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Thread: [M] — Mythos Complex [IC] (H)

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    Looking up she had seen Katie, heard her voice, and then darkness. Falling, falling, falling into a deep abyss her mind continued to fog. She wasn’t sure if she had screamed or had simply allowed it to take her. Get up, she told herself, stop dallying. It was like another voice talking to her. You’re making such a fuss over something so small, it spoke again. She knew it was her own voice, but it felt so disconnected. I know, she said. I’m just hoping that if I keep pretending, I’ll wake up, and be with them. To which the voice replied, aren’t you tired of pretending?

    Nyx pawed the ground, and moved her hands about until she came by what she thought was a wall. She could hear a couple of the others crying. With the dim light she could sort of make them out. Before she went too far she felt out her hat, and stuffed it into her bag. In a soft voice she whispered while continuing along, “etwas ist dabei, wieder, aber was zu geschehen? Jeder neue Platz ist etwas anderes. Wo verbergen Sie kluge Katze? Wen sind Sie dabei, zu fangen, und mit Ihnen als nächstes herunterzuziehen?” What really was about to become of them next or was this in fact the end?

    “You know, you’re my daughter too Sarah,” he said. “Not just hers.” When she wouldn’t reply he sat down on her bed, and opened a book. He then began reading, “it was already one in the morning; the rain pattered dismally against the panes, and my candle was nearly burnt out, when, by the glimmer of the half-extinguished light, I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open; it breathed hard, and a convulsive mo-“ There was a wry smile plastered upon his lips when he realized she was peaking over his shoulder. With no fuss on her part he pulled her into his lap, and began from the beginning. “Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Letter one. St. Petersburgh. December 11th 17-something or another. To Mrs. Saville, England. You will rejoice to hear….”

    The only thing she ever really had in common with her father was loving to read. Whenever they weren’t busy trying to ruin someone else’s life they would be reading. She learned quick that pretending was her only escape from her father’s dark world. But right now there was no escape from this one because everything she thought could only be found buried in textbooks, scribbled along walls, and vases, and other such things was becoming real. She had nowhere to run to. But she was tired of waiting, and wallowing. She wanted to go home, and let her aunt dress her in fancy dresses, and maybe call her friend whom she hadn’t seen in a very long time. And then maybe she could say she’d grown up a little.

    She wiped her eyes, and then looked over to Lilly who was over crying by herself. Nyx swallowed pressing herself to the wall. After a moment of hesitation she walked over to her, and sat beside her. “It’s frightening isn’t it? I’m afraid too, but you got to keep going otherwise I’m sure it’s just going to get worse.” She twisted her braid into her hand. “I would love it if maybe we could stick together or something. I don’t really know anybody here, and it’s becoming harder to look tough. I’m Sarah by the way.” She ducked her head so she could meet Lilly's gaze if she so chose to open her eyes, and smiled so she wouldn't seem to alarming at first site.

  2. #152
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    Spoiler: Dice Rolls 

    Dice Roll
    Boots, 7.

    Die once, shame on me. Die twice, shame on you
    At first it was darkness — pure darkness — but as his light eyes adjusted it became apparent he had been tossed into an abandoned room somewhere still within the complex. After such a dramatic event he expected to wake up in another dimension. Thin, almost skeletal fingers rubbed at the nape of his neck as Nat glanced around the peeling paint on the walls revealing the aged wood beneath it. If he imagined hard enough he could envision a time when Mythos Complex wasn’t a horror house and maybe even had a landlord who cared about its upkeep.

    In the time it took him to glance over at his shoulder to confirm Xan had healed it and back to facing forward a ghostly figure appeared. This presence was not knew to him, even though he was not a resident here. Truth be told, prior to today he had refused to step anywhere near this place because he could feel the evil emanating from it. However, he was not one to deny the pleading of a friend.

    The entity before him was none other than Katie. They had met when he ventured down into the depths of the basement before. There were many spirits whose souls were trapped here, but she was special solely for one reason: she chose to stay. Despite the monsters tormenting her and older ghosts poking their fun Katie remained in Mythos Complex of her own freewill. When she cried night after night it was an attempt to scare the residents away and because of the immense pain she was in by remaining here. Ultimately, when it came down to it, her reason for staying was solely to protect one individual.

    “He isn’t safe…” the young woman spoke softly, her voice cracking in the middle of her sentence. The soft red hue of her eyes made it evident she had been crying for sometime. “The tsuchigumo got him… there’s nothing I can do… Why… didn’t he leave…?”

    As Noah desperately clung onto the being whom appeared to be Cait there was no movement. Her eyes faded and lifeless while they remained unfocused on anything. It wasn’t until he let go and made his way towards Bridget that she finally stirred. The movement was subtle. A twitch here or a shake there. All of it was minor and unnoticeable without having your focus solely on her. The attention was away from her and she couldn’t have that. After all, this was her grand entrance.

    An eerie, toothy grin crept over her features almost unnaturally as her head ever so slowly tilted to the left.

    “A tsuchigumo is here? They must have gotten desperate… Surely there was not one before…” Nat mumbled to himself, not fully understanding why it was Katie had been bothered so. He was never very people smart, even if he did genuinely care for them.

    “There’s nothing I can do…. There’s nothing I can do…” she slapped her palms over her eyes, shaking her head vigorously.

    “Only they can save themselves,” Xan slunk out from behind Nat, revealing himself to Katie. Her fearful reaction as she slunk back was expected due to the fact he had not been visible to her when Nat had ventured down into the basement in the morning. Having him hidden was a tactic to avoid suspicion from the monsters lest they feel the paranormal expert had come down here to cause them any harm. Thus, naturally he expected her to be on edge; certainly she expected him to be no better than any of the other creatures residing here. “It does not amaze me the amount he will do to complete this ritual.”

    Her eyes rolled back into focus as the figure of Katie laughed. It was a crescendo laugh as it gradually; and steadily got louder and more bizarre. The longer it went on the more evident the entity had snapped and whatever it was before was no longer. All could hear her skin cracking as it began to expand and rip within a matter of minutes.

    “I have to save him… I have to help him… I can’t let him become…” Katie peered down at her open palms, shaking uncontrollably. “…me…” Rivers streamed down her white, translucent skin. She no longer tried to fight off the tears; after being trapped in this form for so long she stopped caring.

    Nat’s brows furrowed and then he smiled, “You know… a lot of spirits in your position would actually desire for their loved ones to die so they can stop being alone. You are pretty admirable with how much you want to save him.”

    “I need to save him…” she brought her hands tightly to her chest with her head hung low. “He’s saved me… countless times… but I’m so useless… I can’t… do anything…” The slivers of tears expand thickly along her cheeks, gritting her teeth. “If… it wasn’t for him… I never would have made it this far…”

    Several years ago when Katie was initially checking out Mythos Complex she had a tall, bulky man beside her. At the time he was her fiancé and they were looking for a place to stay as they bounced between houses. Continuously he insisted he would buy Katie her dream house, though she knew it was unlikely he would; Hector never followed through with any of his promises.

    Even as a child Katie was rather frail and it followed her into adulthood. Barely hitting a doorknob on the way out could cause massive swelling wherever it hit. Maybe it was why she didn’t mind the bruises and cuts dawned on her features. She received beatings from him so often it became apart of her appearance. There wasn’t a day where her body was free from the abuse.

    No one questioned it. Holly was too nice to bring up her personal affairs, though she worried; this was the attitude of most people she ran into. Others either deemed it not their business or didn’t care, but Noah was different. He didn’t buy into her fake stories and he didn’t ignore Hector’s screaming that occasionally echoed the halls. Numerous times he stopped her in the hall in some attempt to get her to admit it was her fiancé who caused all of her wounds, but she slunk into silence, darted her eyes, and scurried off before he could see her cry.

    One night Hector had gotten especially violent, beating her into a corner. She was silently weeping to herself as she kept in her tight ball in some attempt to lessen the blows and imagine herself somewhere else. Because of this she barely made out what happened next, but suddenly the hitting stopped. Was he done for the night?

    Even if he was she remained in this position in case he changed his mind and swung. She was startled when she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder, causing her to jump in fright. Katie stared wide-eyed like a deer caught in headlights at none other than Noah and Hector was nowhere to be found.

    Though her mouth parted she failed to utter any words to him. The trembling of her body caused her lips to quiver. He wrapped his arms around her as if somehow it may calm her down, but what truly amazed her and always remained in her memory of this day were the words spoken which finally broke the silence.

    “Beaten, broken, battered, or bruised. I will always be here to save you.” It was the first and last time he ever spoke those words. Katie figured it was because he sounded like a cheesy super hero and felt a bit embarrassed by it. However, he stuck true to his word and it forever resonated with her.

    The beast’s true form was revealed as the outer layering that was the shell of Katie ripped off violently, cascading down to the floor like a reptile’s old skin. In her place was an enormous, black spider; and as the eyes of the party members’ adjusted they could see the webbing behind her and around the room. What they had fallen into was none other than the tsuchigumo’s nest.

    Without hesitation the creature lunged forward towards Noah and Bridget. In a fast, swinging motion a leg sped down and separated the two of them, flinging Noah behind the spider creature and into its web. Bridget was sent flying the other direction, smashing her spine against the jagged, concrete wall. The tsuchigumo pressed down hard with her feet against Bridget, though not hard enough to break any of her bones; she just made it evident she could if she wanted to. “You’ll be next…” the creature snickered, then made its way back over to Noah.

    The tsuchigumo pressed down with enough force against Noah’s stomach to puncture it, blood seeping down along his waist line. “It never ceases to amaze me how much love truly blinds fleshlings,” she twisted her leg around his wound as she snickered.

    “I… I can’t let him die!” Katie announced as she turned and sped through the wall behind her.

    “N—No! Wait!” But she was already gone. “Oh… gosh… no! Xan, you have to take me to where she is going. I cannot let her do this.” Nat veered his head around to lock eyes with his companion, pleading to move along.

    Xan shook his head. “I cannot let you interfere any further.”

    “If I don’t touch the demon it won’t count. I just want to stop her. Please… She…” He begged, swinging himself onto his knees as he clasped his hands together. Nat pressed his forehead against his thumbs. “Please, Xan, please… You know the consequences if she fails…”

    The entire time Boots remained frozen in the corner farthest from the monster. All she could manage to do was state as her heart raced and she failed to will her body to move. Was this the end for them? There were no exits and this creature didn’t desire a riddle to be solved. Clearly all it wanted was bloodlust. They had managed to fall right into its trap; this was its domain. “H—Howl…”

    Right above her hooded head Katie’s head phased through the wall. The only reaction from Holly was her eyes moved, following wherever the spirit girl went. As she headed towards the creature she only became more and more bewildered. In life she was such a fearful, klutzy girl, yet here Katie was in this claustrophobia inducing room with a gigantic spider bent on destroying them.

    She sped into the room, immediately going towards the web where Noah was. In swift motions nearly invisible to the naked eye she managed to cut the webbing which kept him trapped and pulled him down beneath it all away from the tsuchigumo. Gently she set him in the corner underneath the white netting with a soft smile on her face. “Noah…” her eyes welled up as she bit down on her bottom lip. A transparent hand delicately trailed along his cheek, and then she kissed the top of his head. Lastly Katie leaned in beside his ear and whispered, “Beaten, broken, battered, or bruised… This time I’ll save you.”

    Behind her the tsuchigumo was growing restless, reaching its legs in to tear apart its own web. Katie turned to face it with no fear apparent upon her expression. Within the blink of an eye the spirit girl flew through creature’s abdomen. A bright light filled the room, blinding all who were in it; and once it subsided she was gone and the creature laid motionless on the floor.

    Nat barely phased through the wall when Katie shot herself through the gigantic spider. Beneath him his knees buckled causing him to hit the floor as all he could do was watch.

    Hayabusa made me a pretty.

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  3. #153
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    roll 5

    “It’s frightening isn’t it? I’m afraid too, but you got to keep going otherwise I’m sure it’s just going to get worse. I would love it if maybe we could stick together or something. I don’t really know anybody here, and it’s becoming harder to look tough. I’m Sarah by the way.”

    She heard the voice, and at first it didn't register that someone was speaking to her. It was just a voice, nearby. She felt as if she was on a delay. Seconds seemed like hours and everything was foggy. Realizing that someone had indeed talked to her. She looked up, slowly, and noticed that Sarah was speaking to her. Her mind tried to process what she had said. Still rocking slowly back and forth, hugging herself, she just nodded at first in the girls direction. "Huhh .. hi.. Saarraahhh" she replied, still sobbing a little, her voice cracking slightly from the attempt to speak. Her throat raw, and her eyes puffy from sobbing, she didn't trust herself to say much more, so she just nodded again, in acknowledgement of what Sarah had said.

    Trying to get her self to stop crying, she took a few deep jagged breaths, attempting to calm herself down. She rubbed her hand across her face, wiping away the tears from her cheeks. Knowing her face must look a horrid mess. Crying always made her eyes swell up, and get red and puffy instantly.

    Since she had been crying for awhile, she knew her face must be blotchy and red. With her fair complexion, her emotional state would always wreak havoc with her face. Looking at the back of her hand, she could see the streaks of black mascara from her makeup, and knew it was no doubt all over her face by now. It couldn't be helped, as she didn't think she would ever stop crying.

    "I... I.. don't think I can.. move" she sniffed, trying to hold back a new jag of crying, and started to rock back and forth once more, hugging her knees. "I.. don't want to die!" she shuddered, sobbing again.

    Her eyes widening in horror as the scene unfolded with Noah and Bridget a few feet away. "What... what.. is happening to them!!" she screamed, grabbing onto Sarah in terror.
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    “That’s right. Sarah,” she said. “Lilly isn’t it?” She was sure at some point she had heard the name floating about. Right now the girl was in a horrible state. Her uncle would know better of what to do; then again he was never one for deep affections. Who could she best demonstrate in this sort of situation, she wondered. It was then that it occurred to her. One very special person came to her mind.

    She bit her lip. How could she be genuine about this? She placed her hand over her heart breathing out slow, and praying to some invisible entity. She realized it wasn’t all that hard to pull out of herself an honest concern for the girl. They were all trapped here, and they needed to stick together. She padded the side of Lilly's cheek saying, “There. There. Everything will be fine. We just….” The air was filled with an eerie laughter, and the sound of popping joints. Whatever confidence she felt began to melt away as the scene took place. All she could do was watch. Her body was far to stricken with fear to do much else.

    She felt Lilly grab onto her. Nyx looked down at her, and then wrapped her arms around her. “Ssshhh,” she cooed stroking her back. She looked up again at what was happening, just in time to catch the blinding light. She wasn’t sure what had taken place. She had seen many spirits, but she had never seen one die before or cease to exist. All she knew was whatever had happened had saved their lives for now.

    She touched her face, her eyes were filled with tears. “I think this part is over,” she whispered.

  5. #155
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    Default Co-Post with Public_Hazard

    Bridget [3]
    Noah [4]

    Noah’s words were encouraging, and Bridget found herself nodding softly against his warm essence. It was the only comfort she held and though her arm was causing her excruciating pain, the pain was not as sharp as it had been before. Surrounding her comfort was the plain reality in her mind that they were all trapped down here now; devolving into a puddle of tears wouldn't help their situation, it wouldn't help their escape. She had yet to open her eyes to look at her surroundings, or explore the possibility of a passage hiding in the darkness, preferring to wait for one of the others to locate it. With nothing else she could only tighten every fiber of her being against Noah as her mind persuaded her not to let a delusion destroy her sanity; almost as if she didn't listen to it it would be her undoing and final moments of breath. And with each passing second Noah took note of this, when his mind was calm and centered it was not usual of him to miss out on the small things around him. Only moments ago his personality was in disarray as it yearned for his beloved to live and speak with him. The very fact that he was even sitting calmly while Katie was hanging limply near him was unnerving even to himself. Something was wrong; during his frantic state he had missed something but his mind couldn't process what had transpired, nor did it seem to want to. It was almost as if a set of barriers had been implemented into his cortex to ensure it's survival and sanity. His eyes refused to motion towards Katie and simply focus on the girl in his arms. She was beaten. Physically to his touch she felt frail and warm. It was comforting in the darkness, as he simply listened to their steady breathing, his ears ignoring the chatter between the other residents currently in the the room. There was nothing he could do right now, he knew it in his gut.

    A disgusting, horrifying sound forced Bridget's survival instincts to kick in, and her eyes shot open, despite her initial preference to keep them shut. Noah, despite his state. took quick notice of the noise as well as his arms tightened around her figure instinctively. Looking down at Bridget he was met with only a black stare - her mind had finally registered what was around her and it had frozen her in place.

    The space… the space they were in was so small. There were so many of them here, and the space was tiny.

    Yet her eyes stayed locked upon the corner from which the sound had come from, and she saw a thing that her eyes registered but her mind could not process. The other creatures they had seen so far had all been so fantastical, some part of her mind had convinced her that they were not real. She had managed to hide behind a mental wall of delusion... But... this? This spider borrowed enough from Bridget's accepted reality for her to realize that, yes, it was real, and yes, it was right there, right in front of her. It was as much of a part of her reality as her broken arm. Noah, having followed her gaze met with the figure of the spider that had sunk itself into the mind of Bridget, the tattered remains of what was once Katie fell off of it's figure in a sadistic fashion. "W-What...." he stuttered out as he witnessed pieces of Katie on the floor beside him.

    'WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU!' Noah wanted to voice out but his mouth remained motionless. He could only stare ahead not even registering the creature's movements as it came towards them both. Before Bridget was consciously aware of what happening, she and Noah had been ripped away from each other and she was sent crashing into a jagged wall. Her field of vision lit up with a blinding light once again as the rocks made contact with her spine and she found the air knocked out of her lungs. She slid down the wall, dazed, but unfortunately she was still conscious - still able to feel the spiders’ rancid breath as it whispered a threat, and its prickly feet as it pressed down on Bridget, aggravating her already injured arm and back. All she could do was gasp for air as tears slid down her face, and all she could think of was of when she had been locked in the linen cupboard next to the boiler for three hours by her father.

    In her dazed state, she thought that maybe she was somehow in the cupboard again, only this time, she was being suffocated by scratchy burlap smelling of death. She felt herself slipping into panic. The pressure was suddenly lifted and she was able to breathe -she was hyperventilating, and though her eyes were open it was clear she wasn't registering anything around her. Her body shook with each breath, and each time her back made contact with the floor it felt like she was being stabbed by a red-hot iron rod. Between her tears and her ragged, desperate breaths,it would be difficult for anyone to tell that she had started laughing - the desperate kind of laughter that only exists when there are no other alternatives. She had allowed herself one glimmer of hope, and it had resulted in a broken arm and possibly fractured spine. She was too weak and hysterical to see what was happening to Noah.

    Having received the lighter of the impacts, Noah's body connected with the webbing created by the spider. Instantly his body attempted to move and force his way out of the trap but to no avail. "Damn it!" he stared down at the others that were in the room "Fucking help me!" he let out desperately as they remained motionless. It was only moments later that the creature was upon him again making no hesitation press down with enough force against his stomach to puncture it and let blood seep. “It never ceases to amaze me how much love truly blinds fleshlings,” it hissed at him in amusement, letting out only a grunt Noah remained firm to the pain as he held onto his resolve. "Fuck you!" he stated before letting out a muffled scream as it twisted it's leg around his wound with a snicker. The long hours of torture and beating that he had held as a child was far more painful than this single wound, knowing this he wouldn't give it the satisfaction of breaking him with childish actions. He continued to ingrain his own image into the eyes of the spider as he felt his skin grow colder. He understood the situation. He wouldn't make it.

    Suddenly he felt his body loosen up and descend onto the ground. Feeling someone press him against the wall he finally looked up and registered who it was. "Katie..." he spoke in disbelief as a smile graced her face. "Noah..." she stated softly. It was her; he knew it in his heart that it was truly her. As her hand graced his cheek once again unlike before; he finally felt warmth resonate from her as her hand and lips touched him. "It's really you." he said softly in satisfaction, his mind ignoring his predicament. Katie leaned in beside his ear and whispered, “Beaten, broken, battered, or bruised… This time I’ll save you.” Confused with her words he looked up at her seeking answers within her eyes. "No... No!" he let out before pushing himself forward to take a hold of her form. A bright light filled the room, blinding him for a few moments before he could adjust. "Katie!" he groaned out as he got up, his hand pressing against his bleeding wound. "Katie!" he yelled again, his eyes frantically searching for anything that would give her position. "No, no, no no, no!" Losing his strength he fell to the floor his hands pounding against the floor "That's not how it goes, you know that! It was me! It was supposed to be me not you!" the flood gates of pain was unleashing inside him as he screamed out in agony. He had lost her a second time, but this time his soul had disappeared with her. There was nothing left of him worth giving; his mind had accepted death.

    No tears flowed down his cheek as he became silent. There was nothing worth crying for. There was no pain in his eyes as he felt the frost envelope his nerves. "Tell me Nat. What do you do when you've lost everything you care for and are facing death face to face." he said softly as he had noticed the man appear seconds before. "Do you treat him as a friend coming to take away your suffering." he sat up, and stared into his hand. "Or as an enemy, who takes away your chance at something greater." he began to chuckle softly at his own statement. "Because right now I don't want to treat him as either!" he forced out cutting off his chuckle. "Death would not appease me, death will not bring her back!" pulling on his hair he groaned in frustration

    "But you know what!"

    Turning towards Nat, Noah held a teeth bearing grin etched onto his face. "I think I know what might bring her back!" wobbling his way up out of weakness he slowly made his way towards the carcass of the spider. "Maybe she's playing hide and seek like last time and we just have to find her!" he said excitedly as he began to knock against the corpse. "Katie are you in there?! Hellooooo." he continued to knock on it, his contact slowly becoming more rough with each knock until it eventually became punches. "KATIE, ARE YOU IN THERE!?" he grunted as with each forceful blow anger emanated from him. Stopping he slowly encircled himself with his arms as his voice slowly became a mournful whisper "I guess she's not here... maybe she's mad at me for being out so late at night; I know she worries." his hands covered his eyes as he began to let out cries. "But I'm certain she'll forgive me tomorrow! " he smiled again as he turned towards the others.

    "Right Nat?" his eyes lost their joy as they stared darkly at the man before him. His hands now playing with the knife that he always held with him, it's tip slowly scraping against the floor. Looking over at Bridget, he let a soft smile flow across his expressions once again, the knife never ceasing it's movements.

    Her laughter had turned to ugly sobbing as she was mentally still in the dark place of her childhood. She could hear conversations taking place, she wanted to crawl into a little ball and not let anyone see her - she couldn't let them see her like this, crying, full of emotions and fear. She lifted her good arm, placing her hand on her face in an attempt to wipe her eyes, her body resisting this small movement, but she did it anyway. A small part of her was grateful she could feel anything at all. That small part of her reminded that she was losing control of herself. Startled by this realization, Bridget started taking deep breaths, though each exhale was marked with gross sobbing, and the tears wouldn't stop, but she became less hysterical as the she focused on breath. She wanted to be out - she wanted to close her eyes, open them, and be in her bedroom at her grandparents' house, she wanted this to be another night terror, but the very real pain she was feeling prevented her from withdrawing into her fake mind-scape. She couldn't tell if anyone was talking, but she could hear Noah's voice... Oh, god, the spider had gotten him too...

    Her eyes cracked open, she peered through open fingers to a strange sight - Noah punching out the spider. Had he killed it? No... he couldn't have had, someone else must have... the ghost? Noah's ghost... As she realized what he was doing, she started crying again, this time managing to muffle it with her hand. He wasn't making any sense! He wasn't making any sense... She felt a deep despair take hold of her as she saw him smiling, turning towards the group. His smile would have been comforting, normally... but this was not.

    She lay still on the floor as he scraped the knife along the floor. A most unsettling sound. Watching him, wide-eyed, she looked at him fearfully, until squeezing her eyes shut, pushing out the tears that had formed there. When she opened them again, he was looking at her, scraping the knife still, smiling - this smile was like his normal smile, but it was still wrong.

    But, he was alive.

    So, she uncovered her hand and smiled back, somehow managing to delude herself that everything would be fine though all signs indicated otherwise.

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    Spoiler: Dice Rolls 

    Dice Rolls
    Boots, 15; Nat, 9.

    Nat remained on his knees as Noah went on his psychotic ramble bouncing from one subject to the next. There was no reason to stop him and he had little to reply with. If he wasn’t so socially inept he would have realized Katie’s plans a few minutes earlier and maybe he would have been able to stop her. If he had kept his eyes open wider or let Xan out when he explored the basement the first time or maybe if he had been more forceful about them leaving none of this would have happened. Guilt weighed heavily on his fragile form as he just watched Noah with his lips slightly parted but no words came out.

    Through sensing he was able to tell who was still there even though his gaze never left Noah. The group had dwindled down to five with two of them vitally injured. Unless he used his healing ability it was unlikely those two would live through the night, but he doubted Xan would allow it. The only reason he was in this room was because he promised not to interfere with the demons’ plans, but only to stop Katie from sacrificing herself. She was gone, so what was the point in his being here?

    Even so, Nat knew what it was like to lose everything. It was how he met Xan and what caused him to dive deeper into dark magic. Then there was that eerie smile. While Noah’s smile to Bridget was soft, and possibly meant to be comforting, in this scenario it sent chills down Nat’s spine.

    “There is no saving them, Nathaniel,” Xan placed a firm, but reassuring hand on Nat’s shoulder, squeezing it lightly. “I know you mean well… but you are too late. Humans are doomed on this land.”

    Momentarily the supernatural expert’s gaze feel to the dirty floor scuffing up his knees. Then he swiftly pressed his palms against it, throwing himself up to his feet as he made his way towards Noah. Not a word was uttered from his lips until he reached the taller man. Whether he chose to stab him or not didn’t matter to Nat as he risked it by gripping onto Noah’s shoulder. Beneath him his chest was caving as tears threatened to creep down. He bit his bottom lip hard before he finally spoke, “She won’t… because she never blamed you, Noah. She never would… Before the meeting… before I met any of you… I met her and all she could ever talk about was you. I had no idea whom she was speaking of so fondly… even when I went into meet with Howl I was not aware which man in the room was her beloved, but he was all she talked about. Katie was not afraid because of what happened to her. She was not trapped her like the other spirits who roam these halls. Katie was here… because she loves you. She was afraid for you.”

    Gradually the room became lit, though no inherit source was apparent. For now it was just an unnatural spotlight over where Noah and the spider were as Nat had been knocked back a few feet during the shake.

    The spider stood up. Its lifeless form seemingly gaining life again as its legs moved. “I will always love you, Noah,” the voice of Katie came from the carcass of the arachnid. “No matter my form. No matter where I am. I will always love you and be there for you.” It moved its legs around, pushing itself up into a standing position.

    Nat was frozen where he stood just watching, not letting go of his grip on Noah. Truthfully, he was unaware he still held onto him.

    “I am not gone! So, stop punching my body, you heathen.” Then there came a giggle that didn’t fit Katie. The body jerked a bit causing one of the legs to swing over into the direction of Bridget, stabbing her in the lung. “Whoops… Ah don’ know how’ta move all dese parts yet,” came the voice of a tenor male.

    Then the whine of a female who was not Katie. “Dis ain’t fun no more. Ah didn’ know dis thang wa’so heavy,” the back end of the spider dropped down to the ground.

    “Aw, come on. We was just gettin’ romantic wi’ Noah, too, an’ breakin’ his li’l heart,” the male replied. Then the front half of the carcass fell to the floor. “Fiiiiine. Ah guess we can jus’ get’ta business an’ stop torturin’ da laddie.”

    There was a pause. Was there even a point in telling a man who has lost his love and his mind these things? And what could he even say after the spider moving? Was there… anything to say? Nat’s gaze dropped to the floor. “I… I am so sorry…” Nat let go of his grip and took a few steps back, keeping his head hung low. “I will do… everything I can… to fix this… even if it just means trying to find a way to make her exist again…” His face lifted for a moment as tears trickled down his face, “I will save her—”

    “Oh… like you did your dear mommy?” from the darkness the Shadow Man stepped forward with a Cheshire grin spread over his silhouetted features. “She was a delicious one.” His tongue trailed along his sharp teeth.

    Nat’s stomach churned as his eyes bulged. Xan swirled around the small lad in a protective stance, barring his fangs in the direction of the monster who entered the room.

    The blood of a woman filled the Shadow Man’s nostrils as a growling escaped him as though his stomach was crying out for the food. “Oh, did I touch a soft spot? Heh heh…” then he broke out into a ghastly cackling sound with his hands over where his stomach presumably was. “Just like you failed to save her, Nathaniel, you’ll fail at saving the spirit girl too! Oh, the look on your face then… and now… Add some more blood splatters and snot and the it’d be exactly the same.” The monster continued to laugh until he was overwhelmed by the scent of the woman’s blood. He grunted. “Ugh… just… one…” he reached his arm out towards Bridget, which was immediately smacked away by the male reaper.

    “No lassies fer ya,” Eis sneered. Neither of the twins much cared for the Shadow Man, but their boss insisted they work with one of his kind so they dealt with it, otherwise who knew what the Head Honcho would do. “We need ‘er fer da goo. Tha lassie an’…” he placed his index finger and thumb under his chin as he mused over who else they would be taking. “Ah!”

    Oriel came tumbling in behind him, tackling him with her arms wrapped around his neck. “Leave da pretty one! Leave da pretty one! Ah really hope Honcho will lemme keep ‘er. She’s such a perdy lass,” she embraced her brother tightly, looking up at him with pouting eyes.

    He chuckled. “Ah know, ah know. The pretty lass in da hood will be left fer ya, ‘less He says no.” Eis bounced his pointer finger around the group as though he were playing a game of Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Moe. The end result indicated Nyx was to be following Bridget into whatever the reapers were calling, “the goo.” “Tha a’right? Pretty lass in da hood is saved fer ya an’ Honcho gets one more fer tha pot.”

    She nodded eagerly and grinned. The twins looked at each other as though they were speaking telepathically — which is highly probable — then they disappeared. Oriel reappeared over Nyx while Eis over Bridget. Before anyone could do anything they grabbed onto the victim they appeared before, lifting them up into the air. The twins disappeared as quickly as they came, leaving no trace of Bridget or Nyx ever being there.

    Boots, who had been frozen in fear this entire time, finally managed to muster out a sound. A loud, banshee like scream escaped her. “NOOOOOOOO!” she threw her arm forward as if to stop them, but the timing was too delayed. Instead she fell onto the ground, laying there flat as she stared up to where Nat was. Her face was wet from the constant stream of tears which was now mixing with the dirt she face-planted into. “Kay… Kay…. We need to… We need to save them, Kay…” she whimpered, then coughed. From the amount of crying she was doing her through was becoming too dry.

    Nat’s heart sank so low it amazed him he could still stand. “No…”

    The room they were in began to warp. Darkness surrounded them and beneath the group the ground shook, then it was still. Eerie, unnatural lighting gradually revealed the cobblestone floor they now sat or stood on. This one was larger than the last, but only in length. The width of the room remained the same, but it spread out forward revealing what looked to be a throne in the darkness, but with no lighting in that direction it was hard to tell. A few feet away from the throne were the twins holding the presumably dead Bridget and the helpless Nyx. Without words they were dropped into a large cauldron filled with bubbling, boiling, green goop. They didn’t even have a chance to scream.

    “Maybe… one more fer good measure?” Oriel looked over to Eis with a grin.

    Eis immediately looked over at Noah, then back to his sister only to pout as she shook her head.

    “His torture is livin’, Eis.” She half smirked then jerked her head back, indicating Lilly instead. “Buuuut… den we need one more’ta make it real good… Naga said two was a’right, but if we got two more then it’d be real good. Honcho would like it’ta be real good.”

    The twins speculated pressing their foreheads together, but it was quite the dilemma. Eis liked Nat and even if he didn’t he couldn’t kill him because of the prophecy. Then Boots Oriel had a little thing for, so she wouldn’t work unless she pushed aside personal gain. Lastly there was Noah, who Eis was holding a grudge against because of how rudely he acted towards Nat throughout their little venture. Instead of just ending it quickly Eis wanted to torture the lad as much as he could and the goo would end it too quickly, so whatever could they do?

    Nat stepped away from Noah, and then forced himself to step closer towards the throne. His brows furrowed, what was this mystery goop? Obviously it was meant for a spell… but what spell? The boy’s stomach churned once the smell of it hit him: rotting carcass. The green goop contained so many dead bodies, rotting flesh, and withered bones it was too much for him to take. He pulled his mask back up over his nose and collapsed to the ground, pressing his palms against the cobblestone. Truly, he was such a weakling physically; it baffled him how he could be chosen for anything.

    “Sie können dieses schmutzige Form opfern. Ich brauche nicht mehr ihr,” came a deep, harsh voice from atop the throne. The silhouette of a voluptuous woman lifted and then floated forward off of the large, seated pedestal until she was within lit range of the human group revealing none other than Cait. The woman’s eyes were completely black and her veins pulsed as blood trickled down her limbs. Just like when she had awoken this morning she still only donned the night shirt from the man she slept with the week before. “Bringen Howl vorwärts, dann können wir beginnen.”

    The demeanor of the twins changed. Suddenly their backs were straight and their expressions changed to blank ones. They bowed their heads without a word spoken. Eis teleported over to Lilly, grabbing her aggressively then poofing over to the cauldron they had dropped the other two girls in. As she plummeted down into the green mess Oriel disappeared into the shadows, revealing a bound and gagged Howl. The bruises on his body made it evident how much he had fought to get away and how much they had tried to avoid harming his body as much as they could.

    When he caught a glimpse of Boots he wriggled about harder, but Oriel dug her claws into his skin causing him to writhe in pain. If it wasn’t for the sock they shoved into his mouth he would have screamed.

    Holly forced herself to her feet and ran towards them, only to be flung back by an invisible force as Eis swung his hand forward. She hit the wall hard, though not hard enough to do any terrible damage — just enough to stun.

    “He is yours, master,” Oriel obediently bowed, presenting Howl to what appeared to be Cait.

    An eerie smirk crept over her features as the barely clothed woman trailed a finger along his chin. “Ja, ist dieses perfekt.” A flurry of black smoke bolted out of Cait’s lips, eyes, and ears until her body fell to the floor. Without any order given Oriel grabbed her, tossing her into the goo like they had the rest of them. The smoke then jettisoned into Howl. Once it was all inside the bindings on him and the gag burnt off. Howl stood, holding his hands out in front of him as he examined himself. “Ja ist dieses genau das, was ich brauchte.”

    A white aura left Howl’s body. As it ascended into the air its shape became more apparent revealing none other than a dazed and confused Howl. He looked down, seeing his body animated without him and became enraged, but his punches did nothing. Desperately he looked around, seeing Noah, Nat, and Boots below. The group had died down immensely since he last saw them. How long had he been out? And Holly… He tried throwing more punches, but all it did was go through his body. Nothing he did mattered.

    BTW, I just use Google Translate like a lazy fucker.
    "Sie können dieses schmutzige Form opfern. Ich brauche nicht mehr ihr."
    You can sacrifice this dirty form. I do not need you.
    "Bringen Howl vorwärts, dann können wir beginnen."
    Bring Howl forward, then we can begin.
    "Ja, ist dieses perfekt."
    Yes, this is perfect.
    "Ja ist dieses genau das, was ich brauchte."
    Yes, this is exactly what I needed.
    Last edited by Ru; 11-04-2013 at 06:54 AM.

    Hayabusa made me a pretty.

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  7. #157
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    'It's happening again.'

    The continuous thudding of Noah's arms hitting against the silent corpse of the arachnid was all Noah could register. The words that escaped his flesh were but whispers in the air to him; his body was in control while his mind was not present.

    'I-I feel so cold. Why do I have to feel this again? Why do I have to go through this a second time!?'

    His body shuddered in pain as it began to envelope itself together; it's palms wiping off the non-existent that shed from his eyes. As it turned towards Nat it could only smile with an emptiness that embodied it.

    'L-leaveme alone.... Leave. Me. Alone. LEAVE ME ALONE..!'

    "RightNat?" The shallow figure asked the paranormal expert. It's eyesroaming the room before landing on Bridget.

    'Getthem out of here... fucking get them out of here! Don't let them die,no no no no, don't let them die! N-not another.'

    Stoppingit's mechanical motion, Noah's body let the knife settle silently asNat stepped towards it. It's calm demeanor towards Bridget never becoming absent as Nat created contact between them.

    'Don't touch me...'

    Noah's body raised it's head lightly towards the expert. “She won’t… because she never blamed you, Noah. She never would… Before the meeting… before I met any of you… I met her and all she could ever talk about was you. I had no idea whom she was speaking of so fondly… even when I went into meet with Howl I was not aware which man in the room was her beloved, but he was all she talked about. "

    'Don't speak of her... I don't want to hear this'

    Staring blankly at the man Noah took in his form; his smile remaining intact."Katie was not afraid because of what happened to her.She was not trapped her like the other spirits who roam these halls.Katie was here… because she loves you. She was afraid for you.”

    'Do not speak her name. You have no right. No one does.' his thoughts trembled internally as his memories flowed through him; the sensation was far too familiar to him.


    The howling wind of the winter night scraped at Noah's face as he crept his way back to his shamble of a home...

    Like many nights before, Noah's feet embedded themselves into the layers of snow; each flake capturing his past actions into a shallow image of compressed ice. Buzzing vehicles and laughing pedestrians tuned together into a calming white noise as he made his way through the city streets. Stopping at a brightly lit intersect Noah's body turned towards the flickering of cascading lights; stolen stars from the sky had been placed at the center of a park. Each one intertwining and circling around a white flaked pine tree; a symbol that screamed "Christmas has come". Prodding his white winter coat closer Noah settled himself for a bit as his calmed the shivering that penetrated through him. Barely visible by the lights a warm smile arose to counter act the night; his hands fiddled with an object in his pockets as he attempted to keep the excitement in his body from exploding. Quickly removing his long sleeve from blocking the view of his watch he let out a curse as turned away and began his pace towards his home. Giving the tree a second glance he continued on towards the darkness of the streets. Coming to a stop once again Noah stood silently as next to him a lamp post flickered on and off; each flash cascading his shadow across the pavement as he stared at the dark complex he had come to know.

    'How long has it been since I first got here? Three... four years, I can barely even remember.' Noah chuckled lightly finding his own thoughts humorous. 'One to two years of waiting for her; that's all it means to me now.'

    Prodding his pockets once more Noah took out a small leather black. It's small form sat warmly against his hand as he simply stared at it; his head nodding subtly; his mind motivating himself to move forward with the possession in his hand. Taking a deep breath he stepped forward onto the road; his feet pressed against the ice that had formed in a puddle; his weight causing it to crack with ease. Like reflection, a window from the second floor of the complex cracked at the same time. As he continued to progress a trail of cracks followed, the window itself mimicked it with each passing second; a resounding thud becoming more prominent. Upon reaching the side walk of the complex the cracking ice had stopped and like before the window did the same. "Welcome home." Noah said to himself as his feet moved towards the entrance.

    Shattered glass from above fell upon him before he could enter as his hands instantly covered his head in self preservation. Each piece let out a high pitched ting before a low thud quickly ended the spontaneous orchestra. Breathing heavily out of shock Noah did a full scan of himself before turning towards his surrounding. The dark image of a person in the shadows stood out to him instantly as he simply examined it, his mind taking a moment to grasp the situation as a whole. However, within seconds after noticing his mind took in the figure's details. "Katie...?" he silently spoke out. His beloved o what remained of her was motionless within the black coat he had given her this morning. Her neck was positioned at grotesque angle as streams of blood flowed down her face. Large blood stains marked her torso as gashes on her skin let dirt and snow embed themselves into her flash.

    Noah rushed towards her fallen form his hands hesitating to touch her as his voice let out mournful cries. "Oh god! Katie!" he lightly leaned his head towards her searching for any signs of life within her stillness. Yelling out he panicked through his pockets in desperation for his phone; his hands taking out everything he had in his possession; only to come out empty handed. Forcing himself up from his position he busted his way through the entrance searching for any living soul. "Someone call 911! Please! Someone!" heading past the unoccupied doors he swiftly entered his room his actions instantly catching the attention of his roommate Apollo. "What's going on?" the man spoke in a rather groggy tone, having been woken up from his slumber. "Where's my phone! Call 911!" pushing past him quickly he began his desperate search for his cell phone before feeling a hand on his shoulder. "Noah, calm down! What's going?" Snapping back to the force his hands instantly gripped the man by his shirt lifting him up and smashing him against the wall.

    Midst the commotion in the room both men failed to notice the arrival of another inhabitant of the complex. Cait, who held a flimsy sleeping attire from a possible late night job, had made her way downstairs to check out the commotion. Having heard the distant yells for 911 and phone, she had brought her own phone in case it was needed. Her startled scream from Noah's sudden physical exertion was the only thing to give her away. Aside from the conflicting emotions surging within Noah it was obvious how distressed he was at the moment. His eyes had already begun to stream with tears as his hands shook uncontrollably as he held Apollo against the wall. His head snapped to Cait, startling the girl to the point where she began to back away from him.

    "Please... call 911... Katie; s-she's hurt she's not moving..." he let out a gasp as he tried to explain the situation "Please!" his cracking voice echoed across the hallway before sirens resonated around him and his world went white.


    Noah awoke from his dazed state; his glazed over eyes regained their color and awareness as his surroundings continued on their course. Nat had remained by his side; his hand still holding onto Noah's resentful and guilt driven body. Before he could speak the sudden movement of the spider corpse caught his attention.

    “I will always love you, Noah,” Katie's voice went almost unregistered to Noah as the creature continued to speak; his stoic eyes simply watching it's movements “No matter my form. No matter where I am. I will always love you and be there for you.”

    The creature moved about clumsily before finally stopping and releasing it's cargo. The two reapers appeared from within the corpse and continued to mock him of his situation. Noah could only smile at them warmly as his hands still held onto the knife firmly. "

    “I… I am so sorry…” Nat let go of his grip and took a few steps back, keeping his head hung low. “I will do… everything I can… to fix this… even if it just means trying to find a way to make her exist again…” His face lifted for a moment as tears trickled down his face, “I will save her—”

    Noah looked at him with a slight glee before responding silently "Kill them all Nat. I'd appreciate that." Noah let off a chuckle as he continued his happy demeanor at the two reapers before him. The arrival of the shadow man did not surprise him as there had been more than enough times that he had made a random appearance before them. The continual commotions between all the inhabitants of the room was uninteresting to him so he payed little mind to their words as he continued his silent internal search for his beloved. His eyes scanned the corners of the room; each time coming out empty, but his mind was persistent and cared little for what was happening. Silent screams of others went unheard. The world was dark to him, and no one was there at the moment.

    A strong stench enveloped Noah as he turned towards a throne that had suddenly appeared before them. Tilting his head slightly he watched as Cait stepped out and began her speech; listening intently for the first time Noah simply remained silent, his smile never fading from his face. "How scandalous." Noah noted, his voice coming out audibly for the first time. "Don't you think Nat? Going from a woman's body to a man's without hesitation. Makes you wonder what he does with them during his spare time." laughing at this own humor Noah continued to look at Howl's body as the creature examined itself.

    "Hey hey big boss!" Noah called out to what was now Howl. "Sie sind nicht machen ihren Job sehr gut." he signaled slightly to the two reapers at the side. "Sie sind sehr unterschiedlich mit ihren Aktionen, an einem bestimmten Punkt der kleine Junge spricht über wie sauer er ist bei Daniel für Schmerzen Nat der nächsten er ist blind nichts von Nat für ihn einmal durch all dies." Letting off a laugh he slowly got up from his slouched position his hand still holding firmly onto his wound it's opening only bleeding slightly but still allowing some flow. "Und der kleine Rotzlöffel ist einfach nur nicht. Sollten sie ihre Kinder wie eine gute Mutter."

    Grunting, he leaned against a wall before scowling at him. "Pathetic of both of you to hold resentment on mortals. What a waste that your immortality doesn't bring with it maturity. Then again... what should I expect from kids." He let off a teeth bearing grin at them before pushing himself off the wall. Stumbling slightly towards Nat Noah, leaned his hand on him for support his senses uncaring for Xan's menacing presence. "I'm done Nat I'm out of batteries and can't get a signal." smirking at the smaller man Noah stood firmly by him. "Death will not appease me Nat. Keep your word." Noah finished before staring at the creatures before him. "Fuck all of you." Noah chuckled before adding "Fick euch alleas. For translation." he bared his knife towards them but remained motionless.

    I'm lazy too: Google Translate

    You're not doing your job very well.

    "Sie sind nicht machen ihren Job sehr gut."

    They're very inconsistent with their actions, at one point the little boy talks about how angry he is at Daniel for hurting Nat the next he's blindly doesn't care for Nat for letting him even go through all this.

    Sie sind sehr unterschiedlich mit ihren Aktionen, an einem bestimmten Punkt der kleine Junge spricht über wie sauer er ist bei Daniel für Schmerzen Nat der nächsten er ist blind nichts von Nat für ihn einmal durch all dies."

    And the little brat just isn't doing her job. You should keep your kids in line like a good parent.

    "Und der kleine Rotzlöffel ist einfach nur nicht. Sollten sie ihre Kinder wie eine gute Mutter."

  8. #158
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    He really has lost it… Nat sighed and watched as Howl continued to throwing punches at his body. The new inhabitant made no reaction to his effort as he kept his eyes locked on Noah and Nat. Nothing they did or said mattered anymore. There was nothing they could do. And… I cannot do a thing…

    I told you, Nathaniel… No one will be saved. You must accept their fate and your loss.

    But… how do I explain that to him…? He desperately looked over at Noah who had been insulting the reapers. If only the reaper twins were there Nat would be worry, but their head was never bothered by such words. Besides, Noah’s statements made it quite evident he had no idea what was going on here. Should I tell him…?

    In his current state it would not reach him even if a banshee screamed directly into his ear. No one can reach him now.

    Nat’s expression saddened as he looked over at Noah. Xan was right; his sanity was long gone and anything he said would go unheard. If they managed to make it out of here alive he would explain everything to him once he got his mind back, though he was doubtful of such an ending. He turned to face Howl. “Grim Reaper, we did not mean to disturb you. When I had come down here I was under the impression Reaper Society was not a part of the tragedies here and certain a demonic force had wrongly tricked the original owners of this land into a sacrifice they did not comprehend. However, I know someone as highly as yourself would not trick people into a deal. The humans are at fault here for tricking their fellow kind for residing here without knowledge of the contract at hand. If you could please place mercy upon those left… Please let my friends go.”

    The Grim Reaper listened intently, rubbing his throat before he spoke. “While your respect is appreciated it is a wasted effort. The ritual shall come to completion. Bid farewell to your companions, young Nathaniel.” He flicked one wrist out, causing Noah to be flung back; and with the other hand he brought it forward, jerking Boots into his arms. “The brew is complete. It is time now for consumption.”

    “No!” Nat screamed.

    Do not interfere, Natha—!

    The paranormal expert sprung forward, wrapping his arms around Holly and jumping away. He landed with his back against the floor and her on top of him, causing him to blush profusely but at least she was away from him. Ignore the touching… ignore the touching… ignore the touching… “You cannot have her, Grim Reaper!” a massive wave of pain seized through him. Nat tightened his grip in an attempt to keep her, though the pain was intense. The skin on his back began to warp as two large bumps began to form on his shoulder blades. The bones beneath the fleshy exterior was reshaping.

    The Grim Reaper clenched his fist, drawing Holly towards him as Nat pressed his feet into the ground to push them back. Bones tore the skin on his back open, protruding outwards and jerking about as his bones transformed into wings made of nothing but his pale flesh and the newly shaped bones. He let out a shrill cry, holding onto her tightly.

    Holly clung onto him, crying against his chest. “Kay! Don’t let me go, Kay! Don’t let me go!”

    Nat’s fingers twitched as his nails grew long and his knuckles curved into claws.

    The Grim Reaper turned to the reaper twins, keeping his hand motion going as he did so. “Distract him. Destroy the other one. She is required for completion.”

    The twins looked at each other then over at Noah. Their brows furrowed as they looked back at each other and nodded. Eis lifted Noah up into the air by his hair, shaking him about before ripping his tongue right out of his mouth. He tossed it in Nat’s direction, slamming Noah against the wall.

    Oriel went over to Nat and Holly, pulling on the girl by her legs. The twins remained in silence, dodging eye contact with those they were attacking.

    He held on tighter, accidentally digging his growing claws into her hoodie. The pain on his back intensified as his spine stabbed out; bones shaped like horns going down to his tailbone. None of it mattered. Nat needed to save her even if he lost himself in the process.

    Holly shrieked, clinging tightly onto him with her eyes closed. Thoughts swarmed in her mind as they jumped from what could happen if she let go to being somewhere safe and far away from this horrific place. I wish I never came here… I wish I never dragged him into this… Them… any of them… If only Fred hadn’t left… Fred woulda known not to come here…

    Nathaniel! Let go. Let her go.

    Eis used his telekinetic abilities to wound the spider’s web into a rope, wrapping it around Noah tightly. The blood dripping from his mouth and the wound in his torso causing the dingy grey webbing to stain red, similarly to the crimson caking his hair.

    The Grim Reaper smiled as Howl attempted to strangle him, making no motion to stop the angry spirit. Instead he merely watched the twins do their deeds. The brutality of Eis mildly amused him, but he was far more eager to receive Holly. He rose his arms into the air, moving his forearms in small circles mirroring each other. Behind him the green goop spiraled up into the air, making its way over to him. With his head tilted back the Grim Reaper opened his mouth wide, swallowing the boiling gunk — bones, brew, and all.

    It was when a sharp pain shot through his forehead that Nat could no longer focus on holding onto Holly. His hands shot up to it as he screamed and Oriel snatched her away in a swift whipping motion. Blood trickled down his face from the new slit on his head, which opened to reveal an eye with a yellow iris. “HOLLY!” Nat blindly reached around him. “HOLLY!” The shrill scream hurt his throat.

    “KAY!” Holly cried as she was tossed back over to the Grim Reaper.

    “Young Nathaniel…” the Grim Reaper shook his head. He held Boots tightly between his hands as though she were a basketball. “You knew the moment you saw the twins there was no saving them.”


    “Say your farewells, young Nathaniel. In your weak form there is nothing else you can do.”

    Oriel’s head hung low as she disappeared into the shadows. Eis let Noah drop to the floor as he chased after her.

    “Let her go!” Nat cringed. He pressed his claws to the ground, attempting to crawl over to them only to slip on Noah’s tongue and slam his face against the floor. “Take me! You can have me. You do not need her. Take me! TAKE ME!”

    Howl dove at his body, phasing right through it.

    “The affection felt towards you is not nearly as high as it is for her. She is the final ingredient.” The Grim Reaper lifted Holly up into the air as she wriggled around in his grip.


    His jaw dislocated, spreading out like a snake when they are about to consume their prey.

    “HOLLY!” Nat crawled over to them, stabbing his claw through the Grim Reaper’s foot to no avail. His tail bone shot out into a prehensile tail made of bone; the pain causing him to collapse back to the ground. “TAKE ME! HAVE ME! LET HER GO!” He bit his fangs into the Grim Reaper’s ankle — anything to possibly stop him.

    Holly was lifted higher, then plunged head first into the Grim Reaper’s mouth. He chomped down, ripping her head clean off. Her crimson liquid dripping down the body of Howl’s bare chest and onto Nat’s cheeks. Another bite caused the blood to gush down like a waterfall onto his face. This continued until every last bit of her was gone.

    Howl attempted to roundhouse kick his head.

    “You saved no one, Nathaniel.”

    Nat’s body trembled as he turned his head back to Noah’s direction. The man’s body was still, no longer moving, though his ghost remained in the room. He couldn’t fathom as to why. “Noah…” his lips quivered. His gaze slowly went up to the Grim Reaper whom towered over him. “H—Holly…” tears streamed down his face, mixing with her blood.

    The world faded to black.

    Nat K. Liel stood on the opposite side of the fence in front of Mythos Complex with a thick jacket one of the policemen had tossed onto his scrawny shoulders when they came to investigate the place a week later. There were several cop cars around the small apartment complex after they received a call concerning missing people which led them here. After discovering the dead body of the landlord and the note she left behind backup was called to search the floors below.

    Though he had asked they refused to tell Nat what exactly her note said, other than questioning him on what sort of contract she may have had and if he knew anything about the, “killer.” It was such an unusual word considering the circumstances, but there was nothing he could tell them they would actually believe.

    Which one did you lose?

    “Admiration, but it does not matter… I would lose them all if it meant I could…” Nat’s eyes narrowed as he let out a sad sigh. “Let Noah know he does not need to remain trapped here… though… with the events that took place I doubt he will follow his reaper to his place in the afterlife.”

    You can inform him yourself.

    Nat’s gaze went up to Katie’s old window where Noah was standing, staring right back at him. “You are more than welcome to join me.” The ghost merely nodded.

    When the cops came back up from the empty basement there was no sign of the paranormal expert other than the policeman’s borrowed coat hanging on the fence.

    Hayabusa made me a pretty.

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