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Thread: (M) Voyage of the Storm Breaker (P)

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    Default (M) Voyage of the Storm Breaker (P)

    A Gin and Siks combined production

    Rated M for possible mature content including sex, violence, language, graphic situations, and drug use.

    Voyage of the Storm Breaker

    Fortune and glory awaits the brave

    OOC is here and still open.

    A notice in your local tavern

    Citizen of Tamriel,

    Do you wish for adventure,danger, and the chance to earn gold and fame beyond your wildest dreams? I am looking for just that type of person, on request of High King Ulfric Stormcloak of Skyrim, I will soon be embarking on a long and historic quest to map out the entirety of our world. This venture will require not only experienced Sailors, but ambitious Mercenaries, skilled Healers and expert Craftsmen. All walks of life are welcome and any skillsets will be much appreciated, but you will also be required to listen to the Ship's Officers.

    Space will be limited on the Storm Breaker so bring only the essentials and nothing you will be afraid of losing in the event of a bad storm or other misfortune. If you believe you can handle this life meet me in Solitude harbour in the land of Skyrim on Middas the 13th of Midyear, we will celebrate the Mid-Year Celebration in style before departing for the Summerset Isles mapping everything we see along the way. Priests of the Nine Divine will be there to bless our journey and the people of Tamriel will be cheering our names! Be prompt or you will be left behind.

    Lord Allester Winterblade

    Lord Winterblade was slowly reading the notice he sent to all corners of Tamriel as he was seated at a small oak table before his fine ship the Storm Breaker waiting for his crew to show up and sign the papers for the voyage that would take them all across Nirn. The docks were mostly quiet with everyone celebrating the Mid-Year in the street of Solitude. When the wind shifted he could faintly hear raucous laughter and music from the Bard's Collage on the gently blowing wind. The old Nord allowed himself to walk down memory lane for a few minutes. Reviewing the last time he attended the Mid-Year Celebration, it was a few years ago at the height of the Rebellion. His squad and he had just come into Whiterun. They were meant to try and inflate some interest in the Stormcloaks' cause and use it as pressure and make Jarl Balgruuf pledge his fealty to Ulfric. Sadly his squadmates were young and soon found themselves neck deep in ale and a few women just as deep in ale as they were.

    It annoyed him but Allester knew what it was like to be young so he let them have the night off, but he'd be sure to make them sweat all that ale out as they ran to the next Hold Capital to do the job all over again. Removing his helm he decided to see what he could do for their mission, his group were all travelling in normal steel armor to avoid any kind of prosecution their Stormcloak gear might give them, but some people still seemed to be able to tell they were Stormcloaks. This earned them some scrutiny especially when they came across Battle-Borns, it was just this kind of situation that presented itself later in the night just around 8. It was just outside the Bannered-Mare and a newblood from his squad was squaring off with Idolaf Battle-Born swords already drawn. Winterblade tried pushing through the crowd to stop it but the townspeople were too eager to see how this turned out even the Guards were having trouble getting through. Eventually he had to physically shove people aside to get to the center of the ring. He pushed through the last few people in time to see Idolaf hamstring the young Stormcloak and as the man was one the ground the Battle-Born was going for the kill but Allester was there first his Dwarven sword catching the man's Iron blade causing it to snap in half the broken tip bouncing back and catching Idolaf in the eye not killing him but definitely blinding him.

    It was just at this time the Guards broke through the throng of people seeing two men wounded and bleeding and a third standing above them with sword drawn. It didn't even matter there was no blood on Allester's blade he was quickly hauled off to Dragonreach and spent the remainder of the Mid-Year Celebration in the dungeon until his bail was paid by the young man who's life he had saved. Apparently his squad had sold their weapons and shields to pay it, after that he couldn't punish them for shirking their mission the night before. They spent the remainder of the week in Whiterun doing their job. The tolling of a ships bell brought the old man back to the present, he shook his head and took another draught of the Spiced Wine he had been sipping watching the sun slowly march across the sky.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 10-16-2013 at 07:52 AM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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    The Mid-Year Celebration, an utterly bland name for such a festive day, this one marked one of Shava's very few times in Skyrim's Capital, and The Argonian was glad she made the trip from Riften. The city was full of color today, as decorations were put up all over in preparation for the night, and already the vendors had wheeled out a wondrous spread of food and drink. The smell of the air and sounds of the people made for a truly peasant atmosphere, it made Shava almost regret the real reason she had come to the city. With no time to truly enjoy the early festivities, Shava walked out the city gates and made her way towards the docks.

    As she walked down the stone path away from the gates, Shava took the time to take in the surrounding area, by looking at it, one would never guess that just a few years before there had been a great siege here, one that placed the wrong king on the throne. Shaking her head free of that thought, Shava swallowed her bitterness of that fact, she could do nothing about it, so tried not to dwell on it. That still didn't mean she liked it when she passed Stormcloak soldier instead of Imperials at the watch towers.

    When she was done enjoying the scenery, Shava hurried the rest of the way to the dock, she was here to board a very specific ship here and did not wish to miss her chance. Luckily it seemed she was among the first to arrive, as Shava found herself standing near a large elderly Nord man, she clicked her large toe claws against the wooden dock to draw his attention, "Dreaming of better days My Lord?" she asked as he seemed a touch distracted by his own thoughts. "I am here to join your crew Lord Winterblade, is there something I must sign or do I just head up to the deck?"
    Spoiler: sorry but I have some bad news 

    Made for me by the wonderful AliceMalice15

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    Sovia carries the notice and look at it once again, she look around nervously "please dont tell me i am late.. Or lost.. Or the place changes.." she says and tears start to appear on her eyes. She really cant do anything right, that the reason why her own family sent her to this adventure. Her hand shaking as she continues to look around hoping find someone who is kind enough to help her.

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    Graesin leapt down from the rocky cliffs that overlooked the road that led to the docks. Landing lightly on his feet, he stood and looked around for several moments. He disliked being so near the city and for the thousandth time he wondered how he would fare being away from the forests for so long. As a wood elf, he preferred a place where he could blend in seamlessly and use his bow as his weapon, whereas at sea he would have no such advantages. Regardless though, they'd need someone to scout the land beyond the beaches while the ship waited in the bay, a job he was perfectly suitable for. Last thing they'd want to do is set ashore with hostile inhabitants nearby.

    Besides, he needed away from Skyrim. There were too many enemies looking for him, and they'd found him more than once. Only luck and skill had kept him from becoming a prisoner again. Hopefully they'd be far less likely to find him at sea; after all, someone who lived in the forests wouldn't usually find a notice for people to go on a ship if they never visited cities or villages, it was only a stroke of luck that one of the mercenary bands he'd killed had a member who'd thought of changing his life. Instead Graesin now got to make a change in his.

    Seeing the docks and the ship he was looking for, he started that way when he noticed a young female altmer who seemed to be nearly in tears, and as he listened it seemed it had to do with anxiety about whether she was in the right place. Looking her up and down, he decided she couldn't possibly be part of the Thalmor, making the decision of whether or not to help her even more difficult.

    He started to pass her by, but then stopped and silently cursed himself.

    "You looking for Lord Winterblade?" he asked.

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    Sovia jump to the side while screaming "aahh..!! " then she look at the person who talk to her "ummm.. Th...then..can you help me sir.. I am so sorry to burden you though.." sovia speak loud at first and slowly at the end of her talking her voice becomes soft like she is mumbling.

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    “Excuse me mate, pardon me, can you just move a tad bit, sorry, excuse me.” Arorn maintained a steady line of apologizes and request as and weaved through the thick crowd of citizens. Gods, why do there have to be so many. It felt like they were deliberately trying to block his way. Arorn had a sudden urge to summon his Dremora Lord, that thing will easily clear a path. Although, it’ll probably get him arrested by the Stormcloaks. Still it was a pain to walk through the crowd of annoying loud jostling people.

    Eventually Arorn came out from the Solitude gates and into the once open fresh area, sadly today it was also swarming with people going about their business. Arorn groaned, it was going to be a pain to walk through these people. Arorn muttered a spell and a blue see-through wolf was conjured next to him.

    “Come on Dagger, let’s go.” The wolf shook his fur and lea the way, clearing a path for Arorn. Although not everyone moved, most people did. Arorn eventually managed to make his way to the docks, which was noticeably less crowded. Arorn kept Dagger with as he searched for the ship. “Bloody hell…what was the ship called? Like…..Strum Beaker….Stork Beak? Storm Beak? Storm Beaker? Strum Beak? Storm…Break…Storm Breaker…Storm Breaker!” Arorn, with the ship in his mind, glanced out at the dock packed with ships, and realized they all look exactly the same. They all have a mast and are floating on water. They are also made out of wood.

    As Arorn walked down the dock, with Dagger at his heel, he noticed a couple standing near him. He ignored them and walked past, but quickly did a U-Turn when he heard the name Lord Winterblade mentioned. That was the Captain of the…Storm….something.

    “Sorry to burden you though…” The girl babbled at random volumes to the man next to her.

    “Do you happen to know where his ship is? I myself am also looking for him.” Arorn interrupted.

    Dagger sat down on the hard wooden floor, staring at the two strangers curiously. Arorn scratched behind Dagger’s ears as he spoke.

    "My name is Arorn Hester by the way." Arorn said.
    "Your telling me to get a life? I'm a gamer, I have plenty of lives to spare."

    “We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police.”

    ”A graduation ceremony is an event where the commencement speaker tells thousands of students dressed in identical caps and gowns that ‘individuality’ is the key to success.” - Robert Purvis

    “The only mystery in life is why the kamikaze pilots wore helmets” - Al McGuire


    "We're not retreating, we're advancing in a different direction!"

  7. #7
    The Dragon Lady
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    The trip from Morthal to Solitude went quickly and was largely uneventful. Khinada had barely stopped for rest and even opted to travel through the night to be here today. Dawn broke just as the city gates rose into view. She could tell by the rising cacophony as she strode through the gates that the city folk were enraptured by the mid-year celebration. Tired though she was, she couldn't keep the grin from her whiskered face as she strode through the bustling streets. There was nothing better to her than a large celebration. So many colors, so many wonderful aromas, so many unsuspecting and unaware people.

    The packed city streets made it all to easy for her. People bumped and jostled as they went about their revelry, each time someone brushed against her, a clawed hand would slip deftly into their pocket or satchel to withdraw gold, a piece of jewelry, or some other bauble of interest; more often than not, the items would be largely unknown until she inspected them later. Her victims never seemed to be the wiser, but as she neared a group of approaching Stormcloak guards on patrol she stayed her hand. She could feel their icy, judgmental gaze on her as they drew closer and she gave them a stiff nod as they passed. She had no intentions of getting herself arrested before she reached her destination.

    As she passed a string of food venter stalls, she took a deep breath through her nose, savoring the smells as her stomach voiced its complaint. Eyeing each stalls wares, she settled on a stand that sold fresh breads and cheeses. Reaching into a pocket, she withdrew some of her freshly acquired gold and exchanged it for a loaf of bread and a slice of edam cheese. Further down the street, she stopped at another stall and purchased a bottle of mead that she slipped into the satchel hanging at her side. She ate the cheese and half the bread as she strode toward the docks, her mind buzzing over what adventures awaited her once on board the Storm Breaker.

    Before long, the dock and ship came into view. Stashing the uneaten portion of her bread away, she quickened her pace. Her eyes glistened with eagerness as she neared, her tail twitching as she spied who she assumed was the captain, Lord Winterblade, seated at a small table on the dock beside the ship's draw plank. Once close enough to be heard, she threw up a clawed hand in greeting and called out, "Khinada is pleased to see she is not too late in arriving. She would be most honored to join Lord Winterblade in his great quest, yes."
    Last edited by StormyNyte; 07-02-2013 at 12:25 AM.
    Stormy's 1X1 recruitment thread!
    Spoiler: Don't lie to yourself, you know you want to look. 

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    "Indeed I do." Graesin said, his eyes taking in the new arrival and his conjured wolf that made him give an internal grimace. Conjured pets couldn't be tamed by his kind, and therefore were treated with caution. "It's right this way."

    Leading the pair, he kept his ears open, listening for the sound of a sword clearing a sheath, an arrow being drawn, or magic being readied. Even the best illusionist who could cast silently tended to give it away somehow in his experience. That being said, he didn't like having them behind him and he kept his right hand on his dagger hilt, ready to draw it in a moment's notice if they proved to be more of a threat than he anticipated. The young female Altmer he doubted; while he didn't know her abilities, her personality wasn't such that he worried about her stabbing him in the back. But the other one...he would need watching.

    Seeing the Captain that he'd been watching the past couple of days, he suppressed a grimace. A Stormcloak, Graesin didn't know his stance on elves, but it likely was standard racism. And as a Bosmer who seemed to be leading a pair of Altmer, he doubted he would get a friendly response. But he kept his face stoic and his posture unthreatening.

    "I'm here to sign on."

    - - - Updated - - -

    "Indeed I do." Graesin said, his eyes taking in the new arrival and his conjured wolf that made him give an internal grimace. Conjured pets couldn't be tamed by his kind, and therefore were treated with caution. "It's right this way."

    Leading the pair, he kept his ears open, listening for the sound of a sword clearing a sheath, an arrow being drawn, or magic being readied. Even the best illusionist who could cast silently tended to give it away somehow in his experience. That being said, he didn't like having them behind him and he kept his right hand on his dagger hilt, ready to draw it in a moment's notice if they proved to be more of a threat than he anticipated. The young female Altmer he doubted; while he didn't know her abilities, her personality wasn't such that he worried about her stabbing him in the back. But the other one...he would need watching.

    Seeing the Captain that he'd been watching the past couple of days, he suppressed a grimace. A Stormcloak, Graesin didn't know his stance on elves, but it likely was standard racism. And as a Bosmer who seemed to be leading a pair of Altmer, he doubted he would get a friendly response. But he kept his face stoic and his posture unthreatening.

    "I'm here to sign on."

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    Sovia face look so glad but when the guy summon a creature her face wide in horror and pale face almost like seeing a ghost. she follow the guy like a zombie thinking that this adventure will surely kill her "w..w..w..w..what of cr..creature is this sir..??" she ask with scared tone. She hope that he not thinking that she is up to something though, even if she really up to something is that she wants to run away.. far far away.. where she can only help people with medication skill and restoration spells not attacking and killing with destruction spells. She hates killing actually even if its a monster they deserve to live the same as other races and her train of thought that makes her being sent away to adventure.

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    Default Helpful Gin was helpful in this minor Co-Op

    Daimus stared at the white-hot blade impatiently, eying the next place his hammer would need to strike with a discerning eye. This would be the third weapon he had made that day, orders coming in like wildfire even with things settling down on the mainland. Not everyone could be happy, and it was evident by the constant need for arms of war.

    Sparks flew from the steel as Daimus's hammer connected with it, flattening the last curve out to a respectable angle (or, rather, lack thereof). Gripping his tongs a bit harder, the Dunmer smith lifted the blade and slowly dipped it into the water trough beside him, steam hissing in protest as the much colder water met the superheated blade.

    Straightening, Daimus began to feed his forge a bit of Flames from his hand. At that moment, a footsteps and a shadow casting over his workplace notified him that someone was approaching.

    "If ya want somethin' made, yer gonna have ta wait. I got orders out the ass and I'm falling behind as is. Was'yer name?" he asked without looking behind him, eyes focused on heating his forge back to a suitable temperature.

    Mirida stood tall beside the working smith, a hard working man, with sweat dripping from him she approached him respectfully. "I got a offer for you Daimus, me and Lord Winterblade will be going out onto the sea and we need good recruits which would involve a good blacksmith and by the diedra are you the best smith on this isle which is why I want you another person to trust on this voyage of ours."

    Mirida spoke out, offering Daimus the one and only spot on this ship as the ships blacksmith.

    Daimus turned in surprise as soon as he recognized the voice, fire sputtering out of his hand as he let go of the magic. Brow furrowing in thought, Daimus listened to the woman's offer and frowned.

    "Now Mirida, I respect you and obviously you respect me enough ta offer, but I'll be damned if I'm just goin' to up and leave my trade while its going so well. I'm making a respectable livin', Mirida, and I can't just... well, leave!" he said, continuing to frown at the woman. A ghost out of his past, just showing up without even a letter. How long had it been? Five, six years? He barely remembered.

    Clearly noticing his hesitation as to join or not Mirida sighed, "Look... You owe me got damn it, if you join us on this voyage you owe me nothing and you can live as meant for you. Besides, there is a small steady fee for just being ready to work on the ship you know, I will make sure of it."
    Mirida finished awaiting her reply while maintaining her composure, respectfully keeping her eye on Daimus.

    Daimus managed to deepen his frown while his eyes widened in realization.

    "You wouldn't bring that old ghost up now, would ye?" He studied the woman for a moment, a particular look in her eye informing him that she wouldn't back down now. "Of course ye would... Fine. I owe you, and if I can trust ya like I once did, this'll be the last of it." Daimus realized he had people to pay back, stuff to pack, all sorts of new things to worry about.

    "Winterblade, eh? Das a name I've not heard in a blue moon or two... Was he gettin' on about with this? A treasure hunt or some such lunacy?"

    Mirida smirked and a glint lit up in her eyes. Daimus almost sighed again. "You could say it's something like that...."

    Daimus downed the last of his Sujamma, the last bit of the stuff he brought from home. Well, he still had the casket of Ashfire, but.... that was for a special occassion. The Dunmer eyed those coming aboard with mixed parts antipathy and anxiety, his mind only the slightest bit foggy from the alcohol. Not a single Dunmer... Sure, there seemed to be a group of Elves hanging out on the docks that looked like they might be heading this way, but they weren't likely to be any friendlier than the group he already had.

    "At least Winterblade hasn't said much..." he muttered to himself, nodding politely at the Khajiit that boarded. Daimus, with his connection to the first-mate, had been the first to arrive, spurred forward by the promise of his debt to the Nord woman being lifted upon completion of this voyage.

    "Oy, Miri. Did he ever say how many people he was gonna take before settin' off?" Daimus asked the woman nearby, tossing the last of his flask into the harbor behind him. He was seated on the edge of the boat opposite the boarding plank, foot propped up on a barrel on unknown contents. Probably a barrel of cow meat, knowing Nords.

    Outfitted in his Chitin Armor that covered his entire body save his head, Daimus was certainly one to look at twice. Here in Skyrim, he was probably the only owner of such a set of armor which was mostly localized to Raven Rock, along with the Bonemold armor of the Redoran Guard. He wouldn't complain about the stares, though, even if it did garner him too much unwanted attention. Shaking his head at the awkwardness of it all, the Dunmer blacksmith waited for the rest of the crew to arrive.

    Thank you Hayabusa for the Sig and Avi.

    Alright everyone. Thank you for your time. This is a link to the thread explaining my departure from RPA. Stop by for the read if you have a chance. And catch you all on the flip side

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