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Thread: RPA Member Awards - Nominations 2019! [ Deadline: July 20 ]

  1. #1
    Arch-angel of Epica
    Kris's Avatar
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    Default RPA Member Awards - Nominations 2019! [ Deadline: July 20 ]

    Welcome to the official Member Awards of RPA 2019!

    The Member Awards are an opportunity to celebrate those who make RPA's community the amazing family that it is! Whether through their kindness, creativity or craziness, these awards recognise the contribution every person here makes to this place that is a sanctuary and a second home to so many! The winner for each category will receive both reputation points and a medal for their achievement.

    Please fill out the form below and nominate those members you feel truly deserve the recognition. Also be sure the read the Rules for the Awards and who has excluded themselves from the awards before nominating!

    Things to remember;

    -unlike the Roleplay awards, you cannot nominate yourselves in the member awards. Any such nominations will be disqualify. Also any bad taste nomination will also be disqualify as stated in the rules.

    -You may fill out as much or as little of the form as you like. You are not required to nominate for every category, and you do not need to nominate two members for each category.

    -Please use members' full, current username when nominating, rather than a nickname or old username. (Because it's such a pain to track them down).

    -When nominating a request shop/writing thread/artwork please try to include links. (Please!)

    -Voting will take place at the end of the nomination period!!

    -One nomination gets a member into the voting thread. Multiple nominations do not hold any more sway, so if you'd like to avoid nominating someone already on the list, check the submitted nominations first.

    -Please do not clutter this thread with chatter. If you'd like to chat about the awards, you can do that here.

    So, without further ado...

    The Categories:

    1. Best new member

    We get a LOT of new members on RPA all the time! This is your chance to recognize your favorite newbie! (Nominees must have joined in the last Six months)

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    2. The Cyberpunk of RPA

    Old Rockstar. The Keanu Reeves of RPA. A member who has been here for more than 3 years in a row who just screams cool and has already many stories to tell about them

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    3. The prince

    RPA’s knight in shining armour who is chivalrous, gallant and brave! This award is for the dashing gentleman who best embodies the qualities of princeliness.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    4. The princess

    Everything feminine can be used to describe RPA's princess! Whether she treats herself like a princess, or has others treat her like one! This award is for our most regal lady!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    5. Most artistic

    Whether they express themselves through music, literature, art, or performing arts, this award is for whoever you think is the most artistic member!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    6. Best sense of humour

    Jokes, witty one liners, and horrible puns galore! This member is definitely RPA's funny man... er, funny woman... er, funny member! Who is RPA's comedian?

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    7. Sexiest female member

    Yeowza! This member is so hot, you can tell just by their posts! Or perhaps you saw them in the picture thread? Who do you think is RPA's sexiest chica?

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    8. Sexiest male member

    Yeowza! This member is so hot, you can tell just by their posts! Or perhaps you saw them in the picture thread? Who do you think is RPA's sexiest chico?

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    9. The wink wink nudge nudge award

    There's always someone isn't there? That one person who finds a sexual innuendo in even the most innocent of conversations? The one who can't keep their mind out of the gutter and also flirts with everyone? Recognize them here!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    10. Most likely to rule the world

    Everyone out there wishes what it would be like if THEY ruled the world! This member just might achieve it one day!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    11. Most likely to become famous

    Sometimes there's just one person who seems to scream "undiscovered star". This is a person to watch because they are a rising star in the making!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    12. Most likely to ramble

    Our ramblers are pretty easy to spot! These people can post paragraph after paragraph after paragraph and be no closer to their point than when they started! But they sure do entertain us!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    13. Kindest member

    Everyone on RPA is super nice! But this member is SO kind that they are followed everywhere by rainbows, sparkles, and unicorns. This member is the most polite and well mannered! Nothing can ruffle this birdie's feathers!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    14. Strangest first impression

    Has there ever been someone who struck you as odd? Where their first post made you go "LoL...wut?" Nominate them here!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    15. The perfectionist

    Who do you think has to have everything JUST right? RPA's gotta have a perfectionist! Who could it be?

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    16. Shackled to RPA

    This member, no matter the time, ALWAYS seems to be online. It's as if they are bound to the site with shackles and they are NEVER allowed to leave!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    17. Pocket full of sunshine

    This member can brighten up anyone's day! Their happy go lucky attitude fills everyone with warmth! RPA's pocket full of sunshine is our most happy and up-beat member!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    18. The chameleon

    All of RPA's members enjoy changing their avatars and signatures, but some change them a little more frequently than others! These people are like chameleons! But who most of all?!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    19. Most likely to change their username

    This member has accumulated so many nicknames you don't know what to call them anymore!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    20. Best blogger

    Blogs are like online diaries, where we can talk about whatever we want. Some people post a blog entry everyday, some only post every now and then. Which blogger makes the most creative, insightful, funny entries?

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    21. Meme King

    These members just hit the spot and continue to stab on with an amusing, sarcastic or even dramatic gif. It's as though they have some secret pile of them at the ready!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    22. The Mime

    You know they're there, but not a peep.. The mime is simply our quietest member, lurking more often than posting.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    23. Most Frequent Thread Starter

    Where do they get their ideas? Whether it's discussions, games or stories his person is all over the new thread list!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    24. Most Likely To Incur A Squirrel Invasion

    Poppa Storm's Trained Attack Squirrels are always on the prowl looking for stray peanut butter cookies, hot cocoa, TV remote controls, and awesome members to attack. Who will be the next one to be stormed by the Squirrels?
    We are aware that they like to track down those who frequently posts in various areas on the forums, gets involved with the community and help around, or even does amazing stuff like writing interesting stories, making great art and just generally... awesome.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    25. Nerdiest Member

    They are obsessed fans, sometimes in a freaky way, and they know everything about said subject, as though they were an offline Wikipedia.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    26. The most likely to survive an apocalypse

    Be it zombies attack or even Aliens invasion, you just know they will make through this. Be it by sacrificing other people, or being smart enough to team with the right folks, or finding ways get more resources. They will be the last person standing.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    27. Heart of downtown

    This category is for the member who you think is the heart and soul of Downtown! Their comments are funny, their retorts witty, and you see their name as the most recent poster in every thread on the first page of every section! Who do you think of when you think of Downtown?

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    28. Best Username

    Is there ever a username that makes you laugh every time? Do you see someone's name and think "Ah! That's clever!" Or do you love the name that just doesn't make any sense at all? Honor your favorite usernames here!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    29. Best Signature

    Who do you think always sports the best signature? Since our signatures are our way of self expression, consider this RPA's best dressed award! (This award is granted to both the wearer and the creator of the signature.)

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    30. Most Random

    If you've ever been in a discussion that's well into the topic and one member's post suddenly throws everyone in the topic OFF topic completely, you have probably met our most random member! Nominate them here!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    31. Best Creative Writing Thread

    Our members have created many threads in the Creative Writing section that display some of their best individual compositions. Which thread features the best stories and writing? (please make sure to link us to the writing thread)

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    32. Best Original Drawing

    This award is to commend an image of beauty, skill and depth, created by one of RPA’s very own members! Whether it awed you with its use of colour or brought a tear to your eye, it should be a drawing that received the full attention and love of its artist’s talent. (please make sure to link us to the drawing)

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    33. Most likely to Triple Post

    We are all occasional culprits of the infamous double post, but this member takes it one step further - do they even know about that edit button???

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    34. Most Sarcastic

    This member is so frequently sarcastic they need a special font or something to let you know when they're serious!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    35. Most likely to burst into song

    Do you know someone who loves music? someone who sings along to the radio? Someone you just know would brake into song like a musical? Maybe it's time you name them and tell them how much you love them singing!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    36. Most likely to become a superhero

    It's a bird, it's a plane... nope, it's this Member! If there's ever trouble, it wouldn't surprise you to see this person swooping in to save the day!

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    37. Most Likely to become a Supervillain

    Villains are made, not born. They try so hard to be good, but they often end up being bad. You know that they will use their powers for self benefit, and will challenge everyone simply because it's fun, or because they are bored.

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    Spoiler: Form for Nominations to fill in 

  2. #2
    Kach's Avatar
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    Hot I'm First Kris Senpai! Notice Me! :P

    Will update regularly

    1. Best new member
    (Nominees must have joined in the last six months.)

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    2. The Cyberpunk of RPA

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    3. The prince

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    4. The princess

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    5. Most artistic

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    6. Best sense of humour

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    7. Sexiest female member

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    8. Sexiest male member

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    9. The wink wink nudge nudge award

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    10. Most likely to rule the world

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    11. Most likely to become famous

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    12. Most likely to ramble

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    13. Kindest member

    Nominee #1: Kris
    Nominee #2: Bluemoon

    14. Strangest first impression

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    15. The perfectionist

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    16. Shackled to rpa

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    17. Pocket full of sunshine

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    18. The chameleon

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    19. Most likely to change their username

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    20. Best blogger

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    21. Meme King

    Nominee #1: Dnafein
    Nominee #2:

    22. The Mime

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    23. Most Frequent Thread Starter

    Nominee #1
    Nominee #2

    24. Most Likely To Incur A Squirrel Invasion

    Nominee #1
    Nominee #2

    25. Nerdiest Member

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    26. The most likely to survive an apocalypse

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    27. Heart of downtown

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    28. Best Username

    Nominee #1 Namingtoohard
    Nominee #2

    29. Best Signature

    Nominee #1
    Nominee #2

    30. Most Random

    Nominee #1
    Nominee #2

    31. Best Creative Writing Thread
    (please make sure to link us to the writing thread)

    Nominee #1
    Nominee #2

    32. Best Original Drawing
    (please make sure to link us to the drawing)

    Nominee #1
    Nominee #2

    33. Most likely to Triple Post

    Nominee #1
    Nominee #2

    34. Most Sarcastic

    Nominee #1
    Nominee #2

    35. Most likely to burst into song

    Nominee #1
    Nominee #2

    36. Most likely to become a superhero

    Nominee #1
    Nominee #2

    37. Most Likely to become a Supervillain

    Nominee #1
    Nominee #2
    The final battle,
    Pain, suffering; overcome,
    by the united.

  3. #3
    Arch-angel of Epica
    Kris's Avatar
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    Will add to it slowly

    1. Best new member
    (Nominees must have joined in the last six months.)

    Nominee #1: Kach
    Nominee #2: Stockholm

    2. The Cyberpunk of RPA

    Nominee #1: Imp
    Nominee #2: SikstaSlathalin

    3. The prince

    Nominee #1: Omac
    Nominee #2: Repent!

    4. The princess

    Nominee #1: P.K.
    Nominee #2: Leanna

    5. Most artistic

    Nominee #1: Leanna
    Nominee #2: Griff

    6. Best sense of humour

    Nominee #1: Imp
    Nominee #2: Dnafein

    7. Sexiest female member

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    8. Sexiest male member

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    9. The wink wink nudge nudge award

    Nominee #1: bluemoon
    Nominee #2: Storm

    10. Most likely to rule the world

    Nominee #1: Merry
    Nominee #2: Omac

    11. Most likely to become famous

    Nominee #1: Imp
    Nominee #2: Griff

    12. Most likely to ramble

    Nominee #1: Leanna
    Nominee #2: Griff

    13. Kindest member

    Nominee #1: P.K.
    Nominee #2: Storm

    14. Strangest first impression

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    15. The perfectionist

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    16. Shackled to rpa

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    17. Pocket full of sunshine

    Nominee #1: P.K.
    Nominee #2: bluemoon

    18. The chameleon

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    19. Most likely to change their username

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    20. Best blogger

    Nominee #1: Omac
    Nominee #2: Crazywolf

    21. Meme King

    Nominee #1: Dnafein
    Nominee #2:

    22. The Mime

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    23. Most Frequent Thread Starter

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    24. Most Likely To Incur A Squirrel Invasion

    Nominee #1: Storm
    Nominee #2: bluemoon

    25. Nerdiest Member

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    26. The most likely to survive an apocalypse

    Nominee #1: Imp
    Nominee #2: Dnafein

    27. Heart of downtown

    Nominee #1: Crazywolf
    Nominee #2: SikstaSlathalin

    28. Best Username

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    29. Best Signature

    Nominee #1: Kach
    Nominee #2: Dnafein

    30. Most Random

    Nominee #1: Koti~
    Nominee #2: Leanna

    31. Best Creative Writing Thread
    (please make sure to link us to the writing thread)

    Nominee #1: P.K.'s word works
    Nominee #2: Those that Follow...

    32. Best Original Drawing
    (please make sure to link us to the drawing)

    Nominee #1: “el esqueleto” by Griff
    Nominee #2: California Mountain Man by Leanna

    33. Most likely to Triple Post

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    34. Most Sarcastic

    Nominee #1: Dnafein
    Nominee #2: bluemoon

    35. Most likely to burst into song

    Nominee #1: P.K.
    Nominee #2: bluemoon

    36. Most likely to become a superhero

    Nominee #1: Omac
    Nominee #2: SikstaSlathalin

    37. Most Likely to become a Supervillain

    Nominee #1: Omac
    Nominee #2: Imp

  4. #4
    Your daily overdose of cute
    P.K.'s Avatar
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    3. The prince

    Nominee #1: Omac
    Nominee #2: Yamimoon

    4. The princess

    Nominee #1: Kris
    Nominee #2: bluemoon

    5. Most artistic

    Nominee #1: SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2: Arcus

    6. Best sense of humour

    Nominee #1: Kris
    Nominee #2: Storm

    10. Most likely to rule the world

    Nominee #1: bluemoon
    Nominee #2: SikstaSlathalin

    11. Most likely to become famous

    Nominee #1: Storm
    Nominee #2: Omac

    13. Kindest member

    Nominee #1: Omac
    Nominee #2: Yamimoon

    15. The perfectionist

    Nominee #1: Leanna

    16. Shackled to rpa

    Nominee #1: Kris
    Nominee #2: Koti~

    17. Pocket full of sunshine

    Nominee #1: Leanna
    Nominee #2: Breggo13

    24. Most Likely To Incur A Squirrel Invasion

    Nominee #1: bluemoon

    26. The most likely to survive an apocalypse

    Nominee #1: SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2: Dnafein

    31. Best Creative Writing Thread
    (please make sure to link us to the writing thread)

    Nominee #1: A Servant's Chronicles: Tales of an old hero in the modern world.

    36. Most likely to become a superhero

    Nominee #1: SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2: Omac

    37. Most Likely to become a Supervillain

    Nominee #1: Storm
    Nominee #2: Dnafein
    P.K.'s character locker ~ P.K.'s word works ~ P.K.'s Idea store

    1x1 = 1/5 Multi = 0/5 PW = 0/2
    Spoiler: Other things. 

  5. #5
    RPA's Resident Zombie
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    1. Best new member
    Nominee #1: Kach

    2. The Cyberpunk of RPA

    Nominee #1: Imp

    5. Most artistic

    Nominee #1: EerieWillows
    Nominee #2: Enigma

    6. Best sense of humour

    Nominee #1: Storm
    Nominee #2: Crazywolf

    7. Sexiest female member

    Nominee #1: Leanna

    9. The wink wink nudge nudge award

    Nominee #1: Storm

    13. Kindest member

    Nominee #1: P.K.
    Nominee #2: Dnafein

    15. The perfectionist

    Nominee #1: Leanna

    16. Shackled to rpa

    Nominee #1: Dnafein
    Nominee #2: Kris

    17. Pocket full of sunshine

    Nominee #1: P.K.

    18. The chameleon

    Nominee #1: Merry

    19. Most likely to change their username

    Nominee #1: InfraredHero

    20. Best blogger

    Nominee #1: Sikstaslathalin
    Nominee #2: Leanna

    21. Meme King

    Nominee #1: Dnafein
    Nominee #2: Storm

    23. Most Frequent Thread Starter

    Nominee #1: Crazywolf

    25. Nerdiest Member

    Nominee #1: DannyPhantom

    27. Heart of downtown

    Nominee #1: Merry
    Nominee #2: Sikstaslathalin

    28. Best Username

    Nominee #1: Enigma
    Nominee #2: Anti-Hero

    29. Best Signature

    Nominee #1: Dnafein

    33. Most likely to Triple Post

    Nominee #1: Kris

    34. Most Sarcastic

    Nominee #1: Storm
    Nominee #2: Dnafein

    36. Most likely to become a superhero

    Nominee #1: Sikstaslathalin
    Nominee #2: Imp
    Last edited by bluemoon; 07-20-2019 at 02:38 AM.

  6. #6
    Month the of Member November
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    I haven't really been all that active this year so for that reason I'm only gonna do a few though I may edit this to add a couple more.

    2. The Cyberpunk of RPA

    Nominee #1: Siks
    Nominee #2:

    5. Most artistic

    Nominee #1: Griff
    Nominee #2: Leanna

    10. Most likely to rule the world

    Nominee #1: Kris
    Nominee #2:

    17. Pocket full of sunshine

    Nominee #1: r a b b i t
    Nominee #2:

    28. Best Username

    Nominee #1 InfraredHero
    Nominee #2

    29. Best Signature

    Nominee #1 Undead Fears
    Nominee #2

    36. Most likely to become a superhero

    Nominee #1 InfraredHero
    Nominee #2 Omac
    Last edited by Crazywolf; 07-11-2019 at 05:56 PM.
    Born to be a king & fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers.

    The Fresh Prince of Britain • RPAs personal wolf fetish • RPA's Wolf Mascot • Crazy the Wolfheart

  7. #7
    Give into Decay...
    Omac's Avatar
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    1. Best new member
    (Nominees must have joined in the last six months.)

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    2. The Cyberpunk of RPA

    Nominee #1: SikstaSlathalin
    Nominee #2:

    3. The prince

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    4. The princess

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    5. Most artistic

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    6. Best sense of humor

    Nominee #1: Blazing_Falcons
    Nominee #2:

    7. Sexiest female member

    Nominee #1: AngelDellaNotte
    Nominee #2:

    8. Sexiest male member

    Nominee #1: Dnafein
    Nominee #2:

    9. The wink wink nudge nudge award

    Nominee #1: Cfvano
    Nominee #2: Craze

    10. Most likely to rule the world

    Nominee #1: Nori
    Nominee #2: Kaptain Panty

    11. Most likely to become famous

    Nominee #1: Griff
    Nominee #2:

    12. Most likely to ramble

    Nominee #1: Cfvano
    Nominee #2:

    13. Kindest member

    Nominee #1: PK
    Nominee #2: ShadowPrincess

    14. Strangest first impression

    Nominee #1: Nori
    Nominee #2:

    15. The perfectionist

    Nominee #1: Leanna
    Nominee #2:

    16. Shackled to rpa

    Nominee #1: Lady Celeste
    Nominee #2:

    17. Pocket full of sunshine

    Nominee #1: PK
    Nominee #2: Scottie

    18. The chameleon

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    19. Most likely to change their username

    Nominee #1: Froggy
    Nominee #2:

    20. Best blogger

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    21. Meme King

    Nominee #1: Blazing_Falcons
    Nominee #2:

    22. The Mime

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    23. Most Frequent Thread Starter

    Nominee #1 Crazywolf
    Nominee #2

    24. Most Likely To Incur A Squirrel Invasion

    Nominee #1 Storm
    Nominee #2

    25. Nerdiest Member

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    26. The most likely to survive an apocalypse

    Nominee #1: Cfvano
    Nominee #2: AngelDellaNotte

    27. Heart of downtown

    Nominee #1: Crazywolf
    Nominee #2:

    28. Best Username

    Nominee #1 Enigma
    Nominee #2 R a b b i t

    29. Best Signature

    Nominee #1
    Nominee #2

    30. Most Random

    Nominee #1
    Nominee #2

    31. Best Creative Writing Thread
    (please make sure to link us to the writing thread)

    Nominee #1
    Nominee #2

    32. Best Original Drawing
    (please make sure to link us to the drawing)

    Nominee #1
    Nominee #2

    33. Most likely to Triple Post

    Nominee #1
    Nominee #2

    34. Most Sarcastic

    Nominee #1
    Nominee #2

    35. Most likely to burst into song

    Nominee #1 PK
    Nominee #2

    36. Most likely to become a superhero

    Nominee #1 Undead Fears
    Nominee #2 Danny Phantom

    37. Most Likely to become a Supervillain

    Nominee #1 Kris
    Nominee #2 Storm
    Last edited by Omac; 07-20-2019 at 09:47 AM.

    The seals have been broken...
    The Purgament has begun...
    The Piper's out of the basement...
    The Dead have started to boogie...
    Decay is Coming

    Spoiler: The winner is... 

  8. #8
    The Art Vandal

    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Dublin, Ireland
    Favourite Roleplay Genres
    Decent grammar. Limited cringe. That’s all.
    31 Post(s)
    Rep Power


    Will update regularly

    1. Best new member
    (Nominees must have joined in the last six months.)

    Nominee #1: Kach
    Nominee #2: Stockholm

    2. The Cyberpunk of RPA

    Nominee #1: Sikstaslatherin
    Nominee #2: Dnafein

    3. The prince

    Nominee #1: Crazywolf
    Nominee #2: Omac

    4. The princess

    Nominee #1: Notty
    Nominee #2: r a b b i t

    5. Most artistic

    Nominee #1: Sikstaslatherin
    Nominee #2: Kris

    6. Best sense of humour

    Nominee #1: Dnafein
    Nominee #2: bluemoon

    7. Sexiest female member

    Nominee #1: r a b b i t
    Nominee #2: Kris

    8. Sexiest male member

    Nominee #1: RedKayne
    Nominee #2: Koti~

    9. The wink wink nudge nudge award

    Nominee #1: Kris
    Nominee #2: bluemoon

    10. Most likely to rule the world

    Nominee #1: J’Von
    Nominee #2: Omac

    11. Most likely to become famous

    Nominee #1: r a b b i t
    Nominee #2:

    12. Most likely to ramble

    Nominee #1: Storm
    Nominee #2: Omac

    13. Kindest member

    Nominee #1: Koti~
    Nominee #2: P.K.

    14. Strangest first impression

    Nominee #1: Pidipuu
    Nominee #2:

    15. The perfectionist

    Nominee #1: Imperial1917
    Nominee #2:

    16. Shackled to RPA

    Nominee #1: Crazywolf
    Nominee #2: Kris

    17. Pocket full of sunshine

    Nominee #1: P.K.
    Nominee #2: bluemoon

    18. The chameleon

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    19. Most likely to change their username

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    20. Best blogger

    Nominee #1: Crazywolf
    Nominee #2: Sikstaslatherhin

    21. Meme King

    Nominee #1: Dnafein
    Nominee #2: Bumblingbee

    22. The Mime

    Nominee #1: Imperial1917
    Nominee #2: Rayne7

    23. Most Frequent Thread Starter

    Nominee #1: Crazywolf
    Nominee #2:

    24. Most Likely To Incur A Squirrel Invasion

    Nominee #1: Storm
    Nominee #2: bluemoon

    25. Nerdiest Member

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    26. The most likely to survive an apocalypse

    Nominee #1: Sikstaslatherin
    Nominee #2: bluemoon

    27. Heart of downtown

    Nominee #1: Crazywolf
    Nominee #2: Sikstaslatherin

    28. Best Username

    Nominee #1: Namingtoohard
    Nominee #2: Potatrobot

    29. Best Signature

    Nominee #1: Scottie
    Nominee #2:

    30. Most Random

    Nominee #1: J’Von
    Nominee #2: Pidipuu

    31. Best Creative Writing Thread
    (please make sure to link us to the writing thread)

    Nominee #1:
    Nominee #2:

    32. Best Original Drawing
    (please make sure to link us to the drawing)

    Nominee #1
    Nominee #2

    33. Most likely to Triple Post

    Nominee #1: Kris
    Nominee #2:

    34. Most Sarcastic

    Nominee #1: Dnafein
    Nominee #2: bluemoon

    35. Most likely to burst into song

    Nominee #1: Kris
    Nominee #2:

    36. Most likely to become a superhero

    Nominee #1: Sikstaslatherin
    Nominee #2: Omac

    37. Most Likely to become a Supervillain

    Nominee #1: Omac
    Nominee #2: Imp
    Last edited by Leanna; 07-14-2019 at 07:25 PM.

    art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable

    - banksy

  9. #9
    Arch-angel of Epica
    Kris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    303 Post(s)
    Rep Power


    Lasy day to nominate, make sure you filled everything, and that you have links if needed.

  10. #10
    The Scottish Fluff
    Scottie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Favourite Roleplay Genres
    Willing to give everything a try
    92 Post(s)
    Rep Power


    5. Most artistic

    Nominee #1: Imp
    Nominee #2: Griff

    6. Best sense of humour

    Nominee #1: Imp
    Nominee #2: Chat Noir

    7. Sexiest female member

    Nominee #1: Karma
    Nominee #2: Rabbit

    8. Sexiest male member

    Nominee #1: Azazeal849
    Nominee #2:

    10. Most likely to rule the world

    Nominee #1: Karma
    Nominee #2: DarkPigeon

    11. Most likely to become famous

    Nominee #1: Death of Korzan
    Nominee #2:

    13. Kindest member

    Nominee #1: Karma
    Nominee #2: Leanna

    15. The perfectionist

    Nominee #1: Death of Korzan
    Nominee #2: Azazeal849

    17. Pocket full of sunshine

    Nominee #1: P.K
    Nominee #2: Leanna

    22. The Mime

    Nominee #1: Imp
    Nominee #2:

    23. Most Frequent Thread Starter

    Nominee #1: CrazyWolf
    Nominee #2

    24. Most Likely To Incur A Squirrel Invasion

    Nominee #1: Bluemoon
    Nominee #2: Leanna

    29. Best Signature

    Nominee #1: Rabbit
    Nominee #2: Leanna

    34. Most Sarcastic

    Nominee #1: StormyNyte
    Nominee #2: SikstaSlathalin

    35. Most likely to burst into song

    Nominee #1: Karma
    Nominee #2

    36. Most likely to become a superhero

    Nominee #1: Omac
    Nominee #2: Kris

    37. Most Likely to become a Supervillain

    Nominee #1: Dnafein

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