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    Default Re: ☬- Scarlet Ice ☬ IC

    Neon lights lit up the dark of the night, giving the city a surreal appearance. The hustle and bustle of traffic could be heard and seen from every street, as if the city never slept. People hurried around busily, some with places to be, other searching for the next thrill. Some people, however, had an even more careless air than the rest. They walked as if they had all the time in the world, as if the next thrill was just one of many- as they rightfully should have believe. Being what they were an all, with their immortality and endless lust for blood. Some people watched them warily as they passed by, others looked at them longingly, as if desiring something they possessed. The night air was a gentle warmth on the skin, and the wind carried with it the sound of music that was playing nearby.
    With a gleeful smile, a young blonde practically jumped out of the car the moment it had parked, gazing at their surroundings. She could see their hotel from the parking garage- a huge tower that reached for the sky, hundreds of lights shining through the windows. It was hard to believe they were actually here, in the city, where the days were long but the nights even longer. That last fact was both exciting and frightening. She knew what roamed here. They weren't alone when the waled the streets here, most certainly not. Here, creatures of the night, the undead, walked among the living. In fact, they even did so without a care, those vampires
    Walking up to the concrete wall that kept the cars from falling off the building, she looked at the view, which was just as breathtaking as it had been from the ground. The city seemed to be endless, stretching out as far as the eye could see, and ocean of light and color. To her, at least, there was something beautiful and exciting about it. Coming from a small town where not much happened, this was bound to be quite the vacation!
    From there she rushed back to the car, poking her head back in through the door she had gotten out of. " Can you guys believe we actually made it here in one piece? Oh, and you guys really need to check out the view from up here!" running back over to the ledge, she smiled at the group. What should they do first after they got settled in? Explore the city? Check out the hotel pool? Maybe find some solid food instead of road-trip snacks? There were so many options! Closing her eyes she took in a deep breath before looking back out at the view.

    Amid the flashing lights and blaring music, a young, dark-haired male wiped his face with a white cloth, leaving a crimson streak on the once-pure fabric. From there he threw the cloth away, proceeding to walk to the elavator, and taking it back up to the main floor. Afterwards he walked outside the building, considering where he wished to go now. He had taken his fill of sustenance for the night, so there was no need to hunt. Meanwhile, some places were still wary of letting his kind set foot in their business. Too much risk involved, they claimed. So, he figured, maybe he would just people-watch. Who knows, maybe something interesting would happen.
    Last edited by Owl0430; 09-18-2019 at 03:43 PM.

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    Ruhail jumped out of the car and streaked over. He looked at the city, at the cars snaking their way through the streets. "Whoaaa..." his eyes flashed with the lights of the city. Everything was so bright and colorful, unlike where he was from. "What kind of food do you think we can find here?" he turned, asking the group.
    Kamala poked her head out of the car. "I don't know, and I don't care. I need sleep. I need the hotel room. We can eat later." her head retracted back into the vehicle, before her door opened. She extricated herself from the car, before walking over. "It is a nice view, though." her face softened, before she leaned over the ledge.
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    The drive to the city had been an easy one, nothing to complain about and the traffic had been light. They made good time and the night is young. The weather is delightful the perfect night for a night on the city

    Daniel smoothly exits the car, confidence rolling off him. Finally, free of the confines of the vehicle he lights up a cigarette and walks towards the group, he stands to the side hoping not to bother them with the smoke. He smiles happy and grins further at his friends’ reactions to the city, he is trying to keep a cool head himself, but he can barely contain his excitement. “Personally, my vote is food, my father told me of a place in the city that sounds really good, he was saying one of his young clients recommended it.” He rubs his neck and continues, “It is supposed to be some sort of hip burger joint; he probably wants me to go there so I can report back to him what it is like.” He grins and teases, “Besides we should probably eat something before we party too hard with the vampires.” The night is going to be one to remember he is sure. He is very interested in meeting one of the famed immortals. Daniel has always wanted to live forever.


    Sitting in a VIP booth by herself amidst the flashing lights of the club Ally sighs, bored. The music is good but not enough to make her want to force herself move. She wants, no needs, something to excite her. She sends a quick text message to Kamala, ‘Did you make it to the city yet ;3’ She met the human, Kamala, at a concert she had been attending recently. The girl is amusing and fun to be around, but more than that she is quiet enticing, in both looks and scent. She is supposed to come to the city tonight but with humans you can never tell. She spots Adrian in the crowd and waves to him, hoping he will spot her and join her for a second. Anything to relieve the boredom.

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    It was hard not to grin as they all stood by the ledge, everyone seemingly excited in their own ways and for their own reasons. Even Kamala, who originally seemed to care more about getting some sleep, appeared to have softened her expression. " Hm......Sorry Kamala, but I think I have to agree with Ruhail and Daniel. Food actually sounds pretty good right about now. If I remember correctly, we relied pretty heavily on snack foods to get us here, so it's about time we get some actual food. We should be able to find you a coffee or something to combat your weariness along the way, however." she looked at the other woman with an apologetic expression before turning to Ruhail. " It's a big city, I'm sure they have almost anything here. Any type of cuisine imaginable. For tonight, however, I think I'm ok with the burger joint Daniel is talking about. However......" she smirked, with only a hint of actual concern, as she reached up to place her elbow on Daniel's shoulder. " What kind of crazy trouble do you plan on getting into if your so concerned about eating a good meal before hanging with the vamps? " a small part of her was a bit concerned by all the potential outcomes of the night. The idea of partying with vampires was attractive to anyone looking for a thrill, but with thrills came danger. What if one of them ended up injured, to the point they bled? Would a vampire attack? What if a vampire attacked, and either killed or infected one of them? The idea of being fed upon by a vampire, no matter the method, was beyond anything she could fathom. She was curious about them, sure, but she didn't want to be their food. That just seemed...wrong. Almost like it was some sort of taboo. " none the less, don't worry. At least one of us should be able to lend a helping hand if you need it.'" giving the group another smile, she stretched again, still feeling a bit tense from the trip. " So, food first, and we'll get our luggage later? Or should we go ahead and check in with our luggage? I'm sure a bellhop could get our bags to our rooms as long as we get checked in, if that's the route you guys want to go." It was then that she realized she may have been rambling a bit and instantly shut her mouth, looking nervously out at the view again.

    After having been outside for a few minutes, the decided it was best to wander back inside. The night was still young, and the festivities were still just getting started. There would be nothing fun to do until at least eleven, if not midnight.
    That meant he had to find something to do in the meantime, but what? He didn't want to hunt, as he wasn't all that hungry for the time being, unless he found some exceptionally smelling human. However, the feeling of eyes on him caught his attention, and he turned to see one of the other local vampires waving to him. Determining it was better than walking around with nothing to do, he walked over to the booth, sliding into the seat across from her. " It's unusual for you to be sitting all alone my dear, or even just sitting at all." he teased Ally. " From what I've seen your almost always up and dancing, generally with a partner of sorts. I suppose I could always dance with you, but I'm afraid this music is not my taste." ending his teasing and jokes, his smug grin fell to a more bored expression. " I get it though. The early night isn't that exciting. The sun just finished setting about and hour ago, so not all of the humans and vampires are out yet. Everything is still heating up."

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    Kamala's phone buzzed. She took a step back from the ledge, then looked at it. She kept the phone slightly hidden from the rest of the group. She typed out a response, 'Yeah, just got here.', she paused for a moment, then added ''. She slid the phone back into her pocket, then looked up, trying to hide a slight smile from the rest of the group. "What? Yeah, that's fine." She had met Ally the other night at a concert, and the girl was something. In Kamala's self-proclaimed cold heart, Ally had somehow managed to warm it for a night. Kamala didn't know how to feel about that. So yeah, she might have a bit of a crush on a pale stranger from the city.

    Ruhail pumped his fist. "Yes!" he gave a lopsided grin. "I'm starving. Given, I'm always starving, but tonight I'm especially starving. Bugles can be your only meals for only so long. Besides, it's always a good time to eat." He began to pace quickly. "I guess we could bring our luggage there. I think we should eat first though. Then we can take our stuff to our room, and then hit the streets."
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    Daniel looks at Akemi and smiles mischievously his eyes alight with excitement. “I don’t plan on anything, Akemi, if nothing else it is hard to predict how tonight will go.” He chuckles and looks out over the city. After a moment of taking the view in once more he looks back at her the lights of the city framing him, Daniel continues, “but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to be around the vampires.”

    Wind blows around them. Daniel looks at his friends and wonders what the night holds in store for each of them. He had noticed Kamala checking her phone, but it is none of his business, so obviously he says nothing. Daniel wonders if she is planning on meeting someone here.

    Smiling at Ruhail he walks over and pats him on the shoulder, “I agree with you mate, let’s deal with our luggage after we eat! I’m sooo hungry.” Daniel grins widely. He turns to the group and speaks again excited, “Then we can party! I am pretty sure the burger place is nearby, if that is what we want. I am ready when you guys are.”

    The music in the club shifts into compelling electronic beats and the fog machines and lasers start firing off illuminating the club and its occupants in a rainbow of dancing colors. Some of the artificial fog snakes across their table beams of light playing through it.

    Leaning back in the booth Ally looks relaxed but endlessly bored, she smiles playfully at Adrian. “I am always available to dance with you, Adrian.”

    She must agree with him, the night has yet to come alive. “You are right, as usual, but I have also just been sooo bored lately.” She sighs but just then her phone buzzes. Pulling it out she grins and sends a response. ’Yay!!!! ;3 Im at Scarlet Ice (>'')> <(''<) come dance with me when you can! <(''<)(>'')>’

    Looking up at Adrian her eyes flashing, she licks her luscious lips. “I’m hoping that will change soon. I met this absolutely delightful human. I almost never know what she is going to do next. She also smells delicious… but you know me the longer I wait to feed the better of an experience it is for me, but who knows maybe I won’t be able to resist her.” Ally smiles widely flashing her wicked looking fangs.

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    She shrugged jokingly at Daniel, watching as Kamala messed with her phone. " Even if you did try to lie, you couldn't hide the fact your excited. Your expression says it all. Plus, your eyes say your up to no good. Guess the rest of us are going to have to watch over you tonight. Who knows what'd happen if we left you to your own devices. One minute you'd be standing next to us, and the next you'd be stealing away into the night with one of the vamps." ending her teasing there, she looked at Ruhail, then the car, and back to the view. " I want to hit the streets as soon as we can, so you don't have to ask me twice. If the place is close like you say, all the better. It means we'll have less of a walk back to the car and hotel, in turn allowing us to hit the streets sooner. So lead the way. "

    " You wound me, Ally." he stated sarcastically, tilting his head back as if injured, a hand over his heart. " We both know the words you've just spoken are lies. The moment a mortal catches your eye, you'll be off in pursuit." he stated, shaking his head in amusement when her phone buzzed. " And am I to assume that message is the boredom cure you've been searching for?" he mused, taking a glass of a thick crimson substance from a server walking past. Spotting the villainous grin on her face, he couldn't help but laugh at the scene. " Well, I have to agree with you on that one. Waiting to feed on a desirable human can be quite rewarding. Starving men will thing even the grossest food is great so long as they eat.....but for a starving man to eat, say, a buffet with only the finest of food...that would be pure bliss. That being said, one must be careful not to take too much, or there's the risk of killing the human. Then you have to find new pray...." he shifted so he was sitting along the seat with his back to the wall, facing the crowd. " that being said, what are your plans once you finally do get to feed? When we feed from humans, typically one of two things happen- that I'm sure your well aware of. They either end up loosing too much blood, or we infect them- the latter being the reason so many idiotic mortals wish for us to bite them, but that's a conversation for another time. The point is, there are very few mortals who are immune, and it takes forever for those creatures to ward off the infection. There are ways to help rid them of it quicker, like blood transfusion or the ingestion of certain plants, but both routes are expensive and still take a while. If you don't know what your plan is yet, then at least tell me about this human. Your'e rarely ever this excited for a human to drop by."

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    Ruhail laughed. "Let's go!" he was ecstatic and hyper from the long car ride. He was positively bouncing off the walls with energy. There was a lot going on in his mind. His thoughts jumped from half-finished fantasy to half-finished fantasy. What would happen if they met a vampire? What if he got bit? What if his friends got bit? How would he spend eternity? Did the vampires wear long, ridiculous capes and that one weird star medallion? Did they really react badly to garlic? How would that work? Considering garlic was an anticoagulant, it seemed weird that it would repel vampires.

    Kamala smiled, and typed out a response. I'll be there soon. Me and my friends are gonna eat first, though. She looked up from her phone to see Ruhail bristling with energy. "I don't think it's me you have to worry about. Also, did anyone give Ruhail food with red dye in it?" Her light smile and slightly pink-tinged cheeks turned to a piercing study. "Y'all know it makes him hyper."
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    " Eh, to be honest, I slept most of the way. Therefore, I have no clue what Ruhail ate. Now come on, I'm starving!" grabbing onto Kamala's wrist, she dragged Kamala after her as she took off towards the street in a slow jog, the moon high overhead and shining an otherworldly light down on the city..

    The night grew on as the group ventured through the town. They had enjoyed their meal at the burger joint Daniel had mentioned. Though it was early, their time had been rather eventful, from the simplest shenanigans and teasing as they walked, to some of the otherworldly sights that can be seen in big cities, including the typical street performers. Eventually, they learned of a rather unusual club- one that seemed rather exclusive, at that. One moment they were walking down the street, the next a paper was in their hands, informing them of a club known as 'Scarlet Ice. There were some attention grabbing phrases in bold, taunting and tempting them to check it out. Needless to say, they had to check it out. The hard part, however, was finding where it was. There was an address given, with some instructions on how to get in after reaching the address. However, it wasn't exactly easy to find a specific location in an unfamiliar city, especially when the memo warned not to ask anyone for directions...

    There was plenty of childish banter between them as they hunted for the location, including bickering over who had to carry the map, and who was best and worst at deciphering the map. Eventually, they made it to the location, finding themselves at a perfectly normal-looking club. Of course, the memo said not to be fooled by appearances. They had to show their I.D's to get into the club before them, afterwards having to take the elevator down after pressing the buttons in a very specific order. After the buttons had been pressed, the regular elevator lights shut off, being replaced by a blue light, the words " Welcome to the Nest" where the elevator would typical show the floor number. It seemed as if the travel down was going to go on forever. " So, what do you all think we should do once these doors open?" she questioned as the elevator continued ever downwards. It was only a few minutes after she asked the question that the doors opened, revealing a club drastically different from the one above. The one above had been rather classy, but this.... this was different. The main structures were a variation of silver and a transparent glass-like coloration, while the floor was white with specks of black mixed with it. Other features, like the tablecloths and seat cushions, were a dark, crimson red. Colorful lights danced around the club, fog from a fog machine snaking over various surfaces and coating the dance floor. ' Woah" she spoke, only bothering to step out of the elevator once she had stopped gawking at the scene before here. In the place, it wasn't hard to tell who was human and who wasn't. Outside, vampires didn't always let their fangs be seen, taking on a human facade. Here, they didn't try to blend in, instead flaunting their inhuman nature. Their red eyes shone through the room, and their fangs glistened in the lights. It was both alluring and frightening at the same time. What was really offputting for her, however, was what could occasionally be seen in the darkest reaches of the club- vampires taking blood from cuts in the skin of humans- a way for them to feed directly without infecting the humans. This fact , actually, had caused her to take a step back. " I think we should sacrifice daniel or Ruhail as the first to go in." She spoke to Kamala.

    ---- Adrian---
    As the night grew on, the nightlife really began to pick up. Therefore he ran home to change into something a bit better for the nightlife- especially if some hooligan ended up spilling blood on his shirt like they had the other week. So he returned to his home and changed into a black button-down shirt, silk, and long-sleeved. the first few buttons at the top to look a bit more wild instead of former, along with a pair of dark-washed jeans. Afterwards he had returned to the club, waiting around for something interesting to occur, which after some time, finally did. A group of humans appeared from the elevator, a bunch of new ones at that. He'd never seen their faces around town before. And by the looks of it, the one girl in the group was the one Ally had been talking about earlier. That being said, there was good reason for him to investigate the group then. That girl had to really be something for Ally to be interested, and it would entertain him. So he approached silently from the side of the human group, bringing with him an aura of mystery and danger. " So, who's the new faces?" he spoke to the group of humans. From them he could feel a mix of emotions. Though he couldn't help but laugh in his thoughts. You poor things don't know what your getting into. We are wolves, and your a bunch of rabbits circled on all sides. The rabbit doesn't always escape the wolf, and even the tamest of creatures can be vicious if they're hungry enough. You all best he prepared for the unexpectedly.
    Last edited by Owl0430; 10-10-2019 at 12:26 PM.

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    Ally watches, amused, from her vantage point in the shadows as the humans step into the club. Licking her lip sensually, she is almost twitching with excitement as she lays her eyes on them. Ally can’t help but bite her lip a little as she spots Kamala. A couple of the others are also quite attractive to her. She can smell their delicious scent from where she is, and she shudders with pleasure. Without looking at her phone she sends a text to Kamala. ‘I see you! Coming down, now! <3’ Heart fluttering she gets up gracefully. Ally begins to make her way down towards them. She is unsure where Adrian has run off to.

    Daniel is peering around with great interest, taking in the sights of the immortals and mortals playing. The club is truly a sight to behold, with multiple levels and dancing light everywhere. All around vampires and humans are celebrating the night away. He watches apprehensively as vampires in the shadows feast on their willing victims.

    He lets out a hearty chuckle in response to Akemi’s joke. “No sacrificing me until I have had some fun!” he protests lightheartedly. Honestly though, now that he is here, he finds himself unsure of what to do next. So much focus had been put on getting to this point, that beyond that not much thought, besides crafting a grand image of the temptations of immortality, had been put forth.

    ‘For one: how does one even introduce themselves to a vampire or do they seek you out?’ Questions such as this swirled around his head, but they were baseless as at that moment a voice called out to them.

    “Welcome to Scarlet Ice, Kamala and friends, the night is young so let’s all have some fun. I am Ally.” Ally, having made her way down to the ground floor approaches the humans so graceful she might as well have been floating through the fog, her eyes glowing in the dimly lit room. The lights in the mist swirl around her as a hypnotic dance song begins playing. On a large screen behind the music booth a red moon flashes, part of the lightshow for the song, and it frames her confident stance.

    Ally is putting on a little show trying to seem very impressive, but it quickly falls apart. She is really excited to see Kamala, much more thrilled that she had expected, and she can’t contain herself moving quickly forward to hug Kamala’s arm, pressing herself into her, drinking in her scent. “I am so glad you are here! I have been sooo bored.”

    She looks at the group mischievously, noticing Daniel staring at her. Not an uncommon reaction from human males. “Allow me to treat you all to whatever you want, Scarlet Ice is all about satisfaction.” Ally emphasizes the word. She observes Daniel coyly, not knowing who he is yet and says teasingly, still clinging onto Kamala. “You look like trouble…”

    Daniel looks at the vampire in astonishment. This is the first time he has ever been this close to one. Words fail him in the face of her dramatic appearance, in addition to her comically cute behavior around Kamala, who Ally apparently knew. He hadn’t expected Kamala to be the first among them to meet and attract the attention a vampire, but the amorous vampire attached to her arm speaks for itself. He isn’t angry at Kamala, so he decides to let it go for now. He is very curious about how Ally and Kamala had met so he makes a note to ask about it later.

    Looking at the vampire Daniel isn’t about to let his guard down, but Ally isn’t at all what he expected. Daniel had been expecting something more serious and ominous, not so excited and happy. He smiles back at Ally and his charming smile unable to be held back by his surprise comes forth. “Nice to meet you Ally, I am Daniel. With you here I am sure this night is going to be an interesting one.”
    Last edited by TheBaron; 10-28-2019 at 06:02 PM.

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