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Thread: Trials and Tribulations: A Member Roleplay Adventure. IC

  1. #1
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    Default Trials and Tribulations: A Member Roleplay Adventure. IC

    You are going about your buisness in the world of rpa doing what things it is on the forum you normally do be it checking the blogging area, visiting downtown or visiting the roleplay section when suddenly and unexpectedly you feel and strange tingling sensation, next thing you are suddenly hit by an intense wave of brightness that overwhelms you.. Once you come to again you find yourself lying in a grassy clearing surrounded by trees. Sitting up you notice other members lying in the grass around you. In the distance you hear the squalk of some type of bird or monkey and looking up you see a couple of green quetzal-like birds fluttering about above the treetops. You find yourself wondering what just happened and where the heck you are.

    Still feeling dazed you get to your feet. It is then you notice the figure standing on on a rock in front of you. You see he, for it is a he, has pale skin and lanky black hair. In terms of attire he is wearing a long robe of gold and green over a green leather vest while in his hand he holds a long golden staff topped with silver prongs and a blue crystal. To some of you the appearance alone makes him recognisable. On his face is a playful smirk.

    "Greetings" he says. "For those who don't know me my name is Loki, who some call god of mishief. I once made an appearance in one of the roleplays you people seem so fond of however a glitch in reality allowed me to become self-aware and break out. This setting you see around you once belonged to an unfinished roleplay that got abandoned and I've brought you all here to have a little fun. Behind me in the distance you may notice a mountain peak. On the plateau below it is a small temple. I'd say it's roughly a day's walk from here. If you can make it there by sunset I shall return you all to your own world. If not then I'm afraid you will all be stuck here forever."

    Having delivered those final words he offers a mocking bow then disappears in a puff of smoke. Ahead of you lies what is apparently a jungle, if you are to somehow get out of this place it seems that the only way is forward. Will you make it through? Will you ever get out of this place? That is what we are about to discover...

    GM Note: If your avatar-form would normally have weapons you will notice these are missing. Also if you have an avatar with wings you will discover your wings don't work. For the path ahead it seems you will have to rely purely on your own wits.
    Last edited by Crazywolf; 09-17-2017 at 06:40 AM.
    Born to be a king & fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers.

    The Fresh Prince of Britain • RPAs personal wolf fetish • RPA's Wolf Mascot • Crazy the Wolfheart

  2. #2
    Your daily overdose of cute
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    P.K. sighed heavily putting one hand to her head. "Why dose this always seem to happen?" She murmured before looking around to take count of the other members that were here in this place. Now the first time it had happened had been fun! it had been a masquerade to celibate. The second time had been... well she wasn't sure what it had been but it hadn't been very enjoyable. However she looked around... and recognized a few of the members from the last time. "Ah... well that's good." she murmured before looking to the jungle. "I guess.... all we can do it bare to move forward..." She had the feeling though that it was best to move at a unit or a group instead of alone...
    P.K.'s character locker ~ P.K.'s word works ~ P.K.'s Idea store

    1x1 = 1/5 Multi = 0/5 PW = 0/2
    Spoiler: Other things. 

  3. #3
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    "Gosh, darn, my head hurts"

    I woke up surrounded by strange scene.

    There were birds, and stuff. Anyway it was not my room. So it looks like I'm not in Kansas anymore. Not that I were in there before anyway.

    Also I'm green.

    And I have sprouts.

    From my head.


    I noticed the familiar my Thor's movie crush and decided to head and hear what he has to say. Not very useful, I gathered. He could at least take off his cloths and show some skin...


    Wasted fun time.

    Anyway, he said something about a temple? Yeah I'd say I go there.

    "Oh hey!", I said looking around recognizing a familiar avatar brought to life, "You're P.K., aren't ya?"

  4. #4
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    P.K. turned to the sound of her Pen name. "Yes... Oh wait. Kris?" She smiled bright. "Is that you?"
    P.K.'s character locker ~ P.K.'s word works ~ P.K.'s Idea store

    1x1 = 1/5 Multi = 0/5 PW = 0/2
    Spoiler: Other things. 

  5. #5
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    "I think so!", I said, testing rather or not my skin was extendable. I was also wondering if I was about to shed it anytime soon as well... What was I now? A snake? a plant? a pokemon?

    Dunno if I should let G do my sigs again any time soon...

    "So... what's the jig? who else is in here in the pound? or are we the only fish around?"

  6. #6
    Give into Decay...
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    Omac felt the fuzzy grass on his face. He just looked at Loki as he spoke without moving. His words weren't the main thought proccess going on in his head. Firstly he thought about how weird the grass felt. Normally he despised the feeling of grass. It was like tiny green thorns just waiting to slice you open. Sure, nobody had ever heard of a grass cut before, but it was more then possible. Anything was possible, especially in a world such as this. He sat up just as Loki had vanished in a puff of smoke. He looked to PK, "I'm going to figure this one out too. I need more information and I need an ally. Someone I can put my trust into, and that means sticking together,".

    He stood up and clapped his hands together. "That's strange. My butter magic normally works no matter where I am in RPA. Something, or someone, must be doing something to ward my abilities. No matter, I have been in more dangerous situations without my butter magic before,". He put his hands behind his head and looked to the forest ahead. "If I know anything about anything, I know things are never as they seem. Especially if the god of mischief has brought us here. Everyone be careful...", he smiled in a familiar way, "But, don't forget to be comfortable and enjoy the ride. If I'll die I'll do it with a smile on my face just like last time,".

    The seals have been broken...
    The Purgament has begun...
    The Piper's out of the basement...
    The Dead have started to boogie...
    Decay is Coming

    Spoiler: The winner is... 

  7. #7
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    P.K. opened her mouth before looking to Omac. "Yes, I think there are several of us here." She said finely managing to give Omac a smile. "It is best if we stick together, all things considering what... what happened last time. I hope it's not... the same." She said with a worried frown.
    P.K.'s character locker ~ P.K.'s word works ~ P.K.'s Idea store

    1x1 = 1/5 Multi = 0/5 PW = 0/2
    Spoiler: Other things. 

  8. #8
    Domina Noctis
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    She woke up flat on her face in the grass, Angel hated grass it itched and always made her sneeze. She sat up a bit doing just that sneezing. It was harder than normal to stand her back weighing much more than usual. She managed to push herself up into a sitting position, a shadow eclipsing her making Angel realize she had wings. That was when she saw Loki standing before her and some others. He finished speaking then disappeared. "Not again, this didn't end well last time." Angel said standing up. A day's walk he said causing Angel to smirk or merely an hour's flight. She beat her wings once but quickly stopped feeling a sharp pain shoot through her wings. "Son of a...." Angel muttered. She held her hand out thinking to summon her sword but when she outstretched her hand nothing happened. A growl escaped her lips as she held her hand out again but still nothing. "Great what sort of tricks are we bound to find this time." She said turning to the others. "Well this is all to familiar. Angel here." She held her hand out to the others while gesturing to her wings much like she had before.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  9. #9
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    AyJay was small enough to be completely covered by his fur coat, so he was an indistinguishable lump in the corner. The said lump seemed to be fast asleep, though a few pokes and prods from the breeze gently blowing over him had him sitting up slightly. He yawned, wondering why he was curled up in his jacket. As the hood fell from his eyes, he looked around in confusion, recognizing the faces around him. He's seen them somewhere before— wait a minute. AyJay groped his chest, russet eyes wide.

    "Not again!!!" He whined loudly, scowling a little at the flatness of his Slim body. Well, that means good things, but, it also means, he was not... Home... Then... Loki started talking. "I liked it better when you were just fan art... Thorki fan art." He grunted, standing up, only to be bowled over by nausea. He swallowed bile and looked around him.

    He straightened and hobbled over. "Heya. It's AyJay— er Argon Jaden." He said, nodding at them before letting out a yawn. "Fuck life, let's get moving. I need to be home so I can work on my thesis." He grunted softly, before yawning sleepily once more. Seems like he lost the energy to move about and be hyper this time around. "Where to?"
    Spoiler: Clicky!!! 

    Spoiler: Mehehe... 

    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

  10. #10
    Your daily overdose of cute
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    P.K. looked around as others began to speak up. She wasn't sure how she felt... weather she should be glad she wasn't alone or... sad that others had once again been dragged into this situation. "Oh! Angel!" She smiled. She had been one of the first to last time... "Oh... Angel I'm so sorry...." P.K. sighed. At least she had made it home right? She looked around once more at AyJay, Omac, Kris and the others who were wondering about this situation.

    "All there is, is t move forward, but its best if we stick in a group." P.K. said quietly feeling her gut knot up. "At least this time we have a end goal and destination, get through the jungle and to this temple..." She murmured. She would rather wait for everyone to move all together but... Perhaps having a group go ahead and clear the way would work best? She said as much. "Even so maybe it would be a good idea to have a scouting group go ahead and clear the way for the rest...?"
    P.K.'s character locker ~ P.K.'s word works ~ P.K.'s Idea store

    1x1 = 1/5 Multi = 0/5 PW = 0/2
    Spoiler: Other things. 

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