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Thread: [M]Infinity: Hael/Katrin's Adventures.

  1. #11
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    The cold didn't seem to affect her, nor did grabbing her hand. She watches as Erin tries to help, the knife simply shattering. She grows concerned as she watches Grant try to run to help her. She shakes her head slightly, as if to tell him to stop. She then turns her attention to Soulless. "You'll have a difficult time, if you are attempting to consume my, or Katrin's, soul. We are protected."

    With that announcement, she decides to put an end to this. She would not risk Grant or Erin being hurt. With her free hand, she reaches up. She presses two fingers against his forehead. A bright light and power sweeps over him. Burning him from the inside out. She'd yet to meet a creature that could survive an angel's smite.

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

  2. #12
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    Erin and Grant watched as Soulless began was blasted apart by an attack they couldn't even have imagined. Grant just watched the pieces of his icy body fly all over the place. Erin shook her head and looked to Hael while shaking her head. In the air around them they could still hear the faint screams of what appeared to be all the souls that Soulless had eaten being freed and being able to return to where they belong. Grant puts his arms in the air as he began to cheer on Hael and her mighty abilities while Erin just continued to shake her head in disappointment.

    "So you can blow people up? Such a waste. He didn't deserve to have his life end so quickly... and for all we know he survived the Innocent and can now return! It's happened many times before. We cut off his head and he grew back. It would have been better to capture him and make sure he doesn't come back after us again. We have a whole vault for these kind of villains," she said angrily before turning to leave, "Come Grant, we don't need an 'angel' on our side,".

    "That was pretty cool though," Grant admitted before turning to Erin, "She didn't know. I'm sure that Hael here would be a good advancement to our team, especially considering most of them have gone missing quite a while ago. It's just us now, Erin. Well.. there is.. a few others, but they're rarely around. Plus, you can't leave yet! We still have to deal with Blood Knight," he turned back to Hael as he pulled out an necklace with an infinity on it, "I always carry one extra around, mostly because I'm known for losing one, but this will allow you to know where any other member is no matter where they are within time and space,"

    "Fine," Erin said turning back to Grant, "Blood Knight must be up to something... he wouldn't have sent Soulless on us if it wasn't as a distraction," she looked around, "Hey! This is the village of Olan based on that warrior who moved a mountain. Of course it's myth, nobody can move a mountain, but it's possible that Blood Knight is going after an artifact that Olan used to carry. We should search the town," he then turned to look at Hael before entering the small town, "You can follow, but only because Grant granted you access. Don't think you're important, and don't start to think that I like you,"

    The seals have been broken...
    The Purgament has begun...
    The Piper's out of the basement...
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    Decay is Coming

    Spoiler: The winner is... 

  3. #13
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    She steps away, a look of complete shock and horror in her eyes as she takes in the scene. That certainly was not how smitting usualy went. She drops her blade, falling to her knees, overwhelmed. No, that was not what she had meant to do. At most she had wanted to render him unconscious. "I- I do not understand...." She looks up as Grant and Erin begin to argue about her.

    Her eyes flash blue for a second as Katrin takes over. Knowing Hael needed a moment to process. Even though they didn't exactly have time for that. She stood up, Hael's blade disappearing. The lightsaber hilt back on her belt. She smiles at Grant, taking the offered necklace. "We don't need this... But, thank you." She puts it on, though through Hael's Grace, she could sense them, find them, whenever she needed.

    She then turns to Erin. "This place. . . . It must have some effect on Hael's Grace. .. . A Smite usually doesn't react like that. I can promise you that. We don't make light of killing anyone. Even enemies. I will tell you she did it to protect you and Grant." She nods as Erin says she could come along, though she wasn't much liked. "I understand."


    Meanwhile, somewhere a ways away from the small group, another stranger to this land appeared. This one, in the form of deep blue, almost black, smoke. It swirled in place for a moment before disappearing into the form of a woman. Kellia takes in a deep breath, looking around. Her eyes shining brightly. "Just what I needed. A break from Hell. . . ."

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

  4. #14
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    As Erin walked away, Grant looked back to her, "Look, it's best to just stay out of Erin's way. I'm trying my best to get close to her myself, but she is very.. resistant. The old Erin would fall for my charms, but this one...." he stops what he's saying, "Uh.. forget what I just said. It's not important. What is important is that we stop the Blood Knight," he starts to run forward before turning back, "Try not to kill them this time!"

    A little bit forward Erin is blowing on steams as she begins to scream at the top of her lungs. Grant catches up thinking she is hurt, but then she's that she's simply mad. In front of her is a fifteen year old in a huge white tee shirt that's three sizes too big. It was obvious he was wearing flip-flops as well as you could hear about the clapping from underneath. His wavy blond hair moved in the wind, even though there was barely a breeze. He has a big grin as he walks over to Erin, who slaps him on the back of the head. "Bad Will! We told you stay behind,"

    "Ouch!" he cries out as he grabs the back of his head, "That hurt, Erin. You need to be more careful of your actions or you'll end up burning all the bridges around you. Burn, burn, burn, burnie, bur- WHO IS THAT?!" he said looking at the angel before him. He runs over to her, at super speed before stopping dead in front of her, "Hey, sweetheart. I must of died, and this must be heaven, because you're an angel,"

    "She's literally an angel," Grant said, "As in... an angel,"

    "WHAT?!" Will asked as he jumped back, "So.. so.. you're really from heaven?" He shook his head, "That means.. there is a god.. and THAT means.. Oh, I got to get some sins off my chest," he turns back to her, "I stole money from this old lady once. It was just laying there and she was sleeping on this bus and..." he went on and on about all the bad things he's done.


    Elsewhere, stood a man in a metal suit. He was staring at a series of lost souls as he listened to their screaming over and over. He smiled at the thought of people getting what they deserved. He was going to rip them apart piece by piece, but today was his day off and he wanted to take a break from it all. He clapped his hands and appeared in a forest. "Yes, they've been here.... the Infinity was here... as well as.. something else," he claps again and appears as a cloud of smoke forms into a person, "Ah, some more outworlders have entered the field. We'll now it's time to play a game," he said as he made his way to the woman, as his metal feet broke the ground he walked on.
    Last edited by Omac; 12-07-2016 at 09:43 PM.

    The seals have been broken...
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    Decay is Coming

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  5. #15
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    Katrin didn't seem to upset by Erin's actions. She was used to it. She easily keeps pace with Grant as he walks with her. She laughs as he starts to talk about his Erin. "It's ok. I know she's not your Erin. You must miss her." She smiles gently at him.

    Katrin runs when she hears Erin start to scream, her angel blade slipping into her hand as she does so. She stood a few paces behind her when she realizes what was going on. She laughs as William comes up to her and starts hitting on her. Katrin rolls her eyes. "You need some new lines, kid."

    She sighs at his reaction to her being an angel. "Well, i'm not the angel, Lil' Willy. Hael is. I'm just her Vessel. It's all very confusing." She then grins as he starts rambling about past sins. "You wanna talk to Hael, don't you!!?!?" With this, her eyes sparkle with mischief and flash blue for a moment.

    Hael takes control with a sigh, then looks at the boy in front of her. "Yes. I am from Heaven. And, yes. Father is real. Though, I assure you, he does not much care if you've taken currency from an old lady. Though, I am curious, how is Penny fairing?" She says with a chuckle.


    Kellia smirks as she senses the new presence, though doesn't turn around or acknowledge him in any way. Not until he spoke. Then she simply smirks, turning slowly to face him. "Oh good. I was starting to get bored. Though, I did misplace an angel. Have you seen her?"

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

  6. #16
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    "Oh, so you're just a vessel... okay... WAIT WHAT?!" he asked only to be taken away by what she said next. "Phew, at least I don't have to confess to everything I did to Grant's toothbrush then. That was a close one," he then began to relax till she mentioned his old crush, "WHAT? How can you possibly know what.. who.. where... WHAT?" he sat down on the ground, "I'm so confused. If angels exist and God doesn't care then I basically have complete freedom to do whatever I want.. and nobody can stop m-" with that Erin took him by his ear and squeezed it tight, "OKAY, I promise to be good and not to borrow Grant's toothbrush anymore!"

    "Wait, what?" Grant asked twice about his toothbrush.

    Erin turned to Hael, "Can you use your... abilities... to track our enemy? Blood Knight doesn't seem to be around here and we need to insure he isn't getting into trouble. I don't know how he could gotten so out of hand... he was such a young child when I first met him. Well, evil is obviously not born. The events in his life must have led to his downfall... I can't go on thinking that he was born that way.." she for the first time showed a moment of weakness, "Heal! Get to finding our enemy, NOW!"


    "Not myself," Verchu said to her question, "I'm in need of assistance. I have a enemy, Grant Emerson, who absolutely needs to be found at all costs. He is the most powerful weapon I ever found, and with it I could take over more then the underworld... I could have the world at my side," he smiles, but it's immpossible to see. It's not even sure if he's a he, but the way he sounds makes it seem that way. "How about a deal? Your angel seems to be working with my reaper, how about we work together and insure they both never see the light of day again?!"

    The seals have been broken...
    The Purgament has begun...
    The Piper's out of the basement...
    The Dead have started to boogie...
    Decay is Coming

    Spoiler: The winner is... 

  7. #17
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    Hael chuckles again as Will continues to ramble. Then laughs as he tries to say he could do whatever he wanted. "I said Father did not. I did not say none of the angels did not. I am certain there are a few that would like to enforce a few laws. But their wrath would be nothing compared to Erin's." This last part said as Erin grabbed his ear.

    She nods as Erin began talking about the new villain they needed to find. She understood the desire to believe he had been good at one time. "Lucifer was not created Evil. Nor is he now. He's nothing more than a child wishing for the attention of his Father. . . I am certain when you search, you will find a cause for this 'Blood Knight''s actions as well."

    She takes a step back from the group and closes her eyes, searching for this Knight. Once she'd found him, she opens her eyes and steps up to the group. She looks at William "I suggest you return home, fledgling. You've no need to be here." Then, placing a hand on Erin's shoulder, and another on Grant's, they disappear.

    They reappear outside of a building in the small town, what looked to be a bar. "He is in there." She said simply. she removes her hands from their shoulders, her angel blade slips into her hand.


    Kellia begins circling the creature in front of her, studying him as he spoke. "Interesting, isn't it? how easy our plans are ruined. I was supposed to be the queen of hell!!!!! Not just of the crossroads! But that insufferable angel......" She grins menacingly as he suggests a deal. "Hmmmmm, that sounds like a promising, and noble, goal!"

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

  8. #18
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    Erin sighs, but it's drowned out by Grant's metal armor shaking. He knew what true evil looked like and he could bet that both of them had never seen it. That demon that took his Erin away from him didn't have any good left in it. It was an entity created simply out of the fear of people in China. The demon was named Dread. It had hunted down Erin for many years until it overtook her in an attempt to awaken something far, far worse and... he had to do what needed to be done. He closed his eyes as Erin and him teleport away. It was moving through space like that... for a moment he could have sworn he was flying.

    Erin looks to Hael, "I don't like it, but I must thank you. William is not the kind to be dealing with these types of people. He is just a child... still, he is part of the group and will catch up with us if we don't hurry. It usually takes him a while to get from place to place as he's so easily distracted," she then makes her way inside the bar, but finds it's rundown with nobody inside. There is water everyone like a leak must have happened. "Why would the Blood Knight come here?" she asked Hael, "Are you sure you found the right place?"

    Then the water behind Erin began to rise. It formed into a suit of armor in the shape of a mid-century knight uniform that then turned a dark red. Before she could turn around the Blood Knight rose it's sword and threshed it down onto Erin. Grant swoops across the floor and pushes her out the way only for him to take the hit. The sword faces right through him as he starts to fade into the background, only to appear behind the Blood Knight. He leaps onto his back, but is tossed off and into a booth and then he takes his attention to Hael. He didn't speak, but simply started to slide his sword around without any design or rhyme.

    The seals have been broken...
    The Purgament has begun...
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    Spoiler: The winner is... 

  9. #19
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    Hael looks at Grant, knowing what he was thinking. Though she doesn't argue. She'd seen things much much worse than he could imagine. More than even Dread. They didn't need to know this. They didn't need to imagine it. She nods to Erin as the woman thanks her. "I understand what it is like to worry for a child." To be unable to protect one. . . The thought comes unbidden into her mind. For a moment, there was great sorrow in her eyes. She shakes it off, they didn't need the distraction. "Then let us hurry."

    As the Knight brings the blade down, and Grant pushes Erin out of the way, Hael brings up her own Lightsaber, blocking it. She then turns to face him as he swings his blade. She stands at the ready, defensively, blocking his path to Erin and Grant. "Are you two all right?!" She asks them, her eyes never leaving the Knight.

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

  10. #20
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    Blood Knight stops his sword throwing, knowing he needs a new strategy. He vanishes in a puddle for a moment, only to rise as a large lion. The beast was completely transparent, yet wouldn't easily be hit. There was the faint body of someone within... but it was hard to see through the bubbling body. It lept forward at Hael in an attempt to scratch out her throat. Grant summons a scythe by his side and dives it deep into the belly of the best. The blade can cut through nearly anything and cuts at the very soul of someone. Except, the blade phases through the creature and into the direction of Hael!

    The seals have been broken...
    The Purgament has begun...
    The Piper's out of the basement...
    The Dead have started to boogie...
    Decay is Coming

    Spoiler: The winner is... 

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