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Thread: Round 1- RedKayne VS. Beta - [Judge: TheBat]

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    Default Round 1- RedKayne VS. Beta - [Judge: TheBat]


    This drawing is not done to scale.
    If you have any questions about the arena please feel free to PM me.


    The room is pitch black, you can't even see your hands in front of your face. That is until a loud rumble and hissing sound resonates throughout the room, as if a machine is starting up. Suddenly bright LED lights switch on illuminating their surroundings. The room looks like one you may see in a factory, about a college basketball court in size (94 feet long and 50 feet wide). The bright lights flicker and spark, every now and then, raining down little embers onto the floor below.

    Well not a floor exactly.

    Suddenly the floor begins to move, slowly at first. You only have to walk at a normal speed to keep it from taking you to its destination. At the end of the conveyor belt that covers the whole floor leads to walls that open like an elevator revealing a giant incinerator. The heat can be felt radiating throughout the room steadily becoming warmer as time ticks on. In the flames you can hear the groans and cries of warriors who have fallen in this arena before, calling for you to join them in their eternal demise. Hands reach out to grasp and pull you into their inferno should you get close enough.

    On one wall exactly half way in between the fighters are three buttons. They look exactly the same and are not labeled. Each one does something different.

    One button releases steam through the vents that line the room near the ceiling, hindering both fighters vision for one turn. Another releases gusts of air through the vents hard enough to knock both fighters a bit off balance for one turn. Yet another just rains beautiful colored confetti down on the fighters below for one turn. Which button is which is anyone's guess.

    Across the room on the floor is a lever, the only label it has is "belt". This hints that it does something to the conveyor belt floor, but you have no idea what. Again, as for now the belt is moving at a speed that one could walk at a normal pace and keep up with it. There is no way to get out of the room until the battle ends.

    Each player can only hit one button every turn, or they can pull the lever. The lever only works once and the effects only last one turn before it goes back to it's original position. The effects of the buttons/lever do not take place until the next turn, so when they originally push the button or pull the lever it will seem as if nothing is happening or that they are broken.

    Not long after the lights come on music starts to play, the beat echoing through the vents above.

    Whoever starts the battle begins closer to the incinerator (See beautiful picture above).

    With a flip of a coin... Beta will start the battle!

    (You have 4 posts per person and 48 hours to respond between each post.)

    Last edited by .Karma.; 07-31-2016 at 06:41 PM.

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    Antivan Crow
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    Note to Judge/Judges: Sorry for rehashing over what was stated in the opening post, but as an initial post for a character who had no idea what was going on, I felt it only proper to do so. My posts from here on out will not be doing that sort of thing.

    "By the Dragons, where am I?" thought Lars as his eyes slowly opened. Darkness. Darkness all around him. Was he in the Underworld? No... if he was, he wouldn't be feeling the cold floor beneath him. Odd. He ran his hands up and down his body. Ok. He hadn't been robbed. Hand-Axe? Check. Bow? Check. Arrows? Check. Knife? Check. Armor? Check. Knick-Knacks and Gear? Check. Lucky Rock? Double Check.

    Seconds after he finished checking his gear, Lars heard and felt a low rumbling nearby which was followed by something that reminded him of the geysers near his home. It was then that his eyes burned momentarily as a result of the sudden change in lighting. What sort of sorcery was this that someone could light the room without flames? Was one of the Anathema the cause of this? If they were, Lars was in trouble.

    Lars could see there was metal everywhere around him, almost like the stories he'd been told about the Imperial Jade Refineries. Was THAT where he was? That seemed likely, as there was someone in very fine armor standing not far from him. He'd likely have only one chance to explain why he was in such a restricted area. Surely if he told the truth, then the would merely be fined and set free. The Dragon-Blooded were strict and firm, but not without reason. "Your forgiveness, Master Dynast. I think there has been a misund-"

    Was the floor... starting to move? That wasn't normal. Wait... and it was moving toward a... yeah, that was a rather large incinerator. Well, he was now convinced he was not only in the Jade Refinery, but also in the absolute worst part of it that a mortal could possibly be. "Dragons, spare me! Of all the Anathema-tainted garbage in the world. what have I gotten myself into this time?" thought the young man as he kept pace with the floor that moved beneath him.

    "Please forgive me for being so forward, but I think we sh-" Was that someone speaking? 'Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the...' And then it was like someone had opened up the gates of Malfeas itself. Things suddenly clicked. The dangerous setting, the unknown knight-like individual, the blaring... music? He was sent here to be this being's next victim, most likely. "No. I will not just be another body. I will not bow my head in defeat. I may die, but by the Dragons I won't be alone."

    Drawing his bow and nocking an arrow, Lars continued to keep pace with the floor beneath him. He would not be caught off-guard and he would not just be some maniac's plaything.
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  3. #3
    Crimson Casanova
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    The Tempest Begins

    Darkness. Pure darkness.

    The Tempest Knight found no comfort in the abyssal darkness. Ever joining the Templar Order, Malstrom continuously battles the forces of darkness, and participates in the endless war between good and evil. Malstrom personally witnessed a powerful darkness consuming the hearts of dear friends, and that same darkness nearly killed the Captain only a couple short years ago. It would be best not to dwell upon that night, as it would only stir unwanted thoughts.

    Instead, Captain Malstrom will only focus upon this legendary gladiator-like tournament. At this point, the Templar Order may consider the Captain a fugitive – due to Malstrom unexpectedly abandoning the duties of a sworn Templar. However, Malstrom had very clear personal goals and objectives which were related to this tournament, and that took more priority than even being a member of the prestigious organization.

    The lights flashed on, which caused the gray eyes beneath the helmet to blink rapidly. The eyes managed to focus, and Malstrom's vision cleared and took upon the sight of the environment. The white-colored material of the Tempest Knight's exquisite armor brightly reflected the LED lights shining upon the warrior, almost emphasizing the Templar's appearance as a shining beacon. The gray eyes glanced left-and-right quickly, before narrowing upon the opponent at the other side of the closed room.

    The black ground beneath the two combatants began to move – specifically towards an opening in a wall, which revealed licking flames from a giant incinerator. For a brief second, Malstrom could overhear the anguish groans of those eternally damned in that incinerator, before extremely loud music began playing. The powerful beats echoed across the room, the song's vocals practically grating against the Malstrom's ears. This song wasn't exactly pleasant, and may prove distracting to the Captain.

    The opponent stood closer to the incinerator, and the moving platform did not help his situation. The individual himself appeared very perplexed, and the loud music commenced before Malstrom had the opportunity to acknowledge the opponent's words. The human male was adorned with green outsdoorman type clothing, and he carried a lean body built. Slightly messy dark-brown hair fell upon his shoulders, and Malstrom immediately assumed that this individual is a ranger-class combatant.

    The Captain encountered similar individuals before in multiple journeys, and they always intrigued the knight. These type of people lived rather peaceful and quiet lives, and deep within the isolation of nature's finest forests. Their own lifestyles were completely different compared to the Knights of the Most Holy Order. Templars were commonly overzealous warriors with sole intentions of eradicating evil – no matter the origins or cause.

    Interesting, Malstrom's internally commented upon the opponent, as the knight's gray eyes observed the human male drawing a bow – and already setting up an arrow. The ranger appeared slightly scared, but then threatened that he will not die alone. Apparently, the man was not too confident with his own fighting capabilities, if he already determined his own death. Clearly, he didn't understand the mindset of the Tempest Knight. Malstrom was not a bloodthirsty warrior, and will not kill the man unless absolutely necessary. Malstrom only needs to defeat this man in combat, and hopefully both of them can leave the fight alive.

    And so… it begins. Malstrom's thoughts were then briefly clouded of a familiar dark figure, one with eyes of blue fire. And exactly two years ago… the Cold Emperor participated in this tournament... I shall succeed where he failed.

    The tall knight crouched down, moving a free right hand to the surface of the conveyor belt. The metallic white-fingers of Malstrom's gauntlet grazed against the moving ground. A bright yellow light flashed upon the hand, before it quickly dissipated to reveal a small, crackling orb of electricity – a Tempest Orb. Normally, the Tempest Orbs are completely stationary in movement, but now that it stuck with the conveyor belt, it was moving along with it. The orb of electricity crackled at the center of the moving platform, moving gradually towards the incinerator and the ranger's direction.

    I wonder why you are in this tournament, ranger? Why do you fight? Malstrom internally questioned - it was a part of the knight's inquisitive nature to analyze the opponent and determine their reason to fight. Was it a strong compelling reason? Was it to prove himself by battling strong enemies? Or was it simply a fight for survival?

    The Captain then noticed a few devices within the large room. There were exactly three buttons on the wall towards Malstrom's left side, and a mechanical lever at the opposite side of the room. The mage-knight could only assume that utilizing any of these devices would impose some risks, as they were more than likely set up by the masters of this gladiator tournament. Pressing a button could potentially spell one's doom, while the other could grant a life-saving boon. Throughout this battle, Malstrom will keep in mind of these devices. If the situation ever calls for it, the warrior shall take advantage of these presented options.

    The Tempest Knight stood back up, which straightened the Captain's tall and proud posture. Malstrom held a tall figure of nearly six feet, which may emit an intimidating appearance to others. Malstrom's own weaponry was also in obvious display: the large halberd and shield were strapped to the knight's back, along with a dangling Holy Grenade on the right side of the waist, and the Blessed Dagger sheathed upon the left side. The Captain had quite a few options, along with a large array of magical spells to use.

    Finally, the Tempest Knight began a silent but aggressive approach for the battle. The mage-knight suddenly darted around the orb of electricity, before sprinting directly towards the ranger. Simultaneously, both of the Captain's arms reached backwards and pulled free both the halberd and shield separately. Malstrom's steel greaves pounded heavily against the ground surface – almost in beat with the angry-sounding music.

    Despite already using a minor spell - which depleted both Malstrom's mana pool and physical prowess – the templar warrior will not back down from this fight. There was too much on the line, and the mage-knight could not afford a loss. The mage-knight's reactionary speed should not have slowed that much, and Malstrom should still be capable of maneuvering around the battlefield quickly. The Captain's right hand tightly gripped the shaft of the halberd, and Malstrom bitterly anticipated the upcoming adrenaline rush of combat.

    The Tempest Knight charged straight towards the ranger, baring very aggressive intentions.

    I look forward to this challenge, ranger.

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    As the battle began and the music echoed through the room, another sound of machinery rang throughout the room. It was almost identical to the sound they heard when the lights came on. It almost screeched, putting the music in the room to shame. When the noise fell silent once again, the fighters would notice the floor was moving just a bit faster now. The normal leisurely pace they were walking at to keep up with the conveyor belt now was a fast walk if they wanted to not be taken by the flames that called to them from their deepest depths.

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    Antivan Crow
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    The Fight Of His Life

    Of all the Yozi-worshipping... Stoic silence, magic, thick and ornate armor, and a massive weapon that most would struggle to even lift? Lars concluded he was being pitted against one of the Anathema. Normally, that would instill the most grave of fear in a man of Lars' background... but the will of this young huntsman was bolstered by his unyielding faith in the Immaculate Dragons. If any anathema was so pitiful as to prey upon the unexalted, then they were clearly at the bottom rung of power and standing among their peers. This... was a fight Lars could WIN.

    The sparking and hissing orb of lightning seemed to move along with the floor. A trap, then? Interesting idea. Though if one was to make a trap you'd think to conceal it rather than leave it in the open. Still, it was a clear and present danger to say the least. Not so much so as the armored foe before him, but worth keeping mental note of for sure. "What is he doing?" thought Lars for a moment. The armored figure's sudden charge answered the question rather clearly... the knight was coming in for the quick kill. To boot, the massive size of the man's polearm assured the message was loud and clear.

    Lars immediately tossed his bow and arrow aside and drew his hand-axe and hunting knife. He'd read enough stories about the struggles of the Wyld Hunt against the Anathema to know a thing or two. He'd never had any need or desire to TEST this amateur knowledge, but now he had little choice but to put it to the test. The young huntsman shouted at the top of his lungs: "The Dragons are smiling upon me, Anathema! Can you say the same?!" and rushed in headlong to meet this blasphemous affront to his faith.

    His only hope was that the stories were accurate: That closing in on a polearm-wielding foe would render them unable to use the massive weapon effectively. That wasn't to say Lars was unaware of the shining knife at the man's side. It was of no doubt much higher quality than the worn and well-used blade that was gripped tightly in his left hand, and would likely cut through skin and sinew as easily as a spoon through soft custard. There was what looked like some sort of... canteen... at the knight's other side. An odd-looking canteen, but the Anathema were not known for having good taste. Little did Lars know that the small device was far from a harmless water container.

    Just as suddenly as it had started to move before the combat began, the floor jerked slightly and increased in speed. The noise was maddening and the incinerator seemed to scream like the mouth of oblivion itself, but Lars' will held strong. He would show this monster and whatever sick bastards were watching that they should not take the citizens of the Blessed Isle so lightly. Soon he and the unknown anathema would collide and engage in melee combat. It was not his strong point, but a bow was useless against such heavy armor and that halberd would cleave the young man in two otherwise. Given the options, Lars had no choice if he wanted any chance of survival.

    He had only one thought in his mind as he closed in on his foe: "Mela, Pasiap, Hesiesh, Daana'd, Sextes Jylis... I fight in your name. For the glory of the Immaculate Order!

    This was it: The clash between a mighty armored anathema and a greenhorn adventurer from the ruins of the Imperial City. Many would say it was a foregone conclusion. They would say the poor boy had no hope. Who would raise their weapons against one of the anathema unless they were of the Dragon's direct blood? Well, the responses to those things were: It isn't, he DID have hope, and Lars-sodding-Bakerson that's who.
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  6. #6
    Crimson Casanova
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    As Lightning Strikes

    Skin against skin, blood and bone.

    Malstrom's steps continued slamming against the ground surface, and the templar already felt sweat beginning to perspire and glisten on the pale skin. Fortunately, the Tempest Knight's armor shouldn't be considered the heavy plated-mail type that encumber the movement of many front-line warriors. Instead, it was durable and rather light – of course it didn't provide the same amount of protection compared to thick plate armor, but it doesn't restrict Malstrom's movement and speed.

    The gray eyes of the Tempest Knight locked forward, observing the opponent as the two charged at each other. The huntsman proclaimed that these Dragons were with him, and Malstrom could only assume that these mythical beasts are a part of the ranger's religion.

    A religious individual, hmm? Malstrom internally commented.

    You're all by yourself, but you're not alone.

    The Captain is also a religious person, and proudly worships the Noble of Order, Luthious. The all-powerful and benevolent deity that watches over the world, and is the central religious figure to the Templar Order. Like countless other humans, Malstrom's own religious beliefs have been shaken at many points, especially after the traumatizing experience from a couple years back. However, Captain Malstrom remains steadfast in the faith of Luthious. It is that powerful bond with the god… that gives Malstrom the hope and strength to save someone very important and dear.

    You're wanted in now, but you're here.

    The lyrics of the song boomed loudly overhead, which Malstrom continually put in the best effort to ignore the cacophony. Despite the harsh sounds of the music, the mage-knight overheard being called an Anathema by the ranger. Malstrom was unsure what exactly is an Anathema, but the ranger was clearly erroneous in his accusation. The Captain had half the mind to pause in movement, before revealing the knight's true nature. As of right now, though, Malstrom could only focus upon commencing the first strike of the battle.

    Drive by hate, consumed by fear.

    Just right before the chorus of the song repeated, a loud machinery sound screeched loudly throughout the room. The screech basically dwarfed the loud, angry vocals of the music – but then the machine noise quickly silenced itself once more. However, it became very apparent that the conveyor belt was moving at a faster rate, and that a leisure pace would not be able to outrun. Otherwise, one would risk plunging into the hellish flames of the incinerator.

    The Tempest Knight's hostile charge abruptly halted. Malstrom's steps paused on the moving conveyor belt, before lowering both weapons - despite the ranger still charging with his hand-axe and hunting knife. Now that Malstrom was about halfway across the room, the knight's gray eyes could see the ghoulish hands reaching out from the incinerator's edge. Those skeletal limbs were seeking an unlucky soul as prey, before dragging that individual into eternal damnation of hellfire. This greatly concerned the knight. Malstrom was further concerned by sudden change in the conveyor belt's speed.

    The Captain assessed the current situation, it was in Malstrom's analytical nature to do so. The templar warrior did not wish for either combatants to suffer the fate of the incinerator's flames. Yet, if they continued to battle, while totally disregarding the changes in the conveyor belt – Malstrom can only deduct that the ground's movement will gradually move faster and faster. The result will surely spell doom for one or both individuals, as the belt's speed will completely outpace the fighters.

    Malstrom will not let that happen.

    The Tempest Knight turned around, away from the approaching ranger. It was not out of disrespect, but the templar had something else in mind. There was still quite a few feet of distance between the two of them, and the huntsman still had to run against the movement of the conveyor belt. The mage-knight faced the upcoming Tempest Orb, before running right back towards the crackling sphere of electricity. It was only a few feet away, and Malstrom quickly ran past it – but also dropped the large halberd right behind the Tempest Orb.

    It may have been an odd action, but it may have been also for strategic reasoning. The Tempest Knight could be simply temporarily relieving extra weight, and deducted that the safest place to leave the weapon was right behind the Tempest Orb. If the ranger attempted to take away the weapon, he would risk setting off the trap by being in the orb's close vicinity. Of course, the Tempest Knight still held onto the shield for protective purposes.

    Also, Malstrom had another back-up idea in mind - in regards to the Tempest Orb, which will be incorporated if the situation called for it. Hopefully, the combatants will not have to reach that situation.

    Suddenly, the Tempest Knight's entire body grew with a radiant golden aura. In a fraction of a second, Malstrom went from a silhouette of golden energy before that energy instantly condensed into a small bolt of electricity. The templar turned into a temporary state of lightning, before that bolt suddenly darted towards one side of the room. It was basically a blur of light, as that lightning bolt shot towards the lever. Right when the lightning bolt reached the lever, the electrical energy expanded itself and reformed into Captain Malstrom once more.

    It was one of Malstrom's signature abilities, called Bolting. It was very similar to the teleportation ability, where the knight travels to another location at the speed of light. However, by using a second spell in this battle, Malstrom's own physical prowess has been cut by a tenth. Already, the Tempest Knight could be considered at a disadvantage in this battle.

    Despite being weaponless and weakened, Captain Malstrom was still extremely determined to finish this out.

    Malstrom quickly reacted, considering there was no time to stand around. The knight's right arm reached forth to the lever attached to the ground, before pulling it. It was a heavily significant risk, because even Malstrom was unsure of the consequences. By pulling this lever – there was a possibility where the conveyor belt would increase its speed to a point where both combatants fall into a grisly end. However, there was also the possibility where Malstrom could completely halt the conveyor belt's progress. From there, two two fighters can simply focus upon each other than worrying about the hazardous environment.

    Malstrom was willing to take that risk, and could only hope and silently pray to Luthious that this was the right decision.

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    As the lever is pulled, the machine again lets out a groaning noise as if yelling at the fighters. The belt jolts to a stop, the machine quieting, the bass of the music ringing through the room. The silence of the machine only lasts a moment though before screeching again and the belt starting back up. This time, however, it moves in the other direction, no longer pulling them towards the incinerator but away from it. The speed back to the leisurely pace as it was the very first round.

    This effect lasts for one round.
    Last edited by .Karma.; 08-08-2016 at 04:12 PM.

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    Lars endured the noise and stink of the incinerator, the grinding of gears in the belt, and the howl of the music. All he could think about was surviving against this knight and making his way home somehow. If he never saw another fight again, it would be too soon. But just as the gap between them was closed, the knight ceased his charge. To top that off, the knight turned away from Lars and dropped his weapon. "What in oblivion is he up to?" thought the young hunter as he slowed his pace and circled along the outside of the room. Something was afoot, but he was not yet sure what it was.

    The halberd was dropped near the lightning trap. Clever, considering that taking it was the first thing that popped into Lars' mind Well, that was out. While the young man thought, he saw the knight become as lightning and maneuver over to an unusual lever. Upon jerking the lever in one direction, the infernal screeching of the floor picked up once again and it ceased moving for a moment. However, it quickly picked up movement again. This time, it moved AWAY from the deadly flames. Most fortuitous, to say the least. Still, it was little cosolation to one trapped like a rat in a cage.

    Lars had to think fast. He had to do something while he had the chance. His opponent had manipulated part of the environment and something happened... what was to say the same wouldn't hold true for Lars as well. Looking around for something... anything... he noticed there was a large round protrusion in the wall nearby. No way to move it to the sides, so the only option was to push it. "Time to toss the dice, then." grumbled Lars as he slammed his hand against the button as hard as he could muster. Only the dragons knew what would happen next.

    "Why me? What the hell am I here for? What did I do to deserve this? Have I offended the Dragons? By Mela, this is most unpleasant." The silent statements came as Lars closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He had to survive this. If the Dynasts could slay the mightiest anathema, he could tangle with this lesser one.
    Spoiler: Neat Stuff Within 

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    Crimson Casanova
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    A Knight's Revelation

    At least that God-forsaken song finally stopped.

    After pulling the lever, the factory room released another low groan sound as the conveyor belt came to an abrupt halt. Malstrom nearly stumbled at the sudden movement, but held onto the mechanical lever to retain balance. The Captain sighed with relief, because the knight's plan worked out for the better. Now, the two combatants shouldn't have to worry about…

    Malstrom's heart nearly dropped at the sound of yet another screech, and the conveyor belt's movement commenced once more. However, this time, it was moving at a slow pace towards the opposite direction and away from the incinerator. Despite the unexpected consequences, Malstrom could still be content with the decision that was made. The knight's plan half-worked, and the gradual pace towards the opposite direction is simply a lesser hassle to deal with.

    Yet, the Tempest Knight was unsure if this new situation was only temporary, or permanent for the remainder of the match. It would be wise to finish this battle without any further delays.

    Malstrom's body posture straightened as the knight stood back up by releasing the lever. The mage-knight turned around to face the ranger, and the templar displayed a tall and confident demeanor. The Captain's gray eyes observed the huntsman, whom was darting across the room and towards the three red buttons. He pressed one of the devices, apparently in the hopes of stopping the conveyor belt as well. However, after a brief silence, nothing came into effect and the effort appeared to be wasted.

    In all likelihood, it seemed that no matter the endeavors placed by the two fighters, the gods of this tournament will not allow a simple trial by arms. Malstrom will simply have to adapt to the current situation, which shouldn't be too much of an issue. The knight's gray gaze then fell upon the Tempest Orb, as its electricity became more unstable. The electricity could no longer preserve a spherical shape, and it will soon dissipate. However, the mage-knight still had a purpose to utilize the Tempest Orb.

    The Captain raised up a right arm, before the knight's fingers quickly snapped. The Tempest Orb suddenly exploded with a powerful, concussive force as electricity shot out. It affected everything that was in its general proximity, including Malstrom's halberd… and also the ranger's bow and arrow. The impact of the explosion caused the halberd to fly back, soaring through the air before it quickly collided against the wall. A loud clang echoed in the room at the impact, before it fell down onto the ground. It remain stuck at the floor's edge, as it met the end of the moving conveyor belt.

    The ranger's bow and arrow, however, were not so fortunate. Since they were tossed rather closely to the Tempest Orb, both the shortbow and the quiver of arrows were sent flying to the opposite direction of the blast. The heat of the Tempest Orb's electricity actually caused the wooden bow, and the broadhead arrows, to catch on fire. The lighting of the flames spelled out an ironic fate for the weapon set, as they would soon reach their eternal destination.

    The items landed next to the maw of the incinerator, and the ghoulish hands reacted quickly. The charred arms reached forth, grabbing onto the ranger's equipment, before quickly dragging them down into the everlasting hellfire. The skeletal limbs were still not content, as their hands were still wildly searched for live prey.

    The Captain's gaze returned back to the huntsman, after witnessing the results of Malstrom's initial trap. The ranger was probably in belief that the bow and arrow would have been ineffective against Malstrom's shield and armor. Otherwise, he wouldn't have discarded his equipment earlier. Despite that, the Captain preferred selecting safe options, and disabling the use of a set of weapons is an ideal example.

    “Ranger!” Captain Malstrom finally called out, speaking for the very first time in battle. Malstrom's voice was coated with strength and confidence, and rang sweetly with a soft high-pitch… but most importantly: unmistakably female. “I would like to correct you on an error,” she began, pausing ever so slightly. “I am not this anathema, which you have accused me to be earlier.”

    “If you wish to know the name of your opponent… I am Captain Elena Malstrom, a warrior of the most noble Templar Order,” Malstrom finally revealed her identity, as her piercing gray-eyes blinked beneath the helmet. “I wished to battle you on fairer grounds, but unfortunately, it seems this is the best we have.”

    Malstrom raised her shield, and a small smile formed beneath her helmet. “However, I am up for the challenge, and very much look forward to it. I hope you are as well, huntsman,” she stated, before quickly charging towards her opponent. The Tempest Knight was noticeably slower compared to the beginning of the battle. The fatigue of employing spells already weighed upon her lithe body, but she still had plenty of energy in reserve. Not only that, but running without the burden of the halberd was extremely helpful.

    Malstrom's shield began to glow with a golden light as the Tempest Knight continued to charge. Very quickly, the shield's edge was coated with crackling electricity, and turned the shield itself into an actually formidable weapon - if used appropriately. Unbeknownst to the ranger, Elena Malstrom's mana pool was depleted. She could no longer utilize any spells for the remainder of the battle, other than summoning two more Tempest Orbs if needed.

    The effects of the fatigue only magnified, and Malstrom could physically feek her own muscles weakening. Her breathing became more labored, and her pale skin began to perspire more heavily. Elena already used up three spells without ever even attacking the man. However, she had a strong and determined battle spirit. If she could prove victorious in this battle, it would bring the young woman one step closer to her personal goal.

    I shall find you... Emperor.

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    The button was pushed and at first it seemed like nothing was happening, the buttons must be broken. Then the room was filled with a loud racket as a hissing sound came from vents as well as the sound of machinery roared through the room again. The lever with a loud thud moved itself back into it's original position, the belt doing the same as before and stopping only briefly in between and heading back toward the raging inferno. The speed was now at a fast walking pace to keep up with it.

    The button which appeared to do nothing at first was actually the cause of the hissing noise, it getting louder and louder before a odorless smoke started to seep out of the vents and drop onto the combatants. It would impair both of the fighters vision like a light fog in the early morning would. As the smoke hisses out another song can be heard ringing through the vents.

    This effect lasts for one round.
    Last edited by .Karma.; 08-10-2016 at 10:01 PM.

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