Why Tomb Raider girl? Lol
Why Tomb Raider girl? Lol
Sorry for the slight delay in the GM post y'all. Had a 40-hours road trip over the weekend but now I should be back to knocking out posts on a regular pace again
Salty, any idea when you'll make your next post?
Any chance you guys are accepting any more?
Spoiler: Current RPs- Check them Out (Recently Updated!)
Feel free to make a character, Baron RP is still getting started
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, something came up.
GM post is up!
Feel free to get responses up in the IC, I plan to start a co-post with each of y'all after the responses are up
We should be getting to the first death within the week
Ooooooh, posted! It's getting spooky! Can't wait to see what happens next even if I'm kinda worried...
Just a heads up that before the server migration, RedKayne and I were working on co-post getting the spooky stuff rolling. We should be done soon and back in the swing of things.
Can't wait
Hmm, well I haven't heard from RedKayne since the server migration. You still with us, Red?