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Thread: [IC] RPAlandia -hammer 10k [Updates on every Friday]

  1. #71
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    Azzy cackled. The void was a fantastic experience. Seemed luck was on their side, though, seeing as they were whisked out of the void by someone they had chosen to save. Huh, well that's nifty. Still humming and slightly bouncing from the music, Azzy looks upon the cat and wonders what music it is listening to.

    They tap their chin. Remove the mirror or not? Azzy closed their eyes, finding the resulting consequences coming to mind. Either removing the mirror could cause either for them to be attacked or someone to be released. But not removing the mirror could result in a similar act. Azzy hummed to themself a single note in thought before shrugging. Allowing the fates (and other players) to create the final outcome, Azzy vouches for removing the mirror before turning and heading south, towards Members Central Area. Blogs were never their thing.

    Taking the mirror
    Heading south, Members Central Area
    Find a tale or three or five to read but be warned. It is never easy to see where the plot may be going As the Story Crumbles

  2. #72
    Poppa Squirrel
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    As the cat gets closer, Storm decides to leave the mirror alone and slowly reaches to the volume to the MP3 player so as to reduce the volume if the cat does not scamper away.

    "Hey kitty, want to point to our next safe road?" half planning on taking the road opposite whatever the cat suggests.

    With no apparent response from the kitty, Storm surmises 'First safe looking spot was a trap, second time the less desirable spot was just that... less desirable, what oh what does Kris have up her sleeve.'

    Once again the obvious choice would be safe sounding Member Central, or could be lurking with past/expired member account zombies. Blogs is the less obvious choice and not as inviting sounding as Member Central... shrugging mumbles
    "Let's see if I guess correctly again..." as he proceeds toward Blogs.

    Signature created by the awesome .Karma.

    Spoiler: Looking for a Story to Join? 

  3. #73
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    Decision checking: Event

    Death: Blazing Falcons (Failed the event check) ; Rayfire (Failed to post on time)

    Labyrinth- Rabbit: Let it eat the carrot

    Downtown- Cat and Mirror: Take the mirror away

    Decision checking: Route Direction

    Labyrinth Group:

    Going to the RP sections Going to the Non Traditional RP section
    P.K. Argon Jaden
    Omac KyoY8


    Downtown Group:

    Heading to the Blogs Heading to the Members Central Area
    Griff Eddren
    Storm max shadow

    Labyrinth Group: Death Phase

    Tick, tick, tick, Boom.

    The boom set off.

    But as Kris' served in the IDF she observed and learned how to better handle terrorist atttack. The system then forms a sphere around Blazing, which blows within a neaty shaped fireball. Of course another Ghost storms in right away to clean the mess, and pour down a strange liquid from a bottle saying "Reviving potion". The ghost were ready, it seems, for any case where Kris will try to slack off... even in death. As Fluppy is restored, he is dragged away unconscious, along with Rayfire, as the ghosts are hissing:

    "Work. Work. Work. Work."

    Two more are gone... but you must carry on...

    Labyrinth Group:

    Event Decision: Restored rabbit to human form

    The tiny rabbit is chewing delightfully and is soon done eating. Her body changes into a human form and she moves her nose as though she was a rabbit still. She happily jumps around as her mind and memories are recovered and she is switching form again to that of a rabbit, but this time having the mindset of a human that she had lost previously.

    For this round you will avoid penalty for choosing a wrong road

    If you are heading for the RP sections:

    So many threads and buildings and so much exploration to be done here... You think you may be stuck here forever just trying to uncover all the mass and searching within piles of information, when out of the blue a small rabbit jumps happily and encourages you to follow her, and you do so---

    To the Non Traditional RP section!

    You have avoided penalty for reviving/saving a lost god. Simply Proceed to "If you are heading for the Non Traditional RP section"


    If you are heading for the Non Traditional RP section:

    You hear voices and screams and cheers.

    Rushing to the location, you finally notice the citizens of this strange world. They are avatars, just like you, but far more... deformed, advanced, strange than you are. The members of the future use strange ways to post and respond to each other.

    But one thing stays the same, it seems. In the far ruined future, the only thing left is fighting, and they sure are fighting in the arena. It seems to be a Rumble event.


    Someone is hissing at you and as you check that person you realize he speaks in a very L33T way. How far did english change in the future?

    He notices that you are lost and then he urges you to run for a direction which says "MEETING AREA".

    You decide to go there.

    Go to the Meeting Area Section

    Downtown Group:

    Event Decision: You've hurt Chat Noir's Ego (You monsters!)

    You take away the mirror from the cat, thinking it will draw its attention at you. Alas, it seems angry. A closer look at the cat makes you realize it's none other than Luci (Chat Noir). He finds your action insulting, because taking away his mirror means that you are insulting his good looks.

    He simply paces away from there, with a strange cat hair flip (which is done with both his headphones and his cat ears)

    It seems you will not get any advice from him... but you must carry on...

    If you picked going to the Members Central Area

    So much forums games and discussions... and posts!!


    So much to read and read and read, and respond and to post!

    You start to wonder if Luci would have told you not to come here, but it's too late to consider this option.

    You start to back track, but the games and discussion are so much fun. You cannot understand much of the languge of the citizens here, because every post and discussion is written in l33t strange ways, but the way they are responding to posts, and the way posts are done in the future are so much friendly... and fun!!

    You are soon not only picking up the pace with the other deformed, strange and advanced avatars of the future, but you also starts to understand it...

    And not only this... you actually want to stay and play in here. FOREVER.


    Deep down inside you still resist though... Because you've came here for a reason, and you do want to go back home... Don't you?

    Roll the following code [roll]2d6[/roll ] - If you got a number higher than 5 you are saved and can proceed to the section "If you are heading to the Blogs"

    If you got a number lower than 5... well... it's been fun <3


    If you are heading to the Blogs

    The blogs seemed to have been super busy in the future. But they are all written in l33t strange languge.

    How much did the net changed in the future? and how much more did english transformed?

    As you ponder over this you notice 2 words you recognize; One of them is "Rumble" and the other is "Meeting Area".

    Looking at the sky you notice a big sign upon a ballon of an airship, worded "MEETING AREA".

    You decide to go there

    Go to the Meeting Area Section

    Meeting Area

    Everyone are joined together finally... well, almost everyone, as there seemed to be losses. As you start to tell each other what happened to you, you notice a strange light in the distance.

    It takes you a while to identify the figure, but when you do, you realize it's none other than G, in a robotic form. Seems like this was why she had survived for so long.

    "You have done well to come this far... but it seems you have failed most of the gods that have been locked away by the angry site errors mobs. It was a terrible war and we used our powers to summon you from afar to save us... But you've failed..."

    G seems heartbroken... or is she? Hard to tell in her robotic form.

    Just when you are about to put forward your claims 2 gods join in: Scottie and rabbit.

    G counts them, "Only 2... but still something... oh well".

    She looks to the sky and points at two signs in the far distance, "I will give you a final chance to go home".

    You watch as the two signs are formed in the distance to word the word "exit"

    "Choose where to go, and you may redeem yourselves...", says G.

    You wonder where to head and both Scottie and rabbit are starting to run for each direction:

    rabbit dashes for a location named "Site News & Announcements"

    While Scottie dances freely as she marches for the direction of "Awards & Special Events"

    This is not helpful at all, you think to yourself.

    Most of the gods are lost, so obviously they cannot help you... but then again....

    You recall there are other gods you can draw input from, maybe they can help you decide where to go and which way is the right way for the exit.

    You call to the Admins and G, Merry, Kris and Juni slowly moves in to take their place beside G.

    Nazgul who has a different color also tags along as he cleans the floor.

    Kris seemed to be too busy with playing a game though, but the others seems willing to answer.

    Okay, it's time to head home, and find the portal's true location

    You need to decide now!!

    1. You can use the admins and Nazgul's advice on where to go, aside of myself (Kris)- Obviously - Keep in mind that none of them knows what the answer is (or what's going on exactly), so... it's a full bet on, but something to consider

    2. Once you form up your mind you need to decide if you are heading to the "Site News & Announcements" or "Awards & Special Events"

    The final post will be up on Friday the 1st of Sep. - You have until then to post and respond.

  4. #74
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    Eddren shrugged. "You know, it's actually kind of your fault none of the Gods were resurrected. You didn't say anything. Hence, the only objective anyone's been motivated by was exploration or the desire to go home. As far as they knew, there weren't any--Why am I bothering to argue. You're a God. You don't understand logic or reason."

    Since he had no particular interest in going home to begin with--Really, he was just here to kind of wander around randomly, and if he went home, he'd just have to go to some dumb job to get more dumb money to pay off his dumb rent, he was forced to consider these choices on their own merits. In the end, he chose the Site News & Announcements, as he figured that'd be the best place to go to figure out how this all fell apart.

    If, indeed, there was a war, and if, indeed, it had been brought about by what used to be known as the Admins and Mods, then there should be *some* kind of documentation of it in the announcements. Something should be left. Maybe he could actually figure out what happened to the site that lead to such a terrible catastrophe, and better yet, maybe there'd be information as to which places where safe to navigate and which weren't. So he walked toward Site News & Announcements

  5. #75
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    Kyo stood there looking up at G. "This place is odd and peculiar." He stated.
    "We may have failed the majority of the Gods, our brave comrades were even defeated, but nevertheless, we who stand before you are survivors. I have done my best to apply logic to my decisions." He announced.

    As he watched the dashing rabbit head for it's exit, he couldn't help but think about Alice in Wonderland.
    It was always going to be his choice to follow a rabbit, regardless of what the other option was. Not only was his option set in stone. "I would however disregard logic if there was a chance to follow a rabbit, God or not." He told them all.

    "Whether she leads me to safety or to death it matters not. If I die, let my tombstone read 'Kyo Yumi ~ Followed the Rabbit into Wonderland' There I shall become a permanent fixture, maybe a mad hatter, a Cheshire cat, or even a door-mouse." He told them before following Rabbit to the Site News & Announcements, not daring to look back in case his better sense told him to turn back. Logically, he had a feeling the correct path was Awards and Special Events, but now was not the time for logic.

    Path: News & Announcements

  6. #76
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    Crazywolf listened to the information given by G. He felt bad for all the staff who had been locked trapped in this dystopian ruin. It seemed they had failed the purpose they were summoned for but on the other hand they hadn't actually known the purpose. He thought for a moment about the situation and everything that had happened. "What about the ones who died in here" he asked. "The ones like Angel, Cfav, Blazing and Rayfire. Is there any means to bring them back or are they just dead forever."
    Born to be a king & fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers.

    The Fresh Prince of Britain • RPAs personal wolf fetish • RPA's Wolf Mascot • Crazy the Wolfheart

  7. #77
    Give into Decay...
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    "No," Omac bluntly said, "I'm not going to blindly believe you anymore. This entire thing has been two choices and we always make the wrong one. Someone always got left behind,". He threw his hands up in the air and threw the last slice of toast he had always carried to the floor. He turned to the others, "These doors almost certainly don't lead to an exit. I love RPA as much as the rest of us, but this... This isn't RPA anymore. It's opposite day,". It was clicking in his tiny, little head. Life is death and death is life. "If I had to I'd choose Awards & Special Events, but...". He looked to Merry, Kris, G, and Juni. A faint smirk rose through him. "What if I object?".
    Last edited by Omac; 08-29-2017 at 04:26 PM.

    The seals have been broken...
    The Purgament has begun...
    The Piper's out of the basement...
    The Dead have started to boogie...
    Decay is Coming

    Spoiler: The winner is... 

  8. #78
    Argon Jaden's Avatar
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    AyJay had quietly trailed along behind everyone, humming softly to himself before he paused. The dark haired youth scratched his head as he looked between the two choices. "Uh..." He was also concerned with the others, but somehow, he had a feeling they'd be able to return somehow, so he decided to trust his gut instincts. "They'll probably get back out? Once it's fixed up, they'll probably be rescued? I don't really know." He dislikes too many decisions, especially when there's a fifty-fifty chance.

    "Well, what's the worst that could happen, yeah?" He asked, before trailing after Scottie, hands tucked into his pockets and he glanced around warily. He went to the Awards & Special Events section.
    Spoiler: Clicky!!! 

    Spoiler: Mehehe... 

    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

  9. #79
    Your daily overdose of cute
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    P.K. listened to Omac go on for a moment before thinking over his choice quietly. Well it was true, so far their choices had been... two choices there wasn't a third option or perhaps there had been, could they have chosen to go back? Or stay put? She sighed softly before looking to Merry, Kris, G, and Juni to see how they might answer the toast friend.
    P.K.'s character locker ~ P.K.'s word works ~ P.K.'s Idea store

    1x1 = 1/5 Multi = 0/5 PW = 0/2
    Spoiler: Other things. 

  10. #80
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    "What about the ones who died in here" Crazywolf asked. "The ones like Angel, Cfav, Blazing and Rayfire. Is there any means to bring them back or are they just dead forever."

    "Suppose everyone dies at one point", Kris said slowly and everyone nodded as if it was the smartest answer she could give.

    "What if I object?", Omac asked

    Kris shrugged, "Dunno...", she said, "I mean I guess you can, but do you want to?"

    At this point Kris turned around.

    [No more feed back from Kris]

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