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Thread: Re: ☬- Scarlet Ice ☬ IC

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    When Ally had gracefully drifted out of the fog, Kamala had smiled equally as gracefully. And when Ally's show had broken down, so had her's. When Ally had hugged her arm, Kamla froze, blushing. But after a moment, she had slowly relaxed again, regaining her sense of what was happening. She slowly snaked her arm around Ally's, with a sly grin and a dirty thought.

    Ruhail stepped forward to Adrian, a goofy grin on his face. His eyes were jumping from new thing to new thing, and the pumping music and flashing lights weren't helping any. "I am Ruhail, and these are my friends. That's Akemi, Daniel, and Kamala." he pointed to them in turn. "Who're you?"
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    With a grand if slightly nervous smile, she looked around at the flashing lights and the fog that covered the ground. The vampires she could see, however, looked almost completely human despite the slight differences in appearance- the eyes, fangs, and slightly paler skin tone. Some seemed like them, just youth out for a crazy night- white others seemed different. Older, somehow, and wiser. They were the ones who seemed more dangerous, as if they knew how to play the game of life and win it every time. However, Despite all the loud noises, she was still startled by a voice speaking to them. Once recovered, she couldn't help but tilt her head. Kamala....was friends with a vamp? When did she even get the chance to meet one! and she didn't tell them?! hm. Odd. Yet again, however, her attention was diverged from one solitary thought to the next as yet another vampire approached them- well, at least this one didn't appear to have met any one of them before. Though he just radiated trouble and mischief in her opinion- especially after he placed a finger under her chin. His skin was so really was like he was undead, with the amount of body heat he lacked. " So...what's the plan." she whispered to Ruhail and Daniel, grabbing on to one arm each. If they went along with it, so would she, but she wasn't going alone

    " Who am I?" he repeated, tilting his head. " Well, I can be anyone I choose. I could be a bodyguard or a woman's escort. A wolf or a sheep. Depends on the situation and what moon I'm in." he spoke with a casual shrug. " Overall though my name is Adrian. A pleasure to meet your group. Though I must say, I have to ask this of all the new faces that come around...." he walked over next to Kamala, where the group's attention seemed to be focused. " What brings you all to party with the undead? I mean, you have to realize the danger involved with this, right? Or maybe that's just it. Are you in it for the adrenaline, perhaps? The feeling of your blood rushing through your veins? Maybe you're just curious, wanting to know what the undead are really like?" he spoke, placing a finger under Akemi's chin before approaching Daniel and Ruhail, " Or, perhaps, you're looking for something else?" Though perfectly unaware of it himself, it would likely be noticeable to Ally which part of his personality was showing through at the moment. " Not that it's my place to judge." he spoke, backing off. " I'm just curious as to your motives. None the less, there's plenty to do here if you know where to look. In fact, if there's anything your interested in let me know- I know this place like the back of my hand. However, a word of caution- Keep and eye on your lady friend, whichever one of you she's with. The one there with Ally- Kamala, you said her name was?- should be just fine. Ally is one of the trustworthier folk here, even when caught up in the craziness of the club. Not to say men don't turn up missing or what not, it's simply statistics." clapping his hands he gave a broad smiling, showing his fangs quite clearly. " So then, Where shall we start? or would you all prefer to go your separate ways?'

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    Daniel, eyes on Ally, who is looking back at him with mild interest, is slightly entranced by the vampires and starts in surprise as Akemi grabs onto his arm. He has been lost in thought, his mind leaping from one wild fantasy to the next. The appearance of Adrian has surprised him somewhat, but the vampire seems to know Ally, who has no obvious objection to Adrian, so Daniel has no reason to object. There is something so intriguing and human yet inhuman about the vampires. Clearly it has a pull on him. As he looks at her, Akemi’s face seems, to him, to show slight anxiety and cautious curiosity. In the face of Akemi and Adrian’s questions it takes him only moments to decide on how he wants to proceed. Looking at Akemi he smiles as reassuringly as he can at her. “Not sure what Ruhail thinks but I think we came here to experience the exact situation that is being presented to us, so why not just go where the night takes us from here.”

    He looks at Ally, still attached to Kamala, and with a teasing smile and slight chuckle continues, “Besides I doubt we will be separating them anytime soon.”

    Locking eyes with Kamala who is further entangling herself with Ally, Daniel can no longer contain himself and he says with amusement, with the tiniest edge of jealousy coloring his voice, “I really want to know how you guys met!”

    Ally listening to the conversation amused. She smiles and nods vigorously, pulling closer to Kamala. There would be no separating them tonight if she had any say over it. Her smile turns mischievous and she speaks up. “I know! We should get something to drink…” She lets the word hang in the air and then upon receiving somewhat alarmed looks, giggles and points to the bar serving whatever you could fancy to quench your thirst. Ally looks up at Adrian, eyes calculating, and ponders his reasoning for involving himself. The handsome vampire has a self-assured air around him that is more than appropriate, but she can’t read any malice or bloodlust above the typical levels. She assumes he is merely bored, but with him it is more than possible something else is afoot. Regardless of what he is planning if, ultimately, he leaves Kamala and maybe one of the others who is catching her attention to Ally, they would have no problems.

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    Content with the answers he was given, Adrian led the way to where Ally had pointed, making sure the group wasn't too far behind. So on and so forth, the group ran with the dark, partying with the children of the night. Some may have enjoyed some beverages or food, other may have danced the night away, or maybe both. They left the daylight behind them, even if only for a short while. But as fate would have it, the night was only the beginning of a long fall from grace. The humans were like Alice, following the white rabbits down the rabbit hole. Only this wonderland wasn't fun,oh no, nor was it a colorful and enchanting land. This wonderland was dark. Dark and dangerous, colors turning to gray except for the areas the man-made light covered. In that darkness, crimson stained alleyways and windowsills, a twisted nightmare concealed within the shadows. No one could enter the city more, or leave, except for those who for which time stood still. There was no escape. Not for the mortals. That night of neon lights and dry ice would be the last night of fun the humans would have for a long while.

    The night had been full of thrills, chitchatting with the vampires and dancing the night away. However, the night had come to an end, and to be honest, she was kind of tired. That's when it happened, however- the massacre. The majority of the vamps suddenly turned on the humans. It started with a singularity- a scream that pierced through the noise, coming from a young man in the middle of the dance floor, after a vampire had made a bloody mess of his throat. Then more turned. Their crimson eyes glowing bright, fangs glistening beneath the lights. In mere minutes the club had went from a place of wonder to a scene straight out of a horror film. After the paralyzing fear had dissapated, she recalled the fact they had two vampires with them at that very moment. As she went to turn around, she prayed they were two of the few who hadn't lost their minds..... so she proceeded to turn and face them, unsure of if her human comrades were still near, or if they'd run. What if they had run, or gotten swept into the crowd? When the male vampire that had been escorting the group spoke, she could feel the air go tense, her heart skipping a beat in fear.....

    --- Adrian ---
    As much fun as he had been having, the night had grown long, and even he could only stand on his feet for so long. Just because they were immortal didn't mean vampires didn't get tired of mundane things such as standing. However, throughout the night, he had noticed a strange feel to the air- as if there were dark forces at work, darker than typical. " Those bloody fools aren't actually going to go through with that right now, are they?" he muttered beneath his breath, looking up at the ceiling of the club. It didn't take much longer for him to receive an answer, however, as he knew it as soon as the first scream rang out. The others followed, and soon enough the dance floor truly was scarlet. That being said, he couldn't blame the girl when one of the humans he'd been hanging around turned to face him with an expression nothing short of horrified. " You know, it was never a good idea for the hare to frolic with the wolves." he paused, almost finding the tension amusing. " but fear not, I shall not hurt you...for now, at least, and not intentionally. For now, I think it's best me and Ally get you humans out of here, before any of the others find you." he then turned his attention to ally and Kamala, seeing what they planned to do. " Tis going to be a long night, my friend."

    __________________________________________________ ________________________________

    and so began the dusk of an endless night. The sun would not rise, even as time went on. Allies would become enemies, friends betrayed by those they trusted most. Humans had started to loose control ever since the first vampire revealed their self. This was the start of what could very well turn into an apocolypse. Ground Zero. The humans were loosing control, being pulled and dragged down a dead-end road. The question still remains, however, as to where fate shall lead this group of human forsaken by the outside world. How far shall they fall, and how much of their wings shall be stained scarlet?

  5. #15
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    Ally keeps her face blank as chaos descends around them. Already the scent of blood is thick in the air. Not the variety to attract her but enough to send a pleasurable shiver down her spine. She licks her lips. There will be time enough to eat later… She stayed by Kamala’s side ready to defend her and the group of humans around them. As she feels the fear rolling off of them, she has to suppress the urge to laugh as amusement fills her and she thinks, ‘Well isn’t this a extreme example of the dangers of Vampires.’

    Ally wastes no thought on Adrian, he can easily handle himself. In fact, she wouldn’t associate with him if he couldn’t.

    The DJ, a vampire, keeps the music pumping as the room deteriorates further into screams. Humans are being chased and caught by the vampires around them. The flashing lights shine over a delightfully morbid feeding frenzy. Though she may not appreciate the disruption of her evening, she wasn’t necessarily opposed the events unfolding in the bar and in the city at large. In fact… It made her quite hungry. However, these events have come at quiet the personally inconvenient time and she doesn’t like it when others interrupt her fun.

    A cruel grin plays quickly across her face before settling into mask of calm assurance. Looking at the others she looks up at Kamala trying to gauge her reaction to all this, when a sudden fleeting instinct has her look at Daniel who has his back to her. He is shaking, like the others, but he doesn’t seem as scared as he should, and honestly, Ally would bet anything that there is a smile on his face.

    ‘Am I… smiling?’ Daniel feels numb, blood pumping loudly in his ears, he is only vaguely aware of his body shaking. And his face. His face was stuck in a smile he couldn’t even begin to understand or explain. Blood… ‘So much blood… At that moment his instinct to survive kicks in and he starts slowly backing away from the dance floor towards his friends. Daniel is about to turn and urge the others that leaving this place is their highest priority, when suddenly, he feels icy hand on his back. Freezing in place, cold fear settles in his stomach. How could he have forgotten the two vampires who were with them. He didn’t think they attack them, but it is probably not smart to make assumptions about the pair. When nothing attacks him, he turns his head to see Ally, black and blood red eyes fixed on him, with a reassuring smile on her face. Maybe, she had thought he was going to run. Daniel forced smile and spoke quietly to the group. “Guys we have to get away from this feeding frenzy! Ally, Adrian, what are our options?”

    Ally looks to Adrian, say what you will about him the guy usually has a plan. She has a few ideas of her own, but she is curious what the vampire brewing in that brain of his.

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    Well, at least neither of the vampires were attacking them yet, but.... what the heck was up with daniel? He was... he was smiling. freaking smiling despite the scene before them. Why? Fear? Or something else? She wasn't sure, but it did cause her to take a few steps torwards ruhail. Yet the plan the vampire had to get them out of there... that was absurd! And, quite frankly, disgusting. Though, she wasn't seeing much for a way out.

    What he said wasn't a lie- the hares (aka humans) were foolish to frolick (party) with the wolves( vampires). It was bound to fail from the get go. This world was ruled by a survival-of-the-fittest system. Eat or be eaten, kill or be killed, those at the top of the chain flourishing while those at the bottom lived in fear. Even before they made themselves known, vampires were the true top of the chain. Humans had, naively, called themselves the top- but they weren't, and it was time for them to realize their error. Who were they kidding anyways? They, the vampires, lived forever, had superior abilities, and feasted on the living- even death had a hard time keeping a hold on them with their healing. Yet the mortals thought they could boss them around, heard them and control them, teach them tricks as If they were tamed beasts. The mortals had to learn their place eventually. It was likely that the majority of the humans here tonight wouldn't survive, or even turned for that matter.
    But, like any vampires, a bit of anarchy here and there was nice, and an abundance of blood just made it all the better- he wondered if this was what feasts used to be liked for them on medieval times- and oh how he wished he could've partaken in the hunt. It was hard to do so when they had to 'keep up appearances'. However, the feeling of eyes on him brought him back to his senses- somewhat.
    With eyes aglow he turned to meet Ally's gaze, only paying minute amounts of attention to daniel- he had recalled seeing a smile on his face, for whatever reason, but that would be a discussion for another time. If they all made it out in one piece, things might be rather interesting for a while.
    " Our best bet is to to place the blood of the other humans on them, and carry them out of here. We can't use our own blood, as there's a difference in the scents of a vampire's blood and a human's. So we use spilt blood to make it look like they've been bit. Mixed with our own scent. It should buy us enough time to get them somewhere safe. Of course, they'll have to act unconscious and we'll have to carry them, otherwise our plan is pointless. Besides, itll keep them safer. All in all, however, were mainly relying on the fact most of our kind know not to feed on another vampire's territory. " though I'd much rather bite them ourselves, but that'll just ruin the fun.
    " I'll get these two- what were the names again? Akemi and Daniel, if you can take the other two. That is, if everyone is in agreement here. I mean, we could keep standing here if everyone wants- but I wouldn't reccomend it." He spoke, gesturing to a few vampires who- with crazed grins and bloody clothing- were gazing their way, ready to head over of he and Ally didn't make a move soon. " so if everyone is in, we need to be going. I know of a different entrance besides the elavator. "

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    Kamala was silently freaking out. Her heart was racing, her breath coming far too short. But she steeled herself, calming herself to gain the sense to hide behind Ally. This was definitely not how she expected the night to go. She wanted to hang out with her friends, get some drinks with the cute girl she had met the other day, and spend the night with said cute girl. She did not want to be eaten, or something. She finally calmed a little, only to look to Daniel and see him smiling. Her heart leaped into her throat, and a small squeak jumped out of her. A cold hand scraped her shoulder, and she jumped. She spun, coming face to face with one of the undead. "JESUS FUCK," she spun to the other side of Ally, keeping a solid barrier between her and a vampire. That is, until she remembered Ally was a vampire. She jumped back, eyed Ally. "You're not, uh, going to kill me, are you?" Her voice was strained.

    Ruhail was terrified. He watched everything happen in abject, slack-jawed horror. Humans' throats sliced by vampires going feral. He backed into the group, keeping his distance from the vampires. He watched Kamala jump around, dancing from vampire to vampire. It was horrifying. An icy chill ran up his spine, and, not for the first time, he wished he was stronger. He turned to the group, looking over his shoulder every other moment. "We have to do what?" Tears shone in his eyes. "Will that work? I mean, if they see you covering us with blood? Will they still think you killed us?"
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    Daniel backs up closer to the group unable to banish the scene before them from his thoughts. It flashes through his mind superimposed by the terrified looks on his friends faces and the vicious monsters finishing their feast on the dance floor. As Adrian indicated, the crazed vampires frenzied by the volume of blood being spilt and consumed, are beginning to look for a new source of food and are turning their attention to where the group is standing. As Adrian quickly lays out his plan Daniel, turns his head and raises an eyebrow incredulously at the vampire, who seems to be maintaining his control with ease.

    Daniel may be feeling a little panicky due to their current situation and the strange reaction he is having to the brutal scene but the idea of covering themselves in blood seems whole unnecessary, mainly due to the potential flaws in the plan. Daniel has a hard time imagining that such a simple ploy would even work. It would be hard for them to act unconscious, and even if they managed that the idea on its most basic level seems imperfect. Why would Adrian and Ally be taking the humans away and wouldn’t the vampires be able to distinguish that the blood on them smells different than their own? Even more than all of that wouldn’t the vampires who are already approaching them be able to simply tell what is going on? Were these maddened vampires no better than feral beasts, to be tricked so?

    As Ally moves to stand next to Adrian her stance proud, she is almost shocked by Adrian’s suggestion. Her lips part in an amused and sensual smile. Ignoring the terror of the humans grouped with them she allows herself to enjoy the banquet of death and blood around them and though she wouldn’t partake at this moment it is indeed a sight to behold. As she becomes more and more delighted with this turn of events, she thinks to herself. Oh this is just toooo much. The whole world has gone mad. The Eternal Night has finally descended, and the time of the vampire is here. I refuse to skulk around in the shadows. Let the madness descend. I’ll CRUSH anyone who gets in my way.

    Daniel’s thoughts swirl around his head as he draws closer to the group. Despite his misgivings towards the idea Daniel is hardly in a position to object. He is powerless in the face of the monsters approaching the group. In the end he is going to do whatever is necessary to survive… He is about to give his consent to the plan, when feminine laugher starts up behind him. Daniel whips his head around and blinks in surprise. Ally’s face is a mask of cruel amusement. Her eyes are aglow with delight. Somehow it isn’t a surprise to him that she is acting this way, even though he barely knows her.

    This whole situation was so unexpected that she couldn’t help but burst into laugher. Her unfiltered amusement is in jarring contrast with the massacre. In addition, this scheme of Adrian’s wouldn’t work on her and in her opinion a vampire would have to be far gone for something so basic to obfuscate the keen senses they possess. In addition, she doubted they had time to cover all the humans in enough blood adequately mask anything and where would they even get it without the vampires noticing. Ally also doubts they would be freely allowed to take food away from this place without a fight, crazed as the vampires are and if it is going to come to a fight… why wait? Besides Ally will NEVER let any of the other vampires touch these humans. The game is different now and humans might very well become an endangered species in the near future, and she has no intention of starving. Her laugher quickly passes, and she looks up at Adrian confidently with a devious energy filling her eyes and she cocks her head. “Why bother hiding anything, there is no doubt that a fight is coming, and no one here can match us. Whether we hide them or not, we might as well assert our dominance and take control now…” She trails off before continuing with a slightly mocking edge to her voice, “Or do you have plans to serve someone...”

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    Adrian let out a low, frustrated hiss as Ally's human friend, Kamala, narrowly avoided one of his kind. As the livestock's numbers were swiftly decreasing, the vamps were hunting for anyone still alive that weren't vampires. Some humans, he noted, had taken up residence among the fallen, dragging limbs and torsos across them and smearing blood on themselves to blend in. If it wasn't for the music they would've been goners, but the music helped in drowning our the sound of their panicked hearts. Not that he would point those humans out- it was simply curious. Humans really would do anything to survive, wouldn't they ?

    However, he didn't have much time to reflect on that thought, due to the looks he was receiving from the humans, and even Ally. " Hey? You try coming up with a plan on the spot! I'm well aware it's horrible, thank you very much. No need to shove that fact down my throat." he spoke rather gruffly, slightly irritated. " If your so disappointed, however, you all make the plan next time, and don't ask me. I'm good at long-term plans, not short, sudden ones."

    With a slight huff he listened to what Ally was saying, silently. He could see a few of the vampires were preparing to lunge their direction, willing to fight and kill for the prey set before them, the only barrier between them and yet another feast being him and Ally. That being said, Ally wasn't wrong- they weren't getting out without a fight, not anymore at least. None the less, he liked the look in Ally's eyes, and he wouldn't stand to be mocked in such a way. " Me of all people, a servant? As if." he spoke, a smirk replacing his prior irritated expression. " besides, it's hard not to join in on the commotion. So then, let's begin, shall we? I Don't know how you plan on protecting the humans while we fight, however." he spoke, kicking away a vampire that had gotten too close to the group, with plenty more heading their way. Then he turned to face the humans, who just kept huddling closer together, it appeared." I have a new idea, however- you humans aren't getting out of here on your own, and even if you did, the street's aren't going to be any better for a night or two. So I have one condition- I'll help save you rabbits, so long as you stick with me and Ally for the time being- so long as Ally here is fine with this as well." he had to ensure the humans would stick with them, but because of Kamala, he had to get Ally's ok too.

    Meanwhile, Akemi wasn't sure how to react anymore. Standing still was doing nothing for her, Kamala, Daniel, or Ruhail. In fact, stillness would get them killed. Plus, she didn't trust the two vamps before them. Almost all the other vampires in the room had turned on the humans- why hadn't these two? We're they plotting something, maybe waiting to get them to a place where they wouldn't have to fight for their prey. Among all of that, she was wary of Daniel now too- she couldn't get that smiling expression he had been briefly wearing out of her head- it was like a nightmare that left one paranoid even in the light of day.
    Unfortunately, she had been foolishly lost in a whirlwind of her own panicking thoughts that she didn't notice a vampire that had gotten within reach of the group. She tried to move, but the vampire snagged her arm, and she found herself unable to get out of the vamp's grip- so that one of the things book got right- their strength. To her momentary relief, Adrian had arrived in the nick of time- though it had almost felt like the vampire's fangs had scraped her skin, but she didn't think much of it at the time. Besides, surely a scrape wouldn't hurt her. Had it been a full on bite, she would have been worried about the 'kiss of death'- the disease that was, transferred through a vampire's bite. Everyone knew about it- but few spoke of it. People with the disease were supposed to be qaurentined by the government, but the their families tended to self-qaurentine them. A foolish move by all accounts- she'd heard the stories. The mother of two children was qaurentined by her husband, and the children were left traumatized by the tortured wails of their mother, desperate to consume human blood, the substance that would make the change complete and permanent. An orphan girl tried to qaurentine her brother, only for him to kill her after escaping his make-shift prison. The end results were more or less the same- someone ended up hurt, and the diseased ended up turning. It was very rare someone actually beat the disease.
    Cautiously looking down at the palm of her hand, she felt her heart leap into her throat. They were feint, but they were there- two small scrapes on the palm of her hand, barely bleeding but yet just enough she could tell the vamp had drawn blood. They weren't, however, full-on bite marks. Closing her hand into a fist, she looked back up, discreetly covering one hand with the other. when they- if they got out of this, she'd disinfect it. Though she was worried what would happen if she did end up sick- would she have to leave her friends behind? would they be scared of her? Pushing the thought aside, she decided right now, her priority had to be to get out of this alive. By the chance she wouldn't get the disease, it'd be pointless to die here.

    Adrian's attention was suddenly snagged, however, by a new scent permeating the air- very feint, but he could pick it out if he focused on it. It wasn't a bad smell by any means, just...different. To him, at least, it was the smell of roses mixed with honey. Its source, which he looked around in attempt to pick it out..... was coming from the female human. Not the one Ally was close to, but the other one. What confused him was that she hadn't been emitting that smell that much earlier- now that he thought about it, it had been there, but it was feint. Narrowing his eyes, he tried to figure out what had changed- then he noticed her hands. It was easy to pass off that she was just nervous, but on closer inspection, she seemed to have her right hand closed a bit tighter than need be.....and the other hand rested atop it in an almost protective manner. All in all, everything led to the same conclusion- she was bleeding. At this point in time, however, he couldn't tell if it was because of a vampire's fangs, or if she had accidently managed to injure herself.
    Last edited by Owl0430; 11-27-2019 at 09:13 PM.

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    "Alright, alright, fine, we'll do anything, just get us out of here." Kamala's voice was gradually heightening in pitch until she was almost squeaking. Her eyes darted around the club. The dance floor was slick with blood. Humans laid on the floor, ghastly pale and clutching bleeding wounds, or worse, doing nothing. She could feel their eyes watching her, tracking her every move. When she was little, she used to watch Shark Week on the Discovery Channel. She was never afraid of the sharks, but their cold, unfeeling eyes unsettled her. She felt that now, times 1000. Cold, unblinking eyes watched her every move like sharks. Her heart skipped a beat.

    Ruhail was panicking. He wasn't that big into death, or blood even. He didn't like getting cuts. Blood made him woozy. Ad there was blood everywhere. On the floor, on the walls, on their clothes, on the mouths of vampires, even on the fucking ceiling. He didn't even have the amount of time to ponder how it had gotten up there before he had to sidestep a vampire going for his throat. "Yes, yes, yesyesyesyesyesyes, I don't care what we have to do, just get us out of here!"
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