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Thread: The Valient Valuent Fight

  1. #1
    Dream Up
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    Default The Valient Valuent Fight

    A mysterious letter has led to the doors of 1604 pheasant street, a huge stone castle you've never seen before, with emerald lawns, trickling fountain and 2 corvette convertables in the circle drive (one candy-apple one simply silver)
    You approach the doors and start to knock but before you can the doors open seemingly by themselves (though you do feel a slight gust of wind) You walk in to see a handwritten sign (same fancy, loopy handwriting as the invitation) directing you down the hall, you follow similar signs to a huge ball room. As you look around you see a spacious marble dance floor lined by red-velvet chairs, to you right is a small stage with tables set with silver glasses and plates surrounding it. Above you is a humongous crystal chandelier.
    Standing in the middle of the dance floor, conversing quietly to each other are 2 blonde girls, both about the same height and look about the same, you're pretty sure they are twins, though they couldn't dress any more different, one (the slightly taller one) is wearing a loud pink and black dress with a fancy veil covering one eye, the other is wearing a more plain (but not any less beautiful) white dress with small designs. They turn to look at you and you see both have brown eyes, the pink-dress girl's eyes seem to sparkle as they look you up and down with no shame, but the other ones are thoughtful and deep as they smile shyly.
    You wonder who these people are and why they brought you here, and its up to you to find out. Go my little roleplayers, go!
    Last edited by Bia; 11-17-2009 at 07:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Dream Up
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    Everyone has arrived and has more or less broken off into groups. I'm too lazy to give the exact locations but it shouldn't be to hard to figure out.
    Last edited by Bia; 11-26-2009 at 03:00 PM.

  3. #3
    Red Ninja
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    Great I'm already feeling mind probing. Hope whoever's doing it doesn't get an exploded head. Duke thinks to himself before smiling at the girls tipping his hat to them.
    "My most heartfelt greetings ladies. His deep voice making his accent all the more manifest. I pray we have a wonderful evening of dance and food." He bows slightly then begins walking to the food inspecting it slowly methodically. Years of living in the house of a Patriot had made Duke a paranoid and careful man. You never know when you might get offed so keep your defenses up. His mental shield seemed to be keeping the probing at bay fairly well.

    Ever since he discovered his powers he's been training with them tirelessly seeking out Psychics and other kinds of Mind messers. Most were crocks but the few he found were tough and good teachers. His other skill is easier to train.
    "I love finger foods." He twitches his fingers and five little blades replace his fingers turning his back on the Hostesses he stabs various tidbits and nibbles them off the little blades. He repeats this process about 3 times before he's satisfied. Putting the plate down he returns his hand to normal then moves to the beverages, selecting the closest thing to Russian Vodka he could find he pours out a tall glass and leans against a pillar scanning the room for anything even an escape if needed.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  4. #4
    Dream Up
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    Dani watched the first one to come in curiously she couldn't see his eyes but tried to project a simple greeting into his mind, only to come up to a brick wall guarding his mind, she had met only 2 other people who could resist her before, her mom and dad, and was immediately intrigued. She smiled coyly at him and resisted the urge to go over and interrogate him right then, this was her sisters idea after all and she promised not to ruin it for her.

    Rani smiled politely at the man and watched him pick at the food and get a drink. She didn't think much except that that was kind of gross and that there wasn't music. She turned abruptly and swept out the door to take care of that.

    As Rani left Dani moved in on the man, "Welcome, mister..." she trailed off unable to read his thoughts to get his name, she was unused to this not knowing and was slightly frustrated.

  5. #5
    Red Ninja
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    Duke had been making some back-ups plans in case he had to fight his way out of this strange place or run for the hills when one of the girls came over to him. The one in the pink dress and with the playful eyes. With a smile he stands and takes her hand kissing it slightly. Knew those etiquette lessons father taught me would be helpful.
    "Marx, but please call me Duke Miss." He looks the young woman over avoiding her eyes for some reason unknown to himself.
    "If you don't mind my saying Miss you don't look like a Ranielle." He gave a light chuckle more embarrassed then anything else. He's had penchant for speaking too bluntly and it's cost him more then a few lonely nights back in Russia. And a lonely night in Russia is a cold one. He released her hand giving another smile at the pretty woman.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  6. #6
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    Ioan Burke was nothing if not a careful man, both in word and action. He could not fully explain what had compelled him to follow the instructions upon an invitation sent to his address from some woman he did not know. Those who knew him from only a distance would be surprised to learn that neither was extravagance his preference, and yet here he stood, clad in some of his finest in the entryway to a ballroom that looked to be exactly the sort. Was his life really so monotonous that he would show up on a whim to a stranger's ball? For all he knew he was about to sit down for an elaborate timeshare presentation simply because he'd been stupid enough to take his junk mail seriously for once.

    Well it had been some time since he last saw the nightlife, what with exams and courses--the publications he had been poring over. A break from the norm was too needed an opportunity to pass on. He wasn't so much of a stiff that he couldn't enjoy a get together every now and again.

    He swept his gaze around the ballroom and took inventory of the guests inside. There were frightfully few, so few in fact that he almost turned out and walked away, thinking he was either far too early or misinformed. All he saw presently was a man and a woman--a striking blonde in a pink dress speaking to a somewhat burly fellow at a table of hors d'oeuvres. He thought it most polite not to interupt and drifted in, picking up a glass of champagne from a nearby drink table and walking about idly throughout the room in inspection.

  7. #7
    Dream Up
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    Dani smiled graciously, secretly upset that he wouldn't meet her gaze but was flattered at the chivalry. "Hah, that's because I am not Ranielle" she said, instantly feeling a little ashamed of her rudeness to her sister, even though she wasn't here, "I am Danielle, it might be one little letter but its a big difference, and please call me Dani, people only call me Danielle in an emergency...or if I'm in trouble" she added as an afterthought. Her eyes flashed when she saw the other man walk in the room, ohh men galore, what has Rani gotten me into? she thought playfully to herself and smiled back at Duke when he dropped her hand.

    Rani came back into the room (soft orchestra music had begun to play)and saw Dani already flirting with the first guy in the door, she couldn't help but to smile to herself. She sidled over to Dani just in time to here the last words she said "...or if I'm in trouble" she rolled her eyes, she said pretty much the same thing to everyone "I'm Danielle...people call me Dani unless an emergency or if I'm in trouble" She smiled at the man and said politely "I'm Ranielle, thank you for coming, everyone else should be arriving any minute" Rani turned to her sister and they locked eyes for a moment, Dani gave Rani an almost unseeable nod and Rani swept over to the other man who had just arrived. "Hello, welcome, I'm Ranielle, the one in the pink is Danielle my twin sister, if you need anything please feel free to come and ask" she smiled graciously.

    Dani rolled her eyes as her sister left, all she had told her was to make sure not to reveal to much to Duke until the right time, whatever, she knew just how much to say. She watched Rani introduce herself to the other guy and knew she was introducing both of them by their full name, well she would just have to set things straight. "She actually goes by Rani, she just thinks that introducing herself as Ranielle sounds better" she told Duke apologetically. And took a sip of champagne from a glass she just grabbed from a nearby table.

  8. #8
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    Duke chuckles watching Rani meet and greet the newcomer.
    "I see Miss Dani. Well if I'm not being too forward, You and your sister are very lovely and I hope to commandeer a dance or two before the night's done." He smiles kissing her hand again. "Now if you'll excuse me I feel the need to walk around a little bit more. This place is so beautiful I must examine it before too many other's arrive and distract me." He bows to her then after refilling his glass. He walks to some of the pictures on the wall and looks them over.

    In reality he needed to separate because he felt the nagging mind probes getting more fierce. If he stayed in that spot any longer and he'd get a monstrous headache. He was beginning to be sure it was one of the Twins but he wasn't so sure. Rani but she didn't seem that intent on him and Dani just seemed to nice to try and probe someone so ferociously. Leaving his suspicions until he can prove them one way or another. He contents himself with looking at all the beautiful works of art until more guests arrive.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  9. #9
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    Maddie took a deep breath before she entered the ballroom. She had come in hopes of getting rid of her shyness (or at least some of it). Ok, I can do this, just go up and talk to someone she thought, trying to give herself confidence. She strode into the room. Wow it looked empty, only a few people. Did she pick the wrong address or something? No she was sure she didn't she followed the directions correctly. There were three reasons to explain this: 1. There weren't many people invited. 2. Many people who were invited chose not to show up 3. She was early. It didn't really matter to her which one it was. At least having only a small amount of people meant that it would be easy to pick someone to talk to.
    However when she tried to pick someone to go up and introduce herself to she felt her confidence be replaced by the nervousness she usually felt when meeting new people. Why was this always so hard? She felt a strong urge to just go up beside a wall and become a wall flower for the rest of the night, however long it was going to be. She leaned against the doorway and put her head down in defeat. This sucked. Ok, she'd go talk to someone, just, not now.


    Scott whistled when he entered the ballroom. The place looked expensive. He had been impressed with the building ever since he walked into it from his car and this room was just the icing on the cake. Must have cost a fortune. However what surprised him was the lack of guests, for a nice place like this is was sure lacking them. After looking around he saw a cute looking girl standing by the doorway. "Hey, name's Scott," he extended his hand towards her. She looked up, appearing to be mildly surprised as she shook his hand. "Maddie," she said quietly. He fought the urge to chuckle as a blush rose to her face. She was pretty cute, but a bit to shy for his liking. Yet he felt almost protective of her, like he was her older brother or something. Strange considering they just met. "It's nice meeting you, I think I'm to introduce myself to more people, you can some if you want," he told her, watching as her face displayed mixed emotions, like she wanted to go with him but was very hesitant about it.

    He walked in the direction of the two blondes. "Hey, name's Scott,' he told them.
    No one has the perfect life. You just have to make the best out of what you have.

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    Ioan turned on a heel slightly as he heard a female voice greet him, one hand in his pocket and the other cradling a champagne flute's stem.

    "Hello, welcome, I'm Ranielle, the one in the pink is Danielle my twin sister, if you need anything please feel free to come and ask." she said with a smile.

    He nodded to her kindly and switched the glass in his hands, holding his right out to take hers if she offered it. "It's a pleasure I'm sure, Miss Ranielle. I'm Ioan Burke. Quite a lovely atmosphere you've created here." he remarked as his eyes swept over the room, grazing the ceiling. He caught sight of a few more entering the room--a pair of twenty-somethings. Most of these people were quite young in fact. Granted he was only a year past his twenties himself, but he was beginning to feel like the old man. He turned back to Ranielle. "Though I must say, I'm a bit unclear on why, exactly, I've been invited here." Ioan paused for a moment, then seemed to think that statement terribly rude of him and shook his head. "Excuse my boldness, I'm certain in due time that will be clear."

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