Born to be a king & fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers.
The Fresh Prince of Britain • RPAs personal wolf fetish • RPA's Wolf Mascot • Crazy the Wolfheart
He is a pretty boy... But I never have understood the craze for any celebrity.
*screams and fans self*
Spoiler: Looking for RP in all the wrong places? Click here!
Spoiler: Friend Quotes
Nothing like a red head to cause such a reaction. 'Be still my beating heart'
Also @Crazywolf, are you a Brummy?
art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable
- banksy
This isn't all that surprising, look at the Beatles or Elvis. Fans have been a thing since. . . Roman gladiators (?) I think is the oldest reference to this kind of fan culture. What is different is the cheapness and ubiquity of media means such fan cultures can develop around a person much more quickly and to a much bigger size than any other time in our history. And as the internet opens up vistas for new types of creators divorced from traditional media, (like movies, books and music) then yeah, you should expect the occasional make-up tutorial artist or whatever is the next big thing to be able to cause utter havoc with just their announced presence.
This ain't the world gone mad, this is business as normal.