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Thread: [M]Infinity: Hael/Katrin's Adventures.

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    Sci Fi [M]Infinity: Hael/Katrin's Adventures.

    It had been a rough few years for the young, excitable, Vessel. There was that whole being possessed by an Angel thing. And the joining the Jedi thing. And then a whole war... She had to admit to herself, she was tired. Tired of all of it. Not that Hael blamed her. The Angel was tired too. Tired of watching friends die. Tired of causing those deaths. . .

    You did no such thing, Hael. We couldn't have stopped him. Katrin's voice spoke in the Angel's mind. They had to stop those kinds of thoughts, or they'd go down a rabbit hole no one could rescue them from. She couldn't really argue though. It was exhausting. She had seen all of these things happen. She had known what would happen. And yet, she couldn't stop it. Had even contributed to the ending results. Her Master dead. Her friend turned, another close friend dead. A whole war started. She'd seen peace be completely and absolutely destroyed. All because of forbidden love. But then, that was another story for another time.

    No. Today was different. There hadn't been anything more she could do for them. Not for a long while anyway. She supposed she'd return when the children were grown. Perhaps she could guide them. At least, show them their father wasn't evil. Not really. No. For now, she was left looking for something to do. Somewhere else to go.

    What about Infinity?Hael's voice interrupted her stream of thoughts. She knew she could entice her excitable Vessel with the promise of another fandom. The girl did love her books. Did love experiencing them. And, as she knew it would, Katrin's face lit up. Her eyes sparkled. She grinned mischievously. Now there's the best idea we've had in a loooong while! She chuckles to herself. It had been an obscure, little known, book she had read while in the hospital over the years. It had ended on such a cliffhanger too! She nods once to herself, this was a good idea indeed.

    Her eyes flash blue as Hael takes control. The sound of rustling wings is heard for a brief moment, and then she disappears. . .

    In a forest in the middle of nowhere. Late evening, even the animals were quiet. A light breeze swept through the leaves. Suddenly, the sound of rustling wings. As if a great bird had suddenly taken flight. A young woman appears. She was, perhaps, 25. Short, averaging 5". Her hair long and blond, braided down her back. She wore a Graphics T-shirt and jeans. This one reading simply, "Star Wars". Her eyes, oh her eyes. They held a depth all their own. A blue that was almost grey. Like a stormy sky. They told a different story. Old. Much older than she seemed. They held pain, and wisdom. What they could tell you of what they'd seen. It made one weep just to consider.

    She looks around, seemingly showing no emotions. Unconcerned. She picks a random direction and begins walking. Wondering what they would find. . . .

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

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    It had happened so fast. The moment his wife was taken away from him in one quick second. He looked over the picture of her as he remembered the love his life being taken away from him. Then he looked to the woman before him who looked like his wife. Normally, she had short brown hair that had a rose in it. Her ruby lips being chapped and dry from a lack of love. She looked broken inside like someone had hurt her badly, but when she looked to him she didn't know who he was. He had been part of this team for a few weeks now and still she didn't seem to remember the same life he had shared with a version of her from within the time continuum.

    He then thought about himself. How changing time had made him different from what he used to be. In a past life he was known as the bronze shadow, wearing a golden robe. Now he wore a metal suit in the shape of a reaper's outfit. It's hood, while made of steel, hung over his head to conceal his eyes. His broken eyes. The only thing he had from his old life was a red set of chains covered in the blood of the people he loved. Now it was completely red with marks and dents showing how worn they were. They sat on each wrist ready to be spun out to capture his enemies. He looked back to Erin and squeezed his hands together.

    She didn't look at him. Instead his eyes went down to the dragon tattoo on her sleeveless arms. She was known in her timeline as the Dragon; a powerful warrior who wouldn't take anyone talking down to her. She had never felt the love that the other Erin had once come to enjoy. They had a lot in common, but overall wasn't the same person. It hurt Grant to even think about the life they used to have together. How much she wanted a child and couldn't have one. How they adopted a boy who would end up in the grave next to his mother. Grant was immortal, as was Erin, so they had watched their son grow up until his midlife when had left them for good.

    Grant then took his attention to someone coming in from around them. Erin looks to Grant as the visitor approaches, "What did you do?! You were supposed to be watching the entrance," she then looked to the blond haired angel before them. She could feel the power coming off of her and instantly felt she was a threat. She pulls out a small dagger that was attached to her belt, "Tell me who you are, now!" she said aiming the sharp part of the weapon towards her.

    The seals have been broken...
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    Hael finally reached the entrance that they were looking for. She takes in the sight before her, the man and woman. She looks closer at them, at their souls. Seeing what she could. There was pain here. So much pain. But, there was always hope. Perhaps things would take a turn for the better? She doesn't make a sound, instead choosing to wait until someone noticed them.

    She remains still as the woman pulls her dagger. Unphased. Though she had a lightsaber hilt at her belt, she makes no move to reach for it. Instead slowly lifts her hands out to her sides, showing she meant no harm. "I am Hael. Angel of the Lord." She spoke simply. As if that one statement could answer all their questions. Knowing it could not. Her eyes held no emotion. If they could sense such things, they would sense the life force of two people. Though the second was no where to be seen.
    Last edited by HaelKatrin; 12-06-2016 at 11:41 PM.

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

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    Erin's face remained with the same expression, "An angel? What do you take me for? There may be supernatural like creatures in this world, but angels? I'm not one of the kind of people to believe in heaven and hell. Even though, Grant here claims to be a type of reaper, I don't buy it," she then closed her eyes and felt the air around her, "I can tell there is something special about you. The spirit of the dragon allows me to sense energy within someone... it's almost as if there is two souls coming off of you, but that's simply not possible," She reached for a infinity necklace around her neck, "We have a problem. One of those villains that escaped is wrecking havoc again,"

    "What?" Grant asked shaking his head as his metal suit makes a clattering sound, "Who is it this time?"

    She opens her eyes, "It's the Blood Knight again. Somehow he keeps escaping from our grasp," she then turned her attention to one saying she is an angel, "What brings you here? We don't have time to question you as we have an enemy to take care of before they mess up the timeline," she looked to the weapon at Hael's belt, "What kind of weapon is that? It's something I've never seen before.... It seems to have some strange energy coming off of it as well. Our enemy is a man who walks in a suit made of red water. It's thick and hard to break into. Think that weapon can do the job?"

    The seals have been broken...
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    "You would be surprised, Erin, what all is possible." She answers, staring into the woman's eyes, her very soul. "I am as I say. That fact is independent of your belief, or lack thereof. To what Grant is, I cannot speak. Though, perhaps he is one of my kin. I would not find it surprising." No, it wouldn't be. The reapers were many. And she hadn't been in contact with any of them in a great while. Never had the need. They were of a different class of Angel than she.

    She chuckles slightly as Erin mentions the other soul. Katrin pipes up in her mind. Not possible? NOT POSSIBLE?! Hael! She thinks i'm not possible!!!!! The outburst causes Hael to chuckle once more. This small measure of amusement almost out of character of what Erin and Grant had witnessed up until now. "I assure you, Katrin is, in fact, very real."

    She listens as Erin describes what they were facing. She takes the hilt off her belt and presses a button. It springs to life. A pure gold blade. She looks at it, giving it a practice swing, then turns it off. Hael then looks up at Erin. "Perhaps it would."

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

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    Grant smirked, "Of course I'm not your average reaper. I don't want to explain my whole life story, again, but my powers come from an item known as a death's tear," he put out his hand and somehow slid across the ground and super speed over to Erin. In that moment all that could be seen was a thin shadow of his old self. It was like he slid through the light, only to arrive at Erin's side where he's grin grows even more. "After all the time I been here and all that I showed her, she still doesn't believe in me,"

    She turned to Grant first, "That's because everyone we meet has some sort of ability. Just because you can control the shadows around you doesn't mean you're some kind of death god!" she started to shout, but took her attention to Hael, "Perhaps you do have two souls inside of you, or maybe you're just nuts. None the less we could use the help to stop Blood Knight. Your weapon seems to be something that I have never seen, so I hope you will demonstrate it against our enemy,". Erin touched her necklace, as did Grant, and the two of them vanished away in an attempt to to take Hael with them.

    They appeared by a river with red footprints leading out of the water and into the town nearby. Erin points forward and Grant uses his shadow powers to slide into town to look for their enemy. She looks around to find the dying trees that seemed to be frozen with ice. For the first time her face shows a reaction of fear. "We have a second problem," she says turning to find Hael, "It appears our enemies are working together becau-" she didn't get to finish as a huge snowball bashes into her face causing her to fall down unconscious.

    Then there he was. A young man with light blue skin and most notably his suit with his tilted hat. Underneath his hat was those cold dead eyes. Like, there wasn't a soul in sight. Literally. The man had no soul. As he walked towards Erin he begins to form an ice pick simply by pressing his hands together. He then aims it at her throat about to dive it into her neck. "It's been so long, my love. You haven't aged a day. I have waited so long for this moment," he then turns around when he feels the presence of something powerful and stands up to look at who it is, "Ah, so what are you, my dear?"
    Last edited by Omac; 12-07-2016 at 05:12 PM.

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    Hael watches as Grant shows off his ability, though doesn't seem too impressed with it. She'd seen things these two wouldn't believe. Though, learning of others never grew old. "You shall have to tell me that story some day." She says with the ghost of a smile.

    She chuckles as Erin continues to defend her disbelief, but as the word "nuts" leaves her mouth, Katrin decides she's had enough of it. Her eyes flash blue for but a moment as the young woman takes control. There is a very clear shift in her presence. There could be no doubt this was a completely different person. Her eyes suddenly seem younger, full of life and emotion. Everything about her seemed to have change in that one second. "Nuts?! Now listen here missy!!!!! It's bad enough you call me "Not Possible" But this is crossing a line!!!!!!!!!!" She throws her hands up in the air and turns away, as if giving up on the lot of them. "Don't even know why we came here....." She mutters to herself as Erin comments on her lightsaber.

    The comments on the lightsaber grab her attention. She does turn her head slightly back toward Erin and Grant, before turning completely. Much like a child who's been lured from their hiding spot with a treat. "Well. That's because it's not from around here. Duh." Katrin grins wide. "I'd love to show you!" Hael simply chuckles in her mind at this. The girl was ever so excitable. It was hard to keep her angry for long.

    They appear by the river, with one exception: Katrin. She didn't seem to be anywhere. Not even her presence could be felt. Though, this was by design. A very handy trick the Vessel had learned from the Angel. Sometimes the element of surprise was useful. She stood a few paces away from Grant and Erin. Just about to tell them to never transport her like that again, when Erin was knocked unconscious. She doesn't yet appear, though she does let her presence be felt by those around her.

    As the strange man places the ice by Erin's throat, Hael makes herself known. Her lightsaber in her hand, and activated. She takes a menacing step towards the man, glaring at him. "I am nothing you have encountered before. I can assure you of that. I suggest you step away. Now." Though short, she still managed to look down on him. Her eyes flash blue and she seemed to glow with a bright light. Lightening seemed to strike from nowhere behind her, causing a shadow of massive wings to appear behind her. A wave of power washes over them, that would bring most humans to their knees. A small display of her power.

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

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    The man frowns, "Oh, what is a pretty darling like you getting upset about?". He closes his hands together and pulls away slowly as a sword made of pure ice is made within his grasp. "My beef is with Erin Carter, but if you wish to take me on then it's your own mistake. I am an immortal being. I have served next to a devil in the making so your little angel powers mean nothing to me. We trained in the pits of hell where I was frozen and burned daily. No heat can melt me, no cold can freeze me. I AM YOUR GOD. NOW KNEEL DOWN AND SERVE ME," he began to shout.

    He launches forward with his sword in an attempt to cut her. The sword may be made of ice, but it appeared to unbreakable. But, like most of his ice effects they only lasted a little bit of time. He goes to touch her arm in order to feel the power within her as he moves at a speed not known to mortals. As he dashed around, trying to slice Hael to pieces, he keep breathing with full strength. The way he moved was almost elegant. It was like he didn't have any limits. He didn't seem to tire out or slow down until at the last moment he stepped away to see how all his work did to Hael.

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    At his exclamation of being her god, she simply raises an eyebrow. "If you were Father, you would not make such a request of me." She answers his demands. Katrin chuckles in her mind. Chuck never did like the whole kneeling thing. Especially when you or Isda did it..

    As he launches to her, she simply steps to the side. The lightsaber in her hand disappears, A shorter blade, no longer than her arm, appears. Triangular in shape, Completely silver. She was much more comfortable with this weapon. Having trained with it since she was a Fledgling. She deftly blocks each of his blows, though barely moves at all.

    She watches as he steps away, then disappears. She reappears behind him, her blade at his throat. "Perhaps your disagreement Is with Erin. That does not matter, I will not permit you to harm her. Never forget, you are nothing more than a Demon. And, I've dealt with those."

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

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    "A demon?" he grabs hold of the blade and along with it Hael's hand. He starts putting pressure as he begins to emerge his cold energy through her body. It might not have effect, but it's his next and possibly last move. "Poor girl, I'm no demon. He turns his head around without moving his body, "I'M SOULLESS," he then begins to smile, "They call me that because I have the capability of sucking out the souls of those who won't bow before me," he begins to suck in an attempt to take out Hael's soul!

    Erin stands up, pulling out her dagger and ramming it into his side. Of course it simply shatters against his thick, ice body. She steps back and looks to Hael knowing she will need some help to stop such an enemy. At this moment Grant comes back in with a smile on his face that soon fades away when he sees the situation they're in. He tries to slide into Soulless, but he lifts up his free hand and blasts Grant away with a cool breeze. Grant gets back up and tries to run again, but the same thing happens. It's up to Hael now.

    The seals have been broken...
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    The Piper's out of the basement...
    The Dead have started to boogie...
    Decay is Coming

    Spoiler: The winner is... 

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