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Thread: The last bullet (Russian Roulette) IC

  1. #21
    The Froggiest
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    She looks pissed off... Juniper thought to herself as she watched the woman come in and shoot the gun she was given with her eyes closed. She could only hope that the gun wouldn't fire, and if it did, that the bullet wouldn't hit her. She gave a sigh of relief when the gun didn't fire and was surprised when her own gun lit up, scaring her so bad that she dropped it. She heard several chuckles in the audience and her stomach twisted into knots. Who could she possibly shoot? Sure, she didn't know any of them...but she picked it up and pointed the it at the person who had fired last, figuring that if it fired...and hit...she woud have one less pissed off person to worry about.

    Juniper shot her gun at Elizabeth16.
    Last edited by Froggy; 07-13-2014 at 01:55 AM.

  2. #22
    An Apple Pie of Angry
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    Jacogos smirked to himself as the scene began to unfold in front of him. Already people were reaching for their guns, pointing them at someone and pulling the trigger. Just like that. Such a waste. Life was too short to just start flinging weapons around like no tomorrow. Chuckling to himself, the metalhead slowly stood up from his chair just as the third woman began to aim her weapon at another individual.

    "Well as fun as it is waiting for first blood, I feel like my time could be better spent. I'll be chilling with the PS4 if any of y'all want to join me in a game... of what, I suppose I'll decide once I plunder the game catalog." Turning without any further commentary, the long-haired man took the gun inscribed with his name and clicked the safety, holstering it in his own jeans; he wore a bracelet, so he didn't doubt that the gun could misfire at himself if it triggered accidentally, never mind the 'wait for it to light up' bit.

    Jacogos wasn't surprised that he was the first to get up and decide to do something else; he had always been a bit detached from events going on around him, emotionless you could even say. He didn't care that his life was on the line; he didn't care that someone might be turning to shoot him now, labeling him as a threat simply for deciding not to be around. Of course, that might also work to his advantage... And then, maybe it wouldn't. Odds were that someone here had a bullet in their first slot. Might even be him. And now, the odds for those two girls to fire a bullet had gone up... That made them targets, no?

    Jacogos chuckled again, louder. Such an interesting game... If only there was someone else interesting to play with.

    Thank you Hayabusa for the Sig and Avi.

    Alright everyone. Thank you for your time. This is a link to the thread explaining my departure from RPA. Stop by for the read if you have a chance. And catch you all on the flip side

  3. #23
    The Pure One
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    Side bets were where the money was. Who was going to get the first kill, who was going to freak out first. Who would rise up to the occasion. Who would hate it, who would love it.

    And because of it millions were rolling in.


    Gun doesn't Fire.

    The next gun has lit up.

  4. #24
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    Crimson sighed thinking about the date she was missing out on. It was with a some what decent guy for once and she had to be taken now of all times. To her it seemed all her work getting ready wasn't worth much at this moment. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she watched people try and shot each other, sadly no one had be shot yet but it was still a little early for someone's brains to be flying out of their head now since it was after all the first night after all. Now bored with those around around her she figured she'd use her time on the beach which should be nice though she'll be followed by her entourage of guards.

    She rose from her seat glancing around at the other before making a move for the beach just outside. "I could get used to this," Crimson said with a small smile to herself admiring the beautiful scene before her as she took off her shoes enjoying the feeling of the sand between her toes. The sound of the water breaking against the shore was much more peaceful than the madness inside. If she can survive she didn't want to take life for granted, but for now she'd like to take in everything. Crimson pulled up her dress just enough not to get it wet but allow her feet to get wet as she walked along the edge of the water.

  5. #25
    The Dragon Lady
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    Stormy watched all of this unfold with a less than amused look. Two guns already pointed and fired, but no deaths. Well... At least not yet. She took her gun, pushed away from the table, and stood. SJQ had mentioned a bar, and she was ready for a drink. As she made her way out of the room though, she noticed with a start that her gun was now lit. Well shit... I was hoping to get plastered before this happened.... with a heavy, irritated sigh, she made her way to the bar. Eyeing Rouge for a moment, she drummed her fingers against the grip of the gun before slipping behind the bar to make herself a drink.

    I'm at least going to enjoy a drink before I do this shit... Grabbing a bottle and a glass, she poured herself a double shot of Disaronno, straight. She took a long sip of the almond liquar before stepping back out from behind the bar. Who do I want to end up pissing off if this damn thing doesn't fire.... Just then, she remembered a man mentioning that he was going to play a video game. She had little love of video games. Making her way into the game room, she stared hard at Jaco. "Well, if I don't kill you, I guess I'll have to be a second player for a while to make up for it." With that said, she lifted the gun, aimed, and pulled the trigger.

    StormyNyte shoots Jacogos
    Last edited by StormyNyte; 07-13-2014 at 12:34 PM.
    Stormy's 1X1 recruitment thread!
    Spoiler: Don't lie to yourself, you know you want to look. 

  6. #26
    The Froggiest
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    Juniper sighed in relief when her gun didn't fire, and while it increased her odds that the next shot she fired would have a bullet- at least she didn't have to take a life at this point. The only thing she now had to worry about was the woman whom she had shot at taking revenge upon her during the woman's next turn. That, and anybody else who decided to take a shot at her.

    The thoughts were making her sick, seeing all the cameras watching though they were cattle to be butchered. "You sick fuckers," she said, flipping the cameras off with both fingers and storming off to the bathroom. She had never flipped anybody off in her lifetime, but then again...she may not be around for much longer, so she figured she may as well do her best to spite the people who put her here. She slammed the bathroom door shut and locked it, seeing a camera directly in her face on the opposite wall. "Oh for the love of- you have got to be kidding me?!" she shouted, grabbing the nearest object she could (which happened to be the air freshener) and throwing it at the camera. It barely moved, protected by steel plating.

    Her insides churned once more and she ran to the toilet, vomiting into it just in time. She knew the world was hard, she just hadn't been aware that it was this cruel. After she upchucked her stomach contents, she unlocked the door, several rolls of toilet paper in her hand- and she began to throw them all over the place, making as much of a mess as she could. "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU SICK ASSHOLES- CLEAN THIS UP TOO!" she shouted, kicking the nearest vase and throwing more toilet paper around. She was determined to make them as miserable as possible while she could.

    "And for those of you who don't want to be here, just like I don't...let's say we make them miserable for a change?" she asked the others, smirking as she pushed another vase over, laughing as it shattered. She was slowly losing her mental stability and wondered exactly how long it would be before she cracked...and how much longer she would be around after.
    Last edited by Froggy; 07-13-2014 at 07:57 PM.

  7. #27
    The Pure One
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    SQJ watched as one by one the others in the group stood up one by one and started moving their own ways, it was a relief to see. The last thing he wanted was a group of people sitting around in a sad circle simply too scared to get up. Too nervous to eat. He pulled up the sleeves on his own suit which revealed healed scars on his wrists, of all the bad times, those scars had come from the better times. He knew what dark was, he knew what true fear was.

    And as the game progressed, one by one each and every one of them would learn their own lessons in fear. They would find out what it truly meant to know what was relevant in their lives, and unlike most who faced life or death situations this lesson would stick. It was just too bad only one of them would know the truth of living at the end of the fight. Only one of them would come out something bigger, find humanities one truth. That we're just animals and one just has to realise they have the strength to run ahead of the pack.

    There was a series of cheers then a series of cheers that caught SQJ's attention and he saw that Stormnyyte had just aim her gun at Jac. He hadn't seen that coming, her gun wasn't lit up. Was it some kind of declaration by her? Was he to be targeted when her turn came?


    Gun doesn't Fire.

    Nothing happens

    SQJ chuckled, it looked like there was some fun to bee had by the current batch. He just hope they could keep up the entertainment factor but that could not have been the reason people were cheering. He looked across the screens and saw that one of the women was hunched over a toilet puking her guts out. Somewhere out there someone was getting off to this, this was the world, someone was always getting off to something. He grinned as he wondered if she knew just how many cameras were in that room.

  8. #28
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    Ellie could burst out in laughter, but she had to keep her front. No one was willing to shoot the orphan? Well, she did not mind playing the pity game, not at this party. Who would have the guts to point a gun at an orphan? No one.
    But that was not the whole truth, and Ellie knew it. All the secrets were secrets to the other people in this game, but were they secrets to SQJ. How much did he know? After all, was it not according to SQJ that she be forced into these games. Otherwise, who selected her? He didn't select her, she knew that, but did he know. If he knew, he could send everything to a tailspin.

    Ellie had toured the house by her lonesome, calming herself down for a think, but know it was her turn. Who to shoot? She straightened up, shoulders back, grabbing the gun, and spinning it around. Comfortable enough, but not her choice weapon. "I can't have you forcing me into this game," she said, biting her lip with a nervous tension, "While all these other people forced here may choose to lose all their morals, I can't. Some of us are only victims. But you, SQJ," Ellie pointed the gun at SQJ, "are the enemy." She didn't fire quite yet, rethinking all possibilities.

    She must kill him. He must have known the secrets. He is the head of the game, so if anyone knew, it would be him, and she simply couldn't let her secrets out. He must be the target for this. In this game, she couldn't simply die with him knowing her secrets, even if that meant killing him dirtily, she would do it. Ellie pulled the trigger, her gun pointed precisely and accurately, a surprise for someone of her background- but really, her familiarity with the gun was a link to the secrets. These secrets that no one here should know, and even less, those watching.

    Ellie fired at SQJ.
    "One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs. Or the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls." -Khaled Hosseini

  9. #29
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    The adrenaline rush was finally beginning to subside as Mihkul's heart gained it's normal rythm. He was accustomed to guns being pointed and even fired at him, but never had he hear the 'click' of the hammer without the bang to follow. The bitch wasn't as stupid as she looked. Mihkul figured his target would be taken out one way or was just the odds. Guns were lit up again and again, followed by the sharp click, without the bang. He was patient; his turn would come, or at least he hoped it would.

    A silence suddenly overcame the table. The girl sitting to his right had picked up her revolver and had it aimed straight at the face of their host. Mihkul chuckled and thought This broad has balls bigger than Time Square on New Year's Eve.

    Thank you, Nara

  10. #30
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    Merry sat, still as stone at the large table. Watching, everything. Her eyes hidden by the still affixed dark wrap around sun glasses. They had removed all her weapons upon entry into the house, as she had expected. Didn't make it any easier to deal with. The annoyance was there, but it couldn't be helped. She felt naked without her weapons, and nothing short of getting them back would make the sensations go away. Eventually, she told herself.

    Some of the people in the room she knew, most she did not. Either way, they would never know that she was annoyed. They would never know if she was nervous, scared, angry, anything. It was if she were made of stone. Still she watched. One by one they drifted away. One by one they tried their guns, as the lights came on and nothing. She noted all the cameras in the room. Some hidden, some not. There were probably four cameras for each person in this game. She wondered if anyone else even saw them all.

    With a small sigh, she hooked the chair beside her, turning it to face her. Lifting her legs up, she crossed them and used the now turned chair as a rather comfy footstool, gazing at her boots as she did so. God she loved these boots. The calfskin leather so soft and pliable, not to mention how they made her legs look, definitely worth the price.

    She stretched out her arms, hooking them behind her head, and leaned back into the chair. Still watching. Seems someone had pointed a gun at the host. this game just got interesting she smirked and waited for the results.
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