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Thread: The Hunted {OOC - M}

  1. #1
    Immortal Goddess
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    Default The Hunted {OOC - M}

    Rated M for Mature; Will Encompass All that a Mature Rating Entails!

    The Hunted

    BrickHurst Asylum

    Your kind is a disgrace to the very fabric of normalcy on this Earth. Your kind goes against God and his divine will for everyone to be normal. You are an oddity, a stain, you do not fit in and the unholy powers you have are an abomination. That is what they told you, that is what they beat into you day after day, but you know better. You were once happy, living your life freely among them, among those who turned on you, your very family betraying you. Whatever you did you loved it, and you thrived that is until they found out about your gifts, then you became the hunted.

    You are called by many names. Some call you Mutant, Demon, Plague, Abomination, but you never lose sight of who you are. You are who you were meant to be until they began beating you, telling you something different, and pushing you to the point of breaking. The Asylum you were taken to is a jail, a prison for your kind. To them you need to be studied, to them you don’t deserve to live, but you will find a way out, the only issue is you will always be the hunted. Those who have tried to escape have been met with lethal force. The medicine they give subdues your gifts to the point in which it isn’t useful against them.

    One thing is for certain. You don’t want to be here and you will find a way out, but what awaits you out in the world you were snatched from?

    Date: May 27, 2020
    Time: 5:45 AM

    An alarm rings through the cells alerting you to wake up. Another day in prison for a crime you never knew was a crime until you were captured.

    Link to the IC :

    Important Information
    Hatred for gifted has gone on for centuries. The witch hunts of Salem, the misunderstandings throughout history. Wars fought in secret. There aren’t many gifted left in this world and yet for a long time they were simply hunted and killed, but now scientist want to know what makes them gifted, they want to know what in their genes can be extracted and harnessed into weapons.

    You are portraying a gifted individual and you are either in the Asylum or on the run from Agents. Your gifts have limits but can be a variety of abilities except anything that would label you a god. You can be a part of a faction if you wish. The rules are simple for this game, the GM’s word is law, have fun, and most importantly focus on character development.


    The Order - A group of trained gifted who believe that humankind must be punished for their actions. The Order believes that one will bring about the apocalypse and in that moment those with gifts will rule.

    Defiance - A group of trained gifted who try their hardest to protect and serve true justice even when they receive hatred from both humans and those who have gifts because they spread acceptance and not hate.

    Agency - Agency trains hunters known as Agents whose job it is to hunt gifted and bring them to the Asylum or kill them outright.

    Warning: There are those who are kept in the maximum security cells. Those are the ones who are monitored constantly. Their power is extraordinary, and dangerous, extremely dangerous to the point that any slip up could result in death. They are in specialized cells that keep their abilities at bay. Instead of killing them they are put through tests to see why their gifts have developed beyond those of others.

    Character Dossier:

    Sexual Orientation:
    Appearance: {Photo + Description}
    Faction: {N/A if not applicable}

    Gift: {Describe it. What can they do? What are the limits?}

    **For the appearance you can utilize real photos instead of anime.**

    GM: RisingPhoenix
    Co-GM: Yamimoon

    I should note that this story is a mixture of fantasy and real world, but we are focusing slightly more on real world similar to television shows regarding individuals with gifts and such. Keep that in mind when developing your character.

    Accepted Characters & Players

    Conner- RisingPhoenix {Agency/Defiance}

    Bakari - KiroAkira {Non-Affiliated}
    John- KiroAkira {Agency}
    Angel- KiroAkira {The Order}

    Farrah- LastExile {Non-Affiliated}
    Isis- LastExile {Agency}

    Gaius- Yamimoon {Agency}
    Nero- Yamimoon {The Order}
    Victor- Yamimoon {Defiance}

    Scarlet- SikstaSlathalin {Non-Affiliated}
    Silus- SikstaSlathalin {Non-Affiliated}

    Andrew- Koti~ {Non-Affiliated}
    Jessica Alburn- Koti~ {The Order}

    Evelyn Cheng- Evie

    NPC - PLayed by RisingPhoenix
    Storm Breaker

    Lee Tae Hyun aka Jameson FC- Wonho of Monsta X

    Taipan - played by RisingPhoenix
    Ghost Rider - played by SikstaSlathalin
    Echolash - played by Yamimoon
    Maho Shojo - played by Koti~
    Flash - played by Kiro Akero

    The Lazarus Institute
    Demetri & Maria


    Deirdre- Rabbit {Non-Affiliated}
    Echo- AngelDellaNotte {Non-Affiliated}
    Elfina- Vaidia {Agency}
    Last edited by RisingPhoenix; 08-20-2018 at 09:44 PM.
    Special thanks to Poison Ivy for the awesome sig and avy set.
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    Count me in!!

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    Immortal Goddess
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    Name: Connor Zayne McCorwen
    Alias: Ninja/Shadow
    Age: 23
    Ethnicity: Puerto Rican/Korean
    Gender: Male
    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

    Connor stands at a decent 5 foot 8 inches. He has a swimmer's build. Connor takes pride in his appearance and is often seen very put together. He has beautiful hazel eyes and a smile that could light up a room. He could easily pass for a teenager with his youthful appearance. He normally wears clothes that pay homage to his double lineages.
    >Strengths - Connor is very intelligent even for someone who looks like he does. As such he can get away with a lot because of his looks.
    >Weaknesses - Connor trusts too easily and because of this he's taken advantage of by others.

    Backstory: To say he had a perfect life would be a lie. Connor was born into a wealthy family, that much is true, but his parents neglected him and instead bought his attention with gifts to keep from spending any time with him. His grandfather was the only one who paid attention to him and kept in touch. One could say his grandfather raised him, but because his grandfather lived in South Korea and Connor in New York, it was hard to see him unless he flew out to visit. Growing up mixed was hard enough. He understood three different languages, Korean, English, and Spanish, but because his appearance leaned more to his Puerto Rican roots, when he spoke Korean he was chastised for it by others who didn't understand. Connor loves his family regardless, but the neglect eventually got the better of him and he did run away around the age of 10.

    It was during this time that he began to see his gifts blossom. He didn't tell a soul, too fearful that something would happen. He kept it a secret, going to the wood to see what he could do and train his gifts as best he could. Eventually he was found by his parents after his grandfather had become overly worried and sought them out. His grandfather was a wealthy businessman in South Korea, and he had taken a trip to see him for his 10th birthday only to find he had run away. It had caused him to become concerned for the wellbeing of his grandchild if left alone with his parents. His grandfather made the decision to move to the United States, though keeping his business in South Korea. This way he could care for his grandson. When Connor learned of this he was overly excited, but now he had a secret and he couldn't tell anyone.

    Around his 13th birthday, under the tutalage of his martial arts instructor, Connor won a tournament. His grandfather was so proud, but again his parents were too busy to care. On the way home Connor told his grandfather about his sexuality. His grandfather, though a traditional South Korean man, was open to his grandson's sexuality and did not turn him away because of it. His parents turned their noses up in disgust to learn of his bisexuality. Matters got worse when he met Gaius and introduced him to his parents and grandfather. His parents threw a complete and utter fit, threatening to cut him off, but his grandfather was always there supporting him. This was when he was 15 or so. It was also around this time that he moved in with Gaius to get away from his parents.

    Gaius was always there for him, loving, supportive even through his high school years, but one day Gaius disappeared. No trace. Connor looked everywhere and exhausted every resource to find him. His friends told him Gaius had left him for someone else. They told him to move on, that Giaus had used him for sex and nothing more. Eventually he did manage to move on, graduating from high school and all the while training his gift in secret. When he graduated, he learned that there were others like he and Gaius in the world and they needed protecting. He was approached by the leaders of factions known as Defiance and The Order. Connor saw the chaos daily. He saw the secret fight. It saddened him, but he did not feel that humankind needed to be destroyed and thus he joined Defiance. He rose quickly through the ranks, training and developing understanding of the underworld. Eventually he was tasked with becoming an Agent of the Agency that hunted gifted. How could he do it? How could he hunt his own kind? The leader of Defiance explained that it was bigger than him, and that he was needed to help those gifted trapped in the Asylum. This was one year after he'd joined Defiance that he left to become an Agent. The training was brutal, he kept his abilities hidden with a special bracelet he wore that deterred detection. When he became an Agent, he rose through the ranks as well doing his best to get to a position that he could truly help.

    Now at the age of 23, he still keeps his gift a secret, he has no clue where Gaius, the man he'd fallen in love with over 4 years ago has gone, but he is too deep in his work to let his emotions control him. His job in the Agency is to check on the various locations in which they harbor gifted to make sure operations are running smoothly. He's one of the youngest to hold a position of authority like this, and is monitored because of it. His grandfather thinks he's just doing business things whenever he gets the chance to visit.

    Faction: Agent/Defiance = Connor is a double agent. He is an Agent of the Agency but he is also a member of Defiance. He has to keep it a secret at all times or risk death. Defiance trained him and put him in the ranks of the Agency to become an Agent in order to help smuggle gifted out of the Asylums.

    Gift: Shadow Ninja - Connor has the unique and otherworldly gift to control shadows, even dipping into the shadows of others to control, as well as smoke and toxins. It does not matter what kind of smoke it is, he can control it, and generate his own smoke that is an extension of his body. Connor can travel as smoke to move into secure rooms without being noticed and can change the molecular structure of smoke and shadow to become hard and rigid or soft and ample depending on the need. For example, he can cause smoke to become dense and heavy thus giving it weight, he can also condense it and form it into projectiles or objects.

    If he is in his smoke form and is sucked into a canister or something else, he cannot simply transform back into his normal form, he would be stuck that way until he is released. Transforming does strain his body, and tires him out if he utilizes the gift too often in the span of a day. His smoke can have the strength of the hardest of substance and the softest as well. Crafting weapons with shadows or smoke is an easy task for him. He can produce toxic smoke that can poison and contaminate.

    He has enhanced agility, speed, and strength. His martial arts prowess allowing him to overcome enemies easily. His balance is impeccable, even maintaining balance on the thinnest of edges. His eyes shift color when he utilizes his gift. He has extreme acrobatic abiliites and his wounds heal whenever he is exposed to smoke.
    Last edited by RisingPhoenix; 06-21-2018 at 12:16 AM.
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    Looks like you've got an awesome roleplay started, RisingPhoenix!! If you would like to advertise for more members, here are some ways to do so!

    First off, there's the Roleplay of the Week. This is displayed on the website's home page as well as on the side bar of the forum. If you think it might help then we implore you to do so! We are always looking for new RP's to advertise. (No, really. We are. Always.) If you would like a little bit more information, or even an example, you can view that here.

    One of the requirements for a RP of the Week submission is that you have a banner. If you're not artistically inclined, however, do not fear! We have several amazing artists on the site who will make one for you. Simply post here.

    Next, you can post in this thread and the staff will display your role-play in their signatures.

    Also feel free to post in the Roleplay Directory. This is a thread that anyone can view at any time to see roleplays that are currently seeking and accepting members.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LastExile View Post
    Count me in!!

    Wonderful. Submit a character for review.
    Special thanks to Poison Ivy for the awesome sig and avy set.
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    I shall hop in on this!

    Thanks Nara and Karma for the wonderful Avatar and Signature set!

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    Pretty sure I'm in just need to read over everything
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    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
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    I'll join this and will make a char after I finish the next Servant's Chronicle story today.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

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