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Thread: (June '17) Prompt #1 - "Conspiracy"

  1. #1
    Moon Child
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    Default (June '17) Prompt #1 - "Conspiracy"

    June’s 1st prompt is "Conspiracy"

    If you have any questions about how to participate in this event,
    please visit the The rules and Guideline thread or PM Karma.

    Feeling like offering us a prompt?
    Do you want to see your idea featured as one of the Month's prompts?
    Click here to learn more!

    Spoiler: Looking for RP in all the wrong places? Click here! 

    Spoiler: Friend Quotes 

  2. #2
    Leader of the Kitsune
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    Spoiler: Conspiracy of Free Information 
    made by the lovely karma

  3. #3
    ArtisticVicu's Avatar
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    The email arrived, the one that would state whether or not they would move onto the next step. Excitement thrilled through them as they clicked on it, confident enough in their abilities to have made it to the final step.

    The email was not what they had been expecting.

    There, in simple text, was the notice that they had not been selected for the final stage in the hiring process. And, just like that, excitement turned numb. They had done so well on the test and, while phone interviews were never their strong suite, they felt they had done well enough to make it. They had been certain that they were making it to the face to face interview but, for the fifth time in a row, this was not the case.

    They weren't sure if they wanted to cry out of anger, sadness, or a toxic blend with frustration thrown in there. They had been so sure.

    They really needed to quit being so sure, it would seem.

    It made the next month all that more difficult. They were barely squeaking by as it was and it was stressful. Never before had their account been so close to over drafting with a steady income and knowing better. It wasn't comfortable to be only a few pennies away from having nothing in a checking account when they had bills, pets, gas, food to buy. It was all a fricken conspiracy, they were certain.

    They had put out ten job applications and, what do they get? Nowhere near getting accepted at any of the positions they had applied for. And the sad thing was, they were running out of ideas of what they could even do as work. They felt so limited in what they could apply for.

    Oddly enough, though, they still went back online and browsed openings at whatever places came to mind. In the end, they had sent out two applications, confident in only one.

    Too stressed to call it a night, they turn their attention elsewhere on the internet.

    An hour passes without their notice, eyes glued to a computer screen displaying whatever they maneuvered to. An alert pops up in the lower right corner of their screen, drawing their attention.

    someone friend 23:58 : Hey, you got a minute? I think I found something that...

    They glanced at the clock, verifying it was indeed approaching midnight. Strange. This particular friend wasn't usually on this late.

    They clicked the alert.

    They cried out in disbelief as their computer abruptly shut down. Before they could even move to try the power button, the computer turned itself back on.

    Near the center of the black screen is a blinking cursor. Seconds pass and when nothing happened, they reach out to type something.

    Something beat them to the punch as text was typed out.

    external.connectId:GHOSTOFTHEVOID to [91.181.18920.21.1]
    mark.3; initiate connection
    >user.interface {false}
    >external.displayAlign {
    screen transfer
    >external.driverAlign {
    driver access
    Reply from 91.191.18920.21.1: bytes=64 time=32ms TTL=39
    Reply from 91.191.18920.21.1: bytes=64 time=32ms TTL=39
    Reply from 91.191.18920.21.1: bytes=64 time=39ms TTL=39
    Reply from 91.191.18920.21.1: bytes=64 time=32ms TTL=39
    Reply from 91.191.18920.21.1: bytes=64 time=36ms TTL=39

    connection established

    fuction myFunc(est.connect) {
    var x, txt = "";
    for (x in est.connect) {
    txt += est.connect[x].name + "cmd.exe";
    event("cmd.exe").interface= txt;

    They frowned, not understanding a good amount of the information. Before they could piece together the flowing text, it vanished, replaced with the blinking cursor once more.


    They blinked at the single word, the cursor blinking after the period. They glanced around, not sure what to do. When they looked back, there was more.

    ->You can type back.

    They hesitated only for a moment.

    ->You can type back.

    Who are you? What do you want?<-

    ->Oh, good. The connect is stable.

    You didn't answer my questions.<-

    ->I'm aware. They are unimportant right now.

    No. Answer my questions.<-
    Who are you and what do you want?<-
    Why have you hacked into my computer<-

    ->Hack is such a strong word.

    Shut it.<-
    Answer my questions.<-


    ->Just answer the questions, Doc. We don't have time for this.
    ->Oh, you're on this, too?
    ->When did you connect to the system?

    ->I'm the one that organized this little "chat", Doc. Remember?

    They stared at their screen as the second person the other end jumped in. This was crazy. There was no way this is real. The conversation between the pair kept going but they didn't care as they quickly cut in after one of the newcomer's lines.

    end of the second part.

    I'm gonna turn my computer off now.<-

    ->You can't!
    ->Hear me out.
    ->We need your help.

    ->The Doc believes you can help us.

    They blinked at the rapid fire of text. They frowned, reading over a second time and weighing their options.


    They sighed, giving in.

    What do you want from me? And who are you guys, anyways?<-

    There was a pause and they watched the blinking cursor.

    ->Thank you.
    ->Thank you.
    ->I am a scientist by the name of Diggory Howard. I have a PhD. in quantum physics and mathematics.
    ->The doc's pretty cool. I'm his assistant, Zel.
    ->Zelpher has been a tremendous help.
    ->Oi! Doc!
    ->No need giving them my full name.
    ->It's embarrassing.

    ->Nonsense, Zelpher. It's quite the name and you should be proud of it.

    They chuckled softly, reaching forward.

    Hey. I don't mean to interrupt but what do you guys want from me?<-

    ->Aw. Right! That.

    ->We want your help with getting the doc back.

    They frowned.

    Back from what?<-

    ->The void.

    They massaged the bridge of their nose, feeling suddenly exhausted.

    You want me to believe that you're in some sort of void?<-


    Is this a joke? You pulling my leg or something?<-

    ->Not a joke.
    ->Nor a conspiracy.

    They groaned before giving in.

    Fine. What do you need me to do?<-
    Just so you know, I don't have any skills that'll help you get out of this "void"<-

    ->Nonsense! You are quite skilled in the area we need you skilled in.

    They instantly regretted agreeing in helping.

    You do realize I am just a normal person, right?<-
    I have an associates in Sculpture, for heaven's sake.<-
    I work at Starbucks.<-
    Nothing special<-

    ->Don't worry. You'll be able to help us.
    ->You'll do just fine.

    Somehow, they didn't believe him.
    Find a tale or three or five to read but be warned. It is never easy to see where the plot may be going As the Story Crumbles


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