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Thread: (M) Voyage of the Storm Breaker (P)

  1. #1
    Red Ninja
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    Default (M) Voyage of the Storm Breaker (P)

    Rated M for possible mature content including sex, violence, language, graphic situations, and drug use.

    Voyage of the Storm Breaker

    Fortune and glory awaits the brave

    A notice in your local tavern
    Citizen of Tamriel,

    Do you wish for adventure,danger, and the chance to earn gold and fame beyond your wildest dreams? I am looking for just that type of person, on request of High King Ulfric Stormcloak of Skyrim, I will soon be embarking on a long and historic quest to map out the entirety of our world. This venture will require not only experienced Sailors, but ambitious Mercenaries, skilled Healers and expert Craftsmen. All walks of life are welcome and any skillsets will be much appreciated, but you will also be required to listen to the Ship's Officers.

    Space will be limited on the Storm Breaker so bring only the essentials and nothing you will be afraid of losing in the event of a bad storm or other misfortune. If you believe you can handle this life meet me in Solitude harbour in the land of Skyrim on Middas the 13th of Midyear, we will celebrate the Mid-Year Celebration in style before departing for the Summerset Isles mapping everything we see along the way. Priests of the Nine Divine will be there to bless our journey and the people of Tamriel will be cheering our names! Be prompt or you will be left behind.

    Lord Allester Winterblade

    IC is found here and still open.

    Spoiler: Synopsis of what's happened so far. 

    Spoiler: The Armor and Weapons caps 

    Ok people to anyone who has been following the interest thread this is the notice you see that implores you to join in on the voyage to map the vast expanses of Tamriel and the surrounding areas. We will be working under orders of High King Ulfric but that doesn't mean we'll be hunting down Thalmer and destroying their cities, but if they come looking for trouble they will find it our mission is exploration not starting another war. Every kind of character will be welcome as long as you don't plan to do some kind of coup in the name of the Empire or kill all the crew in their sleep for the Dark Brotherhood . We're not asking for declaration of loyalties to Ulfric or anything just loyalty to your Captain and crew. As in the games you can choose from the usual races Altmer, Argonian, Bosmer, Breton, Dunmer, Imperial, Khajiit, Nord, Orc, and Redguard.

    The links will give you ideas of what that race is generally good at and will help you in building their Primary and Secondary Skills

    Spoiler: Snow Elves:Informational only now 


    Appearance (pic or description):

    Equipment(pic or description):

    Prime Skills: Fill in 2 Primary Skills.
    Secondary Skills: Fill in 3 Secondary Skills.




    Captain: Lord Allester Winterblade by Siks

    First Mate: Mirida Ishart. GM's NPC

    Second Mate: Isus Makarus by Imperial1917


    Crewman: Graesin Salvatore by Rayne7

    Crewman: Starkad Long-Fang by StormWolf

    Crewman: Hithnu Miskwellar by Epostle

    Crewoman/Orc Ambassador: Urzul the Unwanted by Juicesir

    Crewoman: Tabitha Durosa by Imperial1917

    Crewman: Do'Magazo by Siks

    Crewman: Spits-Into-River GM's NPC

    Ship Healer: Feran Virlaud GM's NPC

    Future joiners

    Micaiah Stahl by MarchingThunder

    Amber-Lee Taisa by Fox Xalian

    Aizak Stoneblood by Koti

    Waiting to be taken out.

    Quartermaster:Daimus Morvayn by Jacogos

    Crewoman:Azarah by Ace of Hearts

    Snow Elf Crewoman: Snowfall by Fools Misgivings

    Crewoman: Ysona Masterton by Quinverra

    Crewoman: Khinada by StormyNyte

    Snow Elf Crewoman: Arayna Wraitheart by StormyNyte

    Spoiler: Important NPCs 

    1. All RPA Rulesand Matrue Section rules apply.
    2. I made this a mature RP for the reason of creative freedom, anything goes for the most part as long as none of the rules are broken
    3. I am the GM and as such I have the last say in issues.
    4. Any issues between players deal with in PMs.
    5. If the problem persists send me both sides and I'll see if I can help.
    6. If I help and it continues ask a mod or get out.
    7. Be active and post at least a paragraph a post.
    8. Ignorance of the rules won't save you if you break them.
    9. Be smart, have fun, and no modding or powerplaying.
    10. Any new RP ideas are welcome just run them by a GM and we'll see about working them out.
    11. Inactivity will be punished by the death of your char.
    12. I am the the only judges of inactivity, when the RP is going well it's a week unless you send us word of your inactivity then we'll pull you along but after two weeks your character will be on the chopping block unless you have a good reason for not being around. And after three weeks they die no matter what.
    13. Avoid using high quality gear I don't want everyone to be super experienced. We'll need story growth plus you don't want to lose your one of a kind Dragonplate armor in a hurricane.
    14. The selection of skills is up to you but using the ones your race is initially skilled in will make things more interesting for you.
    15. Everyone is allowed ONE enchanted or magical weapon if they want it just keep the enchantment sensible.
    16. Same goes for armor at least at the start of the RP.

    *We reserve the right to add, delete, or change any rule at any time.*
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 05-16-2015 at 04:50 AM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  2. #2


    Name: Mirida. Ishart. (A.K.A. Snowthorn)
    Race: Nord.
    Age: 31.
    Gender: Female.
    P.o.B: Skall Village, raised in Dawnstar.
    Occupation: First Mate under Lord Allesters command.

    Appearance: Mirida is as fare as she appears wild yet her posture is very fast, proud and tall in all her respectable creation.
    Her filly red braided hair hangs about to her shoulder with spare bangs covering a little tiny bit of her face when the wind is non. She is fit and a queen on the battle ground, or so she radiates with proportional muscles and an armored chest. Most distinguishable is her Stalhrim blue eye and her scar that runs over her right eye, leaving a visibly blind eye white.

    Equipment: A white, shining scale armor with Stalhrim decorations, this gives her a very respectable and represents her for the rank she carries on the very well and outstanding ship. She wears a leather band around her head, keeping most of her hair back.
    She carries with her a rapier like sword, forged out of stalhrim and the handle made out of ivory tusk, silver plating adds a hand guard, well suited for someone preferring a swift yet endurable sword. A normal steel bow with a quiver of arrows, a couple of empty bottles, potions, antidotes and poison.

    Prime Skills: One Handed and Speech.
    Secondary Skills: Bow, Alchemy and Cooking.

    Personality: Harsh, rough but incredibly fair. A bit chilly towards most men and worth taking notice of, incredibly anti sexual.

    Background: Non of your damned business!
    Last edited by Raindrop; 06-27-2014 at 11:01 AM.

  3. #3
    Waarnemen's Avatar
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    So interested. Love ya like a brother, Siks!
    Love your role play games!

    ~ There's always a shoulder to cry on ~

  4. #4


    Boaaaard the beautiful ship and sail with us then.

  5. #5
    Red Ninja
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    Name: Allester Winterblade
    Race: Nord
    Age: 55
    Gender: male
    P.o.B: Windhelm, Skyrim
    Occupation: Lord, Adventurer, Captain.

    Appearance (pic or description): 6'8, 210lbs, slightly tanned skin, he has earthy brown eyes with two long scars down his left cheek, medium length grayish-red hair with two braids in the front, he has a thick beard and is dressed in a white under-shirt with a heavy brown jacket over it. He's also wearing thick leather pants and black boots, he's always wearing an amulet of Talos and his ring of matrimony.

    Equipment(pic of description): He now has suit of silver lined Nordic armor. It still had the overall black and dark brown but weaved throughout the material like the wind blowing snow was pure and brightly shining silver. The boots are higher and were more like greaves, they also have a few small spikes on the knee cap. The gauntlets, like the boots go all the way up his arms to nearly his shoulder and it has three long spikes along the forearm, they're shaped like small scimtar blades. The last addition was the helmet, it had a removable face mask that actually looked like a bear's open mouth with teeth engraved in it.

    He also carries a highly tempered and enchanted Nordic Greatsword with Fire and Lightning enchantments he's named Firestorm. An Enhanced Dwarven Crossbow with no bolts right now but he will buy some later. And during times when Firestorm would be unwieldy he carries an unenchanted Stalhirm long sword that he wields with his new Nordic Carved Shield. He also carries a fair number of Healing Potions.

    Primary Skills: Two-handed and Smithing
    Secondary Skills: Heavy Armor, One-handed, and Block

    Personality: Lord Winterblade is an honourable, intelligent, and kind man at least when not in battle then he become as cold and brutal as the blizzards of Eastmarch.

    Background: Born in the 4E 151 to the ancient and revered clan Winterblade, Allester made a name for himself early on as an adventurer and explorer. Oft-times running away from his parents home to dive into caves and and ruins looking for treasure and monsters to fight. And despite being armed with a simple Iron Sword given to him by father the young man showed much promise as warrior he even came back victorious from his little excursions from time to time. Coming back with what loot he could carry he was welcomed back as a least until he got back to Gray Stone Manor where his parents were waiting for him. They were proud of his success but also furious at his continued disobedience.

    Despite their constant lecturing Allester's adventures continued until he was 16 then he joined the Legion and adventured across Tamriel discovering his true love of Two-Handed Weapons most specifically the greatsword. He quickly became a renowned warrior and shrewd leader of soldiers making a name himself from province to province. He served honourably and when the Great War rolled around he was one of the first to sign-up to fight the Aldmeri Dominion. He was present in both of the main battles but after the Emperor showed his true colours and signed the White-Gold Concordat giving the Thalmor exactly what they wanted the Legion became a bad taste in his mouth and he left as soon as the chance presented itself. He was 25 at this point and with no major desire to return home right away he felt the urge of the road again and spent the next 20 years of his life wandering Tamriel getting work as a merc, a Fighter's Guildsman, Smith, Sailor, and hero when the times called for it. Even making a Pilgrimage to Bruma where the statue of his great, great, Grandfather was still standing albeit worn and chipped. He had greatly helped the Empire in the Oblivion crisis and his hometown had honoured him with a statue. Roruke Winterblade Hero of Bruma and Warrior for good. 10th of Frost Fall 3E 433. He built a great wealth by the power of his sword arm and the quickness of his wit even buying a home and starting a family in the chilly embrace of Cyrodiil's northern most city, he sent much of his wealth back home to his parents only needing so much to keep his wife Heidi and his daughters Ari and Sonja comfortable. Around the year 196 Allester got word his parents were deathly ill and were asking for him to return home as soon as he could. It had been many years since he'd even thought about Skyrim or his parents but the long quelled feelings bubbled up from his stomach and into his heart. Finishing up his quest for the Fighter's Guild he rushed home to Bruma relating the news to his family before he made his way back to Windhelm to be at his parents' bedside.

    He arrived just in time for the Feast of the Dead, the usually solemn day was bitter to the man because his parents died in the final hour of the Feast. Leaving him the sole heir of an immense wealth and the Patriarch of one of Skyrim's most influential and powerful families at the age of 45. He had just sent his parents to Sovengarde and was settling into the life as a wealthy lord even bringing his family from Bruma to live with him when Jarl Ulfric began his Stormcloak Rebellion. While Lord Winterblade(as he was going by now) agreed with the Jarl's views on Talos banning and the Empire being a spineless dog he didn't agree with how Non-Nords were being treated. Many non Nords had proven themselves extremely valuable allies in his past and he just couldn't bring himself to damn all of them for the arrogance of a faction of Altmer. He would join his old friend Brunwulf Free-Winter in defending the Dunmer and Argonians in Windhelm even opening his home to them if they needed his help. While the Jarl and his Stormcloaks disliked this about the old veterans no one could deny their skill and deeds of battle so many of the youngers kept their mouths shut for fear of being trounced by the large men and Ulfric couldn't help but respect them. Five years dragged on and the Civil War ravaged the land, eventually though Ulfric drove the Empire back beyond the borders of Skyrim and spent a year rebuilding the damage and establishing toleration laws thanks to the urging of Lord Winterblade. It took that whole year before peace was restored and Allester could settle down and raise his young daughters to be proper Nord ladies.

    Four more years following the final days of the Stormcloak Rebellion, Ulfric was made High King and he began expanding and improving upon anything and everything he could one of these projects involved creating an updated map of Tamriel. He knew of many skilled Sailors he could ask to undertake such a venture but Lord Winterblade had proven himself the most adept and honourable men he knew and all other candidates fell away. Contacting the Lord he arranged to pay for the voyage and give his royal blessing upon the ship and crew. Allester agreed to Captain the voyage on the condition he could allow anyone to join his crew Nord or not. The High King agreed and Lord Winterblade sent out notices to every tavern he could think of and prepared for the journey heading to Solitude to await his new crew.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 07-02-2014 at 06:33 PM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  6. #6
    Member TsukiHime's Avatar
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    can i use anime pic..?? :O

  7. #7
    Red Ninja
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    If you can find one that describes the race you're choosing well enough I suppose so, but I'd recommend looking at the races before jumping into it unless your familiar with the games

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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    I see :O i already look into it i am interested in altmer race and its kinda has mage ability right..?? o__oa i just want to be like a mage in training and looking for experience kinda thing.. o__oa

  9. #9
    Red Ninja
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    You can do that, and use an anime pic if you find one that's close to what it looks like in game.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  10. #10
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    Its okay i can describe using the anime like hair and stuff..~ I will post soon..~

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