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Thread: [M] Detective Masters (Arcus and Omac16)

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    Default [M] Detective Masters (Arcus and Omac16)

    Spoiler: Evidence  

    Spoiler: Unlocked Locations 

    It was the dead of night, Mrs. Teewiddle was tending to her garden which was something she at night so her Paras, Ghastly, and Oddish could assist. She hears glass shatter against the ground and as she turns is three thugs with a bat for each. They take out her leg in which she tumbles to the ground, and take her Pokemon before she is able to get up! Taking one of her Pokemon for each they split up, dropping a strange red cloak.


    Case 1 Begins!

    The next morning sits Nikola and Evan in there own office, they weren't very used to each other currently so things may seem a little tense. It wasn't a bad day though; there boss brought in donuts and strawberry cookies. They even got some girl scoots to come in, thanking them for finding there Skitty a few weeks back. It was calm...

    Swoosh! The front door flies open as we see Mrs. Teewiddle in complete tears. She looks like something terrible has happened, something very bad. It was tough for her to speak because she was so shaken up but she was finally able to get her words out,
    "They took them! All of them! My Babies!"

    Evan quickly gets out of his chair in alarm looking to Nikola, "Get you're Pokemon and you're stick. Looks like we have a case.."
    Last edited by Omac; 11-01-2015 at 10:04 PM.

    The seals have been broken...
    The Purgament has begun...
    The Piper's out of the basement...
    The Dead have started to boogie...
    Decay is Coming

    Spoiler: The winner is... 

  2. #2
    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    Nikola looked at Evan and nodded, "Chika and Tick-tock you heard that!" Shooting out of her seat, putting her belt and stick on. her hoothoot fly down from its stand, to her shoulder and her chikorita got up from its bed. grabbing a couple cookies and doughtnuts, putting them in Nikolas' bag. While Nikola went to comfort Mrs. Teewiddle, so they could find out exactly what had happened. Plus a frazzled patient is a stressful patient, what Nikola hadn't realized was that she had forgotten to grab the glasses she always wore while on duty. But her chikorita grabbed them, so that her trainer would have them when she realized.
    Last edited by Arcus; 06-19-2014 at 02:13 AM.

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  3. #3
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    Evan was about to leap into action as well but but Teddy wanted to be held, "Not now it's work time!" with that he made his way over to Mrs. Teewiddle as well but it looks like she was luckily calmed down by Nikola.
    "Ted!" He replies angrily sitting on the floor pouting.
    Bush was sitting the corner watching, observing, thinking... He can't get his mind off of what had happened. It was so terrible he couldn't even bare. How could they take them? How could they steal the last ones? How could Nikola take the last cookies?!

    Mrs. Teewiddle explained exactly what had happened the previous night, "They wore black suits like I've never seen before. In all my years I haven't ever been robbed. Please get my babies back to me, please," with that she handed the detective a plastic bag with a mysterious red cloths in it. It appears ripped having some strange letters on it that are hard to make out, very sloppy writing. It's too bad that Mrs. Teewiddle had touched the cloth for now fingerprints were usless.

    The seals have been broken...
    The Purgament has begun...
    The Piper's out of the basement...
    The Dead have started to boogie...
    Decay is Coming

    Spoiler: The winner is... 

  4. #4
    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    ( ACTUALLY CHIKA stuck them in Nikolas' backpacks)

    Nikola looked at the cloth and nodded, "of course mrs. Teewiddle. We will do everything we can to find your pokemon and bring those men to justice, trust us and we will be in touch." She explained and once their patient had left, chika noticed Bushes face. So pulled a doughnut and strawberry cookie out of Nikolas' backpack and headed over to the other grass-type.

    Nikola pulled a needle and thread out, starting to fix the cape. While looking up at Evan, "what do you think of what we heard so far?"

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    Bush was more then happy to stuff those wonderful snacks into his mouth, he felt his tummy make a sound, it appears he is starting to get a little fat. "Dish. Odd, odd," he said which meant, "Thank you very much."

    Evan looked closely at the cloth, "I'm unsure. Men in black suits sure sounds like a certain someone... but they disbanded year ago. To me it sounds like a bunch of angry people who never got Pokemon, saw Mrs. Teewiddle in the late night, and took the chance. Finding them won't be easy but if you can piece together that cloth there we might be able to find a new lead. In the meantime, how about we check out the crime scene? I don't mean the garden or her house itself, but the alleyway for any clues we can pickup."

    The seals have been broken...
    The Purgament has begun...
    The Piper's out of the basement...
    The Dead have started to boogie...
    Decay is Coming

    Spoiler: The winner is... 

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    Nikola nodded, "good idea and I'll keep working on the cloth. Least I wasn't the only one who thought of a certain infamous black suited group," She glanced at Tick-tock whos' head as moving in time with the ones' on the wall. An odd thing about her Hoothoot was his arrow like brows kept the actual time, "if we hurry. Then we can make it before the morning beggers and others go through the alleyways, so lets hurry. She said quickly heading for the door Chika quickly following after smiling slightly to Bush.

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    Evan nodded grabbing his jacket, backpack, and nearly out the door before Teddy wanted to be held... so he unzipped his backpack letting Teddy ride in the back of it. As he ran out the door Bush remained eating it's food before he realized he was all by himself then ran out to catch up with his trainer.


    On arrival there is a strange sent in the area something like sewage, the entire street is next to a dump. How does anybody live here? Evan looked around finding three sets of foot prints, leading up to a single boot. Is it a clue? Who leaves a boot in the middle of a street?

    The seals have been broken...
    The Purgament has begun...
    The Piper's out of the basement...
    The Dead have started to boogie...
    Decay is Coming

    Spoiler: The winner is... 

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    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    Tick-tock flew pver and picked up the boot, while Nikola held open a plastic bag. "With anyluck this is a clue and the tread will tell us where this person as been." Chika didn't like the smell but guess she had to deal with it for right now, following the footprints backwards to see where they originated from. To make sure it led to Mrs. Teewiddles' yard.

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    It did lead strait to her house! Which was looking a little strange with Mrs. Teewiddles sitting on the ground in her garden unsure what to do. Her Pokemon usually helped her plant, tend, and care for the plants but now they couldn't. It was quite a sore sight too see but without returning her Pokemon there was nothing anybody could do.

    Evan followed behind his partner looking at the boots himself, "Ah! There is a tag on here, the kind you get when you buy something. It was recently! If we take this boot to the supermarket maybe we can get somebody to ID the thieves to use, do you think? We're pretty much done here I scanned the area finding nothing much of use."

    The seals have been broken...
    The Purgament has begun...
    The Piper's out of the basement...
    The Dead have started to boogie...
    Decay is Coming

    Spoiler: The winner is... 

  10. #10
    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    Nikola nodded and was about to say lets go, when Chika tugged on her pants leg. She looked down at her friend, who didn't seem to happy. "Whats' wrong?" She said, the chikorita looked back at the old lady then to Nikola. Who simply sighed, "ok you can stay here and keep her in good spirits." The chikorita let out a "Chika" and ran into the old ladys' yard starting to cheer Mrs. Teewiddle up.

    Nikola sighed again and looked to Evan and nodded, "lets go and see if we can finish this case quick." She said heading in the direction of the street.

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