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Thread: [IC] RPAlandia -hammer 10k [Updates on every Friday]

  1. #1
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    Default [IC] RPAlandia -hammer 10k [Updates on every Friday]


    Make sure to create your profile in the office before you proceed.

    You arrive into the familiar location.

    The sensation of trouble, and eerie miasma suggest that the corrupted ruins will be leading only to… ever more tenebrous data errors.

    Steel yourself, and remember, there can be no bravery without madness. The old road will take you to hell, but, in that gaping abyss, you may find redemption.

    One wrong click of "submit post" and you found yourself sucked into your screen through a portal that sending you far into the future. In there you are the avatar of your forum, in which you are presented along the lost records found within the office.

    You need to go back home, as you realize there won't be much time left to wander about. Maybe you will find other comrades ready to follow you further into the road.

    You gaze around and see buildings towering in the distance. You have two options and you need to choose your road ahead:

    Choose the Tower or head to the Conservatory

    Heads up:

    This is gonna play out as "pick my adventure" kind of deal.
    You can write as much and as many posts as you like and interact with each other, but because of the limited time I have to read everything and because I know the rp may be full of people, make sure that on your final post per the week you will respond to the question or the choices I put you up with. (And bold it out!)

    For example: You can go and interact, and write on your surrounding, but on the final post you will have the last part of it bolded a line that says if you went to the tower or the Conservatory (this will change each week according to what I post or ask).

    You may also decide to have your decision posted on your first post and write on your way to the location, with or without people joining you. That is fine as well.

    I just expect a decision to be made before Friday's morning my time. You may lose your chance to pick a decision if you won't, and you may straight out be killed or I will decide for you.

    Your goal: To choose the right options and reach the portal. You may meet your demise along the way if you choose poorly, so some of you may not reach all the way in. Don't worry, you will still win a badge for trying

    Okay now let's go over the basic expectation:

    1. Make sure to respect the RPA rules and follow them
    2. Any mature writing will be spoilered. (But don't go into details or excessive writing).
    3. The mods reserve the right to tell you to edit your posts if the need arises.
    4. Give players a chance to interact with you.
    5. Changes in the setting gonna happen weekly on friday.
    6. Have fun.

    UPDATE 1

    UPDATE 2

    UPDATE 3

    UPDATE 4

    Epilogue- To be updated
    Last edited by Kris; 08-25-2017 at 01:37 PM. Reason: updates!!

  2. #2
    Griff's Avatar
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    Griff decides to head to the Conservatory.

    She looks around, but doesn't see anyone else. "Is anyone here?" she calls out.

    Griffin / Gumbo / Gambit / Griff

  3. #3
    RPA Honor Guard
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    Cfavano Goes to the tower

    "Yo, anyone here?" He says, keeping his head on a swivel and keeping his breathing steady and even.

    Spoiler: Things I like 

  4. #4
    Domina Noctis
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    Default Angel Goes To The Tower

    It was Tuesday, her day off and like most Tuesdays Angel was sitting at home in her pajamas despite it being after four o'clock in the afternoon. She was browsing around killing some time with a familiar cooking show playing on the TV in the background. Angel was half watching the TV half focusing on the words on computer screen. She was idly clicking when her mouse hovered over the submit button like it had many times before. Though today something different happened when she heard that click. Everything suddenly went black and before she knew it she was falling through the air. It felt like she was falling forever and the ground seemed to be getting closer and closer. It wasn't until she was about a hundred yards away from smashing into the ruins below that she took a moment to look at herself finally noticing she wasn't in her pajamas anymore but was wearing a suit of armor and had a pair of wings folded neatly on her back.

    Unfolding her wings created a resistance that slowed her down. It took several tries to get the rhythm of beating the her wings to get the hang of it. Angel wondered briefly if this was what a baby bird felt when they were pushed out of the nest. She guided herself to towards the ground heading to a large tower but soon learn landing was just as hard as flying as she crashed into the ground not far from a man in a long trench coat. “Ow.” She mumbled while laying on the ground, “Well that was interesting. Now where the hell am I?”

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  5. #5
    Give into Decay...
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    Omac heads to the tower.

    A beautiful land of stories and games that now laid to ash. Omac looked around at his wonderful home away from home now damage. Hurt. Forgotten. He saw a few buildings in the distance. Something was wrong here. Omac needed to think his decisions carefully. He wasn't even sure where he was, or more so when he was. He then saw Cfavano making his way to the tower. Omac quickly caught up with him. "Smart choice. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? The best place to look around and see what's going on is up there!"

    Omac had a dangerous thought that he kept to himself. Sometimes Omac knew things he wasn't supposed to. A lot of the time he was wrong, but there were times where he was right. He a feeling that this place was destroyed for a reason. Something powerful had to wipe out most of the buildings here. Like, a flood. He couldn't tell if the ground was damp or not. Maybe it was. So he wondered if heading to the tower to get away from any potential threat would be the best option? "Does it look like it's going to rain?"

    The seals have been broken...
    The Purgament has begun...
    The Piper's out of the basement...
    The Dead have started to boogie...
    Decay is Coming

    Spoiler: The winner is... 

  6. #6
    Your daily overdose of cute
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    P.K. climbed onto her bed and crawled over to the strange little set up she'd made for herself, A 20 gallon fish tank stand set at the side of her bed against the wall with her laptop resting on a plastic sheet, her desk set at the foot covered in crafty odds and ends, along with a coup of milk and her diffuser, her lamp was on a 10 gallon fish tank stand with a plastic sheet used to cover the hole and make the stand a substitute nightstand. The mes of wired set between the two stands with the fan nestled in the same area. All in all it was a pretty nice set up, she could sit on the bed cross legged, lay on the bed and look up at her laptop, sit with her legs hanging down or even set the laptop on her lap and lean on her pillows against the wall. Which is what she did.

    It didn't take long at all to sign into RPA, like she did everyday, always eager to see who had posted and who was waiting on her. Through her usual routine she clicked the submit post, as you do, but suddenly found herself in what could only be described as the set drop of a ghost town... accept it wasn't a set, it was real. "What.. the?" She murmured glancing around as she started picking herself up from the ground. Well... Strange things had happened while browsing RPA before... But what was this? This place was strange yet... Familiar... why? And yet she had a really good idea of where she was.

    "Oh no..." She breathed. the sight had felt slightly off... was... "What happened here?" She asked out loud looking around for anyone else. There was a lot to look at, but from the ground with the dilapidated buildings around her blocked out a lot of the view. If she was in RPALandia.... was this possibly... the Down town section? She mused for a moment as she looked around her surroundings. She needed to get to higher ground, if the downtown section was like this, then what was the rest of RPA like? and the most important questions... why?

    Not knowing what dangers could be around P.K. made her way over to some buildings, peering around for a way to the roof tops, during a zombie infestation being on the ground was the worst place to be... right? So taking the roof tops would not only give her somewhere to look and get her bearings, but also should help her stay out of harms reach.

    It was at this time that she realized she was wearing a dress... something she usually didn't like doing. Dresses were cool and they looked nice but she didn't like wearing them. "Great..." She mused before touching her neck as she felt the warm touch of metal and realized she was wearing a pendent... taking it in hand she peered at it for a moment before realizing that... she wasn't her... well she was but not her real life self... P.K. was... P.K.! "Ah!" Guess that's not so surprising. But if that was the case then... yep just as she thought, at a whim the cloths rippled and changed into a pair of sturdy jeans and a T-shirt, She pushed her hair back into a pony tail and the pendent changed to a simple tiny black book on a chain.

    "Perfect." She murmured as she stamped into the new sturdy boots and moved off to the ladder she could see. Making it to the roof tops she looked around making out what she could before spotting the tower. If she wanted to get a good view, that is where she needed to go, To the tower. She took off running jumping over the gaps between buildings as she made her way to the highest point, the tower.
    P.K.'s character locker ~ P.K.'s word works ~ P.K.'s Idea store

    1x1 = 1/5 Multi = 0/5 PW = 0/2
    Spoiler: Other things. 

  7. #7
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    I pick
    Eddren looks to his left and right. Actually, he hadn't ever explored much of RPLandia. Probably, he wouldn't explore much of it anyway. Technically speaking, if he was looking at it as a physical media, then he could only experience so much at one time. To be a human on the outside looking in, reading it in a text format, is infinitely more efficient than to experience it at first hand. Such experiences would be limited to his immediate five senses, and would not benefit from the 'birds eye view' he'd get from reading through other perspectives. Or, more precisely, this world kind of sucks. If only I could have been myself simply writing about this scenario, then I would've known how to think through what one of my characters would've done in this scenario. He imagined himself, his regular, human self, the twig that he was, with kickass magic, running through a virtual world. Given the lack of realistic limits on magic, he'd probably be bending space and such, as really there was no point playing around with explosions. Yeah, that's not practical knowledge.
    Thinking aside, it was time to move on. Time to go to the...The Conservatory

  8. #8
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    Blazing heads to the tower

    "What the shhheee-aaaaah..!" Blazing said loudly to himself. After a few moments of looking around, he thought he had an idea of where he was. "Upkeep took a downturn somewhere." he said to himself again. Movement in the corner of his eye, moving towards the best nearby vantage point caught his attention. "Contact at your 6 o'clock!" he called out.

    Set by Karma

  9. #9
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    Crazywolf stood and stared at the buildings ahead while wondering what to do. He felt a slight breeze on his arm and then looked down to see himself wearing a white vest while his arm also looked slightly more muscilar than he remembered it and without the weird brown freckles. At the same time he also felt weirdly as if he was now slightly shorter, perhaps by a couple of inches. He then realised he had taken the form of his own avatar. At that point the opening line of Bohemian Rhapsody came into his mind. 'Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?' he thought to himself.

    Well either way these ruins didn't feel like a safe place to linger. With that in mind he decided to head over to the tower. For one thing a tower seemed like a safer place to be than a conservatory and also it seemed like the more likely place he might find useful objects.

    He started walking over toward the tower. As he did he noticed a couple of people up ahead.

    "Contact at your 6 o'clock!"

    Crazywolf turned around to see a guy with a helmet and body-armour who was packing several weapons. The guy looked rather like the avatar used by Blazing Falcons but in this reality (if indeed it was real at all and not just a dream) he had no means to be certain of who this stranger really was.

    "Uh hi there" he said trying to sound friendly and not too nervous.
    Last edited by Crazywolf; 08-02-2017 at 08:12 AM.
    Born to be a king & fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers.

    The Fresh Prince of Britain • RPAs personal wolf fetish • RPA's Wolf Mascot • Crazy the Wolfheart

  10. #10
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    It was late after work and as usual 12 tabs blinked back at Rayfire as he browsed the web. He didn't know what he was doing half awake as he had just gotten off a long shift and only passed out for 3 hours. His feet hurt and his stomach growled as he sat his computer desk flashing from tab to tab idling time away. He absentmindedly clicked submit on multiple pages and continued switching tabs at a rapid pace.

    One more click and poof Rayfire was dragged in a swirling mess of energy into his monitor. When it happened he couldn't even tell which tab did it nor if he had fallen asleep at the computer or not. Rayfire could tell something was strange right away. Not just his environment anyone with eyes could tell that changed with just a glance around. No Rayfire himself had changed, he was falling from a incredible height and while he always had a fear of falling this didn't bother him at all. Even as the ground quickly approached he was only slightly alarmed and intrigued by his situation. Rayfire landed with a heavy impact and a large crater around him yet no bodily harm. In fact with one glance down he realized his body and clothes was completely different. He didn't need a mirror to know who he turned into. He was highly familiar with the avatar he used often.

    With a goofy smile on his face Rayfire quickly served his area and himself. He himself felt amazing and well rested, his feet no longer hurt and his fatigue seemed to be completely gone. Checking himself Rayfire quickly finds the Jackal and Casull the two heavy pistols his character iconically carries around. While Rayfire himself is good with pistols and even usually carries one even while he is in the house he couldn't hope but be slightly disappointed.
    "Oh Alucard why couldn't you carry something classy like a sword." He says to himself forgetting that in his original form Alucard did in fact carry a sword. Instead what comes to mind is trading the iconic vampire killing hand cannons for a sword. What stood out the most for Rayfire was a angel that he could see in the distance and quickly decided she must have a sword. Of course the thought occured to him that the angel might not want to trade but then he could see if blessed vampy killing bullets would work on a angel although the key word being blessed bullets he seriously doubt it would but hey he could still shoot her for comic relief. Without a seconds hesitation Rayfire ran after the angel headed toward The Tower.

    By mystyc

    Spoiler: My Current RP Personality 

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