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Thread: [M]Infinity: Hael/Katrin's Adventures.

  1. #21
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    Hael watches as the man transforms and charges towards her. Just as he leaps, and Grant swings his sword, she disappears. Instead reappearing behind him, her lightsaber swinging down, to strike at the lion's back.

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

  2. #22
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    For a moment it simply phases through the creature. Then the Blood Beast begins to boil from the inside and screeches out in agony. Grant puts his hand through the hole that Hael caused with her light saber, and forces it to widen as he pulls the controller. It was a kid not much older then Will. Erin reaches over and takes the kid from Grant's grasp who she pins against the wall and starts smacking. Grant looks away so he doesn't have to see the dark side of Erin, he looks to Hael and explains with his eyes that this what has to happen.

    "What's wrong with you?" Erin asks as she handcuffed the boy. She then left the markings of her beating on him, three hits in a row. She then takes her free hand to touch her necklace and the boy vanishes. She turns to Hael and Grant, "Another day's work complete. What should we do now?"

    The seals have been broken...
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  3. #23
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    Hael deactivates her lightsaber as Grant reaches into the hole caused. She shows no emotion as Erin begins to pin him against the wall, though she understood Grant's pain. She places a gentle hand on his shoulder, as if to reassure him. She was glad they had been able to catch the Knight without harming him. It was a relief, also, to find her lightsaber worked in the world.

    She turns to Erin. "Perhaps now is the time for that conversation we did not have time for before?" Hael asks her politely. Sure that they both had many questions for her. Questions she would answer willingly. "I am also certain your young William will be searching for us if we do not return soon." She says with a chuckle.

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

  4. #24
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    "Then we should head back," Grant says reaching for his necklace. It's then he notices it's not glowing and it's power is gone. He looks around as the world become a blurry mess. He reaches out his arms to shadow slide, but all it does it bring him pain trying to use it. He shakes about rapidly trying to concentrate, but then he is pulled in a flashback of a memory he had tried to forget. It was like the memory was burning in his mind. He stands up, "Somebody is changing time,"

    Erin remains emotionless, "Depending on what was changed, you could cease to exist in a matter of hours," she turned to Hael, "His Infinity necklace isn't working, along with his other abilities, so you'll need to take him to our base," she said before teleporting away. Erin appears in a brick, old building that looked like a broken down museum with weird artifacts laying around. It's dark. There isn't any lights around so it's hard to see. Erin takes out her hand a small flame burst from her palm, sitting in her hand to help her see.

    There was William, eating a sandwich that appeared to just be bread and cheese. "Hey, Erin! How do you do?"

    "It's seems someone has changed time again, do you know who?" Erin asked hoping Will would prove useful just once.

    He shook his head, "I just been here eating a sandwich and thinking about how much I really want to go swimming. You know how long it's been since I been swimming? Like, two days. That's too long for me..."
    Last edited by Omac; 12-09-2016 at 04:17 PM.

    The seals have been broken...
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  5. #25
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    Hael nods in agreement when Grant says they should head back. She watches him fail to use the necklace. However, her concern begins to show as he experiences pain attempting to shadow slide. She grabs his arm with one hand, her other wrapping around his back as he starts to fall from the pain. Attempting to steady him. "Breathe, Grant." Her voice gentle, soothing. She lets go as he stands on his own.

    She looks between them as Erin says someone was changing time. "I will protect his soul, he will not cease to exist." This she says firmly. She couldn't do much about his powers, or the pain, but she could keep him there. She'd done it before with someone else. There were certain advantages to being a creature outside of time. She nods to Erin as she says Hael would have to take him back.

    Hael watches as Erin leaves, then turns to Grant. "Are you ready? I know traveling with me is a great deal different than what you are used to." She places a hand on his shoulder. The sound of rustling wings is heard as they disappear, and again as they reappear in the room with Erin and Will.

    She keeps her grip on Grant for a moment while he steadies himself, then lets go and looks around the place. Finally, coming to stand at a spot a few paces from Erin and Will, just as Will comments on swimming.

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

  6. #26
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    Will starts shaking when he begins to get wet, as water rains down above onto him. There isn't a hole in the ceiling and no open windows on this floor. It was almost as if something magical was happening, as the water sparkled different colors until a puddle came underneath and he was soaked. The puddle began to rise up and turn into a figure. It was a younger man, not much older then Will, hidden behind a weird mask with strange symbols carved into it. "You wanted to get wet, eh Will?" he asked.

    Will turns around as a spark of lightning phases through him and into the man behind him. The man flies backwards, nearly turning back into a puddle, but stands back up. "I told you to stop messing with me or you'll get yours," he then pouts before a large amount of wind flies around him. His sandwich is blown all over Grant and Hael. "That's better," he said now showing off how he was dry, "Oh, are you two okay?"

    The young man stands putting out his hand to Hael, "Nice to meet you, I'm Rica Rota. My real name is a total secret. I'm a total secret. What are you some kind of witch like Erin?"

    "I'm not a witch," Erin replied, "I'm an Illusionist. I create illusions with my mind that people believe are real. Sometimes they become real, if I try hard enough," she turned to Will, "Can you track the time anomaly? Someone changed something and we need to figure it out. Hael here said she'll protect Grant from being completely erased, but his powers and memories are fading away," she then turned to Hael, "I'm putting trust in you to protect Grant from harm, and if something happens to him... you'll face the wrath of me and my team,"

    Rica Rota then moved over to Hael, "Are you some sort of magical creature? You seem to give off some sort of power. How about a battle after this is all over and done with? I'd love to spar with someone who can acually put up a fight?"

    The seals have been broken...
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  7. #27
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    Hael chuckles as the new member shows up. She watches him and Will get into it, remember her own young Padawan. As the sandwich flies towards her and Grant, she snaps her fingers, causing it to disappear completely. "We are fine, William, I assure you." She then bows her head to the newcomer. "It is a pleasure to meet you." She chuckles as he senses her power. "I am, in fact, an Angel. No, I do not care to fight with my allies."

    She nods to Erin at the veiled threat. "I assure you, nothing will harm him. His soul is under my protection." She then turns, heading toward a door she knew would open into a conference room. She takes a seat at the table, waiting for Erin and Grant. "I believe you had questions for me?" She asks.

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

  8. #28
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    Erin and Grant follow behind Hael, moving past her to sit at the head of the table and the seat next to the main. Grant tries to speak, but Erin talks over him. "Where did you come from? I have never seen you from this world, or any world we traveled to, and I need to know where an angel would come from. I'm suspicious of your motives and why you would want to come here to us... not even our enemies can find us.. they change time in attempts to lore us out so.." she stands up and slams her hands down onto the table, "HOW DID YOU FIND US?!"

    The seals have been broken...
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  9. #29
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    She sat in her chosen seat, simply watching as they walk past her and sit at the table as well. Katrin, personally, was thankful Hael was taking control at that moment. Having decided Erin scared the ever living daylights out of her. This, of course, Hael found amusing. She doesn't react to Erin shouting, understanding the woman's worry.

    "I have told you. I am an angel of the Lord. I am from Heaven." She tilts her head curiously. "It is outside of time and space. As are we. I can see the entirety of it all. It was not difficult to locate you, once I knew *of* you." Here, she holds out her hand. A book appears in it. Rather small. If one were to read it, they would find a story that focused on this very team. Though a few things seemed to be missing, for one, William was not mentioned. She places it on the table in front of Erin and Grant.

    "My Vessel comes from another Universe. One where all of this is simply stories. *I* was but a simple story to her, until I heard her prayer one sad afternoon. It is a simple thing, for angels to pass between universes. I heard a soul in Pain. And, I saw healing for myself in that very soul." She smiles faintly as she says this.

    - - - - -

    Meanwhile, in the main room of the bunker, the sound of rustling wings is heard. Much like when Hael appeared. This time, a young girl stood in the center of the room. She was small for her age, which appeared to be no older than 11. She head long red hair. She wore a simple summer dress, this one purple. Her eyes were the color of emeralds. They, much like Hael, seemed to show an age much older than her physical form. She tilts her head curiously as she looks around.

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

  10. #30
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    Erin picks up the book and flicks through it. She comes across a passage where her character is murdered and she drops the book. She looks to Grant, "What is this? I knew you were married to my other-time self, but I didn't know this," she started to shake, "You.. you.. murdered me?"

    "I had no choice," he admits, "You were possessed by the demon known as Dread and he was going to corrupt you, her, soul. I had to do something so I sliced the souls apart with my scythe, but it killed her in the mix. I didn't mean to," he looked to Hael, "Why would you come here? Nobody asked for your help!" he then stormed out.

    Erin looked to Hael, "This is bad. I'm not mad at him, I would have done the same thing in his situation. It all makes sense now. The looks he would give me..." she set the book down, "Get rid of this. Nobody else can know all our secrets. There are certain stories that shouldn't be retold," she looked down, "It doesn't make sense though... Erin.. or me.. shouldn't have been effected by that weapon,".


    As she appears, Will screams out, "NOT AGAIN," Grant leaves the room as his emotions get the best of him. He walks right into someone who appears out of the blue. Will then gets a good look at Grant, "Are you okay, man?" he shakes his head taking his attention to the angel, "Who are you by the way? It's not normal for people.. or angel.. things.. to keep dropping in on us.." he looks back to Grant, "I found the time anomaly," and back to the angel, "Where are you things coming from?"

    The seals have been broken...
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    The Piper's out of the basement...
    The Dead have started to boogie...
    Decay is Coming

    Spoiler: The winner is... 

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