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Thread: RPA Roleplay Awards - Nominations 2019! [ Deadline: July 20 ]

  1. #1
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    Default RPA Roleplay Awards - Nominations 2019! [ Deadline: July 20 ]

    Welcome to the official Roleplay Awards of RPA 2019!

    We are here to honor those who contribute to the true essence of this site; roleplaying and friendly community. They've inspired and amused us, taught us and created with us, and with their contributions help us create what we're proud to think is the best roleplay site on the web!

    Please fill out the form below and nominate those members you feel truly deserve the recognition. Also be sure the read the Rules for the Awards and who has excluded themselves from the awards before nominating!

    Things to remember;

    -You may fill out as much or as little of the form as you like. You are not required to nominate for every category, and you do not need to nominate two members for each category.

    -Please use members' full, current username when nominating, rather than a nickname or old username. (Because it's such a pain to track them down).

    -Please try to include links to the roleplay/character you're voting for. (The reason for this is when other people votes, they can get a better idea of what the char/RP is about)

    -Voting will take place at the end of the nomination period!!

    -One nomination gets a member into the voting thread. Multiple nominations do not hold any more sway, so if you'd like to avoid nominating someone already on the list, check the submitted nominations first.

    -Please do not clutter this thread with chatter. If you'd like to chat about the awards, you can do that here.

    So, without further ado...

    The Categories:

    1. Best RP to reach the hall of fame

    Roleplays of pure Epicness that reached the highest top of Olympus. Similar to the ‘Best Overall Roleplay’ except that this is for Roleplays that reached an Epic ending and came to their final resting place in the "Hall of Fame" and shall remain there and be remembered for all ages.
    (Please note that you can only award RPs that were finished between the years 2018-2019 for this. Furthermore, this is the only award where the staff will add nominations of all the RPs that were done during this time period, so you are not forced to nominate for this)

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    2. Best Unfinished RP

    This award is for the roleplay you were so excited about! It had everything! But sadly, for whatever reason it died without reaching a conclusion.
    (Please note that you can only award RPs that were abandon between the years 2018-2019 for this)

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    3. Best 1x1 partner

    Is there a member who you love to 1x1 with? Someone who you keep an eye out for in the recruitment section in case they post - because you know that being in a 1x1 with them is always a fantastic experience. This award goes to those that always make private stories fun and exciting, bringing to life your adventure with them. Not only that - they are reliable and always respond as quick as they can.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    4. Most inspiring writer

    This award is for the writers on RPA that motivate you to improve your own writing or who’s posts always inspire you to reply as soon as you’re able. It is for the members that are able to make you empathise with their character and feel each heartache as though it was your own. In short, those who are able to influence you simply through their roleplaying abilities.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    5. Most diverse characters creator

    In one game, they’re a lewd maid… the next, an alcoholic priest… then next again, a naïve princess. This player can switch between characters seamlessly, regardless of their differences, and none of their creations are ever alike. With each roleplay they join, they bring forward new ideas for their character, rarely using the same personality or background twice.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    6. Best overall GM

    Dedicated, reliable, persistent, creative, inspiring… Just a few of the qualities that tend to make a good GM. We’re looking for the people who can captivate the hearts of their players, drag them into the story and play out a plot-line that is too great for words. Basically, we’re looking to recognize the best GM that RPA has to offer.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    7. Most dependable player

    We all have a mental list of roleplayers we class as reliable. This is an award in appreciation of that loyalty, for all the members that never leave a roleplay without a word, who will always follow the rules without question and who will do everything they can to help the GM and keep the story running.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    8. The novelist

    That person who always seems to write a lengthy post, no matter the RP, no matter the situation. You know you're in for a long read whenever they reply, sometimes you even wonder when it is going to end.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    9. Best roleplaying duo

    This award goes to the two members who cause sparks of amazement every time they roleplay together. Whether they act as enemies or friends, lovers or heartbreakers, their writing style and character development only compliments the other’s talents.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    10. Best romantic couple

    This award focuses on the most complex, original and realistic of character romances, regardless of whether the pairing worked out in the end or not.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    11. Most realistic character

    The one who always manages to react the way an actual person might react, whilst still managing to keep true to their personality. They do not fall madly in love within moments of meeting another character. They do not claim to be a simple villager and then wield a sword against a dragon without fear on the next page. They don’t have mental disorders/ addictions/ phobias that are forgotten about when it gets inconvenient.
    Although they might not fit in the real world, they are realistic and consistent to the setting of the roleplay and the race that they are playing.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    12. Funniest character

    Whatever the type of humour, this character can always make you crack a grin when they want to. This award is dedicated to the characters that can make you laugh even in the most difficult of roleplay situations.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    13. Best overall character

    When it comes to being a great character, they tick every box and more. In the end, the roleplay itself just wouldn’t be the same without them. In this section, we’re looking for the best of the best. No other explanation should be needed.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    14. Weirdest character

    This character is the oddity of the group... and the entire world. Whether they have a screw lose in the head or are simply full of quirks, they don’t quite seem to fit in with the rest of society. This award celebrates the most bizarre of characters and the strangeness that they thrust on everyone around them.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    15. Best antagonist

    The majority of roleplays would be nothing without an antagonist on the scene to foil your characters’ plans. We’re looking for nominees that are endlessly keeping the protagonist on their toes; forever one step ahead and always prepared. Whether working via brains or brawn (Or even a mixture of both), this bad guy is a force to be reckoned with.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    16. Best hero

    In most RP's you need a hero to fight against the villains, this award celebrates them and is awarded to the best of the good guys. This character always manages to find a way to overcome to bad guy's plans and save the day.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    17. Best supporting character

    A supporting character is a character in a narrative that is not focused on by the primary storyline, but appears or is mentioned in the story enough to be more than just a minor character or a cameo appearance. Supporting characters may be lovers, guides, nemeses, mentors and more, and they can even develop a complex back-story of their own. They bring their own impact into the story and are remembered for it.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    18. Vae Victis

    Meaning "Woe to the Vanquished", this award goes to those lost souls who try in vain to keep a struggling RP alive. You know, those members that are always one of the last people posting in an IC or OOC threads.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    19. Best General RP

    Self-explanatory- A game that fills all the criteria of what makes a roleplay awesome. We’re looking for reasonable activity, an astounding plot, great cast of characters and one that generally manages to exceed all expectations.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    20. Best Science-Fiction RP

    Self-explanatory- A game that fills all the criteria of what makes a roleplay awesome. We’re looking for reasonable activity, an astounding plot, great cast of characters and one that generally manages to exceed all expectations.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    21. Best Fantasy RP

    Self-explanatory- A game that fills all the criteria of what makes a roleplay awesome. We’re looking for reasonable activity, an astounding plot, great cast of characters and one that generally manages to exceed all expectations.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    22. Best Parody RP

    Self-explanatory- A game that fills all the criteria of what makes a roleplay awesome. We’re looking for reasonable activity, an astounding plot, great cast of characters and one that generally manages to exceed all expectations.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    23. Best Horror RP

    Self-explanatory- A game that fills all the criteria of what makes a roleplay awesome. We’re looking for reasonable activity, an astounding plot, great cast of characters and one that generally manages to exceed all expectations.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    24. Most likely to get themselves killed

    You know the ones we’re talking about. The demolition expert who gets described by their creator as ‘clumsy’, the guy who likes to jump off buildings in an attempt to mimic Assassin’s Creed or even the woman who revels in starting a fight with every guy she meets. They wander through the roleplay and you begin to ask yourself ‘How have they managed to make it this far without biting the dust?’ Well, this award is dedicated to them– The characters that you can’t help but doubt whether or not they will be able to make it to the end of the roleplay.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    25. Most Original Storyline

    Simply put, a roleplay based around a story you’ve never seen before. We’ve all seen the werewolf vs. vampire battles, the high-school romances and typical murder horror stories. However, sometimes a plot-line will develop to bring a new twist to these genres or, even better, is a completely unique to anything attempted on RPA before- This award is dedicated to such roleplays.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    26. Most Loveable character

    This award compliments the character written to be so loveable you can't help but root for them - whether it's that butter wouldn't melt in their innocent mouth, or they've won you over with their heart of gold, it's a character you can't help but love.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    27. Most Hateable character

    This award is for that character that is so vile they make your skin crawl - this author knows exactly how to have their creation push all the wrong buttons, making them impossible not to hate!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    28. Most Zealous GM

    Most GMs run one RP at a time, possibly two. Not this GM, they love to create roleplays and seem to be posting a new one each week. You wonder how they keep up with them all - but these people have so many ideas in their head they must get them out to people.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    29. Strangest Roleplay

    Ever looked at a newly posted RP and wondered what was going on? That's what this award embodies. The weird ones, where you are never really quite sure about anything. When the GM's ideas are so outlandish you worry about them a little.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    30. Obsessed With Roleplay

    You know that one member that seems to join every possible RP. They can't help themselves - they need to be in everything and it's all they ever talk about. If they aren't writing a post, they are lurking the OOC's, or they are creating a new character... for their next RP. (Formerly known as the 'Most Hyperactive Roleplayer' award.)

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    31. Most Dedicated GM

    The GM who never gives up on their ideas or roleplays and will continue to try their best until they are the last one left. These are the people we are looking to be nominated.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    32. Most Original Character

    These players have the good points, they have the bad points but they also have points you’ve never seen before in a character. Be it strange quirks, unusual abilities or just a unique twist to an otherwise over-used personality, this is the section for all those characters that just scream of an ingenious creator and an incomparable design.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    33. Best Overall Writing Style

    For those who can adapt to every situation and play every character with ease. For those who can make you want to laugh and cry within the same post. For those with a unique style that you never seem to tire of.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    34. Book-worthy Roleplay

    This award is for the RP that would make an excellent book, a story that you would love to find in a novel. It has all the qualities; memorable characters, fascinating setting and wonderful plot.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    35. Best Friendship

    These two characters will be friends till the end! This award is for the best-written friendship. Whatever dynamic they shared, you could tell it was a friendship meant to be!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    36. Best Rivals

    Whenever they see each other, you can bet sparks are gonna fly! This award is for the best- written rivalry!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    37. Most Exciting Roleplay

    This award is for the roleplay that had you on the edge of your seat! The rp is so exciting you couldn't wait for the next post, to find out where the plot would twist and turn to next!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    Spoiler: Form for Nominations for easy filling 

  2. #2
    Your daily overdose of cute
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    2. Best unfinished rp
    Nominee #1: Valkyries: Occult Warfare OOC / IC

    3. Best 1x1 partner

    Nominee #1: Koti~
    Nominee #2: Omac

    4. Most inspiring writer

    Nominee #1: SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2: Anti-Hero

    5. Most diverse characters creator

    Nominee #1: SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2: storm

    6. Best overall GM

    Nominee #1: SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2: StormWolf

    7. Most dependable player

    Nominee #1: Kris
    Nominee #2: storm

    8. The novelist

    Nominee #1: Leanna
    Nominee #2: StormWolf

    9. Best roleplaying duo

    Nominee #1: Bluemoon and storm
    Nominee #2: Kris and SikstaSlathalin

    10. Best romantic couple

    Nominee #1: Adam Dova and Elisheva

    11. Most realistic character

    Nominee #1: Devrin Roswell
    Nominee #2: Tristifer Barton

    12. Funniest character

    Nominee #1: Bigwit
    Nominee #2: Bellatrix

    14. Weirdest character

    Nominee #1: Graik Eckers
    Nominee #2: Kodran "økskasteren" Vekelsson

    17. Best supporting character

    Nominee #1: Jamon Dewars (At the very bottom of the post under NPCs)

    21. Best Fantasy RP

    Nominee #1: The Rogue's Gallery OOC / IC
    Nominee #2: Lion Hearts OOC / IC

    24. Most likely to get themselves killed

    Nominee #1: Jamon Dewars (At the very bottom of the post under NPCs)
    Nominee #2: Tristifer Barton

    25. Most Original Storyline

    Nominee #1: Lion Hearts OOC / IC

    26. Most Loveable Char

    Nominee #1: Jamon Dewars (At the very bottom of the post under NPCs)
    Nominee #2: Theorynn “Theory” Redmane

    31. Most Dedicated GM

    Nominee #1: SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2: Anti-Hero

    32. Most Original Character

    Nominee #1: Yn and Faur
    Nominee #2: Lumen

    33. Best Overall Writing Style

    Nominee #1: Koti~
    Nominee #2: Dnafein

    34. Book-worthy RP

    Nominee #1: The Rogue's Gallery OOC / IC

    35. Best Friendship

    Nominee #1: Bellatrix and Nathan Creedmore
    Nominee #2: Lumen and Devrin Roswell

    37. Most Exciting RP

    Nominee #1: The Rogue's Gallery OOC / IC
    P.K.'s character locker ~ P.K.'s word works ~ P.K.'s Idea store

    1x1 = 1/5 Multi = 0/5 PW = 0/2
    Spoiler: Other things. 

  3. #3
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    Will add to it as I go

    1. Best RP to reach the hall of fame
    (Does not require nominations as all HOF RP's in the alloted time period will be included.)

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    2. Best unfinished rp

    Nominee #1: Outbreak: Genesis GMed by Rayne7
    Nominee #2: Valkyries: Occult Warfare Gmed by Stormwolf

    3. Best 1x1 partner

    Nominee #1: SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2: Repent!

    4. Most inspiring writer

    Nominee #1: Leanna
    Nominee #2: Dnafein

    5. Most diverse characters creator

    Nominee #1: P.K.
    Nominee #2: Azazeal849

    6. Best overall GM

    Nominee #1: Azazeal849
    Nominee #2: Dnafein

    7. Most dependable player

    Nominee #1: P.K.
    Nominee #2: SikstaSlathalin

    8. The novelist

    Nominee #1: SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2: Dnafein

    9. Best roleplaying duo

    Nominee #1: Dnafein & SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2: P.K. & Koti~

    10. Best romantic couple

    Nominee #1: Galmied and Sabin Togar by SikstaSlathalin and Kris
    Nominee #2:

    11. Most realistic character

    Nominee #1: Tristifer Barton by Dnafein
    Nominee #2:

    12. Funniest character

    Nominee #1: Rikki by SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2: Jamon Dewars by Storm

    13. Best overall character

    Nominee #1: Velaire "Vel" Hornshell by P.K
    Nominee #2: Mynxella "Mynx" Jabberwalken Oce by bluemoon

    14. Weirdest character

    Nominee #1: Jamon Dewars by Storm
    Nominee #2:

    15. Best antagonist

    Nominee #1: Y'gol Skullborne by SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2: Ky Lim by Storm

    16. Best hero

    Nominee #1: Yn by Koti~
    Nominee #2: Tristifer Barton by Dnafein

    17. Best supporting character

    Nominee #1: Balder of Stonestead by SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2: Faur by Koti~

    18. Vae Victis

    Nominee #1: Azazeal849
    Nominee #2: DannyPhantom

    19. Best General RP

    Nominee #1: CANDY-POP DEATHCULT by Imp
    Nominee #2: The Reborn - Finishing What Was Started by Minkasha

    20. Best Science-Fiction RP

    Nominee #1: Galactic Empires II by dakkagor
    Nominee #2: Penitence by Azazeal849

    21. Best Fantasy RP

    Nominee #1: The Rogue's Gallery by SikstaSlathalin & Dnafein
    Nominee #2: Runes by Azazeal849

    22. Best Parody RP

    Nominee #1: Pokemon: Rings of Destiny by Mfable
    Nominee #2: POKEMON: RINGS OF DESTINY PART II by Vulpes

    23. Best Horror RP

    Nominee #1: The Shadows that walk among us by Cfavano
    Nominee #2: Outbreak: Genesis by Rayne7

    24. Most likely to get themselves killed

    Nominee #1: Jamon Dewars by Storm
    Nominee #2: Tristifer Barton by Dnafein

    25. Most Original Storyline

    Nominee #1: The Rogue's Gallery by SikstaSlathalin & Dnafein
    Nominee #2: Runes by Azazeal849

    26. Most Loveable Char

    Nominee #1: Mynxella Jabberwalken Oce by bluemoon
    Nominee #2: Velaire Hornshell by P.K.

    27. Most Hateable Char

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    28. Most Zealous GM

    Nominee #1: Azazeal849
    Nominee #2: Koti~

    29. Strangest RP

    Nominee #1: CANDY-POP DEATHCULT by GMed Imp
    Nominee #2: Red Snow GMed by Imp

    30. Obsessed With RP

    Nominee #1: Azazeal849
    Nominee #2: DannyPhantom

    31. Most Dedicated GM

    Nominee #1: SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2: Dnafein

    32. Most Original Character

    Nominee #1: Bigwit by RedKayne
    Nominee #2: Velaire Hornshell by P.K.

    33. Best Overall Writing Style

    Nominee #1: bluemoon
    Nominee #2: Azazeal849

    34. Book-worthy RP

    Nominee #1: The Rogue's Gallery by SikstaSlathalin & Dnafein
    Nominee #2: Runes by Azazeal849

    35. Best Friendship

    Nominee #1: Tristifer Barton & Adam Dova
    Nominee #2: Mynxella Jabberwalken Oce & Su Lin Mok

    36. Best Rivals

    Nominee #1: Selene by Breggo13 and Mynxella Jabberwalken Oce by bluemoon
    Nominee #2:

    37. Most Exciting RP

    Nominee #1: The Rogue's Gallery by SikstaSlathalin & Dnafein
    Nominee #2:

  4. #4
    RPA's Resident Zombie
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    3. Best 1x1 partner

    Nominee #1: Sikstaslathalin
    Nominee #2: EerieWillows

    4. Most inspiring writer

    Nominee #1: StormWolf
    Nominee #2: EerieWillows

    5. Most diverse characters creator

    Nominee #1: Sikstaslathalin
    Nominee #2: Koti

    6. Best overall GM

    Nominee #1: Imp
    Nominee #2: Sikstaslathalin

    7. Most dependable player

    Nominee #1: Storm
    Nominee #2: Dnafein

    8. The novelist

    Nominee #1: Storm
    Nominee #2: Leanna

    9. Best roleplaying duo

    Nominee #1: Sikstaslathalin and Kris

    10. Best romantic couple

    Nominee #1: Arayna and Volare in The Winter Thaw

    12. Funniest character

    Nominee #1: Bigwit

    21. Best Fantasy RP

    Nominee #1: The Rogue's Gallery

    24. Most likely to get themselves killed

    Nominee #1: Jamon Dewars

    29. Strangest RP

    Nominee #1: Candy-Pop Deathcult

    31. Most Dedicated GM

    Nominee #1: Imp
    Nominee #2: Sikstaslathalin

    32. Most Original Character

    Nominee #1: Yn
    Last edited by bluemoon; 07-20-2019 at 02:27 AM.

  5. #5
    The Replicant
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    Here we go!

    Spoiler: My nominations 
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  6. #6
    Mystic of the Grimoire
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    1. Best RP to reach the hall of fame
    (Does not require nominations as all HOF RP's in the alloted time period will be included.)

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    2. Best unfinished rp

    Nominee #1: Valkyries by Stormwolf
    Nominee #2eyond the Second World: The first Gate by Koti and Vadia

    3. Best 1x1 partner

    Nominee #1: SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2: Repent!

    4. Most inspiring writer

    Nominee #1: Leanna
    Nominee #2: Dnafein

    5. Most diverse characters creator

    Nominee #1: Kris
    Nominee #2: Siks

    6. Best overall GM

    Nominee #1: Siks
    Nominee #2: Dnafein

    7. Most dependable player

    Nominee #1: P.K.
    Nominee #2: SikstaSlathalin

    8. The novelist

    Nominee #1: SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2: Dnafein

    9. Best roleplaying duo

    Nominee #1: Dnafein & SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2: Storm & Bluemoon

    10. Best romantic couple

    Nominee #1: Adam and Sheva by Siks and Kris
    Nominee #2:

    11. Most realistic character

    Nominee #1: Tristifer by
    Nominee #2:

    12. Funniest character

    Nominee #1: Bigwit by RedKayne
    Nominee #2: Jamon Dewars by Storm

    13. Best overall character

    Nominee #1: Jamon Dewars by Storm
    Nominee #2:

    14. Weirdest character

    Nominee #1: Jamon Dewars by Storm
    Nominee #2: Mynx by Bluemoon

    15. Best antagonist

    Nominee #1: Mornith by Kris
    Nominee #2: Ky Lim by Storm

    16. Best hero

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    17. Best supporting character

    Nominee #1: Balder of Stonestead by SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2:Jezibel Lupin of the Redscar by Sikstaslathalin and Koti~

    18. Vae Victis

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    19. Best General RP

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    20. Best Science-Fiction RP

    Nominee #1: Hunted by Rising Phoenix
    Nominee #2:

    21. Best Fantasy RP

    Nominee #1: The Rogue's Gallery by SikstaSlathalin & Dnafein
    Nominee #2: Valkyries by Stormwolf

    22. Best Parody RP

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    23. Best Horror RP

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    24. Most likely to get themselves killed

    Nominee #1: Jamon Dewars by Storm
    Nominee #2: Tristifer Barton by Dnafein

    25. Most Original Storyline

    Nominee #1: The Rogue's Gallery by SikstaSlathalin & Dnafein
    Nominee #2: Beyond The Second World: The first Gate

    26. Most Loveable Char

    Nominee #1: Mynxella Jabberwalken Oce by bluemoon
    Nominee #2: Velaire Hornshell by P.K.

    27. Most Hateable Char

    Nominee #1: Ky (Storm)
    Nominee #2:

    28. Most Zealous GM

    Nominee #1:Stormwolf
    Nominee #2:Rising Phoenix

    29. Strangest RP

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    30. Obsessed With RP

    Nominee #1: Kris
    Nominee #2:

    31. Most Dedicated GM

    Nominee #1: Siks
    Nominee #2:Kris

    32. Most Original Character

    Nominee #1: Velaria {Vel} By PK
    Nominee #2:

    33. Best Overall Writing Style

    Nominee #1: Storm
    Nominee #2:

    34. Book-worthy RP

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    35. Best Friendship

    Nominee #1: Siks and Kris
    Nominee #2:

    36. Best Rivals

    Nominee #1: Leanna{Shel} and Kris{Sheva}
    Nominee #2:

    37. Most Exciting RP

    Nominee #1: Hunted
    Nominee #2:Valkyires
    Last edited by Koti~; 07-13-2019 at 06:36 PM.

    "Even Dreams, can be a nightmare"
    Spoiler: Click it, I dare ya! 

  7. #7
    The Art Vandal

    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Dublin, Ireland
    Favourite Roleplay Genres
    Decent grammar. Limited cringe. That’s all.
    31 Post(s)
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    2. Best unfinished rp

    Nominee #1: Outbreak: Genesis by Rayne7
    Nominee #2: Across Antiquity by Atethecat

    3. Best 1x1 partner

    Nominee #1: SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2: Kris

    4. Most inspiring writer

    Nominee #1: SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2: Rayne7

    5. Most diverse characters creator

    Nominee #1: Storm
    Nominee #2: Sikstaslathalin

    6. Best overall GM

    Nominee #1: Sikstaslathalin
    Nominee #2: Dnafein

    7. Most dependable player

    Nominee #1: P.K.
    Nominee #2: Kris

    8. The novelist

    Nominee #1: Koti~
    Nominee #2: Imperial1917

    9. Best roleplaying duo

    Nominee #1: Dnafein and bluemoon
    Nominee #2: Koti~ and P.K.

    10. Best romantic couple

    Nominee #1: Adam Dova by Sikstaslatherin and Elisheva Malkoth by Kris
    Nominee #2: Jamon Dewars by Storm and Jezibel Lupin

    11. Most realistic character

    Nominee #1: Tristifer Barton by Dnafein
    Nominee #2: Adam Dova by Sikstaslatherin

    12. Funniest character

    Nominee #1: Bigwit by Redkayne
    Nominee #2: Tristifer Barton by Dnafein

    13. Best overall character

    Nominee #1: Balder of Stonestead by SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2: Elisheva Malkoth by Kris

    14. Weirdest character

    Nominee #1: Raenisa Nericran
    Nominee #2: Su-Lin Mok

    15. Best antagonist

    Nominee #1: Y'gol Skullborne by Sikstaslatherin
    Nominee #2: Ky Lim by Storm

    16. Best hero

    Nominee #1: Balder of Stonestead by Sikstaslathalin
    Nominee #2: Velaire Hornshell by P.K.

    17. Best supporting character

    Nominee #1: Balder of Stonestead by Sikstaslathalin
    Nominee #2: Faur by Koti~

    18. Vae Victis

    Nominee #1: P.K.
    Nominee #2: J'Von

    21. Best Fantasy RP

    Nominee #1: The Rogue Gallery by Sikstaslatherin

    23. Best Horror RP

    Nominee #1: Outbreak: Genesis by Rayne7

    24. Most likely to get themselves killed

    Nominee #1: Jamon Dewars by Storm
    Nominee #2: Tristifer Barton by Dnafein

    25. Most Original Storyline

    Nominee #1: The Rogue Gallery

    26. Most Loveable Char

    Nominee #1: Balder of Stonestead by Sikstaslathalin
    Nominee #2: Velaire "Vel" Hornshell by P.K.

    27. Most Hateable Char

    Nominee #1: Morinth Swiftshot by Kris

    30. Obsessed With RP

    Nominee #1: Kris
    Nominee #2: P.K.

    32. Most Original Character

    Nominee #1: Velaire "Vel" Hornshell by P.K.
    Nominee #2: Yn and Faur by Koti~

    33. Best Overall Writing Style

    Nominee #1: bluemoon
    Nominee #2: Rayne7

    35. Best Friendship

    Nominee #1: Balder of Stonestead and Shel Gra-Makar
    Nominee #2: Faur and Lulu

    36. Best Rivals

    Nominee #1: Elisheva Malkoth by Kris and Shel Gra-Makar
    Nominee #2: Mynxella Jabberwalken Oce by bluemoon and Selene The Lycan Prisoner by Breggo13

    37. Most Exciting RP

    Nominee #1: The Rogue's Gallery by Sikstaslatherin
    Last edited by Leanna; 07-21-2019 at 05:30 PM.

    art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable

    - banksy

  8. #8
    The Last Remembrancer
    dakkagor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    the luminous Aether
    Favourite Roleplay Genres
    Modern times or Sci-Fi games.
    63 Post(s)
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    2. Best unfinished rp

    4. Most inspiring writer

    Nominee #1: Paintserf

    Nominee #2: Azazeal

    I'm honestly not sure why these two put up with a talentless one note hack like me, but I'm very glad they do.

    5. Most diverse characters creator

    Nominee #1: J'von
    Nominee #2: Paintserf

    With J'von you're never entirely sure what they are going to roll. Paint has a real knack for coming up with diverse internal worlds that then influence the external character you see.

    6. Best overall GM

    Nominee #1: Azazeal

    Not only is he dependable like clockwork, but every game has had a fantastic hook, plenty of twists and great scenes.

    7. Most dependable player

    Nominee #1: Angeldellanotte
    Nominee #2: Enigma

    Both have been rock solid through the GE runs. You can't wish for more reliable players.

    8. The novelist

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    9. Best roleplaying duo

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    10. Best romantic couple

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    11. Most realistic character

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    12. Funniest character

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    13. Best overall character

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    14. Weirdest character

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    15. Best antagonist

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    16. Best hero

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    17. Best supporting character

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    18. Vae Victis

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    19. Best General RP

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    20. Best Science-Fiction RP

    Nominee #1: Reckoning

    Its like a smorgasbord of military sci-fi concepts. From vast fire fights in the void of space, to the clash of super heavy vehicles and their mind-linked crews, to tank squadron combat straight from Fury, all the way down to crunching infantry action fought with rifles and bayonets and covert ops fought in the shadow of this epic theatre. If all of us are merely players, then this is the biggest stage in RPA currently, and you owe it to yourself to take a look and perhaps take part.

    21. Best Fantasy RP

    Nominee #1: Runes
    I wish I'd made the time for this.

    24. Most likely to get themselves killed

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    25. Most Original Storyline

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    26. Most Loveable Char

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    27. Most Hateable Char

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    28. Most Zealous GM

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    29. Strangest RP

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    30. Obsessed With RP

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    31. Most Dedicated GM

    Nominee #1: Azazeal
    Nominee #2:

    32. Most Original Character

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    33. Best Overall Writing Style

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    34. Book-worthy RP

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    35. Best Friendship

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    36. Best Rivals

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    37. Most Exciting RP

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:
    Last edited by dakkagor; 07-20-2019 at 05:59 PM.

  9. #9
    Domina Noctis
    AngelDellaNotte's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Favourite Roleplay Genres
    Fantasy and Scifi
    45 Post(s)
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    1. Best RP to reach the hall of fame
    (Does not require nominations as all HOF RP's in the alloted time period will be included.)

    Nominee #1: Galactic Empires (Not just because it is my first)
    Nominee #2:

    2. Best unfinished rp

    Nominee #1: The Hunted
    Nominee #2: A Pirate's Life For Me

    3. Best 1x1 partner

    Nominee #1: J'von
    Nominee #2: Ushima

    4. Most inspiring writer

    Nominee #1: Dakkagor
    Nominee #2: Azazeal849

    5. Most diverse characters creator

    Nominee #1: J'von
    Nominee #2:

    6. Best overall GM

    Nominee #1: Dakkagor
    Nominee #2:

    7. Most dependable player

    Nominee #1: Ushima
    Nominee #2:

    8. The novelist

    Nominee #1: Azazeal849
    Nominee #2:

    9. Best roleplaying duo

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    10. Best romantic couple

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    11. Most realistic character

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    12. Funniest character

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    13. Best overall character

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    14. Weirdest character

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    15. Best antagonist

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    16. Best hero

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    17. Best supporting character

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    18. Vae Victis

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    19. Best General RP

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    20. Best Science-Fiction RP

    Nominee #1: Galactic Empires II
    Nominee #2:

    21. Best Fantasy RP

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    22. Best Parody RP

    Nominee #1: Aurora Dreams
    Nominee #2:

    23. Best Horror RP

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    24. Most likely to get themselves killed

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    25. Most Original Storyline

    Nominee #1: Galactic Empires II
    Nominee #2:

    26. Most Loveable Char

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    27. Most Hateable Char

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    28. Most Zealous GM

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    29. Strangest RP

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    30. Obsessed With RP

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    31. Most Dedicated GM

    Nominee #1: Dakkagor
    Nominee #2:

    32. Most Original Character

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    33. Best Overall Writing Style

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    34. Book-worthy RP

    Nominee #1: Galactic Empires
    Nominee #2:

    35. Best Friendship

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    36. Best Rivals

    Nominee #1: Winters Vs Miranda
    Nominee #2:

    37. Most Exciting RP

    Nominee #1: Galactic Empires II
    Nominee #2:

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  10. #10
    The Scottish Fluff
    Scottie's Avatar
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    Sep 2013
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    Willing to give everything a try
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    Spoiler: Nominations!! :3 

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