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Thread: General discussion and ideas

  1. #1
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    Default General discussion and ideas

    Basicly, the "big brother" meets "the hunger games" meets "Simon says".

    Think about this big military camp city, where everything is taped and people are streaming things to the dark web to make one big series of small snuff films.

    You have been kidnapped/volunteered (for some reason or another- For example, your ex. boyfriend/girlfriend paid to see you suffer and die) to join this place. This place is functioned and operated by some higher ups in the government and everyone making money off your stay here.

    There is a man group/guy running the show. (Think of that guy from "We are happy few").

    The world will be divided into small IC threads that will represents "sections" in this city. When someone leaves an area he/she needs to write it at the end of their post before leaving to another IC thread.

    Each area has their own ups and down. For example, the residents area, is considered the best, with hot water and food, and spa, but there are cameras there everywhere, and you are most likely to end up as a toy to a big predators (be it local gangs, or some other sickos or whatever).

    There will be epic npcs all over the places, that will be introduced in this world, like "Honest Fred" , a super geek running a local place of shop.

    You can decide to play along, survive or kill. Every actions you will make, you will have to use the dice system. Yes, you may die in this RP.

    There will be events in this rp, like special food getting, or stuff like that and you need to take actions and fight others, or join people to survive.

    This going to be full of gore and violence.

    And yes, there will be cannibals.

    Karma suggested that at the start you going to roll a cube, so you will know where you will start.

  2. #2
    Moon Child
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    If you die, like DnD, you can roll to stay alive or if you die or not.

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    And if you are alive, you can lose something, like limbs or suffer something.

  4. #4
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    The place suppose to be covered by big wall. The whole place supposed to be in some deserted island. This of it as a size of airport deal.

  5. #5
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    Pictures: (For ideas)


  6. #6
    RPA's Resident Mapler
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    Ideas for Factions


    Stepfords {stays in the main residential areas; obsessively territorial}

    Uniflesh Syndicate (primarily cannibals)

    Lye-smiths (oathbreakers and adulterers; reverted to puritan mindsets)
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

    You can't wrestle with your demons without becoming stronger in the process.
    The trick is to not grow horns yourself.

  7. #7
    Moon Child
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    I dont think we planned on actual factions? Maybe see how many members we get first? Maybe spawn people together.


    Billionaires in this illegal online subscriptions. Paying for people to get murdered in this ghost town, or if you saved up enough money you could pay for someone to get put into this game, but it’s usually the rich due to the amount of money that it costs. Each person is equipped with an earpiece where a messenger that created this game can communicate, but no other communication is possible. It’s just a one way earpiece, there is no way it can be rewired to change it to where it allows secret communication between others. No tampering. It’s nigh indestructible, if somehow you intentionally do destroy it, you will be marked(targeted).

    Everyone wakes up in this ghost town, there will be at least 2-3 people within earshot of you. Your job is to survive and be the last one standing. You have 4 slots (backpack) and we will give 2 items of our choice to you to begin with. They could be weapons, or simply food, or maybe we’re feeling evil and we give you a paper fan. (It gives them direction to fill in the blanks for what they don’t have.) This is being broadcasted and there are cameras everywhere, some are hidden to where they absolutely cannot be found no matter how hard you try, and some are more obvious. If you destroy them. You will be marked. There will be landmarks, and at some point they may be used for objectives or to obtain supplies that you need.

    It’s encouraged to kill in any way possible as the person or group who survives, wins… What you depends on who you are. What those winnings are depends on who you make as a character. If you choose play an observer, you can possibly offer more money to see the characters you paid to be in this game complete certain objective.

    There will be a dice rolling system, so you can’t just go blow someone’s head off right at the beginning, there will be attack rolls as well as if you are knocked out whether it is death or not.

    -3 rounds=day time 3 rounds for night. If you don’t sleep for numerous nights, there might be negative modifiers to your rolls.
    -If you do not eat at some point, we may have you roll for starvation/hunger and there may be some type of modifier. To avoid having to roll you must post eating at least twice in one day. We may not make you roll, and we might, we will look into activity vs. food intake and may end up having you roll the dice.
    -scavenging is encouraged, you will have to explain what you are searching and roll the dice. One person can only scavenge one place 3 times. If you are have more than one person. Each person can search 3 times.
    -There is a small amount of wildlife. Deer, squirrels, rabbits. Be realistic. You get 1 meat (1 slot) for each kill, other than something rather large like a deer, but it will take up more than 1 slot in your inventory. There will be rolling for which animal is present, and a roll for attack. Depending on the animal, there may be modifiers.
    -crafting is available within reason, so be explanatory and realistic.
    -BE REALISTIC, if a GM/co-GM decides something is unrealistic, we may ask you to remove it.
    -If you want something more than simple weapons (knife, pistol, rocks) then you need to message a GM. We may have more complex weapons that you find by scavenging or that you may get for completing some type of objective given to you but those will be left up to us. **Imp is coming up with a list**
    -If you are ‘marked’ that will give others a modifier when they attack you, and also makes you a target for the game makers in general, meaning there may be more objectives that target you.
    -There will be NPCs, you will not know if they are friend or foe.
    -You can play as an observer, if that is something you wish, please PM one of us.
    -Observer missions are a possibility (think maybe hunger games and the drops that they have and clues they are given)
    -If you are near someone that obviously isn’t on your side, or doesn’t want to be seen, you can roll to spot them and depending on the roll there may be varying degrees of what you see.
    -There will be benefits to being in groups/teams.
    -Goal is to survive. Last team/man wins.
    -We may have random events, or cause disturbances to keep people on their toes and keep the action going.

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  8. #8
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    I think the factions are good idea as Npcs (like type of group/monsters to expect).

    I love those ideas!

    but I dont want just 1 surviver in the end. I do want to try and see a group breaking outside somehow later on with a disk of evidence about this.

    but i love the slot and dice system deal

  9. #9
    RPA's Resident Mapler
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    Also, side note: What's the end game? Is there even an end game? Or are we just running survival until characters die and then make new ones and keep going since our lives are up to RNG?

    *Nevermind. Just saw Karma's post.

    **Though extra side question, what happens with the victors? Do they get to leave or do they just get ready for the next group?
    Last edited by Repent!; 01-18-2017 at 02:52 AM. Reason: **
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

    You can't wrestle with your demons without becoming stronger in the process.
    The trick is to not grow horns yourself.

  10. #10
    Moon Child
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    I want to leave the option for a lone survivor in case someone decides to turn on their team. I think when you do factions, it's then limiting creative ways that characters can choose to go. Let them bind together on their own, and maybe be encouraged by the observers... but I did put in there that there definite advantages to being in a group.

    Edit: The end game is to have one surviving person or team that 'wins'. Death might be permanent depending on rolls. So we wont have someone dying and coming back over and over.
    Last edited by .Karma.; 01-18-2017 at 02:50 AM.

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