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Thread: New Peaks Academy: Paradigm Shift (OOC/Signup)

  1. #11
    RPA Honor Guard
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    Name: Princeton Donnahough

    I.D. Number: 43219876

    Rank: B3

    Year: 2

    Nationality: Canadian

    Age: 16

    Sex/Gender: Male


    Fighting Style: Second Dan Black Belt Hung Gar

    Some Hung Gar techniques
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    Powers: Heightened cellular density: More of a passive mutation than an actual power, his cells are smaller and more efficient than other parahumans and humans, meaning he has twice and many cells per square inch of his body. This has several drwbacks and benefits. Benefits include increased strength, increased endurance and oxygen absorption, and quicker clotting.

    Drawbacks include that he must also consume twice as many calories to provide enough energy for his cells, and he is prone to overheating after along periods of activity and can faint if he doesn't have access to water. Full healing also takes twice s long, though he hardly ever gets sick.

    Personality: Princeton could be described as rather dimwitted. He isn't really stupid, at least not overly so, but he's certainly not the brightest knife in the shed. He is also rather nice and selfless, always willing to help others, as, in its own way, helping others helps him. e doesn't really get very mad easily, but he does get angry when people make fun of him or bully someone, the latter more than the former. While he doesn't like fight-fighting, he does enjoy sparring and training, however, he will fight to protect someone or stand up for what he believes in.

    Background: A troubled child from birth, Princeton always had trouble focusing on anything for long. He got into trouble a lot, but his mother said it was just because he was spirited. His father worried he had some sort of learning disability, as he repeatedly scored low on intelligence tests, and struggled in school throughout his entire young childhood.

    Luckily for him, he lived in a mostly prahuman community, so he didn't face racism, and his mother tried to shield him from what he did encounter. She would always brush off any offensive comments as that they were jealous of her special little boy, or that they were speaking so someone else. Luckily he was spared the sight of his mother punching out people for their comments more than a few times.

    His schooling wasn't much better, he acted out in class, scored low on tests, and didn't do his homework often. More than once, his mother had to pick him up from school when he was too disruptive. As it turns one, one time the principal used too harsh a description when explaining to his mother about why he was failing, saying something along the lines 'he's fucked up and is beyond help'. His mother took exception to that and the police had to be called.

    From then on, he was home schooled for a few years, but still he lacked focus. One day, when he was nine, he was watching an old martial arts movie with Sammo Hung, the first time he'd ever seen such a movie, and he was taken in by the theatrics of it. He asked his parents if he could join martial arts, and they said yes. This marked a change in him, it allowed him to use up his excess energy, and got him to focus well enough to get decent grades. Seeing how much good it did for him, his parents decided to ship him off to New Peaks, in his sohpmore yer of Highschool, of which up till now he was homeschooled, using a parahuman aid group, the Parahuman Initiative, thinking that the experience would do good for him.

    First Rule of Fight School, don't fail Fight School
    Last edited by Cfavano; 02-23-2017 at 12:46 AM.

    Spoiler: Things I like 

  2. #12
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    This RP has been features as Roleplay of the Week! Congrats!!

    Spoiler: Looking for RP in all the wrong places? Click here! 

    Spoiler: Friend Quotes 

  3. #13
    RPA Honor Guard
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    Spoiler: Things I like 

  4. #14
    Antivan Crow
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    Apologies for the delay. Here is my returning character. Reviews incoming.

    Spoiler: Vincento Sarconni 

    All characters except for Cfavano's have been approved and added to the roster. Cfavano, please finish your character.
    Last edited by Salroka; 02-15-2017 at 07:31 PM.
    Spoiler: Neat Stuff Within 

  5. #15
    Antivan Crow
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    Review time for Cfavano.

    We will begin with the backstory. It starts off well enough, but just... skips a crapton of potential development to simply say he decided to do martial arts and then went to New Peaks. How old was he when that happened? How long has he been practicing his art? What does his family do to be able to afford the New Peaks tuition? Did he face any adversity in life due to being a parahuman? Things like that are important, dude.

    Next up, the power. An interesting ability, to be sure. That said, it does have a couple issues. I am assuming that while he has twice as many cells, the cells themselves are smaller, right? While I can see that assisting with strength, it wouldnt do much to enhance durability. It WOULD, however... assist with healing. As there would be more cells to divide and replace damaged ones, henwould heal exactly twice as fast. Not a big boon in combat, but certainly a big help when combined with the advanced medicine and healing powers of New Peaks Hospital staff. Not sure why he would overheat, but if you want that as a drawback then that works.

    Lastly, how do you pronounce that last name?
    Last edited by Salroka; 02-20-2017 at 01:52 PM.
    Spoiler: Neat Stuff Within 

  6. #16
    Antivan Crow
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    Princeton has been edited and is acceptable. I will add him to the roster when I can get to a computer. Editing threads is difficult on a tablet.
    Spoiler: Neat Stuff Within 

  7. #17
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    Hello, got an NPC for you to add to the roster! Tell me if he needs any edits

    Spoiler: NPC Brief: 

    Spoiler: full cs 
    If the gold does not stay in this world,
    then I will chase it till I find my home

  8. #18
    I Forgot My Title....
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    Making her return, the girl who don't wanna talk to ya from Czechoslovakia....
    Name: Ilya Dyatchkina
    I.D. Number: 04191775
    Rank: B-1
    Year: Junior
    Nationality: Czechoslovakian
    Age: 17
    Sex/Gender: Female
    Theme song: Fourarms-Broughton
    Spoiler: A Better Pic than Last Time 

    Fighting Style: Boxing-9 years experience

    Powers: Four Arms-not a power per se, but a unique 'deformity' she carries. This extra pair of arms function just as well as her normal ones, and can be used seamlessly in combat. She can use two arms to block and two arms to attack constantly, meaning the punches never cease around this girl.

    Personality: Ilya has little experience with interacting with others. In fact, it was her choice to join New Peaks in order to come out of her shell more. A sheltered life simply is not for her. Still, she doesn't know much about making friends, and is extremely self-conscious about her extra appendages. She keeps them hidden as much as she can, but can only do it so much. When she has to have them out, she gets extremely nervous and can have a hard time focusing.

    In combat, she becomes no-nonsense. Combat has always been her way of relieving frustration and tension, and pulls no punches (no pun intended). She fights fairly but brutally; from opening bell to the final blow, she is all-out, all the time. She doesn't believe in pulling one's punches, even in sparring matches; bruises build character, after all. But after a fight, she is always more than willing to help her partner get better, so long as they will help her as well. And keep in mind...the times she has to improvise, watch out for her legs. She knows people focus on her pythons when she fights...and just in case, she NEVER skips leg day.

    Background: Birthed as the last attempt to salvage a marriage between a Czech man and a Slovak woman, Ilya Dyatchkina was a spoiled child from the word go. Her father was determined not to allow her birth defect to impede her ability to succeed in life, nor did he want her to be sad; as such, he showered her with praise and gifts for everything she did. Her mother, a more level-headed, frugal sort, knew the key to her social success was confidence.

    Her mother noted Ilya could use her four arms to her advantage in sports, so at the tender age of 8 she sighed Ilya up for a peewee boxing club that took place down at the local gym. Ilya excelled at the sport, finding a natural talent beyond her...natural talent. She was quick to improve; by age 11, most of her opponents weren't much of a challenge. Granted, she DID have a somewhat unfair advantage. Ilya took great pride in her ability, but never showed it; Ilya had frustrations to work out, and boxing was her outlet.

    What frustrations, you may ask? At age 6, the marriage could last no longer. Fed up with her husband's spendthrift ways, Olga Dyatchkina divorced her husband, moving back to Slovakia. The courts were a mess, awarding joint custody, trading off every three months. With such an awful ruling, Ilya was forced to be homeschooled, losing what little contact she had with other children her age.

    With more frustrations than ever, Ilya put all her heart into her training. By age 13, she had won the Czech/Slovak Junior Boxing tournament and found acclaim in the fighting community, and her future was in question. Was she going to focus entirely on boxing, or try to have a career? And what of her family? She had two private tutors, one in the Czech Republic, one in Slovakia, giving her the same advice: Go for broke, join the professional circuit. But Ilya felt sheltered. She knew very little of social interactions, and wanted to try and make friends that weren't just trying to latch onto her sports success.

    With this in mind, she asked her dad to send her to New Peaks. There, she couldn't be coddled by her family or pressured by the media. She would just be another (four-armed) body in the crowd, and she could just be herself. Her father, an oil tycoon, easily paid the high tuition, and Ilya soon found herself on her way, ready to make her own life for herself.

    And make it she did...even if she didn't do it the way she wanted. Placing second in the summer tournament filled her with anger at the little bitch who just so happened to knock her out. Ayame. Ilya silently swore revenge for the humiliation of being nothing more than a bad guy in Little Miss Perfect's stellar movie of life to overcome. Her summer had two roles; one half was spent training her ass off, growing ever stronger in her quest to bring all of New Peaks to their knees. The other was spent on the set of a chick flick, the freak girl trying to fit in, which struck a little too close to home.

    Her first goal, make friends, had failed. Losing to Ayame didn't help; many of the students had seen her as a raging monster, losing control at a moment's notice. Even the few she had talked to before now tended to avoid her. So be it. If they wouldn't talk to her...she wouldn't try to talk to them. The Parahumans were a bit more understanding, but some of the more radical ones seemed unable to come up with an opinion on her. Was she human? Were her four arms from some freak spider DNA transplant? What happened to her? Not that she cared. With her third year incoming, she would show Ayame what a real champion was made of, and wipe that smug little grin off of her face with a fist-or four.
    Last edited by Iwazuma; 02-26-2017 at 06:44 AM.
    Karma is the best.

  9. #19
    Giga Onion
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    I came here as per invitation. Beta, it seems you have an interesting concept and I'll happily expend my energy to participate.

  10. #20
    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    I know I said I wouldn't, but I can't leave my girl Ilya hangin

    Spoiler: Ayame Mizuki 

    Thanks to Karma for the dandiest set
    Spoiler: RPs I'm in 

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