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Thread: Zoids: Cataclysm

  1. #1
    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    Default Zoids: Cataclysm


    “Deep in the far reaches of the milky way, there exists a small blue planet called Zi. On this planet live a race of metallic lifeforms with superior fighting skills. These are the Zoids.”

    Spoiler: Setting and History 

    Here is the CS:

    Spoiler: Character Sheet 

    Here are the advantages and disadvantages for genezoids and humans:

    Spoiler: Genezoid Advantages and Disadvantages 

    Spoiler: Human Advantages and Disadvantages 

    Lastly, here are the rules:

    Spoiler: Rules 

    Current players:


    Spoiler: Michael Knight 

    Spoiler: Vega Falken 

    Spoiler: Curtis Miller 


    Spoiler: Cadmus "Cad" Lakonen 

    Spoiler: Aelia Auburn 


    Spoiler: Elle LaForet 


    Spoiler: Cyrus Sigma 

    Spoiler: Gwen "Ginger" Castella 


    Spoiler: Vane 

    Spoiler: Micah Goldberg 

    Green Lantern:

    Spoiler: EGO 

    Spoiler: Kerrigan Snow 

    Spoiler: Placidus "Haxxor" Stillman 


    Spoiler: Dairn Fate 


    Spoiler: Tristan Elimar 


    Spoiler: Nell Lenheart 


    Spoiler: Korzai 

    See you on the battlefield!
    Last edited by TheDoctor; 08-04-2012 at 05:32 AM.

    Thanks to Karma for the dandiest set
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  2. #2
    Better Then Expected
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    Name: Michael Knight

    Race: Human

    Age: 20

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Michael stands around 5' 10" and weighs around 147 pounds. He has short dark hair and light blue eyes. He wears black pants with large pockets, a muscle shirt, pver that a white button up and to top it off a black leather jacket. Around his neck is a leather collar and on his feet a pair of black boots. His right ear as three piercings and on his hands are black fingerless gloves. This is his basic day-to-day gear.

    Zoid: Red Horn

    (there's two pics showing different angles so make sure you click both)

    Weapons: Crasher Horn, Smash-Up Tail, 80 mm Surface-to-Air Double Barreled Beam Cannon, Anti-Zoid 3-Barreled Linear Cannon, SSM-Pod, TEZ 20 mm Linear Laser Gun (2), AEZ 20 mm Beam Gun (2), High Pressure concentrated Sulfuric Acid Powder Cannon.

    Equipment: All-Weather 3D Radar Antenna (4), Composite Sensor Unit, Infra-Red Laser Searcher.

    Personality: Michael is usually a nice guy. Friendly, optomistic, bit of a flirt with the ladies. But that's not when he's in the midst of combat. In battle he's cold, ruthless, determined to finish his assignment. But nothing motivates him more than protecting his teammates. While completeing a job and getting paid is nice, it's not worth the pain of loosing friends.

    Morals/Beliefs: Michael wasn't caught up in the entire zoids have souls/they're just machines argument. He did recognize Zoids could have a mind of their own, after all those Human-Organoid had that ball of energy fuzing thing so there had to be some truth to it. But he believed that until a zoid showed some form a self-awareness it was just a machine.

    Bio: Michael started his zoid piloting when he was very young, at the age of ten. The village where he was living was being attacked by Human-Organoids. In a desperate attempt to save his village he hopped in a Command Wolf and tried to help. Unfortunately he didn't last long, he was in over his head. The zoid was a wreck. But he was given a spot of luck, a Human Alliance Patrol had arrived and driven the attackers off. Of course when he was pulled from the wreckage he as yelled at for doing something reckless, but he didn't care. Michael accepted his punishment. But it was this moment that changed him, he had gotten a taste of combat. He got the rush of the fight, the high, and despite the fact that he lost he was addicted.

    So he stowed away with the Alliance soldiers and they took him in. The unit's commanding officer, Colonel Storm, took a liking to him, seeing the firery determination in his eyes. Taking the boy to the capital he found a way to get him into some training programs and soon he was learning the ropes, and not just Zoid combat, hand to hand and weapons. By the time he was fifteen he was set. Decked out in an Alliance uniform and given a standard zoid, Saber Fang. He was assigned to Storm's unit where he was welcomed back with open arms.

    Thus began his brief two year service. Michael was put on numerous mission and took part in many battles. On one mission he infiltrated a base with his unit. there he engaged in hand to hand combat with a decorated soldier, one that had been causing the Alliance problems for awhile. But outside his Zoid Michael had the advantage. It had come down to hand to hand and Michael ended u[ winning. The enemy had a strange pendant around his neck, Michael took it as a trophy and it now hangs from his belt. This victory over the enemy pilot earned his a medal, a promotion to Sergeant and a cash reward, there was a bounty put on the pilot. This was a foreshadowing as to what was to become of Michael.

    Michael started targeting enemies with high bounties and taking them out. The higher ups didn't like that and issued him many warnings. Michael was also taking trophies and they were proudly displayed in his room, to this day. Though Storm wasn't complaining. The Colonel wanted the dangerous targets gone and encouraged Michael to continue hunting. And so he did. Finally, after two years, he was discharged with the rank of Lieutenant, though not dishonorably. Michael didn't want that on his record, wanting to leave on somewhat good terms. What surprised him was Storm retired not long, six months, after he was discharged and sought him out. Michael, eighteen now, happily greeted Storm. Storm admitted that he enjoyed what he was doing, sending Michael out to complete bounties. But the military wouldn't allow him to indulge in that. So Michael, with the war ending, decided that they'd join a mercenary group.

    But first they needed their own Zoids. The military obvioiusly wouldn't let them take their zoids. So they planned a heist, from a local bandit gang. Risky yes and it did end with them upping their killcount but they did complete their objectives. Michael picked a Red Horn from a group of recently pilotless zoids. Storm picked a Metal Rhimos. Finding a group of Mercenaries wasn't hard, they joined a group called The Paladins. The group was made up of both Humans and Human-Organoids. And for the next two years they completed missions. Storm, due to his amazing leadership skills, quickly rose to command, leading the Paladins. Michael became third in command, not having enough experience leading but wanted the higher rank he was happy leaving second in command to the previous occupant. This was his life, and he loved it.
    Last edited by Ushima; 04-25-2012 at 04:57 AM.

  3. #3
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    Save me a spot
    They mostly come at night...mostly

  4. #4
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    If you’re looking for more players, don’t forget to make use of all the features that RPA has to offer. You can submit your game to the Roleplaying Games Directory here and if you post here, you can ask the Staff to advertise your roleplay in their signatures.

    Most importantly, make sure to apply for Roleplay of the Week!

  5. #5
    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    Fantastic! I'll have my CS up later today

    Thanks to Karma for the dandiest set
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  6. #6
    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    Here is my CS:

    Name: Cadmus “Cad” Lakonen

    Race: Genezoid

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Cadmus is about 5’8”, weighs 130 pounds with a lean body type (slightly muscular, but still skinny). He has light brown, slightly long hair that spikes out like in the picture. He usually wears a crimson t shirt with slim black pants, black shoes, and a white button-down jacket that goes down to his waist and fits him nicely. His eyes can easily shift from fierce to friendly.

    Zoid: Murasame liger named Rigon (I had to go liger )

    Zoid weapons and abilities: Murasame sword, dual sword cannon, triple-barreled shock cannon, strike laser claw, and tail blade

    Personality: Cadmus is very likeable. He is very friendly, yet very strong willed. He can be stubborn, for he is a fighter. He isn't afraid to voice his opinion and take action about what is right or wrong.

    Morals/Beliefs: Cadmus believes that zoids are always meant to be seen as companions, not tools of war or pets. He also thinks that genezoids, humans, and zoids are all equal. He has some slight prejudice against humans because he thinks they caused the war, but that is only because he grew up learning to be wary around them. He isn't afraid to be friends with them, but he still thinks they are to blame for the war. However, due exposure to them, his slight prejudice has been worn down, and although he has his views about the previous war, he doesn't let them affect his judgement of others. If someone is being persecuted, attacked, or abused, Cadmus feels like it is his responsibility to help them in any way possible.

    Bio: Cad was born to a nice genezoid household in a rural town. His father was a retired mercenary who served as a protector for their town while his mother was a school teacher. He was an only child. School was a necessity in their town, and Cad had gone to the one-room schoolhouse for as long as he could remember with his mom as the teacher. This was where Cad learned to see humans as the cause of the war. His dream, however, was to become a zoid pilot

    When Cad became old enough, he became apprenticed under a zoid engineer, which is where he learned his knowledge about zoids. He would always love to bond with zoids that were recently healed or improved in the shop, fusing with the zoid and sharing knowledge with it. After many years, Cad learned the many ways to interact with a zoid, like how to treat it with respect and how to know when the zoid impresses their will upon yours. He learned the different movements of the zoid and how a fused genezoid’s thoughts may influence the movements.

    On his 15th birthday, Cad’s town was attacked by bandits. His mother was killed in the raid, and his father and his zoid simply vanished. He was torn between feeling sympathy for his father if he was captured and anger at him if he ran away. He ran from his town as far as he could, running out of fear, loneliness, grief, heartache, and most of all, vengeance. Vengeance for his family, his family that had just crumbled in his hands. It was his birthday as well. What kind of birthday present was that?

    Collapsing from exhaustion in the middle of the desert that surrounded part of his village, he lost consciousness. When he awoke, he heard a roar and a crash from nearby. In front of him was a wild Murasame Liger with a large gash between its eyes that curved down to the right side of its mouth, sparking with energy. There was another wound on the zoid’s side, a deep cut that curved from the left flank to the underbelly of the zoid. Several other wounds were apparent on the liger, but they were not as major as the wounds on its face and left side. Obviously feisty and angered, the Murasame Liger was crouched low and growling at Cad. He noted the massive blade on the liger’s back, which was revolving to its left side to guard the injury. Trying to show the beast that he would cause no harm, Cad relaxed his body and put his hands up for the zoid to see. The liger flinched as Cad raised his hands, and then it pounced on him, trapping him under the its paw. The zoid roared at Cad, pressing his paw a bit harder on him. Attempting to calm the beast, Cad touched its mind.

    I don’t want to hurt you, I want to help you! I would-


    Is that who did that to you? A group of genezoids?


    No, no! My name is Cadmus Lakonen, I want to help you! I would never want to abuse a zoid, never! Let me heal your wounds, I swear I can help. I know a great deal about zoids!


    No, I’m not lying to you! Please, let me go and I can help you! I can nourish you back to health! Please trust me, not all genezoids are like the ones you encountered. We want to work with zoids, be their companions. Let me please try to heal you. If I cause you any more pain, then you can kill me right on the spot. Just trust me in this.


    I won’t.

    With that, he fused with the zoid. He examined the damage from his place in the zoid core. The gash on the liger’s side was deep, but not deep enough to damage the core. That could be healed. Cad used some of his energy to close the wound (the equivalent of a scab for humans). He withdrew the zoid’s subconscious attention from the wound, causing it to no longer hurt the zoid. Focusing on the zoid’s head, he did the same. By that time, he was too exhausted to treat the minor wounds. Withdrawing from the zoid, Cad emerged as a ball of energy and then landed on the ground in front of the liger, forming into his body once again and kneeling from exhaustion.

    CADMUS LAKONEN. YOU HAVE….helped me. Thank you for healing me.

    See what I mean? Not all genezoids want to hurt you.

    I understand. Cadmus Lakonen, you are a kind genezoid. Where do you belong?

    I need to get back to my town. I can’t continue my journey like this.

    Very well. Fuse with me again, and I shall accompany you back to your town.

    Once again fusing with the liger, Cad relaxed as the liger read his thoughts, recognized the location of his town, and began to journey back. When he got back to the town, Cad left the zoid. He touched the zoid’s thoughts again.

    Thank you for taking me back. You are a kind zoid as well.

    Your town is unsafe, Cadmus Lakonen, and I am still wounded. I will gladly protect your town if you continue to heal my wounds.

    I would love that! Only, I don’t have your name.

    I have no such thing.

    You have to have a name! Fine I will call you Rigon. It’s what my dad always called his zoid.

    I am Rigon, then.

    Rigon and Cad grew closer and closer over the years. Rigon protected the town from further bandit raids, and even after Cad had healed Rigon, the zoid stayed with him.
    Cad eventually let go his grudge against the bandits and became a mercenary like his father (after finding another person to defend the town). Althought he still grieved for his family, Rigon was there for him. At age 17, he and Rigon were able to work together very well. They are currently working to drive out a bandit group near a sizable tribe in the plains.
    Last edited by TheDoctor; 05-08-2012 at 10:30 PM.

    Thanks to Karma for the dandiest set
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    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    RPA has a twitter? O.o link?

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    I Shall join now :3 ill post my cs in a min.

  10. #10
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    One question what really is a genezoid (sorry i never seen zoid before )

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