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Thread: Withdrawn Char list Rumble 2016

  1. #31
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    Reviewing Jacogos.

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  3. #33
    Giga Onion
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    General Information:
    Name: Sergeant Rohikal Kanoss
    Age: 778
    Gender: Male
    Race: Transhuman | Super-Human

    Build: Sergeant Rohikal stands at about 8’9 feet and has an unbelievable build that could be on par with a hardcore body-builder or weight-lifter. Sergeant Rohikal has broad shoulders, as any other Space Marine would, and has a very [fine-tune] body and weight that is maintained within the Power Armour.
    Hair: Sergeant Rohikal as a brown hair that is closely cut to his head [meaning he doesn’t have luscious hair or enough hair] and it is rare to find Sergeant Rohikal without his helmet
    Eyes: His eyes are a deep shade of brown and grey

    Distinctive Features: During his time on a Tyranid infested planet, he had suffered a deep scar to the back and to the [right] shoulder. He also sustained a minor scar towards the [left] side of the head after wrestling to get free from an Ork that wanted his head. As for his skin tone it is that of a Caucasian. He was developed with the use of the Blood Ravens’ geneseed [the unique genetic material used to transform a normal human into a super-human Space Marine.]

    Clothes / Armour: Sergeant Rohikal wears the Blood Ravens’ most common form of armour – the Power Armour. However there are variations to the Power Armour and that variation is the “Heresy Armour”. The Heresy Armour was created “accidentally” during the Horus Heresy and has since seen its use as early as the 30th Millennium.

    [Taken from the Wiki: All sorts of improvised additional armour can be seen on Mark V suits, but the most common technique was affix additional layers of armour with the aforementioned molecular bonding studs. This relatively quick and simple technique effectively added another ablative layer to marine armour suits. The extra weight this generated would prove considerable, however, which placed a strain on power supplies. As the addition of extra power generation sources and cabling would just require more armour plating, catching the design in an eternal circle, the wearers of the suit was forced to either deal with the additional weight, or turn up the power output of his backpack but suffer extreme heat output, which not only would prove uncomfortable and even compromising in certain situations, and in many cases older, heavy power cabling was used, which created a weak point on the chest. Many Mark V suits ended up featuring an unusual helmet design appropriated from supplies generated by the Tactical Dreadnought Armour program; this spin-off helmet featured similar levels of improved auto-senses as Terminator suits, but was still found to be inferior to those of Mark IV suits. The respirator used for this helmet was codified as the Mantilla-pattern, and saw use as early as late M30.]

    Sergeant Rohikal’s Heresy Armour is dotted, as detailed, with spuds along the bottom half of both legs and the left shoulder. He wears numerous purity seals throughout his armor, and the most present purity seal[s] is near his drapes [that are towards the front area that cover his crotch].

    Fighting Style:


    Chainsword [Mk. Xf Hell's Teeth Pattern]: (A Chainsword is a common form of chain weapon, essentially a sword with motorized teeth that run along the blade like those of a chainsaw. Most versions make use of monomolecular-edged or otherwise razor sharp teeth. The weapon makes an angry buzzing sound as the teeth spin around, intensifying into a high pitched scream as they grind into armour.) This is the most current version used by Imperial forces.

    Mk. IV Boltgun: The standard model Mark IV has single-shot and burst fire (i.e. firing three bolts in short succession) modes. The bolter also incorporates a palm-print sensor to identify its wielder by its genetic imprint. The Mk. IV Boltgun’s Standard bolts are comprise of the following components: outer casing, propellant base, main charge, mass reactive detonator cap, depleted deuterium core, diamantine tip. The calibre of the standard round .75 and it possesses a super-dense metallic core.


    • None



    Slow Target: Regardless of whether or not he is properly protected he isn’t immune to enemy fire when moving from one cover to the other. This means that, when moving from cover to cover, he is completely vulnerable to enemy suppression.

    Vulnerable Asset: Even though he is skilled, and a Sergeant, he is particularly vulnerable when met with close-quarters combat. Meaning whenever he engages in close-quarters combat his chest, shoulder[s], and back are completely vulnerable to enemy attack since those are the most accessible places to attack [even though 40K related opponents won’t need to attack those specific points for they may have stronger weaponry to penetrate the armour].

    Careless Fighter: Having this be the complete opposite [and damn well contradictory] of the “Conscious Fighter” trait, he does charge forward into combat without [really] any thought at all of what he is doing. He does accept his actions, but he tends to push those acceptations to the back of his mind for the battle is the most important thing right now.


    Close-Quarters Combat Specialist: Having this be in some contradictory to the “Vulnerable Asset” trait, Sergeant Rohikal [with his chainsword in hand] can deliver in the field of Close-Quarters Combat. He tends to fight under those circumstances and has become well-versed in such a contradicting trait.

    Conscious Fighter: Having this be a contradiction to his radical and reckless mind, he does however accept and think of the consequences for being rather brash. These sort of thoughts are strong in Sergeant Rohikal’s mind leading him to think of other irrelevant things that don’t pertain to the battle at hand.

    Rough Shot: He isn’t too bad a shot either, but having a Boltgun in one hand while at the same time holding a Chainsword does make for some unwanted trajectory and misfire. He’s marksmanship isn’t as genuine as it would under normal circumstances. His aim only decreases whenever he is under extreme conditions or combat situations [as any normal soldier would in those circumstances]


    Personality: Sergeant Rohikal is a ruthless man, one of blood and savagery. He doesn’t take defeat all too well and prefers to continue fighting even though his life may be destroyed in the process. He favors the Emperor in all aspects, but occasionally voices from the beyond would cause him to have uncontrollable rages. He sort of walks amongst his battle-brothers as a mere ghost image of a true Sergeant. His thoughts and other ideals are mostly wired towards serving the Emperor and obeying the Codex Astartes in the most appropriate of measures. He doesn’t falter nor does he crack; he was to be conditioned like that. He doesn’t care for small talk since he’s been trained to know how to work, think and act in the midst of battle. His silence only means that righteousness is present within his heart and soul. Overall he is a man of the Blood Ravens and will continue to be.

    Background: All that can be said about Sergeant Rohikal is that having been though numerous battles against the tyrannies of the Imperium, he has become a grizzled marine who stands at the top of the ladder with other battle-brothers.

  4. #34
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    " The Hellhound "

    Name: Miles Wesler



    Race:human/demon half-breed

    build: Surprisingly lanky and malnourished looking, weight: 168 pounds unarmored,
    473 pounds armored.

    Height, 5'11 and a half.

    Hair: sandy blonde, just past shoulder length, very messy so we don't know if it's curly or not.

    Eyes: Normal but quite wide, they are crimson in color.

    Distinctive Features: has a strange brand akin to a dog's skull under his left eye. The scent of blood can be smelled when he walks by. He typically can be seen with a large bloodthirsty smile when he is without his helmet.

    Clothes / Armour: Wears heavy black iron plate armor that shows signs of rusting in some spots, with a T visor style helmet adorned a crown of demon horns on it. The armor is strong enough to stop 12 inch diameter cannon round once before cracking and possibly shattering. The armor can be exited through the back via a plate in the rear torso piece.

    Weapons and Abilities

    High Carbon Steel Clay-more with a osmium core to increase the amount of momentum it can have,tempered in the blood of other demons. This for some reason always leaves it feeling warm to the touch

    manifest-able at will demonic claws and teeth. Stronger than bone but not steel.

    Pretty Strong: could punch a hole through strong steel, sword can cleave through up to a foot of hardened high carbon steel. Can lift and throw up to 7 tons without strain.

    Decently Fast: *only when not in armor * Faster than a average human, slower than a arrow from a very large bow

    Agile: * Only when not in armor *

    Inhuman ferocity: will basically ignore vast amounts of damage and injuries until finally brought down.

    Sword Skill: Talented use of his clay-more, not to mention the extra momentum provided by the lead core and demonic strength allow for a massive amount of force behind each swing.

    Armor: Quite strong, but destroy-able, covers all but some of his face thanks to the T shaped visor on his helmet.

    Attributes: Weakness to holy objects and creatures, * angels and other holy races. *. Still half human. Not very fast when in armor.

    personality: He's always looking for a greater challenge, and fights with a blood-lust. He needs the carnage, he needs the bloodshed, he needs to kill.
    But, he still deals with some of his human emotions showing through, like the ability to show mercy, to defend the weak and to forgive... sometimes.
    He holds fairness and honesty very high however, as he will not break his word.

    Background: No one knows where he came from, or how he came to be, but he is rumored to have been born after his father copulated with a succubus. His father attempted to murder him in his sleep and instead of killing him it merely sent him to hell. One of the more powerful demons, Mestopheles, saw potential in him and raised him as a sort of guard dog for his throne. It was rumored in hell that is you could kill Mestopheles, you could have his throne. For years Miles fought and killed lesser demons and damned souls growing more powerful in the process. After many years of fighting and rising through the ranks, he eventually challenges Mestopheles for his right to leave his position as the guard dog and roam earth for a more challenging opponent. He loses this fight, but Mestopheles free's him anyway, with the reasoning that, " Maybe some outside experience will make you stronger, and a better guard dog. " He is given the title of " Hell Hound " and released upon the earth, as bloodthirsty and violent as ever.

    He kills things to show he is above them and not weak, but he understands that not everything is black and white, and somethings don't deserve to die or they don't put up a challenge.
    " It is the beasts in this world who should be afraid! "

    -Ing The Viking.

  7. #37
    Moon Child
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    Dak and Rycan are approved.

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  8. #38
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  9. #39
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    Derpnaster is the last one to be reviewed.

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