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Thread: Successful RPs

  1. #1
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    Default Successful RPs

    What makes a successful RP on here? I've been a part of a few starts that didn't get far, but it seems like it's really hard to get something to continue to be interesting enough for everyone to keep coming back. Any tips on this?

  2. #2
    Give into Decay...
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    It's a scale I guess.

    1. The amount of fun it is. If an RP is enjoyable and I'm excited to write more of it then the RP is a success. I have a 1x1 I finished in a little over a month, but was super fun and granted me an amazing friendship.

    2. Length. If the RP has a lot of posts or lasts from a few months to a few years then it is a success. One of my favorite 1x1's Detective Masters lasted a long time and went on for sequels even though neither of those went finished.

    3. Impact. "The Bear and the Toast" RP or the "Box" RP are some of the best and I will never forget them. Box barely got off the ground. Neither finished. I wasn't even around for the later parts of the bear and the toast. Still, when I feel down, I can still read it and laugh. It even won an RPAward. So perhaps it was impactful to others as well.

    Short and sweet. Long and intense. Impactful and proud. Those are things that make an RP successful. It's what you take with you after.

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  3. #3
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    Thanks for the reply OMAC. I'm hesitant to try the 1-1 RPs. I'm sure it's easier to get replies and actually move forward, though. Are those generally led by one person and the other basically interacts? Probably varies. I guess I'm really just missing the in person RPs I used to play with my friends. I don't have any friends that live near me anymore. haha. I've been trying to work on a scenario for a game, but I can't narrow in on what I'd want to present as the subject of the RP. I've just been building a world, and only very sporadically. It's actually been quite awhile since I even looked at it, or, as you probably have noticed, been on this site.

    I really shouldn't be on it now, either. Work is crazy, but so am I.

  4. #4
    Give into Decay...
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    A 1x1 is nice because you can take your time without it dying out, if you have a good partner. I've had my RP with PK since 2017. We have stopped it a few times and we started it up again like it never stopped. When you find a good partner who you really click with you can do that. So like, say we had a 1x1 and you had to get busy with work. You could say "Hey, Omac posts are going to slow down for a while." or "Hey, I need a break." It's a lot more simple then a group where if you don't post you slow everyone else down or vise versa. If you want out you have to drop out. In a 1x1 though, you can simply hit pause.

    The RP of PK and mine is on it's 51st post. I'd say that's successful. Even if it stopped tomorrow, which it won't, then it'll have been worth it.

    The seals have been broken...
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  5. #5
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    Preparation, be ready to launch before posting your ooc.

    Starting quickly, so as to get to the action and keep the momentum going. Delays can ruin your player base.

    Discussion helps. Make use of the ooc thread and keep interest going.

    PM players that haven't responded in a few days. Life can strike hard so be understanding.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

  6. #6
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    Ok, so definitely have to be drumming up the interest throughout then. I think the preparation part is where I'm going to get hung up. I could probably write whatever story I want, but then I don't know that I can roll with player interests very well. And if I'm not keeping them engaged, what's the point?

  7. #7
    Spunky Monkey
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    Quote Originally Posted by Omac View Post
    3. Impact. "The Bear and the Toast" RP or the "Box" RP are some of the best and I will never forget them. Box barely got off the ground. Neither finished. I wasn't even around for the later parts of the bear and the toast. Still, when I feel down, I can still read it and laugh. It even won an RPAward. So perhaps it was impactful to others as well.
    Man, the nostalgia. I miss those silly days.

    To add my own answer; Success is determined by the goal you set for yourself. I consider an rp successful if I had fun taking part in it, even if it only lasted for a few posts or pages. Others might want to complete a certain story arc, or develop a character, or reach a conclusive end. It really is all about what you want to get out of it.


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