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  1. #1
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    A Crazy and Horrific Member Contest

    Rated: Mature (Gore, Intense Violence, Language, Heavy Amounts of Cheese)

    [Thick Southern Accent]
    It was a cool autumn day in rural Louisiana and the sun had already began to take its leave from the sky, giving way to a trail of vibrant colors behind it. Perfect weather for the gardeners as they had been working since dawn on preparing the place for tonight's big event at the Gaunt estate. The entrance gate had just opened, and a black 1962 sedan pulled in. He was in a bit of a hurry as he sped down the driveway, kicking up stones that nearly hit some of the tired yet humble gardeners nearby. They only shrugged it off and kept to their business with collecting yard trimmings and the sort.

    The black sedan continued its way under the cover of live oaks that gave shade along the way for almost the entire stretch until ending once the driveway looped around with an elegant and tall water fountain that sat in the middle and was generations old. Once parked, the car door swung open, sending out a flurry of papers. While most landed, some were nearly swept away by the wind before caught by the driver who presented himself in a navy blue suit and tie topped with a skimmer hat. As he was busy collecting his goods, the mahogany double doors into the mansion opened and a group of waitstaff ran to assist.

    "It is too late!" The man exclaimed as he gathered the papers and, with haste, placed them backed into a manila folder while making his way up the long set of stairs and into the mansion. "Why are we starting late? We should have been ready an hour ago!" He pressed on past the staff that stood in an awkward silence. One finally approached the man's side with a response. "M-M-Mr. Gaunt t-t-told us not to rush! To take our time as he said it would be a long night and didn't want us fatigued. We apologize, Mr. Montgomery." The young waiter nervously exclaimed whilst taking out a fidget spinner to help relax himself. Montgomery simply took it from the waiter's hand and tossed it into the nearby bushes.

    "When Mr. Gaunt says to take your time, you should instead double your speed! He is near death and hasn't much longer if tonight's event goes awry. Everything must be perfect and nothing less! Now, get back to work as I myself am running a bit behind. I'll introduce myself once the clock strikes nine, understood? And can someone move my car?" Mr. Montgomery stormed off through the massive and bright lobby, heading up the central staircase and into a room on the second floor and vanished from there. The lobby itself was full of festive decorations for the fall season and a fitting and fanciful buffet that was placed along the white walls adorned with expensive paintings. The waitstaff inside and out all patiently awaited the guests that should be arriving at any minute.The gardeners had already retired for the night to rest as the lawn was clear and would act as the parking lot that only the valets would deal with.

    It'll be a night to remember...[/Thick Southern Accent]
    Last edited by Imp; 10-11-2017 at 09:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Month the of Member November
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    Not long after there was gentle rumbling sound from outside as another car came up the driveway toward the house. It was a yellow taxi cab with one driver and one passenger. From the passenger seat Crazywolf stared at the front facade of the mansion up ahead. "It's a big house" he observed profoundly using the classic english penchant for understatement.

    The driver pulled up on the lawn beside a large fountain. Crazywolf paid the man a wad of dollars then opened the passenger door and hopped out. "Thanks for the ride" he said.

    He retrived his travel bag from the back seat and headed up to the door as behind him the car pulled away and left. As he approached he saw a waiter standing at the doorway. "Uh hi my name is Crazywolf" he said. "I have an invitation here somewhere."

    "No need sir you are on the list" the man replied. "You are actually the first one to arrive but if you step inside you will find a buffet laid out. Mr Gaunt will be with you later."

    "Ok thanks" Crazywolf replied.

    He stepped in through the doors and entered into the large lobby. For a moment he stood and admired the grand decor and at the same time he also spied the buffet on the opposite side of the room. He had wondered if the place might be anything like Leo DiCaprio's mansion from Django Unchained but if anything it seemed even bigger. He approached the buffet and began helping himself to the food.
    Born to be a king & fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers.

    The Fresh Prince of Britain • RPAs personal wolf fetish • RPA's Wolf Mascot • Crazy the Wolfheart

  3. #3
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    Another taxi pulled up shortly after the first one left, and Oddysen had been just barely able to notice someone walking inside the house as he got his first view of the house. The mansion was stunning, and Oddysen forgot himself for a moment, the taxi driver having t urge him out of the car.

    Even once outside, Oddysen marvelled at the house, speaking softly to himself "I love the architecture..." The fountain was beautiful too, but the house itself and the gardens surrounding it were what truly caught his attention. "if I get out of this, and make money of my wish, I should get me one of these... though maybe in Wales or England. History might be a bit..." Even mumbling to himself, he trailed off at the end.

    As a servant came forward to greet him, Oddysen snapped back to reality, and with trembling legs confidently introduced himself. "Evening good sir." (god that sounded dumb, I should have just said hi) he thought as he continued, "I'm Oddysen, I believe you're expecting me?" (GOD, what am I doing? Am I a British lord or something now? I mean, I wouldn't mind, and the accent is nice, but god, get a grip me, TALK NORMAL)

    The butler or greeter or whatever, seemed to take it in stride, though he seemed slightly amused as he answered (or is that just my imagination?) "Indeed sir. You'll find the buffet ready inside. Mr Gaunt and the other guests will be around shortly, Mr Crazywolf is already inside."

    "Excellent. Thank you." Nodding politely Oddysen made his way into the mansion. Too busy mentally chastising himself to notice the internal decor properly, proceeding rather directly into the banquet hall, looking for a glass of white wine or champagne to calm his nerves. (god let there be alcohol)

  4. #4
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    A third taxi rolled up the driveway, this time, carrying two passengers. Both of them wore dark clothes, but neither seemed to mind. The young male was awkwardly patting the girl's head, who had snuggled to his side. "Jeezus. If you're scared, then don't push through with it." He advised, glancing down at the girl who shook her head. They were like siblings, with how close they were. "Auntie's gonna kill me if she found out I helped you sneak in here." He added, but didn't say anything. Finally, the door opened and the Two stepped out.

    The girl was definitely nervous, though it didn't show on the way her eyes glazed over. She felt small. Ugh. "Faust? I feel tiny." She said. The other snorted. He was only taller than her by four inches.

    "You are tiny." He said, sneering at her when she flipped him off. As they approached, he cleared his throat and shuffled back. "Hey, you'll be fine. Probably. I don't know. Didn't you like killing games?" He teased, tossing her bag at her. The two stared at each other for a long time. "Bye little sis. Try not to get killed." He said, tossing her her suffer bag and heading down to the taxi. AyJay chewed her bottom lip and nodded.

    "Good eve. I'm AyJay. I... Uh... The have—" She fumbled, feeling a little worried. She didn't really like first encounters. The butler just gave her a small, professional smile.

    "It's alright, miss, you are in the list. You'll find the buffet inside. Mr. Gaunt and the other guests will arrive shortly. There are already Two guests inside." He said, ushering Her in. AyJay took one last glance at her closest friend, watching him give her a thumbs up. What was she? Dying?

    With a wide smile, she faced him and flipped him off with both hands before waving with both arms until the taxi disappeared. Once it was out of sight, she bowed as the butler before rushing in, making a beeline for the food.

    There was cake, sweets, meat. She narrowed Her eyes. Meat first. Then cake. Then dessert. She decided, unconsciously pulling her hoodie up and sticking her ear buds in her ears. Loud music blasted in her skull, soothing Her as the singer yelled and screamed. AyJay exhaled, helping herself to some meat and she tried to make herself look as inconspicuous as possible.
    Spoiler: Clicky!!! 

    Spoiler: Mehehe... 

    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

  5. #5
    My Son; My Sun.
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    G was excited, her fingers curled around the windowframe as she peered out at the grounds, still visible in the dimming light. The sunset was spectacular - though she was easily impressed by such natural phenomenon. Thanking the driver and passing him some colourful Australian money, she left the cab; he looked confused, but she was already making her way toward the house, her feet crunching on the drive. She paused by the fountain, looking impressed; the young woman had always had a love of old architecture; and took a few moments to admire it before heading inside.

    The mansion was enormous, the sheer size of the entrance hall making that clear without even seeing the rest of the house. "Hello!" she greeted the doorman cheerily, "hello, you lot!" Giving an exuberant wave pf greeting to Crazywolf, Oddysen and Ayjay she, too, made a beeline for the buffet.

    "Oh yeah - this is my kind of party! Excuse me," she corralled the nearest waiter, "could I have a scotch? A double, fresh lime; muddled and a dash of water. Thanks!" As he departed, she pursed her lips, mulling over the smorgasbord before her; pondering what to eat first. A little bit of everything; then I won't get full before I get to try it all! she thought, inwardly congratulating herself on her own genius.

    "So! This should be a piece of cake, right!" she addressed the others, accepting the drink the returning waiter was offering her and taking a sip. "Ahh. I love scary movies - I mean, they scare the crap outta me, but I still watch to the end - so... prepare yourselves for screaming, if there's jumpscares set up in here!" she laughed.

    On indefinite hiatus. I remain purple only for technical support, please direct queries to Scottie or another staffer. Thank you RPA for being my second home for so many years, and every member who makes this the wonderful place it is.

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  6. #6
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    Lobo wasn't usually the type to go out to parties, especially not when she didn't know anyone else that would be there. But after some encouragement, and her family's insistence that "it would be good for her," she decided it would be alright to give it a try. Thus leading to where she was now, riding in a smelly taxi, with an equally as smelly man in the drivers seat. Neither one spoke a word to each other, which was perfectly fine with the young adult. Small talk only added to the anxious twist of her gut, and she could only hope the driver wasn't too long.

    Her wish seemed to be granted, and before she knew it the taxi was pulling up to the rather mysterious looking mansion. However mysterious it may have seemed, it was difficult to focus on that, considering the beauty of it as well. Due to Lobo's minimal adventures outside of her own home, she could easily admire even the most simple things. This mansion exceeded her expectations, and she even found it difficult to tear her gaze away. That is, until the taxi came to a screeching halt, and the stinky man in the front barked for his pay. Lobo was quick to shove it his direction, before she hustled out of the car and up towards the mansion entrance.

    She greeted the workers at the front with a small smile, before entering the large building. Her eyes wandered as she walked further inside, hearing idle chatter a bit further in. As the scent of food hit her nose, she realized that she hadn't eaten dinner before arriving. That alone made her gravitate towards the buffet, straight towards where the other people had gathered.

    Lobo offered a shy wave to the other guests, but made no move to start up a true conversation with anyone. It may come off as cold, or as if she didn't want to speak to them, but it was actually just due to being a shy individual. She enjoyed the company of others, but it was difficult for her to be the first one to approach. So instead, she worked her way around the table, her picky stomach causing her to only gather a small bit of food, before she found a more secluded area to eat.
    -- lobo

  7. #7
    The Scottish Fluff
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    ‘I should buy her a watch…Nah..She’d probably still be late!' Soft grumbles echoed around her skull as she fidgeted with the ends of her sleeves. This one was always late…always and oh how Scottie hated being late. Always better to be an hour early…than a minute late. Fingers flexed and curled back into her palm as she started to get jittery. Every car was watched like a hawk until the woman did not exit. She hated going into these things…but if Karma did not turn up soon, well she would force herself past those doors.

    The taxi had dropped her off at the end of the street…after she had forced him to do two loops around the street. Massive hair was easily caught by the gentle breeze. A familiar fight began of forcing the hair back and then growling softly as the wind flick it back before her eyes with ease. Hair was grabbed in fists as she held it down by her neck, waiting for this god damn late woman. Four cars…no five and not a single one held her. Soft grumbles now fell from her lips as she stomped her way up the path. Heavy boots seemed to jingle with every step until she reached the front door.

    Her black bagpack was flung off one shoulder and spun around her body as she started to root around in the bag. The waiter before her tried to speak but she stumbled through his attempts. “Nah mate, gimmie a minute. I have it… here…Fuzz, I promise…I know I put it in here.” A gentle tapping of a pen on a clipboard had her glancing back up. “Scottie?” Her eyes narrowed at the presumption. “Why you got tae think I’m Scottie eh….” The small trickle of anger within her had the words hard and harsh as they rolled off her tongue. “Just a hunch.” The waiter said with a dazzling smile.

    With a final glance out to the street again, she entered the household. There were a handful of people wandering around, she sent the familiar faces a small smile and a wave before noticing the long white table filled with sweets and cakes. Slowly, she slid herself up to the table and found a spot near a bowl of skittles. She had the perfect view of the door and quickly scooped up a handful of the rainbow sweets. A few were popped past her lips while she waited for Karma to arrive…and had half a mind to pelt them at the woman when she finally stumbled in.

  8. #8
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    "What am I doing here?".

    Holding my luggage, I slowly made my way for the house. Frankly, part of me didn't even remember the particular reason I was here.

    Yeah, some bullshit about getting a wish and all, but no one believes in this crap. Yet something so alluring was so hard to refuse.

    And yet, even as I stepped inside I couldn't understand… what was I doing here…

  9. #9
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    A party would be fun they said, you may make friends they said.

    These concepts didn't really concern MysticFire as he stepped out of the cab, he slung a duffle bag across his shoulders as he went to the passenger side window and handed the driver a couple of bills before standing up straight and turning to face the mansion. "Pff, mansions are always stupid, biggest waste of space to exist..." He muttered walking to the front doors. The butler greeted him saying;

    "I assume you would be MysticFire sir?" As Mystic rolled his eyes. He would make a comment about making assumptions but there's always a time to joke and this wasn't one. He whipped out the invitation and tossed it to the butler before walking in.

    "Oh sir you don't nee-"

    "Shut it Jeeves" MysticFire said as he walked further in. He looked around at the others in the large hall, recognizing a couple of people before he made his way to the food tables, he ended up grabbing a couple of apples, holding one in one hand and eating the other apple with his other hand. He turned to the entrance to see if anyone he knew well would show up or if he'd be stuck with acquaintances.

    Made by the wondrous Hayabusa

  10. #10
    Moon Child
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    Karma practically threw the money at the taxi driver as it pulled up. She was late. She was always late! Why did she have to always be late? It made her anxious and it was something she could in fact fix if she didn't get distracted by so many things. There were always people to talk to or shows to watch and getting dressed was dreadful, but she had done it.

    Her clothing was simple, she hadn't tried to look fancy. Black jeans and a flash shirt covered her rather large torso. White tennis shoes topped it off and her hair was now a mess as she practically ran up to the house, her body jiggling as it always did when she ran until she got to the door. Wow, this house was freaking massive. Now was not the time to oogle though and she pushed her way in the doors, her eyes darting around looking for a fluffy haired girl that she knew would be miffed with her.

    There she was! No one could miss that hair! Of course she was next to the bowl of sweeties. With a proper guilty look on her face she made her way over to one of her best friends, giving a nod an wave to others she knew as she went.

    "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I know I'm late, I'm always late! Please forgive me, I promise to make it up to you. Whatever you want. Just name it. LOVE ME!" She rambled before giving her a sheepish grin and grabbing a skittle herself and popping it into her mouth. "Accept my undying love... again."

    Spoiler: Looking for RP in all the wrong places? Click here! 

    Spoiler: Friend Quotes 

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