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Thread: [M] Mystics: Origins {IC}

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    Default [M] Mystics: Origins {IC}

    Rated M for mature content including but not limited to: romantic situations, violence, blood, mild gore, and mature language.

    Mystics: Origin

    Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End

    “Nicolai, summon the recruiters, Mahvalli is making his move,” the elder said obvious concern riddled in the tone of his voice. For the past days the Elder’s Council had been fighting Mahvalli and his forces, trying to push them back, but with each day that passed, it seemed that more and more of the world slipped into chaos and darkness.

    “Lord Rainez, we have pinpointed the location of the recruits,” Selene stated as she walked gracefully into the grand hall, the meeting place of the Elder Council. Rainez looked at Selene and nodded, a sigh escaping his slightly parted lips as he walked over to the table where a book lay open, its pages containing various knowledge.

    The grand hall was littered with jewel encrusted trimming that lined the marble walls. The floor, made of some type of sapphire glistened as the light from the glowing diamonds implanted in the ceiling. The ceiling was crafted out of imperial jade, which complimented the speckle marble walls and the sapphire floor. Gold trimmed seats with beautiful silken cloth chairs surrounded a large marble top table with steel framing. Much of the work in the temple was a mixture of steel and jewels. Hard rock like gold were also used in the construction of the temple. It stood as a beacon of power to all the world and it was designed specifically to garner the awe factor from those who visited the great palace. Now within the grand hall, the beautiful truly showed, and the artistry truly captured the eye.

    Rainez looked over at Nicolai who was still bowing, waiting to be dismissed.

    “Nicolai, make sure that Galez, Arteimos, Celene and Itani know what they are getting themselves into. Keep them up to date on everything that is happening.” Silence fell in the room before Nicolai stood to his feet and bowed once more. He turned on a heel and was gone in a second. Selene watched him go and sighed with disbelief.

    “You don’t think Mahvalli knows about the recruits do you?” she asked looking at Rainez with troubled eyes, her lips soft and ample pressed sorrowfully together.

    “I believe we have a mole in our ranks Selene, the Grand Elder must be warned appropriately,” Rainez said looking at Selene, his eyes telling her all she needed to know.

    “I will get on that immediately Lord Rainez,” she said turning to leave before glancing back at Rainez one last time. Her heels caused a rhythmic thumping to fill the hall as she left. Rainez turned to the large photo of the Grand Master of the temple, the father of the Grand Elder. The man had died during their time of war, and they needed him now more than ever to help with combating Mahvalli. He supposed Mahvalli’s heel turn was the cause of their master’s untimely death. He dropped his head. There wasn’t much more they could do. If Mahvalli got to the recruits before they did, he would win this war and they would perish under his rule. The thought caused Rainez to slam his hand onto the marble table causing it to shake slightly before he stormed out of the grand hall.

    Nicolai’s job was easy. He found Itani, Celene, Galez and Arteimos without much trouble and had called them to the temple. Arteimos stood at the archway that was the entrance to the temple. He hadn’t been to this place in so long, but the Council always called for him whenever they needed his assistance. He was a Council Admin, much like Nicolai, and the others, but he had went off on his own to fight Mahvalli’s forces in his own way. Now being called back to help the Council meant that there was a good reason they wanted his assistance.

    “The others should be on their way Arteimos,” Nicolai said with as he slid into a sitting position, leaning against the marble pillar that formed the archway. His eyes graced Arteimos only momentarily before he began speaking again, “and you look well.”

    “I have no doubt the others are on their way,” Arteimos replied his mind going back to the days he and Nicolai had spent countless hours together. Yes, they once were a couple, but no more, their jobs had strained their relationship to disrepair, and now they acted as if their love was no more. Upon the comment of his looks, Arteimos chuckled and knelt down so that he was eye level with Nicolai. “Why do you do this to us every time I come here?”

    Nicolai’s eyes told the story of how he had missed Arteimos, and Arteimos missed Nicolai, but he had a job to do and now was not the time for any type of pleasantries. Nicolai remained silent but looked away from Arteimos. “Arteimos....I.......,” Nicolai began but Arteimos lifted a finger to his lips and shushed him, shaking his head gently.

    “Now is not the time Nicolai,” Arteimos said returning to his standing position as he looked away from Nicolai, a stray tear finding its way down Tei’s cheek and dripping to the ground where it quickly vanished upon hitting the granite floor. He wiped his face not allowing Nicolai to see before turning to look in the distance awaiting the arrival of the others.

    “Mahvalli, it seems the others are on their way,” Auro stated, his Jamaican accent strong, “what is this meetin all about?”

    “Patience Aurorallii,” Mahvalli stated with a smirk, “patience my friend, when the others arrive I will fill them in.”

    “Very well, but know that my patience wears thin with them, especially Rancor and that Jusari. I trust neither of them,” Auro stated looking into a rather odd looking orb that sat in front of him. It wasn’t a fortune telling orb, no this orb had odd magic that surrounded it. It seemed that it was made of some type of fine crystal, but what swirled inside was not water, nor any type of liquid, but the souls of those Auro had captured and defeated in battle. He also used this orb to channel his wicked voodoo.

    “Now now Aurorallii, Rancor has proven himself time and time again and Jusari has as well. Patience is a virtue right?” Mahvalli stated looking over at Auro who shrugged and continued swirling his long pointy fingered hands around the orb muttering something under his breath.

    The place that housed Mahvalli and his generals was a rather large dark colored steel masterpiece. Everything was made of steel. There were gems here and there, but the dark temple was one slightly smaller than the Grand Temple, but still a beacon of despair and hopelessness. Mahvalli had set out and built this large building from the ground up. It showcased his desire to singlehandedly rule the entire world. The jagged steel work meant to frighten and deter, as well as spread chaos had done so quite effectively. Mahvalli looked out of the crystal window that allowed various light to filter into the room, but the torches and lanterns that lined the wall gave off illumination.
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    A slightly high pitched laugh could be heard at the door to Mahvalli's meeting room, "Hmm Hmm Hmm, You are the one who does not trust me Auro? That is quite interesting, might I inquire why?" the voice said the accent somewhere between English and Arabic, through the door strode Jusari, in his full armor as always, but appearing with his helmet under his arm. Jusari was completely bald, with dark brown eyes and tanned skin complexion.

    When Jusari got the call that Mahvalli had called a meeting he came immediately, and arrived just in time for Auro to voice his distrust "My Lord," Jusari said bowing low before Mahvalli, "I understand you require my presence." he then looked to see that he was the first of the generals to arrive, "I am at your disposal as always." he said with a grin on his face. Jusari was careful not to appear like he was being overly gracious towards his lord, but he really did take pleasure in serving Mahvalli, particularly when he could act directly against the oh-so high and mighty Counsel.

    Jusari then stood and turned to face Auro, careful not to aggravate him unnecessarily, no matter how he felt towards the man and his nonsense that did not change that he was a dragon in human form, while Jusari was only a human. "While we wait, perhaps you could enlighten me as to why, after my years of loyalty to you and our lord, you still distrust me."


    Big walls, they always made people feel so safe, big walls, thick gate layered with Iron, steel, and the toughest wood around, Patrols that surveyed the surrounding countryside every moment of every day and night. These were all things that made the people within a city feel safe, something that they were doing an exceptionally poor job of doing.

    It seemed that the adventurer Magara had arrived in the city of Ashur with the greatest of luck, almost the moment she arrived, a vast army of Darklings had been spotted marching towards the city. Magara of course volunteered immediately to help in the defense, but it seemed she might not make as much of a difference as she thought she might.

    For while the walls were indeed strong, and the men and women Magara fought beside were brave, little by little the enemy was wearing them down. There was no, great assault, no monster or massive war machine to break open the city, instead the Darklings insisted on sending forth bands of raiders where the defense seemed thinnest. And every time they'd be pushed back with only one or two lost.

    It was almost insulting, from what Magara could see they had the numbers to easily crush Ashur, but they insisted on this small band tactic, whittling away at the defenders little by little. If they attacked in a great big horde, Magara was confident that they might be able to drive them back, but it had been nearly a week since this had started, and they still did not seem to be inflicting any significant pain upon their enemy. It seemed all they would be able to do is wait and see what the near future held.
    Last edited by Lord Tully; 01-21-2014 at 08:34 AM.
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    In a common land sat a common city, the city of Dunbere. This city bore a plethora of common multiple-story buildings constructed of wood, brick, and stone, buildings that lined crowded common streets of cobble. Common mules dotted the common people, common vendors on either side selling their common wares. It also harbored...well, a harbor, a common harbor, for this city was a city of trade. Certainly an important resource of the common land.

    In this common city sat a common tavern, the tavern titled "Divine Intervention." While the outside was, in fact, common in its wooden bearing, stone walls, and wooden sign overhead displaying the name of the building, the inside held a different feel. Yes, the inside was common, housing (quite literally, in fact) humble wooden stools, chairs, tables, and other structures. Various artworks decorated the rafters and pillars supporting the structure with various wooden barrels lodged along one wall behind a bar for drinks. However, within the tavern was rooted a feeling of home and comfort, a warmth that was not merely provided by the fireplace along one wall. Nay, this was a warmth of the heart, and that made this tavern far from common.

    The common mythology behind the tavern described Gaia happening upon mankind constructing upon her beautiful lands a place for the sharing of ales and tales and happiness alike, and she smiled upon this construct. She bestowed upon this establishment the blessing of the milk from her breast, which the humble owners generously placed one drop of in every one of their customer's drinks. The common ales, which were supposedly not-so-common, were said to be the best of Dunbere, if not of the whole land.

    The tavern that afternoon was brimming with common travelers and merchants from common lands, trading their stories and songs for laughter and intrigue. The air was merry and welcoming to all, the warmth of the heart more contagious than a plague. And yet one very uncommon traveler sat in a corner of the tavern at a round table of large armed mercenaries. Despite his youthful appearance of a fifteen year-old boy with shoulder-length locks of white hair, burning ember eyes, and a (not surprisingly) boyish frown upon his face, he held a mug of ale in his hands with his chair leaned back and his feet kicked up on the table. He had told the group of mercenaries, with whom he traveled always, that he had received a curse when he was a child that refused to let him physically age, but he insisted that he was in his twenties. This excuse, which, after some lengthy convincing, the mercenary group believed, was only partially untrue.

    Urzai Greav was in his twenties, but he wasn't cursed. The only curse he had was being the last Golem alive, a secret he would take to his grave.

    "I'm just sayin', Ciid," One of the mercenaries, a clean-shaven brown haired man (despite his lengthy sideburns) of medium build, pointed at a large bearded comrade. "If it came down to a spar between you and I, fist-to-fist, I would have you beat. It wouldn't be easy, mind you, but it would be done."

    "You've insisted this for a while, Jak." Ciid scratched his beard. "You know that I could have you out with just a couple punches."

    "Well, yeah, if you could hit me." Jak gave a half grin and shrugged. "To be honest, you would have a tough time. Agility can take brawn anytime if the fighter knows what he's doin'."

    "Shove it up yer ass," Ciid took a gulp from his pint. "And meet me on the field. You've been talkin' a helluva lot, but I have yet to see some action, aye?"

    "No." Urzai took a sip from his own mug, pausing momentarily before he continued. Because of the extreme density of his condensed Golem body, alcohol affected him in the way that it would affect a man of very large stature and mass. "Jak's got a point. Agility is key to winning a fight. But all of us know that I would take any of you out in a spar."

    The men hooted slightly, and Ciid, who was on Urzai's left, raised an eyebrow, a grin growing from within his beard. "Is that so, Zai? Big talk for a little man." He leaned over and reached out his right arm to shove Urzai slightly, intending to make his chair fall backwards.

    Urzai, however, swept his legs, which were previously on the table, to the side to knock the man's arm away while leaning forward to put the other two legs of his chair back on the ground. The moment that they hit the wooden floor, Urzai tucked his left shoulder underneath the man's forearm and placed his left hand on Ciid's left shoulder. He then placed his right hand upon Ciid's forearm, prepared to pull to the right to cause serious damage to the joint. It was a difficult situation for the man of mass, and for a moment, neither of them moved, both of their eyes glaring daggers into the other's.

    Several seconds passed with the table in utter silence, the noise threshold of the rest of the tavern entirely irrelevant to the mercenaries. Tension boiled between the large man and the small boy, the areas of eye contact simmering.

    Suddenly, a curt chuckle escaped from the depths of Ciid's beard. The chuckle escalated into a laugh, which was then reciprocated by the table man by man. A smug grin played across Urzai's lips, and he threw the man's arm away, picking up his mug from where he left it upon the table. Ciid, who's chest shook with deep laughs, held up his pint, and Urzai clinked it before they both drank.

    "Zai, you're a crazy sonuvabitch." Ciid shook his head, his laughs now subsiding.

    Urzai shrugged. "Well, now you know your answer."

    "Heh, that's a good one." Ciid grunted. "I'll show you an answer when we--"

    "Ciid. Shut it." Urzai cut him off by holding up his hand, for the rest of the tavern had gone inexplicably silent, leaving the bearded man as the only one talking. He set his mug down as he listened to the outside. Is that...screaming?

    The members of the tavern began to whisper, and the mercenaries slowly stood. They tenderly maneuvered between tables, and the screaming quickly became distinguishable as coming from many people from outside. Urzai took careful steps towards the door as if any noise from them would shatter the building. What the hell is going on out there...

    Suddenly, the door burst open, causing the screams of terror to enter the tavern. A guardsman of Dunbere stood in the doorway, clutching his shield. "Everyone out, now! They've taken the city! We need to--"

    The guard was cut off when the blade of a sword became lodged in his neck, the place where his armor didn't cover. Divine Intervention erupted in chaotic shouts similar to those in the streets, and Urzai's face turned white.

    In a common land sat a common city, the city of Dunbere. And yet the afternoon had just become quite uncommon indeed.
    Last edited by TheDoctor; 01-21-2014 at 07:20 AM.

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    High above the Grand Temple, wherein the Council resided, a black spot could be seen hovering within range of the temple. If one could see close enough, they would see the ever so slight flicker of a tail, that was decorated in a beautiful and sheen greyish white-striped pattern, that continued up the body until it reached the abdomen, which happened to be vertical to the lower half of the body. The chest was highly muscled, and defined, so much that, one could see the rippling of the chest as the figure breathed in and out. The face, if it were not shielded by the sunshine would, would be decorated with two icy-blue, cat-like eyes that echoed of a primal power within; The nose being of fairly average, human, size, and furry mutton-chops adding to the primal visage of the being. The thing that would attract the most attention were his sharp canines that protruded slightly from his top and bottom sets of pearly white teeth; many on the Elders Council knew him as his human name, Itani, but those of his homeland, when he was far younger, knew him as Tian'Shok, or Sun-Striker.

    Itani had long since left his homeland, not of his own free will, but at the urgings of his family, his mother in particular. He had left as his mother had wished him to do, but he had also been raised among mankind, by a kindly old farmer, who had seen fit to take him, and name him Itani. He still keeps a close eye on the man, when he is not on duty, the man he has come to call father, and the man that is considered to be his only weakness in the face of danger. If one wanted to get to Itani, that would be the way to do it.

    Nevertheless, Itani, as he was now, relished in the rays of the sun, soaking in the energy that it offered him. Nearly as long as he could remember the sun had given him power, and refreshed his strength when he needed it. It was really strange for him when he discovered that the sun also gave him the ability to fly, but only during the days in which the sun was out, no matter if cloud or shade blocked the rays from touching him, as long as it was day time, he was at his strongest.

    It was not to last though, for he had been summoned by Nicolai, to meet his fellow guardsmen at this temple below him, in order to discuss their objectives, and to discuss the movements of Mahvalli. At the thought of Mahvalli, a deep and primal growl rumbled through Itani's massive body, his fur standing on end. He was a traitor, and guilty of the highest dishonor, in Itani's eyes, the dishonor of breaking ones oaths, and forsaking the loyalties he had once promised. Itani had once looked up to Mahvalli, in respect and a form of love, but that changed (quickly), when Mahvalli betrayed the council.

    Itani took that betrayal to heart, and swore to defeat Mahvalli, and end his treacherous life, for it was not only a betrayal to the Council that caused him such grief, it was a betrayal to Itani's own heart, and it was one betrayal that would forever remain embedded within his memories.

    Itani shook his head, as if to clear the thoughts from his head, and turned towards the temple, and began walking as if down step, towards the ground below. As he neared the ground, he released the energy that allowed him to 'fly', and he landed promptly on the ground with a soft thud, and a brief cloud of dust kicked up where Itani's four great paws landed. He, then, proceeded to make his way into the temple, whereupon he found Arteimos and Nicolai sharing a private moment.

    He halted immediately, and silently, awaited their moment to end before proceeding into the interior, where he greeted the two with his gruff and wild voice.

    “Arteimos. Nicolai.”, He nodded at them both in turn, and continued speaking, “I hope that both of you are well, and that your lives are fruitful. May the sun light your life until the darkness takes you.”

    It sounded dark, and cruel to most, but any that knew Itani, would know that what was just said to the two in front of him was a sign of respect and friendship. It was a blessing that Itani had come to say to those that meant a great deal to him, in terms of loyalty and respect. As he awaited their responses, his eyes wandered around the Temple, scanning the darker corner for danger. There was no safe place in these times, Mahvalli's spies seemed to be everywhere.
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    “There can be many reasons to not trust a human,” Iskander said as he entered the chamber shortly after Jusari. He paused just beyond the doorway to place a hand over his heart and bow to Mahvalli. “My lord.”

    He owed much to Lord Mahvalli and had served him faithfully for as long as he could remember. Mahvalli had helped Iskander to master his power when he was younger and had given him a direction to move through life. He joined the meeting in his golden armor, his left arm unadorned and black as night as always. His glittering eyes flitted from Jusari to Auro as he crossed the room to properly join the meeting Mahvalli had called. He had answered the call as quick as he could, dropping his routines to rush to the palace. “What do you require, my lord?” Iskander asked, his voice calm and measured as always.
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    It seemed like such a glaring oversight, now that the town's defenses were crumbling all around her and most of what was left was on fire. Sending most of the strong, proficient magic users to the front seemed like a generous contribution one could offer an ally, but that only worked when you are certain your home will be defended enough to allow those people to return to it.

    With her breath ragged in her lungs from strain and smoke and tired as she had never been before, she wiped her eyes with the back of a dirty sleeve to relieve them from the sting of smoke. Perhaps the situation was making her a tad too harsh on the elders, the town had been made well enough to withstand anything less than an army. And even then, seeing said army coming from the plains below the hillside city would have allowed for preparations to be made to handle even that, but when said army seemingly appears out of thin air right outside the walls, there is little anyone can prepare for.

    Taking the time to have a quick look around her through the smoldering rubble that had once been Klair's Stable's, in which she had taken a moment to catch her breath, Erika was surprised to see that it was still daytime. She saw the briefest glimmer of blue despite the pall of smoke hanging heavily over the village. It felt like days since the chaos started, but to realize it had been but a few hours since morning made it all the more depressing, Erika sagged a little bit more at the thought. So much had happened in so little time. The town was crushed; there was no questioning that, but to have it happen so quickly…

    The first sign of trouble had been the sudden screams from people near the outer walls. It was soon followed by a literal rain of boulders and arrows falling from the sky. It caught everyone by surprise. The assault had been that sudden and unexpected. Erika had just finished eating breakfast and was getting the forges ready for the day's work; the sun was barely cresting the top of the hills! Once the initial shock passed, the village finally woke up to resist the attack but... Even seasoned casters die to regular arrows.

    A sudden growl to her left was the only warning she had before some ball of black fur and fangs leaped at her. The thing that passed for its face met a stone wall instead of the expected soft flesh of its target on the other hand. Erika wasted no time in tilting said conjured wall down onto the thing, long past the hesitation of killing something, crushing it with a sickening crunch of bone and sinew. The reservations she had held within her at the start of the day, when all this started, had quickly been set aside, simply to handle her first horrifying taste of true battle. Slaying another was now a matter of life and death. It was a wonder how the situation had made her realize how many different ways one can kill another living thing.

    Her powers could have protected the whole village, spared so many lives. But she had not been close to the outer walls, had not been in a position to make it before the swarm of attackers breached the first line of defence and was mingling in amongst the buildings. Everything was street by street now, and Erika hated herself whenever she heard a scream or saw an empty-eyed friendly face on the ground. The defenders were losing ground, losses mounted and no amount of walling or crushing she did could seem to stem the flow. Erika only prayed that the children had made it to the tunnels.

    Nearby shouts in the rough tongue of the attackers diverted her attention in that direction. The sound of the crushing wall likely alerted the closest group to her general location. With no more time to rest, Erika prepared for the next group.

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    The forest... The deep, dark, unforgiving forest. A place of both terror, and wonder. A place where not everything is as it seems...

    Nirel laid her hand on the trunk of an old tree then closed her deep green eyes.
    "Show me old one, what is it you see?" The young elf whispered as her hand sank into the bark as she slowly became one with the tree. Her eyes changed to a softer green as if glowing and her body went limp as her mind spread out through the tree and it's concerted brethren.

    Once her consciousness was all but one with the trees Nirel began searching for what the little mouse for earlier had whispered to her elders. It had spoke of dark warriors tramping through the forest destroying everything in attempt to find the village.
    "Come on.. It must be somewhere......." Nirel's thoughts were Interrupted by the sudden approach of warriors in the sight of one of the trees.
    "Almost a day's travel away... But likely less" she whispered to herself them she left the tree am dram back through the forest. Expertly dodging. Trees and running along branches to teach her village in time to warn them.

    Almost an hour later Nirel entered her hidden village and made haste yo fund her elders and warn them to have the warriors ready. Once she found the little hut that concealed a larger house made of the trees themselves she ducked inside and entered through the doors."elders.... You were rig. They are coming quickly, they are less than a day away." The young elf tracker said grimly then left them to decide their actions.

    "Life before death,
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    "He mistrusts because it is all the fool can manage, being the forsaken spawn of the great black Drake does that to you." A deep refined voice says from high above the heads of the other generals. Spreading his massive wings the Spy Master of Mahvalli's forces floated down from the rafters of the Dark Temple. Rancor, a name chosen after he was cast down from the heavens to reflect his desire to rule and destroy.

    As he landed lightly on the floor he bowed lightly to Mahavalli before turning and glaring into the very souls of his fellow Generals. He knew everything about each of them, as was his job and Auro in particular has his interest being one of the Draconic races created from the destruction of Drake by his brother Draco at the very beginning pre-dating the Elder Council even. Dark Dragons, Shadow Dragons, dark metal Dragons(Iron, Copper, Platinum) dark gem Dragons(Onyx, Jet, Spinel, Sapphire), Black Dragon, Voodoo Dragons, and the wingless wretches known as Drakes. The history and hierarchy of Dragons is a fascinating subject, even if Auro was the only present representative of the race. Folding his wings around his muscular body he stood before his leader receiving spy reports via telepathy from his many minions around the world.


    Being deeply engaged in training for the upcoming battle didn't save Galez from being subject to interruptions by messengers wishing to bring yes or no answers from their leaders about joining the Council in fighting the dark forces. He was presently in his large Dragon form in the courtyard of the Grand Temple it being one of the few places big enough for him to train in. Standing expertly on his hind legs his front claws were slashing at magically created targets rending one to essence shards before moving without stop in the next one. He did this as much as he could training his body as well as his powers and above all keeping his unwavering focus on the task at hand.

    It was because of this focus it took Nico a few tries to get his attention, but eventually when the Space Dragon stop took take a breath the message was given and Galez agreed to join the meeting after he cleaned up a little bit. Changing into his human form he went to bathe and dress, bathing for Dragons is an interesting ritual, they never actually bath in the human sense of the word by jumping into a tub of water and soap. The swallowing of any not pure or magical water is bad for a Dragon's health even if they're of the Water Dragon or Blue Dragon Family. It is unclear why this is so but it might have to do with the magical origins of all dragons even the Base Colored Dragons who have no magical abilities. This is why each species of Dragon has a specially made liquid they drink and bathe in. For Space Dragons like Galez they bathe in liquefied stardust and drink a bright white substance named Nebular Nectar. Using his magic he filled the tub with the liquefied stardust and slid into the tub for a quick rinse down and scrub.

    After a few minutes the Dragon was clean,dry, and dressed in his armor. Leaving the lance and shield in his room he walked towards where he and the others were meant to be briefed and sent out to do this latest mission to directly recruit more help. Walking confidently into the meeting room he saw he was next to the last to arrive. Nico was there as was Arteimos and Itani, only Celene was left. He nodded to his comrades violet eyes scanning their faces.
    "Greetings friends, the world is growing increasingly dark, I hope this won't take too long." He looked out the large window as if seeing the dark and winding path before them preparing for the horror that awaits them.


    It was the third day of this siege only the defenders of the little wooden walled town were left the weak and sick either being dead or safely removed from the conflict in the dead of night. Most prominent amongst the fair skinned people was a group of twelve, tall and dark-skinned people with blazing eyes and dressed in exotic black armor blasting balls of fire and light down upon the heads of the blue skinned pointy-eyed creatures fighting with huge curved swords and black bows. One particularly large creature roared at the defenders mocking them in his language and the language of the humans before a fire ball flew past his head shutting him up.

    The attack had come from the leader of the dark warriors, a woman with a large sword at her side. He hand was smoking and her gold eyes boring into the Night Walker Chieftain. Her fireball was answered with a shower of black arrows she managed to block with a wave of fire. If only she could do this to the Night Walkers but it would set the whole forest on fire. As another shower of arrows came her way she ducked these ones and looked at her fellow warriors.
    "We need a better plan here Sunfighters any idea?" She asked listening to the arrows thunk against the walls. The nearest Sunfighter, a man with bright red eyes shook his head.
    "We need to run them off somehow, but we can't without leaving the village more vulnerable to some kind of surprise attack! I think we're under the moon(Sunfighter way of saying we're fucked) here Nikadeama!" The woman growled softly peeking over the walls throwing another fireball down this time she heard the pained howl of a Night Walker it hit.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  9. #9
    Crimson Casanova
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    A teasing giggle echoed from a dark corner in the room. From the ground - specifically a dark shadow - began to ripple with dark energy. Enya began to rise from the rippling puddle of dark magic, and then stepping out to reveal herself.

    Enya joined in the ranks of her fellow Generals and curtly bowed in respect to her lord. She straightened her thin body. If an outsider were to see the Generals meeting like this, they would notice Enya stood out of place mainly because she was the only female present. Her skimpy leather outfit revealed her bronze skin, which seemed to radiate under the darkness. Her fiery crimson hair was tied up into a long ponytail which fell all the way to the small of her back. She glances at General Jusari, light flashing in her mischievous eyes.

    "I would take General Auro distrusts you because of your highly incapable skills, General Jusari," she giggles once more. "After all, you are a pathetic human being with severe limitations." Enya then yawns playfully, she clearly had no respect for the mundane man even though she was the most recent Dark General to join Mahvalli's forces. "Well, I guess the Inquisitor can have its uses when it comes to gaining information. Yet in the battlefield, most likely you will find yourself in the belly of a beast... in pieces by the way," she smiles sadistically before finally turning her attention away.

  10. #10
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    A chuckle escaped Mahvalli’s throat as he turned to see one of his Generals, Jusari, reporting for duty. It seemed that even though his Generals had some respect for him, they still held a dislike for one another and it made Mahvalli smile. He knew without him, they’d destroy one another, this was proven many times over, but as Jusari appeared in the meeting room, Mahvalli shifted in his stance and approached the male. Auro shifted his gaze and smirked.

    “Because you be food human, even now your frail skin fails you and you age,” Auro stated, but his voice was hushed when Mahvalli turned to him, his eyes piercing the very fabric of Auro’s being, causing the voodoo dragon to silence and grunt unsatisfactory, continuing his spell while Mahvalli looked at Jusari. He didn’t say anything, just tapped the male roughly on the shoulder and continued his walk to the other side of the room. He wished Itani was here, he wished the damned prideful bastard would’ve just followed him, he wished that he would’ve simply chosen to side with him, and they could’ve been happy, they could’ve been together, but he had settled for Azael, his current wife, one who he had been unfaithful with many times over, one who knew of his betrayal and still followed him. There was no more love there between them. She was still a part of the Council and he was still a traitor in the eyes of his council brethren. Even his son, Naja, looked at him as if he were a monster, but perhaps that would change with time, after he eliminated the poison that was the Council. He hadn’t realized his hands were grasping the side of the metal table until Auro grunted.

    “Ay, de table cannot fight back, is there be sumting on your mind boss?” Auro asked as he watched Mahvalli release the table, the ends of which were now indented under the sheer pressure of Mahvalli’s grip.

    “No Auro, concentrate on your spell as we wait on the others,” Mahvalli ordered to which Auro shrugged and turned his attention back to the soul orb his hands continued to revolve around.

    “Should not be long now.....” Auro looked deep into the orb, his lips parting only to speak something the others would have no clue what it meant. He was creating a protection spell around the fortress, something they didn’t need, but Mahvalli wanted all bases covered literally and he was asked to perform this perilous task. It wasn’t long after Jusari’s arrival that Iskander came in.

    “Ahhh son, you’ve arrived,” Mahvalli stated. Iskander wasn’t his blood son, but blood couldn’t make them any closer. He had taught the young man everything he knew literally, and had found him at a very young age, much like all of those who now served him. He walked over to Iskander and grabbed both of his shoulders taking a long look at him, “you look well, must be someone new in your life.”

    Mahvalli turned and resumed his position at the window, “alas it is good to see you again son, I have much work for each of you.” There was silence, but it was soon dispersed when another one of his generals came in. This time it was his master spy Rancor. Of course he too had some sort of vendetta against Aurorallii who simply looked up at Rancor and spit acid in his direction, the acid hitting the floor in front of Rancor singing the steel floor leaving a burn mark.

    “Best be careful littel angel,” Auro stated his eyes returning to the orb, “you can easily be replaced as you were befo’.”

    Mahvalli stepped in and silence Auro once again. Auro liked to use his words to cut and cut deep. He knew ways to penetrate the mind and cause pain just by speaking. He was the one Auro called to torture his victims. Auro still had to remember that they were all here for a purpose, and that Mahvalli needed them all to coexist until after the war. If they wanted to kill each other after, he would gladly let them.

    “Auro, how much longer on the spell?” Mahvalli said before Rancor could speak.

    “Ay, be just a few moments more, twould be nice if I knew why me be called here today,” Auro stated bringing back the fact that they hadn’t been informed of their reason for being called. When Enya appeared, Mahvalli smirked and shook his head.

    “It’s quite simple really,” he began, “the council is planning to recruit 5 special beings each possessing a specific elemental power. They are sending Itani, Arteimos, Galez and Celene to recruit them, but I am already one step ahead.” He paused and gauged the reaction of his generals. They had each had run ins with those he had just named and was sure there was hatred there, but he continued on, “Your job is to find them and bring them to me. This is not a kill mission, this is a capture mission, I want them alive. Remember failure is not an option, if those four get to them before you do, there will be hell to pay understand?” He looked at them all again before returning his gaze out towards the forest that hid his base. The trees here even served him, even the animals served him here. “I already sent darklings to start the attacks, just be there to collect the spoils.”

    “I be finish with the spell Lord Mahvalli, and I guarantee the pest shall be yours,” Auro stated as the red orb shined so brightly that it enveloped the entire base before dissipating. When it faded, Auro was standing and the orb had vanished. His staff rattled along with the rest of his garbs, traditional voodoo wear with different trinkets and omens that enhanced and protected.

    “Good, then go, do what I hired you to do!”

    Nicolai and Arteimos said nothing upon Itani’s arrival. Arteimos hated it when they got like this, especially in front of the council members. He bowed slightly as they all did to show respect for one another.

    “Itani, still sunbathing above the temple I see,” Tei stated with a smile, “nonetheless it is always good to see you.”

    There wasn’t time for any brotherly exchanges as Galez appeared, ready to hear what it was they needed to hear. He was in his normal gear, and Arteimos took note of his posture. Such an odd man, yet he had great respect for him. He sighed as he looked over at Nicolai waiting for him to speak.

    “We are missing one, but I’ll go ahead and start,” Nicolai said, the wind suddenly picking up and blowing through their hair. “The council has found five special individuals who possess elements as you and I do. We are to find them and recruit them for the council. We aren’t sure if Mahvalli knows, but judging by the news that’s been going around, we don’t have much time. I need you all to get going as soon as possible. If you see Celene, please fill her in won’t you?”

    “Aye Aye capitan,” Arteimos stated, “but do tell the council elders that I’m no babysitter.”

    Nicolai smiled and looked at the others once more before sighing, “Good luck, and may the blessings be upon you.” With that he turned and left, walking down the archway into the grand temple. On the ground where Nicolai had sat was a book. Arteimos walked over to the book and picked it up opening it soon after before reading.

    “Ahh, these are the recruits,” Arteimos said as he pulled out the sheets of paper and laid them on the ground in front of them. “Well fellas, its pick and choose time....”
    Special thanks to Poison Ivy for the awesome sig and avy set.
    Spoiler: The Return of a Story You May Want to Join!! 
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