl more than anything. But if there's one thing he's learned in his long life it's never judge a book by it's cover, the Gods would show him what they were made of in due time.

    He soon heard the heavy bootfalls of someone he hadn't seen since the rebellion.
    "Indeed it has Ice Wolf. Glad to see the Gods haven't dared to strike you down yet." He smiled at the wideer man handing him a contract and quill. "I'm sure you overheard me explain the contract here so I'll not bore you with repeating it. As soon as you're signed feel free to pick a rack and download your gear." As he handedd the paper and quill off he heard a voice behind him asking to head up to the crow's nest. Turning he saw it was the rather dark Bosmer Graesin archer by the looks of him but that wasn't an unusual thing for his people, what caught the old Nord's attention was the mer's eyes and how he scanned around the crew. They were the eyes of one that has killed and done it a lot. He didn't seem like soldier, eyes were all wrong. Most soldiers who have seen too much death look more like Starkad, distant, unfocused, maybe a slight bit mornful. This Graesin didn't have those eyes his were focused and precise Allester would put his septims on assassin, he just hoped there wasn't a contract out on any of his crew and the young man was here to collect.
    "Ay ya can lad. You and Mirida can take first watch. I'll have the cook make ya something to eat." He smiled at the Elf. And moved back to Stark.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  5. #25
    The Dragon Lady
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    Khinada was very careful not to let her amusement at the Dunmer’s start show. She hadn’t intended to sneak up on him, at least not this time. “Many apologies, Blacksmith, Khinada sometimes forgets how quiet she can be.” A flicker of movement caught her eye, bringing her attention to the Agronian woman who now had to fight off a very friendly summoned wolf with the help of the Mage that called him. Her dark lips spread into a grin at the situation before returning her attention to the Dunmer.

    “No charge? That is a most rare gift for such skill.” Her tail swished lazily from side to side as she let her gaze slide back over to the captain and the rest of the crew, lingering on each Nord face she saw. She took special notice of the hulk of a Nord who looked as though he could break someone in two if he wished; she’d keep a close eye on that one. Being potentially hated was one thing, being potentially hated by someone like that was quite another.

    Taking her eyes off the rest of the crowd again, she answered the smith’s inquiry. “Khinada has a knack for acquiring things, especially those of value. She is also quite the alchemist. Perhaps if she needs something repaired or replaced she can trade a potion or two for it. Khinada would eventually like to obtain another steel sword like the one she already has.” She turned her grinning, whiskered face fully toward him then, chuckling as she spoke. “When there must be a fight, it is better to strike with both hands, yes?”
    Last edited by StormyNyte; 07-04-2013 at 12:55 AM.
    Stormy's 1X1 recruitment thread!
    Spoiler: Don't lie to yourself, you know you want to look. 

  6. #26
    A Storm Is Coming
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    "Ice Wolf. . . Many a year it has been since I was called by that." Starkad mused with a deep harrumph. The name was bestowed upon Starkad Long-Fang in the heart of the civil war, after his escape from Imperial custody. After that day, Starkad - along with his officers, like Lord Winterblade - noticed how he fought with a renewed savagery to the point of tackling Imperial Legates from their horses and tearing out their throats with whatever he could manage. Sometimes it would be knife, other times hands, some other times it was with his teeth.

    Taking the contract and the quill from Allester, Starkad read over each word once more before signing his life away with the old runic scrawl of the Nords. Handing the parchment and pen back to the Lord-Captain, Starkad hooked his hand on the crook of his axe as it hung in a thick leather hoop at his waist. There was a tingling that spread across the Nord's pale and scarred skin that made his hackles rise. Following his perceived notion of the sensation's origin, he spied the one Khajiit on the ship, a female, looking at Starkad like she was weighing him. He was well aware he was more than intimidating to most folk, and to a young woman whose people are hardly allowed within the walls of Nord cities, he could understand her concern. Though misplaced, he knew her fear full well. Starkad simply nodded to the woman, a slight tilting of he head accompanied by the tinning of the chains tied into his braids. No harm would come to her from him so long as she did not initiate violence in his direction.

    Stepping aboard the Storm Breaker, the large Nord descended below deck to the crew quarters. He had little he wished to place in the sea chest. His smallclothes and armor would be all he had any need to store so that his banded iron armor would not rust as quickly. His three sets of spare clothes would remain in his rucksack. Other than his necklace and amulet, Starkad wore no jewelry to speak of. He was a practical individual, even for a Nord. He did, however, remove the letter he had received from Zha'raji, open the thrice-folded parchment, and read over it once more.

    Dearest Starkad,

    I have longed for you in my absence. While the adventures I have had are great and more will follow, I oft and fondly think back to our rituals in the halls of Whiterun. I felt safe in those times, and it is that safety and security I miss most of all. The seas have a way of making a mess of the days, and I cannot fathom how long it has been. Too long, I imagine, for you. Always the one to never let anything go. Well, do not let go of me yet. You never know, the dark ocean may swallow me up. You know how much I hate dark waters. If you-

    Starkad had been lost in his reading when he heard commotion on the deck above him - likely more crewmen coming down to sort their belongings. Narrowing his icy eyes, Starkad folded the letter back up and slipped it under his pillow before returning to the dock. The ship was too small for much thievery, and whether she was guilty or not, the Khajiit would receive the blame first. Regardless, the letter was what Starkad valued most out of his belongings. His ancestral armor was left back at his Clan's holdings, along with his inherited weapons. The weapons, armor, and shield all came from the dusty armory in Castle Asahiem. They were nothing special and in abundance all around Skyrim. Not even enchanted. The letter, though, was Starkad's key to finding Zha'raji, however minuscule a chance that may be, and it was the only sign that she still drew breath in the past five months. It was as if she would die if the letter were destroyed. Leaving it under his pillow was as sentimental as it was tactical. Few people would sully the bed of a man who could crush their larynx with a solid punch.

    He had returned to the docks just in time to hear the Khajiit speak, and in turn picked up her name. The phrasing of her statement reminded Starkad of a Nord proverb so many Stormcloaks had been keen to parrot: The gods gave you two hands. Use them both for your weapon.

    "You would find most Nords in agreement, Khinada." Starkad spoke in his usual deep tone as he walked passed the Khajiit towards the heart of Solitude to partake in Mid-Year the best way he knew how.

    Mutton and mead.

  7. #27


    Red hair played lightly with a faint wind gush that seemingly sneaked by them and Mirida stood up straight and proudly from the mast and started to walk around on the deck, back and forth with each step taken perfectly and her body language radiated respect and general toughness.
    Looking as if she was ready to take on an army all by herself, her edged formed steel sword crafted in Whiteruns best forge, the skyforge flowed in a succession of playful moves, Mirida didn't even seem to be in need of focus to do this, infact it looked like she was quite the bit bored or thinking about something.

    "Lars, get your ass on deck!" Mirida suddenly shouted, getting an "Aye aye" reply from beneath the deck as this Lars character moved as if he was one with the ship up onto deck standing before Mirida proudly.
    "Go to the chef and make sure he has started on our meal and when you are done with that take the rest of your crew to thoroughly inspect the Storm Breaker so that she is in a perfect shape for tomorrows departure." Mirida demanded no hesitation no feelings into it and as usual Lars confirmed the orders by another "Aye Madam!", and as soon as he had politely turned around he dashed down below the deck moving fluidly across the ship.

    That's the spirit I prefer seeing in people, their discipline pleases me. Mirida thought to herself smiling like a fox briefly before she continued walking as she did, still playing with her sword.
    Mirida was indeed something out of the ordinary, so much power yet untamed and proud as a dragon.

  8. #28
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    Nodding to Winterblade, Graesin looked over at the woman who was staying aboard as well just as she stood, sword cutting through the air without her giving it so much as a thought. Seeing her give orders to a crew-mate and how he responded, it was obvious she enjoyed being in charge, and keeping a well-maintained discipline. In that he knew they would be similar; his own actions were nothing more than a means to a specific end, and as such was economical; he did what needed doing, no questions or complaints about it. All in all, he thought that she'd be someone worth some measure of respect.

    "I'll keep watch in the Crow's Nest." Graesin told her, voice respectful and brooking no argument.

    He climbed up into the nest and unslung his bow, resting against the mast with his bow in his hand, arrow knocked but not drawn. It was his personal belief that the people on watch should keep their weapons in their hands and ready for immediate use, always aware of what's going on. Always prepared. Too many times an attacking force had gotten the advantage of another because in the time it took for the defenders to draw their swords, arrows had already struck home. Far better to have weapons drawn and at the ready, shields on hand to raise to defend against an onslaught of arrows.

    Looking down at the crew, he could see individuals mingling with others, already making an attempt at getting to know one another and make nice. Socializing wasn't something he was good at; oh, he could interact with others in maintaining a cover or working with a group, but he just wasn't one to talk about himself, not his experiences, thoughts, or anything else about himself for that matter. Of course, the life he led didn't give much room for socializing, and he wasn't interested anyways. Working with people didn't require knowing their pasts, and he wasn't willing to share his own.

    So instead he settled back and kept watch, looking for anyone or anything that might require attention, holding his bow at the ready. Always prepared.

  9. #29
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    Sovia still in the corner paying attention to everyone and it seems they mingle quite well butshe kinda have a feeling that they are also measuring each other power and abilities. Sovia rub her head with dumb face thinking whats the point of doing that kind of thing anyway..?? When there is a mountain there will always be a higher mountain.

    She look at her staff and sighs, her family want her to study destruction spells and all she wants to do is studying the restoration spells. She kinda thinking why destroy when she can save people, she think its more useful than that. She put down her bag and take out the normal scroll of destruction to study more but she can never like this kind of spell. She try to do shaping something with frost spell and it shatters quickly.

    She sighs again, she try to study hard though and she point her staff outside the ship so no one gets hurt as she mumble frost and the staff shines and let out a weak frost magic and she shoot it but she didnt know there is a bird nearby as the bird get frezee and fall to the water. She hurry look at it in horror and screams in panic "OH NO..!!! I KILLED A BIRD..!!!" she shout so loud without realizing her surrounding.
    Last edited by TsukiHime; 07-04-2013 at 05:56 PM.

  10. #30
    An Apple Pie of Angry
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    Knack for acquiring things, eh? Not doing the stereotype much justice, are ya? Daimus thought with an inside smirk. The Dunmer watched as the large Nord returned to the deck, vaguely remembering hearing the captain refer to him as the 'Ice Wolf'. Bloody Nords and their legacy names... He wondered only briefly if the man was even a match for an Ice Wolf; a second glance at him told him there was little doubt about that.

    After the Khajiit mentioned wielding two weapons, the man threw in his own bit of commentary, likely referencing some old Nordic saying. He had heard quite a few dealing with the Skaal; whether the Nords admitted it or not, the two offshoots were a lot more similar than they realized.

    "Yeah, I think I can manage that quite nicely... Though if you're offering potions, gettin' something that'll keep my mind clear while I'm workin' would be helpful," Daimus requested, a thoughtful look towards the Nord's back as he returned to Solitude.

    "Forgive me, the name's Daimus Morvayn," the Dunmer introduced himself, offering a hand. "Best Smith in Raven Rock, or so I've been told."

    Thank you Hayabusa for the Sig and Avi.

    Alright everyone. Thank you for your time. This is a link to the thread explaining my departure from RPA. Stop by for the read if you have a chance. And catch you all on the flip side

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