*Shrugs* Not really, it just seemed to me that there is already a separate thread dedicated to meme-y GoT posts.
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Actually I kinda agree Azazeal, I really rather we keep the gif and silliness to the other threads.
I mean it's Crazywolf's thread and he's okay with the meme's. There are just so many GoT's memes they can be spread through all the GoT's threads!
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As such I'm prepared to with a majority view on this. If a majority find memes bothersome to discussion I can go back and edit the opening post. though right now opinion seems split quite evenly down the middle.
Born to be a king & fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers.
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6.6 review:
Well, that was an interesting episode.
I had a certain feeling that the High Sparrow was bullshitting people last week with his long-winded origin story and its inconsistencies with his earlier statements ("I left my shoes behind" vs "I gave them away", "I was a wine merchant" vs "I've never liked wine"), but I wasn't sure if this was deliberate or one of those J.J-storytelling plot holes we weren't supposed to notice. After this week it seems that Sparrow is definitely playing the Game (in the show at least) although he must have some serious mind-control powers if he's supposed to have brainwashed Tommen and Margeary. Tommen might be impressionable, but something rings false about Margeary not being too smart for this. Assuming it's not just another unlikely plot twist, I would guess that she's either had her arm twisted to protect Loras, or she's actually playing one level higher than the Sparrow himself. I did find it funny though that after Tommen and Margeary step down and announce the church-state alliance, no-one seems to consider where Loras is (and use it to re-escalate the confrontation).
Speaking of unlikely plot twists, it seems that Littlefinger really was serious about the Tullys taking back Riverrun. I now suspect that this is going to dovetail with Jaime's book plotline, and he'll resolve the siege (and twist poor Edmure's arm) but then bump into Brienne, who in turn will be forced to choose between her loyalty to Sansa and her loyalty to Jaime. It was interesting to see Cercei (who is, to be fair, far more sympathetic than her book counterpart) consciously sending Jaime away, confident in her own ability to Get Shit Done.
Sam and Gilly's time at Hornhill felt a bit like filler, but at least it was handled well. Stealing Randall Tarly's sword was a satisfying little "fuck you" (although I'm certain it'll come back to bite them in a couple of episodes). Also, doesn't Gilly look pretty with her hair curled?
North of the Wall we finally have Coldhands turn up - the show's version of him at least. I can see why they recycle the known character of Benjen even if GRRM has apparently said that that's not who he is (or is that another fake-out?). Although what I found most entertaining was the split-second clip of Aerys Targaryen telling Jaime to "burn them all!" in amongst Bran's visions.
Meanwhile, Dany and company are riding east at the speed of plot and are apparently about a week (LOL!) away from Meereen. Not sure what Drogon was doing hiding out in that slightly cheap-looking desert set. Was he just waiting around for Dany that whole time? And while that ending speech was inspiring and all, I can't help but think that Dany's rekindled desire to get back to Westeros is going to lead to a lot of innocent deaths (and some not-so-innocent ones - I don't think it's a coincidence that "1000 ships" is both what Dany needs and what Euron Greyjoy just happens to be building with the intention of sailing them right at her).
No sign of Sansa and Jon this week - I'm not sure what their next move will be unless Davos goes to treat with the Manderleys as per the books. Will he still demand Rickon's rescue as his price of support? Go smuggle him out, Davos. And get Melisandre to shadow-shank Ramsey Bolton while you're there.
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With the High Sparrow plot I don't know if Margery is pretending or not but Tommen just comes over as unbelievably stupid. His stupidity is just really annoying. I also find it hard to accept how based off just 2 conversations with the High Sparrow he takes the High Sparrow's side over his wife and mother. If he was really that easily persuadable then I think the one controlling him would be someone like Cersei who is able to see him all the time.
At the moment I'm trying to not let the inconsistencies get me down and just try to enjoy the epic storytelling and epic visuals. On that score there's really noting else around on tv that compares to it.
Born to be a king & fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers.
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To me it was implied that he has had more than just the two conversations that are shown on screen. I'm not a Tommen hater like it seems most of the rest are. I looked it up and he is only around 16 years old. Of course he is impressionable and has no real mentor, he's just kind of feeling his way through everything and just wants to do the right thing to make everything okay. He saw a way to get his wife back, and his wife encouraged it, so why would he not resolve what seemed to be an ongoing problem? Does anyone else not remember their logic being a bit skewed at 16?
I wasn't a fan of the episode overall. It seemed a bit like filler, but leading up to good things to come.
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I didn't realise he was only 16, I guess that makes some difference. In that case however I'm surprised the Lannisters and Tyrells didn't try more to stop him visiting the High Sept. Among other things who was to say Tommen wouldn't be taken hostage there himself? I am surprised no-one really made this point to him or used it as an argument to try and stop him.
Born to be a king & fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers.
The Fresh Prince of Britain • RPAs personal wolf fetish • RPA's Wolf Mascot • Crazy the Wolfheart
The whole sparrow part feels like some kind of cheap soap opera to me, even the whole dragon deal and "copy" "pasting" the scene with the Danni burn out of fire, taking over the datheraki... I dunno feels like it is going in very straight line.
Also, was Ben the best card they could pull there? or was it in the books like that too?