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Thread: Movies & TV Guidelines

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    Anne Bonny's Avatar
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    Default Movies & TV Guidelines

    Rules, Guidelines, & FAQ
    In order to see that things run smoothly here, and that conversation is worthwhile for everyone, we have a number of Rules in place. Generally speaking, you must simply treat other posters with respect, present yourself and your opinions intelligently, and and keep up with what is already going on and has gone on around the forum.

    For the most part, it's fairly straightforward - movies, TV shows, internet videos, etc.

    As mentioned before, Rules are not suggestions, but rather, as the name indicates, rules. Failure to follow these will result in locked threads, or, potentially, a ban.

    1) All FAQ and RPA FAQ Rules Apply Here

    Which means no flaming, no site plugging, no spamming, no trolling, no posting of non-work-safe images, no revival of dead-threads, etc. Please see the Role-Play Adventures Forum Rules and the general Forum Help.

    2) Search

    Search for previous threads before posting a topic, especially if it's related to perpetually popular and talked about movies and TV shows, like Snakes on a Plane. Rehashes of old and frequently seen material are not greeted warmly if the poster doesn't have anything new to contribute. Yes, the forum is new right now, but it will (hopefully) develop a decent thread base fairly soon, so this still applies.

    3) Bootlegs Are Illegal

    This forum is not a resource for locating bootlegs of movies or TV shows. They are illegal, and any requests for them will be shut down immediately. Obviously, you can talk about the content of things you've seen illegally, but you are not allowed to link torrents and the like.

    4) Colored Text and Odd Fonts Are Bad

    Most people find colored text (particularly whole posts in colored text) unpleasant to look at, and in some cases unreadable. Likewise, odd text fonts are not recommended. If you want your posts to readable by all forum goers, simply stick to the default text font, color, and size. People will often completely ignore your posts if you do otherwise.

    5) Do Not Post Material That Isn't Worksafe

    These forums should be viewable by people at work. To that end, any material posted here should be work safe. Work safeness is a complicated issue, but generally speaking, if it could fit in a PG-13 movie, it's probably work safe. Nudity is out of the question; however, heavily implied, or near nudity is as well. It's always best to err on the side of caution. If you absolutely must share non-work safe images or videos with members, link to them, and make sure that you note that the link in question is not work safe.

    6) Don't Flame, Especially Regarding Taste in Movies/TV.

    As stated in the RPA Rules and FAQ, do not flame other users. If your comments are unnecessarily negative, and do not further discussion, then refrain from making them. Making such comments does not yield worthwhile conversation; typically, it does just the opposite. One flame is often enough to send a whole discussion spiraling off topic. This is especially crucial in regard to arguments over what's good and what isn't - you will have differing preferences with people, but this does not mean you can make a post that simply calls someone a fucking idiot for, say, not liking Battlestar Galactica.

    7) Don't Leech Images

    If you feel the need to show us large images from a movie or TV show, please link them. Embedding huge images is a great way to abuse people's bandwidth - bandwidth that they are paying for and you are not.


    As stated earlier, following the rules to the letter will likely keep you out of trouble with the mods, but will not necessarily guarantee that you'll go over well with other forum-goers. In order to help you get a feel for the way the forum works, I offer the following suggestions - not rules.

    1) Lurk and Learn

    I cannot stress this one enough. There's no better way to get a feel for the forums and what is and is not accepted here than to hang around for awhile, read posts, and see first hand how things run here. As is often said, academic knowledge (i.e., these Rules & Guidelines) isn't worth nearly as much as practical, first hand knowledge.

    2) Use Proper English

    To the best of your ability, use clear English; strive for correct spelling and good grammar. This is, perhaps, the second most important point. Resist the temptation to post using "fanboy Japanese" (mixing words such as "baka" and "kawaii" in with your English text) as well as leet speak (l337 5p34k). It's not going to impress anyone.

    3) Tell Us What You Think

    If you want to know what we think about this show or that movie, that's fine, and that's great, but tell us what you think. If you don't have anything to say about the show in question other than that you like it, then don't bother posting. This is a forum for discussion, and the best way to kick off discussion is with your own thoughts.

    4) Have Thick Skin

    Don't be offended if someone doesn't like your view on BSG, Lost, or any other show, for that matter. In fact, just don't be offended if someone disagrees with you. Don't allow yourself to be drawn into heated arguments by trolls or flamebaiters. Trolling is not tolerated; if you think someone is trolling, or their attitude otherwise has problems, don't make a scene out of it in a thread - PM a mod.

    6) You Don't Know Everything

    It is definitely far from safe to assume (and even less safe to sound like you believe) that you know more about a subject than the rest of the forum; we have some very knowledgeable people here, and superiority isn't a tone that folks are prone to appreciate.

    7) Use a Meaningful Subject, Especially Regarding Episode Threads

    When creating a new post, use an informative subject line / title. Too often we get threads with titles like "A question," or "I need help." Please be specific about what you want to talk about; if you don't, you likely won't get many people participating in your thread. If you're creating a thread about the latest episode of something or other, please don't use titles like "This week's whatever" - the following week, people will get confused. At the very least, put the air date in the thread title.

    8) Read the Thread Before Replying

    If you fail to do so, you're likely to say something that has already been said in the thread. This makes you sound like you're more interested in talking than having a conversation, which tends to put people off.


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