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Thread: Withdrawn Char list Rumble 2016

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    Default Withdrawn Char list Rumble 2016

    i am withdrawing this character and may add one later
    Last edited by Cfavano; 07-05-2016 at 09:32 PM.

    Spoiler: Things I like 

  2. #2
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    I am currently reviewing Cfavano's character.

    Spoiler: Looking for RP in all the wrong places? Click here! 

    Spoiler: Friend Quotes 

  3. #3
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    Default Muhammad Aziz

    “The Silent”

    Name: Muhammad Aziz

    Race: Demigod

    Gender: Male

    Age: 36


    Height: 6”4

    Weight: 256lbs. (He has a large build, as seen from the above picture).

    His skin is darker than in the picture; a light brown.

    He is able to lift up to 400lbs. He is not very agile at all, and his running speed is slightly below the speed of an average adult male (he can run 100m in 13 seconds).

    Clothing: Muhammad is normally bear-chested. Around his neck is a medallion. It is made of crude pig-iron and is in an elliptical shape. There are no noticeable patterns, save for an inscription on the back that reads: “Defiler Against God”.
    Muhammad received this medallion from the Priestly Order after they had discovered his sin and right before he boarded The Native’s Fall. It marks him as (1) blaspheme, and (2) a former resident of Ur.

    Armor: He wears a full helmet and shoulder guards, both of which are made from steel, but nothing else. He finds that a full armor would restrict his movement too much, especially when taken into consideration his shield, sword, and already large weight.


    Apathy: Muhammad is unusually apathetic as if he is constantly under sedatives. It has been so long since he last felt anger that he hardly recalls the moment and, indeed, this is true for all his emotions, save for brief times of happiness. Sometimes, he wonders if it is okay for him to be so emotionless, however, he translates his apathy as an a part of his atonement. (Explained in origins).

    Relationships: Muhammad prefers isolation, however, he is not shy or awkward around people. Be that as it may, what makes building bonds difficult for Muhammad is the vow of silence he took after leaving Ur and joining The Native’s Fall. (The vow and Muhammad’s recruitment into The Native’s Fall will be explained in his origins).

    Servility: Since joining the ship, Muhammad has also made a vow of service to the masters. He does whatever they need him to do without any protest. However, this servility does not extend to his comrades. Nevertheless, Muhammad is a good team player.

    Faith: The God of Atonement, Caan, is the one who I have pledged my services to ever since my persecution. He is one of the oldest Gods, coexisting with the First Man. He keeps a catalogue of all of humanity’s sins, and such sins can only be forgiven by accomplishing a labor that is set by him and translated through oracles.

    My labor is to remain in silence for the remainder of my life, refuse alcohol and women, and pray three times a day. Only by accomplishing this labor—and such accomplishment, as a result of the nature of this labor, will only be accomplished after death—will I find bliss in Heaven.


    Muhammad was born to an apostate mother and pious priest, neither of whom felt particularly attracted to one another. Muhammad’s mother, divorcing herself from the pagan religion of Ur, sought other Gods, particularly the fertility gods that are so loved at Halycona. She hid her newfound belief well enough and pretended to venerate the Gods of Ur when in public. However, when her younger sister discovered her worshiping a fertility God of Halycona, the younger sister informed one of the high priests.

    Muhammad’s mother was punished severely for her apostasy—beaten, starved, deprived of sleep. Now, there was a priest who was of relative power in the Order. His wife was barren, but because the priestly Order implements hereditary succession, if this priest did not have a boy then his legacy would be gone. Knowing this, the high priest, who was not very fond of Muhammad’s father, commanded that Muhammad’s father take Muhammad’s mother as a mistress. In exchange, Muhammad’s mother would be spared her life.

    Both parents, crushed beneath the influence of the high priest, acquiesced. While Muhammad’s mother was pregnant, she was allowed to stay at the church. During this time, Muhammad’s parents bonded somewhat, although they never fell in love. Furthermore, although there was friction between Muhammad’s mother and the wife of Muhammad’s father, no conflict arose between the two because they both knew full well that any altercations would be greatly reproached by the high priest.

    After Muhammad was born, Muhammad’s mother was forced to leave the church. Although she protested greatly to her excommunication, she was not able to fight the high priest’s commands. She travelled to Macedonia and Muhammad remained at Ur.

    Adolescence (10 to 14 Years)
    The plan was for Muhammad to succeed his father, and although Muhammad did not know much about the priestly Order, he knew enough that he would have great responsibilities in the future.

    Muhammad was not born with intelligence, however, he worked harder than his other classmates and, as a result, excelled in his classes. Before the other children understood the basics of Ur theology, Muhammad had already mastered it because he studied for hours after his classes. Soon he began studying the dead languages of Ur, as well: the language of the diseased, the language of the undead, and the language of the skeletons.

    Several days after he turned thirteen, Muhammad began receiving anonymous letters. Muhammad showed the first letter to his father, however, his father didn’t think much about it and just told Muhammad to throw it away. However, Muhammad kept it. After the first letter, there came a second and a third and when he turned fourteen the letters were coming weekly now.

    Muhammad never showed them to his father. After not responding to the first few letters, Muhammad finally did send a response, asking who the sender was. After a couple weeks of silence, a letter came in the mail with the inscription:

    I am your mother.

    Adolescence (Part Two: Age 15 to 20)

    As a training Priest, Muhammad had to learn swordsmanship because all priests were also guardians of the Priestly Order.

    At nineteen, Muhammad had graduated from school and would begin studying directly with the priestly order. He received the Steel Sword and steel Kite Shield (both of which shall be explained in the weapons section) as gifts for graduating at the top of his class. During his time at school, he had published a paper titled “A Defense of Dualism” in which he argued for the causal connection between the immaterial soul and the material body.

    Really, however, he was discussing the connection between him and his mother, with whom he has been voraciously corresponding every week for six years.

    Adulthood (21 to 26 Years)
    Part One
    Pre-Native’s Flight

    Muhammad was the youngest priest ever to have been accepted into the Order. However, the hard-work that took him to such heights was beginning to dilute as a result of his newfound interests: sex and alcohol, both of which Muhammad partook voraciously.

    Muhammad was neglecting his duties and his father reproached him heatedly for this, however, Muhammd did not care, and eventually his father did not care, either. Besides, although Muhammad was not performing as well as he had before, he was still doing alright for himself. As said above, however, Muhammad was not a prodigy and most of his success was attributed to his hard work; therefore, after he stopped working as hard, by ‘doing alright for himself’ it is meant to be understood that he was just a little bit above average.

    The day that would alter his life came when he was twenty-four. He had just finished drinking with his friends, and he decided to leave early to attend a brothel. There was a new woman around. Although she looked to be in her mid to late forties, there was a youthful mystery about her that attracted Muhammad. He bedded her that night; it wasn’t the best sex he had had, but it was fun enough for Muhammad to give her a tip.

    However, when Muhammad woke up the following day and noticed that the prostitute was still in his bed, he became irritated and demanded that she leave. The prostitute only smiled and broke down crying. Astonished, Muhammad apologized awkwardly and said that she could stay a bit longer if she really wanted.

    “That isn’t it,” she said. “I’m just so happy to finally see you after all these years.”

    That was when Muhammad understood.

    He had slept with his mother, the woman who he had been communicating with since his adolescence. He felt disgusted and the weight of sin press on his heart. He knew that if anyone found this out, then he would be executed for incest. However, no matter how much he pleaded, his mother refused to leave and several weeks later of trying to hide her, she was eventually discovered by Muhammad’s father. Fearful for her life, Muhammad’s mother let it slip that she had slept with Muhammad several weeks ago.

    Muhammad was immediately sent to prison for incest and his mother was executed just days later without a trial. While imprisoned, Muhammad met a follower of Caan (or so he thought) the Ur God of Atonement. Distraught and wanting to be forgiven for his sins, the follower told Muhammad what he would be required to do: take a vow of silence, pray three times a day, and refuse women and alcohol. The follower then blessed Muhammad, turning the man into a demigod, which is when Muhammad realized that the man was really Caan himself. (Muhammad does not know why Caan blessed him and this mystery plagues him still).

    Consequently, when Muhammad’s trial began he refused to defend himself because he had taken the vow of silence. Not wanting his son to die, Muhammad’s father begged the high priest to send him on The Native’s Fall instead where Muhammad could live the rest of his days as a slave. Acquiescing to his pleas, several weeks later Muhammad departed Ur as a slave of The Native’s Fall.

    Adulthood (26 Years to Present)
    Part Two
    The Native’s Fall

    While on The Native’s Fall Muhammad quickly gained the nickname “Ur” because he did not offer his own name—due to his vow—and because the medallion he wore around his neck (as explained in his appearance) marked him as an Ur, or at least a former resident of Ur. Although Muhammad’s silence was peculiar, no one paid it much mind because everyone had their own troubles to worry about and, besides, Muhammad was a good worker and knew how to take orders.

    Muhammad is alone now, patiently waiting for death to save him.

    Combat Characteristics:


    Steel Sword: Muhammad’s sword is a foot wide and six feet long from the hilt to the end of the blade. It weighs about ten pounds, but Muhammad can swing it with ease. It is in the form of a broadsword. The blade itself is made of a special steel mined only in Ur and used solely by the warriors of the Priestly Order. He carries this sword on his back, and must use both hands to wield it efficiently. He will not be as skillful if he wields it with only one hand.

    Steel Kite Shield: Muhammad’s shield is also made from Steel. It is in a reverse tear drop shape and is about four feet from top to base and its widest is about two feet. On the front is the symbol of Caan: purple hands bridged together in atonement on a black background. Through the Priests, Caan blessed Muhammad’s shield so that it radiates an aura that it nullifies all forms of necromancy—curses, daemonic summoning, raising from the dead, etc. This aura has a ten feet radius so that any spell which enters its dominion, and is a necromantic spell, will immediately cease.


    Evolution: Although Muhammad is a demigod his powers are nullified as a result of the Steel Kite Shield. Therefore, Muhammad is never fighting at full strength while he wields it. However, if he tosses the shield so that he is beyond its aura, Muhammad will transform into his demigod form one post after he has gone beyond the shield’s aura. His demigod form lasts for three posts. Muhammad must wait two posts in order to activate it again.

    In addition to the powers, which I list below, Muhammad gains several physical characteristics.

    Height: Seven feet.
    Weight: 300 lbs
    Although Muhammad is heavier than before, the demigod form makes him more agile and dexterous, not like a ballerina but like a knight. Furthermore, he is able to wield his sword with only one hand with complete efficacy.
    Demigod Form

    Ocular Ability: Muhammad’s irises become red and the whites of his eyes turn black. This ability allows Muhammad to read what’s on his opponent’s heard, to see his opponent’s sins, regrets, and grievances and possibly use this information for battle. (In other words, Muhammad seed the character’s biography/ background). This Occular ability takes one post to cast. Muhammad must wait one post in order to cast it again.

    Grace: After locating his opponent’s sin Muhammad is able to mandate certain labors that his opponent will feel compelled to complete, and must complete within two posts or else he will receive a debilitating headache even after Muhammad reverts to his human form. Muhammad will issue this labor by word of mouth, and because Muhammad is not a full divine these labors will normally be little things. For example, Muhammad might say: “You will close your eyes whenever you are beneath the sunlight” or “You will perform ten jumping jacks whenever you are within ten metres of water”. Notice, too, that his commands are conditional. For example, the first command was on the condition that Muhammad’s opponent was beneath the sun, and the second command stipulated that Muhammad’s opponent could only perform the action when he is near water.

    Because Muhammad is in his demigod form he is closer to the divine than he ever will be. Therefore, he is unbound by his labors until he reverts to his human form.

    These conditions cannot be vague, and cannot be inevitably fulfilled. For example, Muhammad cannot say “You will perform ten jumping jacks when the chicken crosses the road” nor can he say “You will perform ten jumping jacks whenever you are on earth.” Furthermore, Muhammad can only affect a person’s behaviour, which means he cannot make a person sick, and Muhammad cannot force them to kill themselves.

    After completing this labor his opponent will be forgiven of whatever sin for which his labor was commissioned.

    Muhammad can only give one command for each battle.

    Strength: Muhammad’s strength doubles. He is able to lift up to five tons, though as he nears this threshold it will become more difficult for him to lift or carry. This strength is fueled by magical energy, not a sudden rise in his physical energy.

    This strength lasts for as long as Muhammad is in his demigod form. (3 posts).


    Muhammad is able to summon the spirit of an opponent that he has defeated in a previous battle. He can only summon this spirit if the opponent has a sin that has not been absolved and if Muhammad knows what that sin is. After the summoning, the spirit becomes bound to Muhammad for one post. Afterwards, it disappears and its sin is forgiven. Of course, once the sin has been forgiven Muhammad cannot summon that spirit again.
    This spirit will be mindless, and will obey whatever command Muhammad gives it. The spirit will retain whatever ability it had when it was alive, and because it and Muhammad are bound Muhammad knows everything about the spirit, including its abilities.

    Muhammad requires two posts in order to use this technique. During this time, Muhammad will be completely invulnerable as he chants the spell that allows him to summon this spirit. The spirit remains for two posts, whether or not Muhammad is still in his demigod form. Muhammad must wait two posts after the spirit disperses in order to use Fulfillment again. He can summon only one spirit at a time.


    Weakness: Because of the hot climate of Ur, Muhammad is unaccustomed with the cold. In consequence, his movement will be slower and his fighting skills will be less efficient.

    The corollary is that Muhammad will be unaffected by hot climates, because he is used to the temperatures.

    Muhammad, as a result of his experience on The Native, will perform well at sea, and is knowledgeable about navigation and ships.
    Last edited by Sonic; 07-17-2016 at 12:15 PM.

  4. #4
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    Name: Hayato Dusk
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Race: Faunus (Bat)- A type of Human that has animal-like characteristics, in this case Hayato has animal characteristics of a Bat.
    Spoiler: Face Claim: Grey Fullbuster (Avatar Arc) 

    Standing approximately six feet and one inch tall Hayato seems to be built fairly athletically built for somebody his age despite not having played many sports during their lifespan. The hair seems to catch attention based off of being White with some Dark Purple streaks giving an abnormal impression that this style of hair is probably a genetic disorder (and a very cute on at that) while the eyes were a deep Storm Grey that might give a decent piercing look from time to time. There aren't many if any battle scars on Hayato because of his ability to keep control against the forces of Grimm. Also, due to being a Bat Faunus Hayato carries the characteristics of Bat Eats and short fangs.
    Outfit: Hayato tends to keep things very casual in the sense of dressing without caring too much for actual protection overall. Consisting of a trench-like coat colored Dark Purple with an emblem that is located on the heart of said upper body piece in the color of Blood Red, a white tee that had some random red tribal decorations leaving questions to be begged and differed. Last of all to complete the casual fashion of this young teenage hunter are a pair of ripped jeans that are made of some type of silk-woven material that seems to be enchanted by a type of element and a pair of sneakers with the same concept of a type of material being woven in to give off a type of magical property (the same applies for his coat). The silk-woven color pattern goes as followed:

    • Coat: Yellow
    • Jeans: Black
    • Sneakers: Yellow

    These woven patterns seem to give a certain type of shine that is not normally seen in other kinds of clothing and shoe wear.

    Personality: Hayato is the type of person who normally is calm, collected, carefree yet somehow serious (making him a natural born leader if the situation calls for it) and can be quite the annoying person from time to time given the reason to actually act in this manner (that of a kid in heart). It's fairly easy to get on Hayato's good side and yet, it is very hard to actually gain his trust. For this reason alone despite all of his very good people skills and personality Hayato prefers for the most part to be alone unless he really has to be around other people (such as being in class, or missions, etc.) and will be reluctant to actually open up to others.

    One of the ways to gain Hayato's trust is through earning his respect (as a friend, comrade or ally), whether it be: For helping him with an emotional problem and counseling him on the situation. Saving his skin in the midst of fighting a Grimm after potentially making a life-threatening screw up. Even being nice or caring to Hayato actually helps other people create a small opening to gain his trust. When a person (people) gain Hayato's trust, he is essentially a life-long loyal friend who is willing to risk his own life for the sake of others.

    Getting on the bad side of Hayato is probably something that you would never want to do as he becomes very dark and practically does whatever possible to make a person's life miserable (even up to sadistic measures if it comes down to it). Though at the end of everything, being on his bad side means that you'll usually just get a lot of random hard pranks (if they even work... he's bad for mean pranks) and just not talking to the person who got on his bad side (for as long as he thinks they deserve it). Time to time if Hayato really gets into the heat of battle he might go into what's called a Blood Lust State: a state of mind and being where Hayato would only be fixated on his target enemy/enemies, be it people or Grimm and attack them relentlessly until they either are; Dead or knocked unconscious with a terrible condition. As a result of this, Hayato's greatest fear is to lose himself in the midst of battle because it may cause casualties even to the people on his side. Hayato does his best to keep this urge at bay and essentially needs a good friend(s) (or even lover) to help him control the Blood Lust.

    Bio/Background: Blessed with parents who are full-fledged Hunters Hayato has had the opportunity to learn about the origin of a Hunter and the responsibilities one uptakes after accepting the role of a warrior that fights Grimm. Strangely enough Hayato did not have the desire to become a Hunter to begin with or even a military soldier despite being born and raised in Atlas the majority of his life; what really grabbed his attention was technology and how it affected the daily life of a Human or Faunus and Hayato essentially grew a certain kinship towards it. Hayato's parents created a solution to help him indirectly gain a desire to become a Hunter while still keeping his love for technology intact: enrolling him into Atlas' lower academy called Beta Academy at the age of thirteen.

    Throughout the course of Hayato's time in Beta Academy his notes were that similar to being top of the class in almost every aspect for the first year, but the only classes he particularly did not like were those relating to practical hunter scenarios and only came out from there with average grades. During the second half of Hayato's time in Beta Academy he began developing a subconscious desire to become a Hunter and acted on these innate feelings that had always been a part of him. Deciding to keep the technology a large aspect in his combat style Hayato began to further increase his overall GPA after beginning to take practical hunter classes more seriously. Many trials have occurred during Hayato's time at the academy and emerged somewhat changed towards other people; the once trusting Hayato has become a person who does not willingly trust people under normal circumstances despite keeping a carefree personality to maintain a friendly aspect.

    A few months later after Hayato turned eighteen he and his family moved over to Vale to live in a new area and have a change of pace with life. There Hayato learned of Beacon Academy and decided to enroll to further his training as a Hunter and even increase his knowledge of technology as a bonus. With the desire to help others as a Hunter in training Hayato unknowingly steps into a venture that will forever change him as a whole. Some time after the devastating event that had occurred in the Vytal Festival Tournament Hayato managed to stay with a scarce group of hunters and made a new team between them; after a year and half altogether since the passing of this disaster Hayato receives an invitation to enter an unknown tournament that could help him further his skills as a Hunter-In-Training. With approval from Beacon Academy (stating that the reason Hayato is allowed to go is because this will not harm his life in any way, shape or form and that this tournament will help him grow in terms of combat practice and mental training) Hayato ventured off into a new world once more and decided to make the most of this for his team and newly rebuilt hunter's academy.

    Combat Characteristics:

    Anybody remember the clothing earlier with the specific oddly colored silk? Yeah, they have magical properties based on the colors or Dust woven into the schematics of the very fabric, so let's elaborate:
    • Coat/Sneakers: Yellow Dust- With this material woven into these two (or three if you count the shoes separately) Hayato is able to utilize the Thunder Element as a magical property and really has no limit as Dust-woven clothing often have a lifetime guarantee of usage. This is normally used to combo with his Semblance, Hydrokenesis to make the water contact a little more... shocking (also the coat has a hunt of black woven dust in the back).
    • Jeans: Black Dust- Black Dust has the ability of being able to manipulate the Gravitational Element though persay it's not to actually control the gravity of others, rather to control the Gravity of Hayato himself and the objects around him within a five feet radius. It's not very powerful in terms of raw strength that can deal hard damage, but what it doesn't have in strength makes up for the utility it can provide to Hayato himself and the items around his person. Most notably the act of being able to create the effect of flight or levitation because his weapon (Angel) was designed for this concept and versatility.
    • Angel: A cloak created to grant the ability of pseudo-flight for Hayato. Composed of eight retractable blades connected with wire for flexibility. It is almost as if it could be a complete replica of Penny's weapon from the actual anime; with the actual exception that these are not articulated onto Hayato's body and without the entire laser shooting concept (pew pew haha).

    The cloak itself when used in combat is very similar to how Penny uses her laser-shooting wired-swords in combat, very flexible and demanding presence for Close Combat. The wires connecting the cloak altogether help the blades move fluidly and at an articulate angle so to speak thus allowing Hayato to operate his weapon at a more complex scale in terms of creativity.
    The blades of the cloak are used to not only guard Hayato from attacks, but also to actually detach them into a wall and launch himself higher up in the air and use the cloak of blades to glide; and even after getting high enough into the air Hayato is able to use his HydroKenesis to manipulate and condense the moisture of the air to create miniature stepping stones for his cloak to actually stick on and create the illusion that he is actually flying in the air (well he actually is). However, this does take a toll on Xan's overall stamina despite being an incredible feat and will only be able to maintain this for a total of 4 posts without using his Semblance and 2 posts while using his Semblance.


    • Aura

    This is the manifestation of Hayato's soul. Through so much training and effort, he was able to unlock it and appears around his persona as the color Dark Ice Blue. Because Hayato has become sufficiently skilled enough with this ability she is able to create miniature barriers in front of the palm of her hands to block attacks. Aura also has an automatic healing factor which instantly heals only minor wounds while in combat. It is also possible for Hayato to unlock another person's aura to grant them similar abilities to him, but it is very taxing on one's person and should be done with care as it can easily put the user in a state of fatigue.
    NOTE: It should also be noted that with excessive, or prolonged usage of one's aura can cause it to deplete rapidly and even so to the point where they can be either be left dastardly weakened or even incapacitated from continuing combat.

    • Semblance

    A unique and innate ability that reflects a person's personal power, which grants an ability completely unique and varies from user to user. Though with power like this, it is very possible that through prolonged use of one's semblance can affect the actual user himself/herself (Ex: Such as collapsing after an extensive use to aid another comrade).
    Hydrokenesis: Capable of moving bodies of water (larger or smaller quantities. The larger the amount, the more strain on the user; however, is capped for this moment at controlling equal to that of a pool and will instill a great amount of strain to Hayato when using that much water in general). User is capable of creating his own water similar to that of a Water Bender from the show Avatar: The Last Airbender. Thus giving an incredible variety of combat scenarios, close, mid or even long range depending on the user's preference. As a utility function it is possible that Hayato can create a semi-pressurized platform of water, almost solidified for his allies that are quick and light enough to run on for support purposes. The allies who would walk on these platforms would be roughly ankle-deep in the water regardless, and can even have the platform explode similar to that of a geyser to give an immense jumping boost (can be applied to himself as well and does not always have to be a platform to give the immense jumping boost).

    • Echolocation

    ​Being a Bat Faunus, Hayato also has inherited the ability to use sound to him advantage up to a large extent. Echolocation allows Hayato to pinpoint a foes hidden location through sound waves and essentially get a read on one's physical movements on ground or in air so long as the opponent(s) make(s) a type of noise. Side Note: This is a passive skill!
    On the bright side, Hayato can also use this to her advantage as to project a powerful sound wave using his voice and vocal chords towards her opponent(s) at hand. The range of this attack can go up to 8 meters in length and extend out up to 4 meters in width. Note: Twice per post at most, one post/round recharge!
    On the down side of things: Anarai can only fully tap into this animal trait of the Bat when:
    -She has gone blind
    -Is stuck within pitch-black areas (or dimly lit)
    -Has her eyes closed

    • Enhanced Senses

    ​Faunus are unique creatures that have the special characteristic to be able to see with almost perfect vision within pitch black darkness, thus allowing for easy navigation during the night. They also carry enhanced smelling and hearing senses, while it may not be a great asset inside combat it's amazing for miscellaneous purposes such as scouting. Searching for people is much easier due to these enhanced senses.
    • Intelligent.
    • Tactician.
    • Calculating.
    • Can read the stars.
    • Can Improvise.

    • Prone to losing-control.
    • Stamina is limited despite being superhuman levels.
    • Not anything above human, so most feats will be superhuman leveled and rarely something more.
    • Echolocation can backfire with very loud noises, but is minimal.
    • Nothing to go much as a human being... better said Faunus.

    Rain greatly improves Hayato's manipulation of water due to his semblance being related water, the climate will allow for him to create much sharper attacks and from an omni-directional angel.
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    Last edited by shadowhawk95; 07-04-2016 at 07:14 PM. Reason: I think it's fixed now with the entire picture problem

  5. #5
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    Alright, fine. Let's dance. I've never done a Rumble before, but with Jonas getting a nice refurbishment in Throne of Gods 2 (check it out!), I think it's time I adapt him to be a Rumbler.

    Name: Jonas Maldor

    Age: Roughly 2500

    Gender: Male

    Race: God (of Night) (explained in attributes)

    Spoiler: Basic appearance 

    Outfit: Not much to report beyond what is seen in the above. Jonas wears a black jacket simply for style purposes; it serves no armorlike function whatsoever. The same could be said about his pants. His belt is studded, but otherwise not noteworthy. He has an aversion to shirts. The sword is carried with him at all times.

    Personality: Jonas could not tell you what his personality is. For the longest time, he believed he was a schizophrenic, driven mad by the realm he was 'tied' to; recent events have finally broken him of this lie. He had managed to buy into his own delusions in place of personality, but the world has shaken the young god and opened his eyes to the truth. With him believing his brother's death was by his hand, his carefully constructed universe has shattered, revealing the harsh world underneath. Jonas has begun a soul-searching introspective journey; he has to find out who he really is.

    That is not to say some things are certain. Jonas is a night owl, the darkness calling to him as naturally as breathing. He runs on little sleep, choosing to stay up all night and catch naps when he can during the day. Since his brother's death, he has begun to drink regularly, trying to shake the haunting memories that dog him every day. He has grown much quieter as well, the forced maturity showing in this way especially. But even so, every now and again he tries to relive his past and have a good time again, often resulting in a hangover and occasionally blood on Exterri. He is not his brother, but sometimes the Maldor family genes shine through.

    Bio: Born to Belladonna and Petos Maldor, the gods of Murder and Betrayal respectively, Jonas was the younger of two brothers. His brother, ever the achiever in his mother's eyes, was the heavy favorite; Jonas found himself often neglected or downright tortured. Granted, Cruor, the god of Bloodshed, was tortured as well; his mother was of a unique school of parenting known as 'batshit crazy'. His father had left before he was even born; he only knew of Petos through pictures, and later on in human development, blurry photographs taken by his mother in her insane drive to kill the man who had fathered both of her mistakes.

    Facing bullying from both Cruor and Belladonna for not living up to the family name of being a murderous psychopath, Jonas began to have an identity crisis. Would he act of his own free will, or try to live up to the standards of his family? Jonas, while more prone to violence and perversivity than perhaps the average god, was nowhere near the levels of his family, and the constant reminders, insults, and physical violence on him was eventually more than he could bear. Tears in his eyes at the young age of 350, Jonas left to find his own identity.

    For years, Jonas struggled to combat the psychological damage he had incurred at the hands of his mother and brother. He wandered both the earth and Hades ceaselessly, searching for a new purpose, a new identity for himself, but coming up empty. A few kills here, an odd adventure with some other gods there, but nothing that truly stuck with him. That is, however, until he accidentally stumbled on a strange realm while exploring an area around the Bermuda Triangle. It was a realm where entropy was the rule; it changed often and dramatically, and was deserted as far as the eye could see. Deciding to make this lonely place his home until he could straighten his life out, Jonas constructed a small home there. The loneliness and solitude, despite the chaos of the place, inspired the name he gave it: the Nightmare Realm.

    He lived there alone for a millennium and more. As time passed, he began to delude himself, believe that a higher power was at work within the Realm. He even made up rules for his personality that he blamed on the realm's influence. At first, it was just to entertain himself as he continued his soul search, but in time he began to buy into his own delusions, believing he truly WAS a mad god that could not take a thing seriously.

    The fall of the gods went almost unnoticed to Jonas as he kept up his facade, trying to maintain a unique personality when he instead alienated the other fallen gods he came across. Even a return trip to a damaged Nightmare Realm with his comrades brought no solitude to him; there was no purpose but to continue the charade. During his journey, a surprise greeted him; for the first time in decades, his brother Cruor was reunited with him, with expected results. After some antagonizing and hatred, Jonas eventually settled in as Cruor's pleaser, desperate to earn the acclaim of his brother. It surprised Jonas deep down that, even despite the bullying and torture, he still loved the god of bloodshed as a brother; on another level, he knew much of it was truly Belladonna's fault, and he was able to forgive Cruor internally for many faults.

    All this was ripped away from him in one soul-crushing instant. During a desperate struggle with the Monarch of Chaos, Baldramort, Jonas launched a massive shadow ball at the god, but instead found it hitting Cruor instead. Even with the power of the Destroyer within him, it still damaged the god nearly beyond repair, leaving him wide open to be killed. In that moment, realizing it was HIS fault the one thing he had left-his brother-was gone, the facade broke once and for all. He was being facetious, hiding behind a mask to protect himself from the cruel reality that he had no purpose or meaning. With his barriers broken, Jonas once again set off on a journey, this time truly trying to find himself. Why was he here? What did he want from his eternity? And could he ever forgive himself for the death of his only sibling?



    Exterri is the name of his beloved blade, as shown in his appearance above. It is a five-foot longsword with partially serrated edges to cause maximum pain as it slides in and out of his foes. One ability the sword carries makes it stand out from the other plebeian weapons: It has the ability to cause silence in anything it strikes. When utilizing its ability, it won't make a sound striking other objects, and anything-or anyone-it strikes cannot make a sound while it is in contact with them. This debilitation does not apply to Jonas himself. This silencing ability can only be used once per fight-all other times it's just an average sword.

    Armor/Items/Accessories: None.


    Being the god of night, Jonas has multiple abilities regarding darkness and shadow. They are as follows:

    Shadow Control

    Mechanics: Jonas may form shadows into physical constructs. He can create shadowy limbs, both attached to him and not, blades, scythes, battering instruments like bats, shields, spears, spikes, and small platforms. Each shadow construct can be controlled of Jonas's will to move about the battlefield, but can control no more than 3 constructs at a time. A shadow construct behaves as its real counterpart would, with the added benefit of being physically strong and durable. Forming a shadow takes up one action. No shadow may exceed three by three feet in area. He may begin the fight with one shadow at the ready, created in his intro post.

    Shadow balls are the exception: Forming and throwing these shadow balls is considered an action apiece, but he may choose to throw it later; it does not have to be done immediately. When thrown, they detonate upon contact with the opponent or something that gets in its path with explosive force. A shadow ball counts as a construct during the turn it is formed, so he cannot have 3 constructs and a shadow ball. Shadow balls are four inches in diameter but explode forcefully with a six-foot diameter.

    To maintain the shadows present, Jonas must use one action to keep them around, no matter the number.

    One with Darkness

    Mechanics: Jonas may dematerialize his form to melt into shadowy areas. This can be used only once per battle, and costs one action to activate, but no action to reappear. Jonas may use his own shadow to disappear if necessary, and the shadow will not move while he is deformed. While 'deformed', he cannot be harmed through most means, but his only attack option is Shadow Control at a weakened state: Every turn he remains incorporeal, his control over the present shadows cuts in half. If a bright light dispels the shadowy/dark area, Jonas must reform immediately and loses the ability to form additional shadows that turn, though he may use any still present. No shadows may be created while deformed.

    Nocturnal: At night, Jonas is truly in his element, and his abilities grow in strength to showcase that the world is his domain.

    Mechanics: If the entire battlefield is dark (I.E. There is no sun or it is completely obscured) or it is nighttime, Jonas's abilities grow in strength. His shadows gain a bit of resilience to light magic; unless the attack is particularly bright or strong, his shadows may contain the attack. In addition, his speed, normally quite plebeian, increases quite noticeably, allowing him to become a danger on the battlefield. When Nocturnal is in effect, Jonas gains an additional action he may use once at any time, but only once. In addition, his natural foot speed is increased greatly, allowing him to more easily duck, dodge, and weave.

    Night-walker-Obviously. Being the god of night itself, Jonas is stronger in darkness, especially under the cover of night. As such, he has perfect night vision and can see plain as day even without a speck of light.
    Ruthless-Being a Maldor, the 'psycho-killer' gene is prevalent in him. He will fight to the finish and is good at resisting trickery to make him cease attacking. Mercy is not on his menu. He may ignore illusory effects, seeing through them to catch his real target in the act.
    Environment-Jonas loves using the environment to his advantage, creating and using the shadows available to make his conquest even easier.

    Light-Light is his kryptonite. Light magic weakens him, and he despises bright light as a whole. If his shadows are forced to tank a light-based attack, they are destroyed and Jonas may not form another shadow to take its place that turn. They will still stop the attack unless the attack is very strong-then it will rip right through. This applies to both magical and normal light sources. Should Jonas himself be struck with bright light, he will lose vision for his next turn, much like if a camera flash went off in your eyes.
    Mentality-Jonas is not in a very sound state of mind. His opponents, if they recognize his turmoil, can take advantage of this. As such, psychological attacks that target his conscience or memory have a better chance of succeeding.
    Mortality-Just because he is a god does not mean he is invincible. He can die just like any other human being if he takes proper damage.

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    Name: Kellion Mariago

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Appearance: A young man of slightly above average height with a lithe build. His black hair is bound into a ponytail which drops down to the center of his back. He has lightly suntanned skin, and his eyes are normally green, like sea foam. This can change depending on the type of color he is channeling. He has seven brands on his body, one for each kind of color that he has mastered, layed out on his body; Five on his chest, one on each of his palms. The brand for red is on his right hand, and the brand for violet on his left. Orange is over his right shoulder, yellow his right pectoral, blue the left, and indigo the left shoulder. Green sits over his heart in the center of his chest.

    Outfit: Kellion wears a white shirt, with small sleeves that end halfway down the shoulder. Its low cut reveals his chest down to the sternum, showing the edges of the yellow and blue brands, and the green in full. His pants are spun of simple grey cloth, and accented with designs like sun rays along the outside edges in black. Kellion also wears simple dark brown boots. He wears gold and silver guards on his arms, from the wrist to the elbow, and on his legs. They cover the cloth from his boots to his knees. Each guard has several grooves carved into its surface that he can project magic from. He has a silver necklace with a small prismatic octahedron hanging from it's end, that seems to glow from within.

    Personality: Kellion is proud of his heritage as a mage and respects people who have spent time honing their craft. Be it magic, art, music, or the body, he feels a deep kinship with any who struggle for their success. Kellion has a flair for the theatrical, and he'll often taunt others while fighting. He doesn't mean to hurt anyone with his words, though it does sometimes happen. He hates liars and politicians, and has a special distaste for people who can't control their magic, due to his background. Kellion wants to know and understand, and be known and understood by others. His older brother was a philosopher, and said "Any man content to exist alone is either an animal or a lunatic," regarding their father.

    Bio/Background: Kellion Mariago was born into a world of color. All magic derives from it, and the Mariago house was home to more than a few skilled mages. Of course, they had to be skilled; in their world, there are no unskilled mages. When a young child shows signs of chromaturgical talent, they are drafted into the Academy, where they are taught to find their colors and harness them. This is crucial, because mages who cannot control their colors inevitably, and unavoidably, go mad, and their magic runs rampant. So all colors the mage can utilize must be tamed as soon as possible.

    Kellion can pull from all seven schools of magic, earning him the coveted position of a prismatic mage. He mastered each color sequentially, beginning with red and ending with violet, each color within two years. This means that in his house, he was treated better than some of his family members. But it wasn't real. His father had seventeen children, and though he lavished praise on Kellion for his success, Kellion felt like it was all ingenuine. As such he hates lies, and politics.

    Combat Characteristics:

    The cloth that he wears is imbued with an underlayer of interwoven blue light, one of the harder colors. As such it is durable enough to withstand arrows and less powerful piercing attacks. Bullets can break through, and strong physical blows can shatter the plating. His guards are toughened alloys designed for striking and parrying, and casting. The prism around his neck is nigh unbreakable but in itself not much of an aid. It serves more of a sign of his mastery of all color than as a weapon. It can be used to split light in an emergency, such as if there is only white light available. It produces small amounts of color, though. There is also a simple hand and a half knife, hanging sideways from his lower back. He's good enough with it to fight, but he's a mage, primarily.

    Chromaturgy is the magic of color, and consequently, of light. Each color does something different and has a different effect on the caster. Given its fluid nature, its effectiveness is based largely on the mages' creativity, and the availability of given light. If he's fighting in an open desert, for example, he could be expected to use plenty of orange, yellow, and blue, drawing from the surroundings and the sky. Chromages are weaker at night, due to their need for light to perceive color. Whether or not multiple colors can be utilized at once depends on the mage and the availability of the color. Colors can be made more available by filtering light, whether through prisms or through solid color produced by chromaturgy. Chromaturgy is also only as fast as the mages will; if you break their will, you break whatever magic they are constructing. Casting magic takes two actions, generally. One to gather light, and one to cast.
    Red: Red is the magic of destruction, and the color of passion. Harnessing red light fuels Kellion's will to fight (passive). It is more often than not manifested as directed energy, similar to lightning bolts (active). Drawing on it too much can make Kellion careless and sometimes dangerous to be around. Too much of it can put him in a drunken rage. He doesn't get any stronger, though, just stupid. The effects last for around one post, quickly flaring and dying out. It also weakens the other magics he can use, by about 25%, in the event of red overdose. Common sources: blood, others clothes, red stone and sand, painted walls, if possible magma.
    Orange: Orange is the magic of movement, and the color of freedom. When he harnesses it, Kellion's desire to rebel against mental chains is at it's strongest (passive). When he uses it, he can accelerate himself and things around him, so long as he can make physical contact with it at least once while he is drawing in orange (active). It's similar to tactile telekinesis, and since the orange magic is expelled quickly, he needs to take it in while casting. An overdose of orange leads to an inability to move, and disrespect for authority. If he doesn't act, he gets claustrophobic and anxious. The passive/overdose effects last for as long as the orange is in his system. Common sources: The sun, the ground, fire.
    Yellow: Yellow is the magic of energy, and the color of joy. Kellion's heart soars when he takes in yellow, numbing pain and making him harder to manipulate (passive). Yellow magic is hard to keep in a stable form, due to it's small size relative to the spectrum of colors, but gives off tremendous amounts of energy, explosively. As such it can be used for bursts of speed, combined with other colors for explosive effects, and to blind others (active). If he uses it to accelerate, it drains all the yellow in him. Too much yellow makes Kellion numb, physically. It's like having novacaine running through his veins, so although he won't feel a lot of pain, he can't move well and judge the condition of his body. These effects can last up to three posts so long as he doesn't take in more yellow. Common sources: The sun, fire, flowers, bleeding light from green or orange.
    Green: Green is the magic of life, and the color of the earth. It sits at the center of the spectrum, and isn't cool or warm. When Kellion takes in green, everything mellows out. This helps him mellow the effects of too much of other colors, but can't negate them. It can heal most poisons (passive/active). Green magic often manifests itself through healing magic (active). One action can heal broken skin and stop bleeding, two can mend muscles, anything more takes three. Too much green makes Kellion kind of high. This can take as much as two posts to fade away. Common sources: Grass, trees, moss, ponds and lakes.
    Blue: Blue is the magic of stability, and the color of intelligence. Blue magic directly counters the negative effects of red, and lets Kellion approach things from a logical mindset (passive). Blue magic can make things more rigid. For example, if he filled his knife with blue magic, it would be 'strengthened' and more durable. Blue can be projected as a sort of hard light (think Lantern powers from DC), used as a casing for other magics, and freeze other magics in place in great enough quantities. An example would be, if someone threw a fireball the size of Kellion's head towards Kellion. Kellion could throw enough blue to cover the fireball, capturing it in a shell and putting it in a state of stasis (active). Too much blue causes Kellion to become methodical and predictable, always going at things in a straight line. This lasts for about two posts, but can be counteracted by red. Common sources: the sky, water, ice, stone.
    Indigo: Indigo is the magic of depth, and the color of wisdom. Indigo lulls Kellion into a calm state, and lets him empathize with the opponent. This can let him try and guess their next actions, but it's never 100% (passive). Indigo magic is largely a solid defensive magic, resisting magic and acting as a shield against physical blows (active). Physically it behaves like stone. Too much indigo nullifies his desire to fight. He likely wouldn't regain it without red or orange light. Common sources: water, dark stone, storm clouds, the night sky.
    Violet: Violet is the magic of the mind, and the color of abstracts. Using it makes Kellion unpredictable and unconventional, utilizing this and other magics in strange ways (passive). Violet manifests as a liquid that seems to shimmer with abstract patterns swirling inside it, which can work in tandem with other colors to imbue effects onto others (active). If mixed with green, he'd end up with something like a potion in video games, that he could share with others. Mix it with red light and it could be an acid, or imbue the emotional aspects and act as a drug to increase fighting spririt. It's the trickiest magic to quantify, and one of the harder ones to utilize. Too much of it makes Kellion cold and hateful. This persists for around two posts. Common sources: night sky, clouds at dawn/sunset, deep water, shaded hues of blue and indigo.

    Simple constructs take little time to make so long as light is available, i.e. making a pair of colored glasses would take one action. Medium constructs involving only one color likewise would take one action, while multiple colors would take two. Large constructs would take a full post.

    Kellion is a prodigal fighter, utilizing the seven kinds of magic to disorient and outmaneuver his opponent. However, he's young, and somewhat naive to the consequences that can come from battle. Although the color magic can have positive effects on him, too much too fast brings on 'color madness', well and above the normal side effects. If he took in enough red to fill his body in one post, he'd lose himself in red and experience the negatives immediately. He can be easy to manipulate emotionally if the opponent figures out how the color works and cuts him off from other kinds.
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