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Thread: The Valkyries: Occult Warfare OOC [M]

  1. #1
    A Storm Is Coming
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    Default The Valkyries: Occult Warfare OOC [M]

    This RolePlay is rated Mature for the usual suspects: Violence, Gore, Occult and Satanic references, Language, Sexual Situations, Nudity, and all things that fall therein. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!

    This RP is officially closed to character applications until further notice.

    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown" - Howard Phillips Lovecraft

    The World as we see it - our History - is incomplete. The true picture has been cropped and cut to best protect the feeble minds of mankind, sheltering them from the cold and dark that twisted and constricted at the edges of their perception. Why do you think we mortals have an unexplainable fear of the dark and unknown? An innate distrust of what cannot be explained? Ever since we had discovered fire to protect us from what lurked in the shadows, we have huddled close to the flickering light of civilization, doomed to be snuffed out by the darkness that claws and slithers its way ever closer. But not all is lost.

    There have been those who stood valiantly, boldly, in the face of such voracious darkness throughout the ages. With the vastness of the world, ideology, and culture separating these courageous souls, they remained united by one singular purpose greater than all others - Preserve the Balance.

    What is the Balance, you might ask?

    The balance of the world we know and the world we do not. The secret world running parallel with the mortal world. Each side threatening to spill over into the other. Whenever that happens, reality heaves. Fire falls from the skies, rivers run with blood, floods consume the planet, and plagues drag great scores to the Nevermore. The vigil kept by these fiery spirits is thankless and will at times fail, but without them, the world would be a dark and dismal place, uninhabitable by all but the strongest. The more the vigil grew, the more sophisticated they had to become, using a marriage of mortal and supernatural resources to keep both worlds in check. But the Vigils are merely weapons - a shimmering blade and a firm hand against the terror of the Nevermore. In a world where one is surrounded by secrets, knowledge is power. The power of prophecy, to See and Listen to the true nature of the world. Such is the burden and terrible power of the Oracles.

    Oracles are mortals bestowed with vast knowledge of things peculiar, queer, and unnatural. Many are lost to the pages of history along with the rest of the secret world, but there are some who, during times of great upheaval, drew attention to the eternal struggle. Gilgamesh, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Edgar Allen Poe, H.P. Lovecraft - all of them were Oracles who spoke with the Vigil through their works, some of them even taking up the sword themselves. To be an Oracle is an ancient birthright as well as a curse. As one Oracle dies, the next will be born. An unspoken Law of the Balance is that there must always be five Oracles alive at one time. To break the chain of reincarnation would leave the world defenseless to the most sinister of threats from beyond. Despite the efforts of many down the aeons, the mantle of Oracle is not something that can be bred. It is something bestowed seemingly by Providence at birth. When an Oracle is born, a psychic shockwave is felt around the world, most potently by the others of their kind. They will begin experiencing the World-Dream as soon as their mind has matured enough to process such information; usually between 5-9 years of age, depending on the stage of mental maturation.

    In 1935, at the rise of the National Socialist Party in Germany, one of the strongest Vigils in the world was brought under the rule of Heinrich Himmler. The Ahnenerbe lent their services to the Nazi party and in turn were provided with resources they needed to further their cause. The cause of the Ahnenerbe was to trace occultism to its primordial roots through any means, and discover how and why Oracles are made. They believed that peace could only be achieved by the eradication of the Nevermore, the Secret World, the shadowy realm from where all things mortals deem unnatural spawn from, and where all spirits go to when their life in the Mortal Realm ends. So obsessed with their cause, they delved into the Black Arts, forbidden by the Laws of the Vigil, and as a result spurred one of the bloodiest conflicts in human history.

    The other Vigils met in secret, agreeing that by the Laws, the Ahnenerbe were to be ostracized and outcast, their names stricken from all records. They were labeled as traitors to the Balance and a threat to both worlds. As such, a new Vigil was made, one whose like had never been conceived before. It was called ‘Task Force Valkyrie’. From each of the Vigils, one member was to be offered to the ‘Valkyries’, the best they had. They would be entrusted with the means and authority to hunt the Ahnenerbe and any other Vigil that strays from the Laws, and terminate them. They were meant to be the keen edge of the Balance, to be thrust into the heart of any force from either side that sought to plunge the world into abandon.

    Task Force Valkyrie was deployed to counter the expeditions of the Ahnenerbe and their terrible experiments with black magic and occult fringe science. The first time these two forces clashed was upon the misty hills of Karelia, by the White Sea, where the German Occultists were attempting to replicate ancient pagan spells from the local tribes. They would clash again in Tibet, Africa, and various other locations across the world fabled for their natural draw of supernatural power. While the Second World War raged, the Ahnenerbe and the Valkyries fought their own secret war of the occult. This is known to those with the Knowledge as the War of the Broken Vigil, or simply the Vigil War.
    As World War II came to a close, the Ahnenerbe scattered, going underground and assumed destroyed before the Axis collapsed completely under the crippling weight of the Allies. With the Anenherbe defeated, the Valkyries had one grim duty left in order to maintain the Balance. While mostly unsuccessful, the SS Occult Division had succeeded in developing some near-Oracle beings, which of course, needed to be terminated as well as the research that had created them.

    Onward from their founding, Task Force Valkyrie remained as the iron fist of the Balance, tracking and hunting those who sought to bring about chaos through occult means. Should the other Vigils fail in their duty to protect the Oracles, the Valkyries will swoop in with cold steel and hot lead, much like their namesake. Should it be required, they may be called to terminate a rogue Vigil just as violently as they might burn out a Vampire nest.

    The Valkyries are usually humans of either great skill, grit, or with some manner of special ability or item. Occasionally, non-human creatures can be brought on board as a member so long as they are not beings of magic, since magic tends to wreak havoc on technology. This means werewolves (and/or other shapeshifters), vampires (depending on the species), and other such worldly monsters of the flesh. Creatures from the Nevermore, including daemons, angels (or the combination of the two), and fae cannot be admitted because of their etherial nature and general cavalier attitude towards mortals. One cannot be expected to defend those they ultimately have no care for in the grand scheme.

    You are to be a Valkyrie. The first and final safeguard of both the World-That-Is-Known and the Secret World. The bastion against which the unnatural storms of ages break. They are an organization with roots back to the dawn of civilization, when mortals finally stood a chance against those who haunt in the dark. Unlike their cross-bearing cousins, it is not the place of the Valkyries to terminate the supernatural wherever it may be found, nor is it their prerogative to use the Knowledge of Truth to turn a profit as the Illuminated Ones do. No, it is the tireless vigil of a Valkyrie to maintain balance between Man and Monster. They are the last remaining Vigil to do so, and are loathed by many for it. Uncompromising and incorruptible in their purpose, they stand armed against the march of ages and the rising tides that wish to consume them, and in turn, the World.

    This is tale is what can be best surmised as a military urban fantasy. You will fill the shoes of a Valkyrie - a specially trained and outfitted individual, mortal or otherwise, who is trusted with keeping the World of Man and the World of Monsters from destroying one another. The keys to this balance are the Five Oracles. There are only ever five in the world at a time, and it is through them that the greatest threats to Creation can be fought. Not all oracles will be on the side of the Valkyries, though. In fact, they may only get one, if they are so lucky. Think of the Valkyries Vigil as a lone candle in the darkness, burning on both ends. They are ultimately alone in their fight. They may have their allies of convenience, but when the chips are down, you can only really trust the brothers and sisters who bear the Mark of the Vigil (as seen at the top of the page.)

    Spoiler: Armory 

    Spoiler: Anima 

    Spoiler: Oracles 

    Spoiler: The Rules 

    Spoiler: Valkyrie Mission Files 

    Spoiler: Character Skeleton 

    Spoiler: StormWolf's Character and NPCs 

    Spoiler: Character Roster 
    Last edited by StormWolf; 01-15-2016 at 08:37 AM.

  2. #2
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    Hell yes!! Except a sheet tomorrow or the day after.

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  3. #3
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    I'll make one possibly two chars here.

    Spoiler: Paladin Auriel of the Broken Cross DONE 
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 06-16-2015 at 01:44 AM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  4. #4
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    I'd like to join. I'll work on a sheet later today/ after work/during my break. And I'll make an oracle sheet too cause I really really really love playing oracles *crosses fingers*

  5. #5
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    so, basically, pretty much anything goes for weapons within reason?

    Like, I could have a high-caliber assault rifle with an under-slung crossbow/flamethrower/shotgun/grenade launcher, what have you?

    - - - Updated - - -

    not all at once, of course

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  6. #6
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    Spoiler: Khan 
    Last edited by Dnafein; 03-09-2015 at 07:27 PM.
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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    You already know I got a spot

    "Even Dreams, can be a nightmare"
    Spoiler: Click it, I dare ya! 

  8. #8
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    Stormy, this looks great!

    You know the drill:

    Take a look at the Roleplay of the Week thread! If you need a banner for a submission for RP of the Week, then check out the Banner Shop!

    You can also look at the Roleplaying Games Directory to advertise your RP. Staff would be happy to help you advertise your Roleplay both here and in the RPA Tribune.

    Any questions, feel free to PM!

  9. #9
    A Storm Is Coming
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    I think you already know the answer, Cf.

    @Meg: OK, send me a PM and we can get cracking on that Oracle business.

    As for everyone else, I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
    Last edited by StormWolf; 03-06-2015 at 06:14 PM.

  10. #10
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    Save me a spot

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