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Thread: [M]Infinity: Hael/Katrin's Adventures.

  1. #131
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    Katrin doesn't answer him as he leaves, part of her had hoped he wouldn't, but the other did. She wanted to be alone. And yet, alone was scary. She hadn't been truly alone in years. Centuries. She doesn't answer when he asks if she were ok, nor when he tells her she can always call for him.


    Hael was waiting for him when he appeared. Give her time. She is scared, and confused. I will go find her, bring her back. She reassures him. She hands him the lightsaber hilt before disappearing. She reappears where Katrin was, and sits next to the girl. "I'm cold Hael." She says simply, not bothering to finish the sentence. Hael sighs, looking her over. I healed you, Katrin, long ago. It will not return. You have my promise. Katrin doesn't answer right away, simply continues to cry. Hael wraps her wings around the girl, comforting her. He loves you, do not push him away. . . . She spoke of Grant, having already seen how much he cared for her. Katrin doesn't answer right away. "He shouldn't." She says after a time.

    Hael doesn't answer this comment. She knew how Katrin felt about herself. Nothing in all of the universes had ever been able to change that. And, she had tried. She also knew Grant could hear everything they said. If he were listening. We should return, the others are concerned for you. Katrin looks up at Hael, able to see just a glimpse of her. She was, after all, her true vessel. One of only a few who could hear Hael's true voice, see her true form. She smiles a little. Then, barely above a whisper, "Yes." She says. "That will always be my answer to you, Hael."

    A flash of light through the forest, a shockwave of power. Katrin's eyes flashed blue as Hael took control. They disappeared, reappearing back at the bunker.

    Right in time to see the same thing Will had.


    Gabriel and Erin lay on the floor of the living room. Erin's head on his chest as he held her. His wings covering them. He kisses the top of her head, then chuckles. He was just about to comment that they should probably have gone somewhere more private, when Will took that moment to walk in. He groans, not at all wanting the moment to end, but end it did. He too snaps his fingers, once more fully dressed as he stands. He smirks at Will's comments. "What? Angel's can't have any fun?" He then turns his attention to Erin as she says she hopes it worked. Though, doesn't answer. He couldn't give her one.

    Hael rolls her eyes at Gabriel's comments, but doesn't say anything. She laughs at Will. "Well, there is your answer. We both know you were curious, earlier. . ." Yes, the boy had been quite curious. Several different scenarios floating through his mind over the time that Hael had been there.

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

  2. #132
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    Grant nodded to Hael as she appeared to show he understood. He steps forward, "We have defeated Verchu!" he announced. Erin smiled and Will cheered. "And, now I have big news. I'm leaving to return to my home land. I have to figure out what happened to me and why I was sent here," he walked over to Will, wrapping his arms around him, "It's okay, Will. I'll come back one day to visit,"

    Will pulled away, "Wait, so Erin gets to shack up with some buff angel dude and you're leaving? Who I am supposed to hang out with? Rica Rota? He's barely around! Where is my happy ending?"

    "This is an ending," Grant replied, "It's a new start," he looked to Hael. Perhaps, we could bring him along with us for a while until he calms down?. He then looked to Erin, "I'm glad you finally found someone who can make you happy, Erin. You deserve a strong man who can take care of you,". He turned to Hael, but looked deeper inside to Katrin, "It's amazing to find that one person who makes you feel like a completely different person,".

    The seals have been broken...
    The Purgament has begun...
    The Piper's out of the basement...
    The Dead have started to boogie...
    Decay is Coming

    Spoiler: The winner is... 

  3. #133
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    A groggy eyed Isda comes peeking out of Erin's room, wondering what all the commotion was.

    Hael nods as Grant explains they were heading back home. She chuckles as Will asks what about him. Of course. Though, I cannot promise his safety. She replies back. Earth was dangerous. Especially now. Bringing "Grant" back, a lot of the angels would be after him. Depending on what the offense was, that caused Thannis to fall. And demons were always eager to get their hands on new angels.

    Gabriel walks over to Hael and hugs her. "I'll miss ya, little sis. But, I'm going to stay here. There's nothing left for me back home. You know that. And here, I can have a family." He said this with a huge, childlike grin. He steps back and wraps an arm around Erin, pulling her close to him. He then looks over at Isda, curious as to where she would go.

    "I wish to stay. . ." she says in answer. The young girl wasn't keen on going back. Heaven had never been kind to her. She would rather stay with Gabriel, and Erin. Gabriel nods.

    Katrin didn't answer Grant as he looked to her and spoke about finding someone. Give her time. Hael answered, quietly. Perhaps, in time, Katrin would be ready. But, for now, the girl was simply hiding.

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

  4. #134
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    Erin let herself be pulled in and just enjoy the company of a warm vessel. She then looked back to Grant without letting go of Gabriel, "Thank you. I hope you find happiness in your new home as well," she turned to Will, "I'll miss. I know you never felt like it, but you were always special to me. I'll make sure to keep my eye on you. Be safe," she then looked to Isda, "I'll happily take care of you like I would my own," she looked to her stomach, "Like, I would my own," she repeated.

    Grant grabbed ahold of Will and Hael's hand, "Shall we go?"

    The seals have been broken...
    The Purgament has begun...
    The Piper's out of the basement...
    The Dead have started to boogie...
    Decay is Coming

    Spoiler: The winner is... 

  5. #135
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    Hael took Grant's hand, and nodded. The sound of rustling wings could be heard as they disappeared. They didn't know what their future held, but, for the first time in a long time, The Angel and the ever excitable Vessel were full of hope for the future. Yes, this trip to Infinity had been a good idea indeed.

    Isda watches them go, then steps over to Erin. She hugs her, then smiles, placing a hand on Erin's stomach. "You will be a good mother." Gabriel looked between Isda and Erin, surprised at the young Angel's words. But sure enough, as he put his hand on Erin's stomach as well, he could sense the new life growing there. He smiles and kisses her gently.

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

  6. #136
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    Erin was happy to see Grant go, to finally find his place in the world, but something Isda said changes her entire mindset. "Wait.. am I?" she watched as Gabriel feels for himself. When he kisses her she can't say anything. Just a pure smile of her face. For a moment it's like she's frozen in place. Never to move again. And, then there is a squeal that could likely be heard throughout the entire base. This was the happiest moment of her life!

    Infinity - End

    The seals have been broken...
    The Purgament has begun...
    The Piper's out of the basement...
    The Dead have started to boogie...
    Decay is Coming

    Spoiler: The winner is... 

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