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Thread: New Peaks Academy: Paradigm Shift (OOC/Signup)

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    Antivan Crow
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    Default New Peaks Academy: Paradigm Shift (OOC/Signup)

    2017 Winner of RPA's Best General RP!

    A continuation of New Peaks Academy: Fight School

    Click HERE for the IC thread!


    Welcome to New Peaks Academy, also known as Fight School! Normal classes do exist, but I can assume that's not the main reason you're here. No, you're likely interested in the many fights to be had; officially sanctioned or otherwise, 1 vs. 1, team battles, and even tournaments... all taking place within the same continuity. Friendships and rivalries will be formed. Great victories will be attained and bitter defeats will be endured. For better of for worse, the memories of your adventures while attending New Peaks High for these four years will last a lifetime. They will mold you from an unknown fighter to a champion worthy of worldwide recognition.

    English is the official language of communication at New Peaks. The high school is located on a private island in the Pacific Ocean, and was started by a wealthy group of investors from the United States. While English is the most commonly spoken language at the school, translators are on staff for any student who is not fluent in the language. As it is technically an international academy, any and all forms of martial arts are welcomed, if not already represented among the student body and staff.

    This thread's IC will be used for both the fights and the normal character interaction. That being said, and Player-versus-Player fight posts should have a title at the top that states _______ vs. _______.


    Spoiler: The Story So Far 


    The Challenge Board

    Fights between students, from 1 vs. 1 to a team battle of any number of students, can be done at any time as long as someone submits a form to the Challenge Board, all student involved signs their name, and a stamp of approval is placed on the form. This will be represented in this OOC by the challenger posting something like this:

    "I, (insert here the name of the student you will be using as well as any other allies), challenge (name of any opposing students listed here) to a battle at Arena (insert the number here of any arena not being used at the same time in the storyline)." … or something similar that signifies your challenge to another player. You can also just say: "Hey (player/member name). Want to have our characters scrap?"

    The boards are posted all over campus, as well as directly to the smartphones/tablets/etc of any student who wishes to get notices that way.

    Everyone involved must make it clear in the OOC that they will be participating, and then I or any other GM I may appoint will approve it.



    There's a school-wide tournament taking place every year at midterms and finals. All students are required to attend. I will likely use a tournament randomizer to make the brackets to ensure impartiality.

    Special tournaments may be created through popular demand with specific attributes in mind. For example, MMA, kendo, and so on... so players can occasionally have different rule sets than normal. Not everyone has to attend these, but may submit their intention to do so.

    Tournaments will be announced ahead of time, giving players time to wrap up any personal plot or interesting developments that are occuring for them. During the tourney, non-tournament IC activity should be kept to a minimum


    Unsanctioned Fights

    This is always an option and you can ignore all the rules as long as everyone involved agrees on any deviations taking place. For example, you can agree on a fight to break out in the hallway, but if you want to pull a knife on them then make sure to ask for permission beforehand.

    However... unsanctioned fights will have consequences if they are not done properly or if a player gets caught by an instructor. These consequences vary in severity depending on the fight itself. If you are caught in an unsanctioned match that breaks very few rules, then they will be fairly trivial. If you're being a bully, you might get suspended. If you actively tried to kill a fellow student, you might just be expelled.



    Students are ranked between E to S after showing their abilities through various tests encompassing every facet of what makes a skilled fighter. It's still possible for a rank E to beat a rank S... but that would be highly unlikely. E-rank is for the average joe or below who has yet to receive much or any proper training. Every increase in rank is generally though of as being significantly more talented than the rank below it, much like a belt system in organized martial arts.

    NPC Students are often rank E to D in their first year, D to C in their second year, C to B in their third year, and B or A in their forth year. Player Characters will likely scale higher than this, of course... they're player characters, after all. S-Rank are the exceptionally skilled, people who received additional training after graduation, and/or are instructors... so most NPC students never reach this rank.

    There's an additional 1 to 3 ranking after the letter for even more precise ranking, so a D1 would be close to C in rank while a C3 would be among the weakest of the C ranks.

    To increase in rank you must pass a test in a ceremony specifically designed to allow this. (that is to say, if you think your character can achieve a higher rank, PM me and we can talk about it) Even if you are as good as a C rank, for example, you'll stay a D1 until you pass. There's a ceremony every semester that you may take part in, as well as being awarded advancement for strong performances in PvP combat.


    Fighting System

    Player Vs. Player combat is decided by a roll of the dice if the two players cannot simply agree on a winner... OR if they just want to randomize it, with the winner having the higher result. An example will follow.

    Spoiler: Dice Mechanics 

    That said, I don't want the person with the lower result to just half-ass it for the fight they get into. I WILL give rewards to people who can make a fight entertaining regardless of if they win or lose.

    Spoiler: Read if unfamiliar with Arena-Style combat 

    Spoiler: Read if familiar with Arena-Style combat 



    This is just for fun, but may help explain why students fight more than just the giggles. They get 60 out of 100 points from their normal classes and 40 points put into the fighting portion. If they score a 70 in total... they pass, but if they want to fight as little as possible, that will require near perfect scores going into the 60 possible points out of 100 for the academic portion and at LEAST 10 points for fighting, ending them with a max of 10 if they had fought and scored 0 points in the tournaments.

    For every fight you participate in, you receive 1 point toward your final GPA. This ensures that everyone fights at least a couple dozen times throughout the year to ensure their grades are good. However, you can only earn a maximum of 50 points through fighting. This ensures that prolific fighters cannot neglect their studies.

    If your character ends up failing then they can make it up in a summer school training program. The lower your score is the more hard work you suffer through.


    Magic, Powers, and Martial Arts

    Characters will be of similar power to what can be seen from many fighting games such as Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Tekken, etc. There can be magical abilities of varying nature as long as it isn't powerful enough to give you a definitive advantage over fighters without magic. For example, Blanka from Street Fighter can shoot electricity out of his skin, but he's still able to be defeated by someone without any such magical powers. His electricity cannot instantly fry their heart, it's not always on, not so fast nobody can see it coming and not able to avoid it, etc. There must be considerable disadvantages either to the magic or other qualities of the fighter to balance things out. Magic should also follow a theme, so no "I can do everything" magic.

    As for non-magical fighting, it will involve some suspension of disbelief. The fighters will be able to act around peak human and not blatantly break the laws of physics, although may have some highly unlikely fighting ability being demonstrated. You can be knocked back dramatically and slam into walls and still keep fighting, do flip kicks, run along walls for brief moments, etc. Obviously, for someone without magic, they'd probably be better at this sort of fighting in exchange.

    Vital Spirit is the energy of the soul that every living creature has. This can be used to hand wave certain normally lethal damage as only incapacitating then to help avoid accidentally killing each other too often. Of course people can still die, it's just harder to do so if they have plot armor given to them by this excuse. The energy that provides for magic is called chi/ki/aura, and is the detectible energy felt resonating from a person, especially more powerful individuals. Examples being if a D-Rank character angers an S-Rank character, they will be able to “feel” the strength and power of that person to some extent.

    Martial Arts can be chosen from any of the hundreds of various styles that exist in the world today, made up (if described well enough), or hybridized styles like MMA or Kajukenbo. For a nice assortment of basic styles to choose from, click HERE.

    The Campus

    New Peaks Academy is a sprawling campus, with several buildings that house the various classrooms. In addition, off of the school grounds there are same-sex dorms where the students live. Sorry... no Co-Ed stuff here. The staff knows you're all a bunch of hormone-ridden teens. Other than the dorms, there are several restaurants that the students and faculty can stop at to eat, shops to get books and games and trinkets, a couple parks to relax in (complete with those charcoal grills you see in some parks, if you feel like having a cookout!), and a grocery store where you can buy foodstuffs to take back to your dorm.

    To this end, students are given a stipend of $200 USD per month to spend as they see fit. This means if you blow it all on that game console you wanted... you better have some way to get food for yourself. Students CAN take part-time jobs if they choose to.

    Click HERE for a map of the campus.

    Dorm Room Layouts

    Male Dorms 1: Single-Floor Building, spacious studio-style dorms. Click HERE for floor plan.

    Male Dorms 2: Used mainly for students attending on Scholarship or Outreach Programs. Two-Story building, Studio-style dorms. Click HERE for floor plan.

    Male Dorms 3: Single-Floor Building, Luxurious Studio-Style Dorms w/ small deck. Click HERE for floor plan.

    ================================================== =================================

    Female Dorms 1: Single-Floor Building, Studio-style dorms. Click HERE for floor plan.

    Female Dorms 2: Used mainly for students attending on Scholarship or Outreach Programs. Two-Story Building, Studio-style dorms. Click HERE for floor plan.

    Female Dorms 3: Single Floor building, Luxurious Studio-style Dorms w/ small ground-level deck Click HERE for floor plan.


    As with many schools, there are students who get together in like-minded groups. These are called "factions" at New Peaks Academy. There are four main factions, as well as a fifth sub-faction. They are as follows.

    Spoiler: #1: Imperius Gloria 

    Spoiler: #2: The Janissaries 

    Spoiler: #3: The Parahuman Initiative 

    Spoiler: #4 Hijos de la Sabiduría 

    Spoiler: #5 Mendicants 



    Due to magical influences... or on rare occasions, genetic experiments, it's possible that some people have developed nonhuman features such as horns, tails, scales, etc. The term "Parahuman" is the politically correct one, but they can also be called things like half breeds, subhumans, beast folk, etc. Cases of alternative life forms are uncommon, but they are generally treated unfairly. Especially in "civilized" parts of the world. Just make sure they didn't get their abilities through drinking the blood of innocents, experimentation on unwilling test subjects, etc. and it should be fine. Well, legally fine, but you still might be treated poorly by other students.

    Some animals are given intelligence and humanoid qualities this way, but due to how silly it might make things if kung-fu ducks start appearing, I'm going to have to disallow stuff like this in most cases.



    I may or may not add more rules to this list as it comes to my attention. I may have forgotten some things.

    1. No weapons are allowed in standard battles with the exception of magically created/summoned weapons. You may bring out any sort of weapons in unofficial battles, but prepare yourself for the consequences when you are caught. There are a few special tournaments that allow certain qualified weapons, such as shinai for the kendo tournament, so if there are multiple characters who make use of the same weapon, ask me about it and I may organize a tournament or special event for them. The weapon cannot be overly lethal such as steel-blades swords, heavy maces, spears, etc. Such weapons will be blunted, wooden, etc.

    2. No killing or severely damaging your opponents without approval of the GM and the player you're facing. This includes rupturing organs, splintering bones, snapping necks, severe burns, freezing, etc. If you carry out an attack with such a capability and have no intention of stopping, Any judge present can stop them without fail, no matter what. As a result, your character may suffer realistic punishments. If it was an accident and only something that would wound and not kill them then it will be pretty lenient, but if your character is intentionally trying to kill their fellow students then don't expect them to be around very long unless they're really good at covering this up. They can still take part in unofficial battles though. There will be a very talented school nurse on site who can pretty much magically heal wounds most people can't, but is not able to heal everything. Get kicked in the chest and crack your sternum, it's still going to take at least a few days to heal... magic or not.

    3. No other official rules exist in battle besides the first two rules and stopping when the judges say to. Granted, rule number 2 does encompass quite a bit of things that would be illegal. Other mid-fight rules are to be decided between the players who are fighting.

    4. New Peaks Academy follows the rules of the country it was started by, this being the USA. As such, no student may consume alcohol as they are all under 21, and no student may smoke tobacco unless they are 18. Staff members may do so, and can purchase such things at the stores on the island. Any STUDENT who is caught with this sort of contraband will be punished accordingly. There are also no drugs permitted on the island, and severe punishments are handed down to any student caught with narcotics or paraphernelia. This is in addition to the investigation that will commence to find out HOW they got it.

    5. Don't keep your opponent waiting on a post for more than three days unless you give proper warning beforehand. If not then your opponent can deal moderate damage to them, but not enough to incapacitate them. If three more days pass and they still haven't posted, you may then be incapacitated and thus lose the fight.

    6. Winning the battle can be stopping your foe from being able to fight, getting them to surrender, withholding what would have been a crippling blow but making it evident that you could have done so, or knocking them out. Unlike real life, suspension of disbelief allows people to be knocked unconscious for extended periods without suffering traumatic brain injury (unless that is your desired outcome). Therefore, knockouts are treated as perfectly normal, valid methods of winning.

    7. Put “First Rule of Fight School, don't fail Fight School” at the end of your CS so that I know you read these rules.

    8. You may have up to two characters. If you want one to be an instructor/teacher, PM me and we can discuss it.

    9. You may have a student transfer to the school at any time or just pretend they were always there. It's a big school, so maybe your guy/girl just didn't get noticed too much before you made them into a Player Character.

    10. Being a Private School, tuition at New Peaks is not cheap. Please note if your character is from a wealthy family, or at New Peaks on a Scholarship of some sort.

    11. Players don't have to post every day, but I expect at least one post per week per player in order to keep things moving at a steady pace.

    12. Cooperative posts are encouraged. If you do not know how to do a co-post or what a co-post even is, Just ask.

    13. This is not a place for those who make short posts. Posts will be two paragraphs or longer unless there is almost nothing for you to respond to. If that is the case, talk to your fellow players and try to GET something to respond to.. Violating this rule once will result in a warning. Repeat violations may result in removal from the RP.

    14. Players are free to come up with names for the various stores or restaurants on the island, as well as what KIND of stores they are. This is to be kept reasonable, of course. I am able to overturn the creation of any buildings that are too odd or don't fit the setting. Similarly, players may also make and control lesser NPCs to make their posts seem more interactive and realistic for a busy school setting. Major NPCs such as Teachers may not be made or controlled without prior GM permission.


    Fight School Fight Song


    School I.D. Cards and Background Checks

    The following I.D. is for students

    I.D. Number: (Come up with a random 8 digit number)
    Rank: (D1 to B3, please. No 2nd-Year student may start higher than B-3 Rank. returning Players are exempt from this rule and may contact me for their ranks.)
    Year: (I would like people to make 2nd-year students, but if you PM me with a cool concept, I may allow 3rd or possibly 4th year students. Returning players may keep their upperclassman students.)
    Age: (Keep it high school range, 15-16 area, although some young prodigies or people who had to retake years can get a slightly wider age range then normal... but no ten year olds or full-on adults)
    Appearance: (Picture preferred, but descriptions are fine)

    Fighting Style: (Students may have one martial arts style if they specialize in it, and be up to Second Dan Black-Belt Level, or two styles if they want to have a broader skill-set, but may not be black-belt in either one)

    Powers: (Low-Tier neat powers. Nothing like “I can hurl fireballs that consume my foes” or “I can see attacks before they even happen, and react as fast as lightning”.)

    Personality:(At least one paragraph of detail, please. “Shy and timid” means “please send this character home to their family”)

    Background: (At least three paragraphs here, please. Include how your character is able to afford tuition or if they are attending under a scholarship or outreach program.)


    You may also submit an I.D. for judges/instructors. Rather than "Grade", type in "Occupation", exclude Rank and I.D. number, and up their age limit to whatever. These guys and gals obviously don't fight under most circumstances. The instructors can be used for training students, to further plots between players, etc.


    Student Roster

    I will link everyone's accepted characters here.

    Accepted Students

    Troy F. Duncan, played by Standatrocity
    Junkiro Iwazuma, played by Iwazuma
    Cyst Voltromvskey, played by Dawscombine
    Daniel Donovan, played by Daniel_Darkholm
    Jack Henry , played by Kiro Akira
    Mai Erskine, played by Organis
    Evelyn Mayes , played by Opharum
    Kyami Xiang Yi, played by RisingPhoenix
    Xiao Li, played by Socks the God
    Kaname Shibazaki, played by Gowi
    Vincento Sarconni, played by Beta
    Amaltheia Stavros, played by Dawscombine

    S1-Rank Legends

    Victoria Fuentes, created and played by Beta
    Albert Bosko, created and played by Dawscombine
    Tina Martel, created by Standatrocity and played by Cfavano
    Nrajah, created by RisingPhoenix and played by Standatrocity
    Greta Tannberger, created by Iwazuma and played by RisingPhoenix
    Shotaro Yanmei, created by Beta and played by Daniel_Darkholm
    Mike Overmeyer, created by Beta and played by Iwazuma*
    Anna Jacobson, created and played by Beta*
    * - See NPCs/Teachers below

    Established Student NPCs

    Spoiler: Elias Palamara 

    Spoiler: Siu Zhenzhen Lei Fong 

    Spoiler: Kuàng Jié 

    Spoiler: Francesca MacGregor 

    Spoiler: Thabisa Greyling 

    Spoiler: Miranda Walsh 

    Spoiler: Matt and Brett Elspeth 

    Spoiler: Kensley Hagebak 

    Spoiler: Alexia Kensington 

    Established Staff/Faculty NPCs

    Spoiler: Anna Jacobson 

    Spoiler: Layla Stritch 

    Spoiler: Cameron Ballard 

    Spoiler: Mia Ballard-Sandoval 

    Spoiler: Weiss LeBlanc 

    Spoiler: Mike Overmeyer 

    Spoiler: Timur "Tim" Leovich Zakharin 

    Spoiler: Marie Giovinezza 
    Last edited by Salroka; 05-03-2018 at 06:58 AM. Reason: Edited Roster and NPCs
    Spoiler: Neat Stuff Within 

  2. #2
    Moon Child
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    That was really fast for this next chapter! You were on the ball I'm positive that this one will be just as awesome as the first one.

    I just wanted to drop off some resources here to help you get your RP the most advertisement it can!

    The staff advertise roleplays every week! You should totally submit this RP for it! It's called Roleplay of the Week. There are guidlines, but it's generally pretty easy. Then you can advertise is here and it has a chance of being chosen that week to be featured on the front page so other members can more easily see it!

    It does require a banner though, so never fear! There is an RPotW banner shop, where one of our artists on the site will make you one so you can turn in your submission! You just give them a picture and they make it for you! Easy right?

    We also have our directory if you want to add it there so members looking for a new RP can easily find you!

    Last but not least we have our staff sig! If you would like us to put your RP in our signature, just post here!

    If you have any more questions about how to get your RP advertised please give me or any of the other RP's a PM!


    Spoiler: Looking for RP in all the wrong places? Click here! 

    Spoiler: Friend Quotes 

  3. #3

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    Default Troy Duncan 2: Rewritten Boogaloo

    Spoiler: Troy F. Duncan 
    Last edited by Standatrocity; 02-04-2017 at 04:38 PM.

  4. #4
    I Forgot My Title....
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    That was quite a fast summer break, lemme tell ya.

    Spoiler: The Winter Champion 
    Last edited by Iwazuma; 05-02-2018 at 06:53 AM.
    Karma is the best.

  5. #5
    Antivan Crow
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    If you guys could put your character sheets in spoilers/hiders to help keep the thread tidy, that would be appreciated.
    Spoiler: Neat Stuff Within 

  6. #6
    Antivan Crow
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    So where are the rest of my returning players? And where are the NEW players? Come on, now. We don't bite too hard.
    Spoiler: Neat Stuff Within 

  7. #7
    I Forgot My Title....
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beta View Post
    So where are the rest of my returning players? And where are the NEW players? Come on, now. We don't bite too hard.
    Did Mike Tyson go to New Peaks? We might bite if he did.
    Karma is the best.

  8. #8
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    Spoiler: Everyone's favorite soviet hobo! 
    Last edited by Dawscombine; 08-12-2017 at 04:08 AM.

  9. #9
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    Spoiler: Kyami Xiang Yi 
    Last edited by RisingPhoenix; 10-02-2017 at 11:48 PM.
    Special thanks to Poison Ivy for the awesome sig and avy set.
    Spoiler: The Return of a Story You May Want to Join!! 
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  10. #10
    Antivan Crow
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    Looking good so far, guys. We are just waiting on a couple more returning folks now, plus I want at least one or two new people. Hopefully people are just taking their time making characters.
    Spoiler: Neat Stuff Within 

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