A mysterious letter has led to the doors of 1604 pheasant street, a huge stone castle you've never seen before, with emerald lawns, trickling fountain and 2 corvette convertables in the circle drive (one candy-apple one simply silver)
You approach the doors and start to knock but before you can the doors open seemingly by themselves (though you do feel a slight gust of wind) You walk in to see a handwritten sign (same fancy, loopy handwriting as the invitation) directing you down the hall, you follow similar signs to a huge ball room. As you look around you see a spacious marble dance floor lined by red-velvet chairs, to you right is a small stage with tables set with silver glasses and plates surrounding it. Above you is a humongous crystal chandelier.
Standing in the middle of the dance floor, conversing quietly to each other are 2 blonde girls, both about the same height and look about the same, you're pretty sure they are twins, though they couldn't dress any more different, one (the slightly taller one) is wearing a loud pink and black dress with a fancy veil covering one eye, the other is wearing a more plain (but not any less beautiful) white dress with small designs. They turn to look at you and you see both have brown eyes, the pink-dress girl's eyes seem to sparkle as they look you up and down with no shame, but the other ones are thoughtful and deep as they smile shyly.
You wonder who these people are and why they brought you here, and its up to you to find out. Go my little roleplayers, go!